Chapter 225
On December 28, the 12th year of the Republic of China, the eighth day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar, the year of Yimao, the month of Bingzi, and the day of Dinghai, it is advisable to break ground, form alliances, and get married!
In the Ningxiang Pavilion.

There was a lot of joy, and the words "Xixi" were plastered on every door frame in the yard.

Zhou Sen changed into the bridegroom official's wedding clothes, and Bai Yulan also changed into Fengguan Xiapei. Witnessed by Chang Bo, A Xiang, Jiang Rou and others, they made a simple gift.

Both parents are gone.

So on the altar table in the high hall, there was a memorial tablet for the parents of the two people. Zhou Sen's biological parents were unknown, so they were replaced by someone, including his adoptive father, Anthony Robin.

There are five memorial tablets in the hall.

After offering sacrifices to parents and heaven and earth, they are sent to the bridal chamber.

Of course, there is still a sumptuous dinner at Ningxiang Hall in the evening, but the bride has to be wronged, and the groom has to accompany the guests outside.

"Thank you all for coming to witness my wedding with Yulan. I don't want to say too many words of thanks, but I would like to offer a toast to everyone!" Zhou Sen raised his glass.

"Brother, I wish you and Sister Lan a happy marriage, and raise your eyebrows!" Jiang Rou stood up first and congratulated.

"Thank you, Xiao Rou, I hope you can find Mr. Right soon." Zhou Sen nodded.

"Brother Sen, I would like to wish you an early birth to your precious son, harmony and beauty."

"That's true, I like it!"

"Brother Sen, I wish you and Sister Lan a perfect marriage, live forever, and have a bunch of babies!" Ah Xiang raised her wine glass and said joyfully.

"Okay, I will work hard with you, Sister Lan, to realize your wish." Zhou Sen laughed, and the little girl was honest.

"Uncle, I am really happy to see Miss has a good home. I hope you will treat her kindly in the future, and these old brothers like me will be satisfied." Chang Bo said with his eyes turning red, he picked up his wine glass and drank it Down.

"Don't worry, Uncle Chang, I will take care of her for the rest of my life." Zhou Sen said.

"I believe."

Wu En also raised his wine glass, touched Zhou Sen, and congratulated him on "Happy Newly Married"!
"Master Vasim..." Irina's eyes were red with excitement, and she was a little speechless. After all, she was the woman who had taken care of him for more than ten years. He got married and had to call her.

Under the urging of everyone, Zhou Sen had a taste of it, and then he made up his mind and went straight into the bridal chamber, which was still the same room.

But the mood is different.

There was also a table in the room, and there was also a table of food and wine on it. Bai Yulan, who was wearing a phoenix coronet and Xiapei, was sitting by the bed, with a big red hijab on her head.

According to the rules, only the groom can lift the hijab.

Zhou Sen walked over. It was the first time he got married in this past and present life. If it wasn't for his status, why not make a fuss?
Although I didn't drink a few glasses of wine, I felt a little floating under my feet. I sat down, reached out and pinched the two corners of the red hijab, and gently lifted it: "Yulan, I'm here."

Bai Yulan was originally a great beauty, but now, under the backdrop of Fengguanxiapei, she is even more charming and charming like a flower.

In a lifetime, most women only have the chance to wear the phoenix coronet and Xiapei again, and this is the second time for Bai Yulan to wear it.

But it felt different from the first time. For the first time, she had the mentality of repaying her gratitude. Although she was married, she was still young, and many of them didn't quite understand it. They just found it novel.

Now that she has experienced it, she understands everything she should understand. Putting on this wedding dress again, she feels completely different.

She understood the meaning of this wedding dress, she was excited and expected.

This woman married not only wearing this wedding dress, but also a change of identity, especially the responsibilities and obligations of a wife.

"From now on, I'm going to call you Madam instead." Zhou Sen took off the hijab, held Bai Yulan's jade hands and said.

"Master..." Bai Yulan's eyelashes twitched slightly, and when she raised her head, she cried out affectionately, which made half of Zhou Sen's body go numb.

Damn it!

He wants to punish him right now on the spot.

However, there are still some procedures that have not been completed, and it is not the time yet, so I can only forcibly hold back my inner impulse.

"Don't call me Master, I'm still young, at least wait until I'm over 40 years old." Zhou Sen said hastily, "Otherwise, it's the same as before, just call it 'Xiao Sen', and it sounds comfortable to me."

"Okay, I don't think I'm used to it either." Bai Yulan also felt awkward. She married Lao Ma, and she never called it that. It was just called "Lao Ma" by the way, but Zhou Sen was slightly younger than him by two years. , I can't call it "Xiao Zhou", it's better to call it "Xiao Mori".

"Come on, it's time for us to drink this cup of wine."


Beautiful scenery on a good day, red candles flickering.

Looking at the beauty under the light, the more you look at it, the more moving it is...

This major event in life is finally complete.


Seeing Zhou Sen coming in with two bags of happy candy, Akiyamanosuke was a little surprised: "Zhou Sen, where did you get the happy candy?"

"My, I got married yesterday."

"You're married, you're not with Bai Yulan, Boss Bai..."

"Yes, it's with Bai Yulan." Zhou Sen smiled and explained, "This is our wedding candy, for your joy."

"What's going on with you, you got married and there is no movement at all?" Akiyamanosuke was surprised.

"As for her, it's her second marriage. Everyone knows that she doesn't want to mess with it. Although I'm my first marriage, but my status is too sensitive. It's not appropriate to make a fuss. So, let's discuss it and make it simple. Even if it's just a formality, in fact, we are already legally considered husband and wife, and we have already obtained a marriage certificate." Zhou Sen explained.

"You said you, how can you be so hasty when it comes to getting married? You are a hero of the empire, and now you have to get married secretly..." Akiyama nosuke sighed.

"I'm registered there now. I don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want to bring danger to Yulan." Zhou Sen hurriedly explained, "Be low-key, low-key, let's wait until the limelight passes."

"That's right, we got the news that the Soviet Russian Far East Intelligence Department issued an assassination order for you. The person who carried out the mission was the 'Cheka' killer 'Storm Bear' who was lurking in the ice city. We have been looking for this guy again, but we have been looking for him all the time. There is no definite hiding place, and you should be careful."

"Understood, Chief Akiyama, if it's okay, I'll go out first."

"Did you send this candy to Chief Matsuda?" Akiyamanosuke stopped him and asked.

"I'm a small staff member, and I can't see Chief Matsuda at all. Even if I want to send it off, I can't." Zhou Sen said awkwardly.

"You'd better send a copy. Whether you can send it or not is your wish. If you don't send it, it's your attitude." Akiyamanosuke reminded.

"Understood." Zhou Sen nodded. Matsuda Kikuo was too greedy, and he might not be able to give away two boxes of wedding candies.

There is no way, since Akiyama nosuke has said, he has to do it.

Things that can be solved with money are easy to handle, but if money can't solve it, that's the trouble.

After Zhou Sen went back, he hurriedly prepared a generous gift and sent it directly to Matsuda Ju's family, and sent it to the office. It was too conspicuous.

As for the other people in the secret service department, there must be some, and not all of the other departments have them, but each department will send some and let them divide it themselves.

No matter how low-key the relationship between people in the office is, it is inevitable. Besides, everyone knows that he and Bai Yulan are worth a lot of money.

Unless you have been hiding it from the outside world, don't say it.

This Zhou Sen has thought about it, and it is not the best choice to keep concealing it, and it will attract more suspicion at that time.

Moreover, he also told the news of his marriage to Saburo Shibuya who was far away in Xinjing.

Of course, I have to explain why Shibuya Saburo didn't hold this simple wedding when he was in Bingcheng.

Of course, all of this is to better lurk in the police station.

Students get married, which will cause a very big rift for the close teacher-student relationship if they are not informed.

The reason why Zhou Sen waited until Saburo Shibuya left was because he didn't want him to get involved as a teacher.

Of course, this has to be explained, so as not to cause unhappiness in his heart.

The interpersonal relationship in the police department is too complicated. Except for the people from the director Bai Enming, and the people left by Shibuya Saburo, these people have all belonged to Akiyama, and then there is the new deputy director Matsuda Kikuo. It is not surprising that Jin Guirong's men and horses were collected in the past, and there were still some scraps.

There is another force in the Police Department, that is the Bingcheng Police Headquarters, which is an armed police force. Of course, compared to other armed forces in Bingcheng, this team is actually nothing.

But for the Police Agency, this is the only armed force at hand. This armed force is self-contained, but because of the suspicion of the Japanese, its strength is constantly weakened. Compared with its peak power, it is only , less than one-third.

The captain is called Yu Jintao. (Wu and the one in history are in the same seat, haha, this is a fictional character and story)

This Yu Jintao was at the same age as Jin Guirong, but he was much younger than him, and he almost became the chief of the police department.

But later on, I didn't know the reason. In short, he was quite aggrieved as the captain, but this person could enjoy himself in Bingcheng and even the entire Black Province.

Zhou Sen will go to understand the interpersonal relationships here, and even collect the privacy of these people, whether it is true or not, he will record it.

Because he doesn't have to use these things, but he has to have them.

"Are you and Bai Yulan really married?" Anna knocked on the door and came in, and asked directly, "No wonder I didn't see Irina when I went back that night. You are too much, and you didn't call me when you got married?"

"Didn't you receive the wedding candy, and you still ask this?" Zhou Sen got up, put away a document, and filed it.

"It's fine if you don't tell me about such a big matter. Didn't you inform the teacher?"

"Who said I didn't notify Teacher Shibuya, I not only sent a telegram to the teacher, but also made a phone call to explain our low-key wedding."

"Then why didn't you tell me in advance?" Anna asked back.

"What is my relationship with you? I want to notify you when I get married?"

"I'm also your subordinate after all, and I was born and died together. Can you tell me that I shouldn't?" Anna complained, "Besides, I haven't given you a gift yet when you get married."

"It's fine as a gift, just give me the share money."

"You are so rich, why do you still care about my little money?" Anna sneered.

"You said you wanted a gift, but I didn't ask you for it." Zhou Sen pouted and said, "It's nothing, let's go out."

"Then I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a son soon." Anna chuckled.

"Thank you."

"I'm sending you a message for free. Jin Suying knew that you were married, and she smashed a water glass in her office today. It seems that you are quite attractive. A flower from the Nangang Police Station also has deep affection for you." Anna giggled.

Zhou Sen didn't respond, Jin Suying had nothing to do with him long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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