Chapter 226


(I really can’t imitate that voice, sorry!)

Because of Bai Yulan's words, "Today is a good day", Zhou Sen naturally worked hard for a while, and after half a night of tossing, the two of them fell asleep exhausted.

Who would have thought that in the middle of the night, he would be awakened by a sharp and rapid siren.

In the middle of the night, it was rare for the siren to sound. Zhou Sen opened his eyes in shock and sat up directly from the bed.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yulan was in a deep sleep, but she still noticed Zhou Sen's strangeness, and squinted her eyes and murmured.

"It's okay, go to sleep." The siren whistled past and went away. Zhou Sen comforted him and lay down too.

"Miss, Uncle, the streets are under martial law at night, it seems that people are being arrested..." Chang Bo came to report when he got up early in the morning.

The Ningxiang Hall is not an ordinary place. Under normal circumstances, even if it is a search, the consent of the owner must be obtained, and it should be polite.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Sen frowned. Such a large-scale raid is actually relatively rare, especially at night.

It was a big deal last night.

"I don't know, but I heard that the ones arrested were not Manchurians," Chang Bo said.

"If you're not from Manchuria, could it be that you're Japanese?"

"No, it's a spy from the north," Chang Bo said.

"The spies from the north?" Zhou Sen was stunned for a moment. This was even more ridiculous. There must have been spies from the north in Bingcheng, but for the sake of one or two spies, the whole Bingcheng was searched and arrested with such great fanfare. The Consulate General of Soviet Russia in Bingcheng is here. Isn't this deception.

There must be something strange here.

Zhou Sen thought for a while and said: "If you are all right today, don't go out, and be careful at home. There are people I know at the Zhengyang Office. Even if you want to come in and search, it won't be too embarrassing for us."

After speaking, Zhou Sen took his coat and went out.

"Are you going to work without breakfast?"

"No, I'll deal with Wu En casually." Zhou Sen got into the car without looking back.

The car is driving on the street, and the atmosphere is different from usual, although it is not three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle.

However, it is obvious that there are more policemen patrolling with guns on their backs than usual, and Japanese military police with red armbands can also be seen.

Something must have happened.

Zhou Sen asked Wu En to park the car on the side of the road, asked him to buy some biscuits, and then drove all the way to the police station.

He came a few days earlier, but there were not many people in the hall. After saying hello to a few familiar people, he went upstairs directly.

The offices of the Secret Service Division are all on the second floor, and the inspection unit is no exception.

He opened the door and walked into his office, took off his coat, hung the scarf on the hanger at the door, checked the table to see if anyone had come in after he left, and then took the thermos bottle for tea and indirect water.

Although this job can be done by others, Zhou Sen doesn't like to do it by others.

In this building, except for Wu En, no matter who handed things, including water, they dare not import them easily, even if they don’t poison you, but what if it’s something else?
As long as the water in the teacup leaves his sight and comes back again, he will pour it out and refuse to drink it. The only way to survive is to remain vigilant at all times.

"Director Zhou, I brought you today's newspaper." Zhou Sen came back with a kettle, and a police officer brought him the ordered newspaper.

Reading newspapers is also one of his daily tasks.

Basically, he spends more than one or two hours a day reading newspapers, whether there are any "anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese" remarks or slanderous and illegal things in the newspapers.

In Manchukuo, there is absolutely no freedom of speech.

Thought crimes are more serious and terrifying than economic crimes, and the Japanese fear them like tigers.

"Thank you." Zhou Sen reached out to take it, carried the thermos bottle into the office, and put the newspaper on the desk.

First, I found a rag to wipe the table, then washed it, let it dry on the radiator, and made myself a cup of tea with ginseng and wolfberry to ensure my physical strength and energy.

Close the door, as for what's going on outside, he won't inquire about it.

dong dong...

No need to ask, it must be Anna who knocked on the door. Except for Anna, very few people come to his office.

Anna came in with a pile of documents, which he obviously had to deal with today.

Zhou Sen was eating sesame seed cakes and drinking wolfberry ginseng tea, while reading the news in the newspaper, feeling very happy.

"Why, you didn't have breakfast to come to work today?" Anna was surprised, Zhou Sen had always eaten breakfast at home before coming to work.

"Change the taste once in a while, why make such a fuss?" Zhou Sen didn't even lift his head, and waited for the crumbs of sesame seed cakes that fell on the newspaper into his hands before putting them into his mouth.

"Did you hear what happened last night?"

"What happened last night?"

"Are you really planning to nest in such a small place?" Anna said with an expression of "hating iron for steel".

"Isn't it good here? The work is easy, the salary is good, and it's safe." Zhou Sen said, "Don't always think about adventures and excitement. You are a woman, no matter how much you have done, it will make you the chief of the police department." No?"

"As your family's business grows bigger and bigger, aren't you afraid of being targeted?"

"You just want to say that if I'm so self-motivated, I won't be able to protect my self-sufficient daughter-in-law?" Zhou Sen understood what Anna meant.

"You also know, I heard that several Soviet prisoners of war escaped from the Nangang Army Hospital last night, and the whole city is searching for them."

"Soviet Russian prisoners of war, didn't the negotiations for the prisoner exchange start a long time ago?" Zhou Sen asked slightly surprised.

"These prisoners of war are different. They were specially transferred to Ice City very early for that purpose," Anna said.

"Human experiment?" Zhou Sen was surprised when he heard this. They had all received relevant training and knew something about it.

What's more, Zhou Sen already knew that the Japanese secretly researched bacteria and virus weapons, and experimented with living people.

"Last night, there was a big search in the city. I heard that three escaped, two were captured, and one is still at large," Anna said.

"How did you know such secret news?" Zhou Sen asked strangely.

"You forgot, we are all special personnel registered in the Ice City Secret Service. These situations are reported to us and require our attention and attention." Anna explained.

"If you don't tell me, I've forgotten. I haven't received a special allowance from the Bingcheng secret service every month." Zhou Sen remembered that he did have such an identity, but that Bian didn't clarify his responsibilities, and no one came to contact him, mainly because his relationship was mainly conveyed through Shibuya Saburo.

After Shibuya Saburo left, he took orders from Akiyama nosuke, so he never thought about dealing with that side at all.

"You have to pick it up yourself, no one else can pick it up for you." Anna said angrily.

"Then I'm going, who should I find?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Major Nishimura, the leader of the first general affairs squad!" Anna said.

"Then which class are we in?" Zhou Sen asked.

"The fifth class, the intelligence class, the fifth group."

"Oh, how many people are there in our team, who is the team leader, and who is he responsible to?" Zhou Sen asked again.

"The leader of the intelligence team is Shiraki Mishige, and the team leader of the fifth team is you, Master Zhou Sen. Besides you and me, the team members in our team are hunters, bread and gardeners. The three of them are still in Haba. Rovsk is lurking." Anna said, "Don't tell me, you, the team leader, don't know this until now?"

"I really don't know about this. According to regulations, lurkers returning from areas controlled by the enemy must undergo 'outside transfer review'. After passing the review, they will be rescheduled for work." Zhou Sen said.

"Didn't you pass the external transfer review? Why hasn't this been told to you?" Anna asked in surprise.

"I don't know..." Zhou Sen spread his hands, expressing that he really didn't know, and no one told him about it.

"Will no one mess with you secretly again?"

"I don't have any enemies in Ice City..." Zhou Sen couldn't figure out that someone would be able to reach into Ice City's secret service to mess with him.

"Did you never go there once after you came back?" Anna asked.

"What am I going to do when I have nothing to do?" Zhou Sen said, "I don't know any of them, and I don't know who to turn to when I go."


"I think you'd better go find Chief Akiyama." Anna said, logically speaking, Zhou Sen is the leader of the fifth team of the intelligence team, and he should take over the intelligence sent back by Khabarovsk, and then He reported it.

It turned out that Saburo Shibuya was in charge of it himself.

However, due to the need for "external transfer review" when Zhou Sen came back, Saburo Shibuya was responsible for this work at first, but was later asked to hand it over.

And Zhou Sen's "examination review" report has been passed, logically, this work should also be handed over to him.

But many days had passed, and there was no movement from Zhou Sen's side. Anna thought that he was too busy with his marriage with Bai Yulan to take care of it.

Unexpectedly, he didn't know about it at all.

It's obvious that someone has cut off Zhou Sen's power and work. Who is so bold to do this?
Toshi Yamamoto, Toshi Yamamoto of Hart Spy, only he knows Zhou Sen's true identity.

Moreover, Toshi Yamamoto alone may not be able to do it, there must be someone behind him to support it, and this person should have relatively strong power.

Aside from Zhou Sen, there is only a higher-level person who can make Yamamoto Toshi operate in violation of the regulations, Major General Qin Yansaburo, the chief of the Bingcheng Secret Service.

Because Zhou Sen is a Manchurian, they have a natural distrust, and how can such an important job be controlled by a Manchurian?

No wonder Zhou Sen was kept in the dark and didn't know anything. It turned out that someone deliberately kept him from knowing about it.

Anna could guess this situation, why Zhou Sen didn't understand, he actually didn't want to worry about it, since he was not allowed to take care of it, there was no need for him to rush.

It is better to have one thing less than one thing more.

The Japanese don't trust themselves, and if something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with them.

But now that Anna has exposed the matter, he can no longer pretend that he doesn't know. It's okay to admit cowardly, but he can't really be cowardly.

"You accompany me in the afternoon, clarify my relationship and position, and collect the allowance by the way!" Zhou Sen gave a calm smile and ordered.

"Okay." Anna nodded.

The "Trojan Horse" project is Shibuya Saburo's painstaking effort, and Zhou Sen is his most important chess piece. As soon as he leaves, someone wants to snatch his "fruit".

Toshi Yamamoto is really courageous.

Zhou Sen didn't pass the "external transfer review", so naturally he couldn't resist. Now that he has passed the "review", these people still want to take away "his" things. He promised that Saburo Shibuya would not agree.

Of course, it also depends on Akiyama's attitude. He should be an informed person, but he does not move. What is he thinking...

(End of this chapter)

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