Chapter 228 Shadow Mountain
Come out from Suzuki Yoshio's office.

Zhou Sen was still a little dizzy.

Inexplicably recognized an uncle, who is still Japanese, and after Saburo Shibuya left, the "Trojan Horse" project was taken away by Toshi Yamamoto, a Hart spy.

Qin Yansaburo agreed to this.

No wonder Saburo Shibuya didn't mention this matter to him. It is estimated that his situation at that time was relatively delicate, and he was about to leave again.

It is impossible for Qin Yansaburo to hand over such a top-secret plan to Zhou Sen, a Manchurian, and Toshi Yamamoto participated in the plan in the early stage and is a person who knows the inside story.

It was only natural for him to take over the job.

Saburo Shibuya couldn't refuse either.

But in this way, Zhou Sen's position became awkward. Both he and Anna belonged to the plan, they were the executors of the plan, and they also had some secrets.

After Toshi Yamamoto took over, he didn't come to him, which is a bit strange...

No, he didn't come to look for him, but that doesn't mean he didn't look for Anna.

This woman doesn't agree with him, so I have to be careful in the future, don't let her fool me.

"Zhou Sen, how are you? What did Deputy Director Suzuki say?" Seeing Zhou Sen who was a bit out of his mind, Anna hurried forward to ask.

"I didn't say anything, just said that the 'Troy' project was handed over to Director Toshi Yamamoto of Hart Spy, and let us report to Toshi Yamamoto, and we have to listen to Toshi Yamamoto for the specific work." Zhou Sen said.

"Ah, Toshi Yamamoto doesn't like you at all, so what else can he give you?" Anna was taken aback.

"This is an order from the superior. What can I do? However, the superior appointed me as the deputy team leader of this project, and he dare not do anything to me." Zhou Sen said.

"You are the deputy team leader?"

"Yes, if I don't even give a deputy team leader, then I'd rather quit and hand in everything I know. This matter has nothing to do with me in the future." Zhou Sen is not without support, this' Without him, the Troy plan would never go ahead. Don't look at Toshi Yamamoto who has direct contact with the "Troy" intelligence team in the Far East, but this team is all arranged by Anthony's father. Except for Anthony Dad, recognize him now, Toshi Yamamoto can't replace him, and secondly, this plan is Shibuya Saburo's painstaking effort.

Saburo Shibuya will not make wedding dresses for others in vain.

Even if he can't intervene in Bingcheng's side now, but the insiders who participated in the plan on Bingcheng's side were all his people.

Toshi Yamamoto can't get rid of all these people, otherwise, others should have something to say about him.

Saburo Shibuya didn't explain anything, in fact, he was probably testing Zhou Sen, whether he had the ability to confront Toshi Yamamoto and win the plan from him.

Of course, this is just Zhou Sen's guess and cannot be confirmed.

After all, Saburo Shibuya really didn't say anything.

However, he asked Ono to invite him to the party of that small circle, and this intention was obvious, either to enter or to be completely out.

"Then where did you get these two cigarettes?" Anna noticed that Zhou Sen was still holding two Hardman's cigarettes in his hand.

"This cigarette was given by Deputy Director Suzuki."

"Deputy Chief Suzuki gave you cigarettes, did he make a mistake?" Anna was inexplicably surprised.

"When he saw me smoking, he said that someone gave him two cigarettes and insisted on giving them to me. I didn't want them. He was not happy..."

This explanation, not to mention that Anna could not listen to it, no one would believe it. Two people who had never met before met for the first time, and the boss gave the subordinate cigarettes. No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a fantasy.

She had never heard that Deputy Director Suzuki was such a generous person.

But if Zhou Sen didn't say anything, she really couldn't help it. It was useless to ask again. Anna took back the words that came to her mouth.

"Then where do we go next?"

"Go to the general affairs class and get the allowance, and the time will start from the special training on Yimianpo." Zhou Sen chuckled, "I can freely use this private money."

Anna rubbed his forehead. Is this man hopeless? He was eaten to death by a "widow".

With the approval note from Suzuki's deputy director, the general affairs team did not dare to deduct Zhou Sen's allowance, which is quite a lot, 200 yuan a month.

Calculated in the past six months, there are actually more than 500 yuan.

You can receive Japanese yen, you can also receive military tickets, and of course you can also receive Manchurian currency.

Zhou Sen is not very good at using Japanese Yen, so Japanese Yen is excluded. The military tickets of the Japanese Army are not small in circulation in Bingcheng, so they must be useful, but for ordinary people, Manchurian coins are still the most used.

Zhou Sen exchanged part of the military tickets, and the rest into Manchurian coins.

Sign and receive the money.

Zhou Sen went to the intelligence class again, but the head of the intelligence class (squad leader), Mishiro Shiraki, was not there, and a captain officer received them.

Anna's certificate has been processed, but Zhou Sen's has not. He needs to apply for a certificate to enter and exit the "Harbin Office".

Zhou Sen has a bare-headed photo on his body and does not need to be photographed, so he quickly got the completed certificate.

With this certificate, Zhou Sen can say that he has a Shangfang sword in Bingcheng. The police in Manchukuo cannot touch him. Even if the gendarmerie wants to arrest someone, they have to consult the secret service.

The Japanese and Puppet Manchukuo military and police specials in Bingcheng are all under the jurisdiction of Bingcheng's secret service.

"Anna, do you know where Shibuya-sensei put the secret radio room that communicates with us?" Zhou Sen asked Anna after getting into the car.

"Okada Yoko."

"Then go to Okada Corporation." Zhou Sen nodded and instructed Wu En.

"Go now, do you want to see Toshi Yamamoto first?" Anna was startled and asked hastily.

"No, I'm the deputy team leader of the 'Troy' project now. Do I need his permission to go to the secret radio room under my subordinate?" Zhou Sen asked back, he just wanted to catch Toshiro Yamamoto by surprise.

Even if others are in the radio room, he is not afraid, just meet for a while.

"Okay." Anna lowered her head guiltily.

The car stopped at the entrance of Okada Yangxing. Zhou Sen and Anna got out of the car, one after the other, and walked into the gate.

"Sir, madam, what can I do for you?" A waiter in a vest and a bow tie came over and bowed slightly.

This style of pie is Japanese.

Zhou Sen didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the newly issued certificate and put it in the other party's hand: "I want to see your person in charge."

The waiter glanced at the ID, and immediately bowed deeply in fright: "Wait a moment, I will report to you right away."

After a while, a middle-aged man in a suit, small round glasses, small eyes, and an oval face came down from the second floor.

"Mr. Zhou, hello, I am Kobayashi Kenjiro, the manager of Okada Yoko." Kobayashi Kenjiro came to Zhou Sen and bowed slightly.

The internal ranks of the Japanese army were strict, and the internal secret service was even worse. Although Zhou Sen was a Manchurian, his position was higher than him, and Kobayashi Kenjiro had to obey.

"Mr. Xiaolin, I'm sorry." Zhou Sen nodded slightly.

"Mr. Zhou, please!" Kobayashi Kenjiro led the way, leading Zhou Sen into the interior of the foreign company, into a corridor, and then saw an escalator going down.

The electric light on the wall exuded a faint yellow light. I went down the stairs, walked about four or five meters, and came to a door.

open the door.

The lights inside were as bright as day.

A hall, to say the least, has hundreds of square meters, all kinds of machines, and dozens of people working here.

Communication, monitoring, deciphering...

This is much larger than the underground of the "Chunming" photo studio opposite the Soviet Russian consulate.

There should be a special person in charge here, and it is estimated that Toshi Yamamoto will not be able to take away the control here.

Saburo Shibuya is also really powerful, a big deal.

"Zhou Senjun, you're here!" Zhou Sen was startled when he heard a familiar voice, and looked back, it wasn't Yingshan from the Security Bureau!

"Officer Kageyama."

"Let's go, go to my office for tea." Kageyama smiled slightly, and instructed Kobayashi Kenjiro, "Kobayashi-kun, show Miss Anna around."


Under Yingshan's leadership, Zhou Sen followed him into a separate small room, about seven or eight square meters in size.

A desk, chairs, and a slightly old sofa, and a wall of cabinets filled with various documents, which seem to be neatly arranged without any sense of mess .

"Zhou Sen, you must be very curious, why didn't Chief Shibuya tell you the situation here before he left?" Kageyama asked with a smile.

"Yes, I don't quite understand why the teacher would do this." Zhou Sen was really at a loss.

"Officer Shibuya knows that you are the most suitable person to carry out the 'Troy' plan, but as soon as he raises it, there will inevitably be opposition, especially Toshi Yamamoto, who has always been skeptical of your use and thinks you are a Manchurian , is not worthy of trust, but Chief Shibuya thinks the opposite, since you have passed the screening, and there are facts to prove that you have made great contributions to the Great Japanese Empire, if such a talent is not used, then what about the Nisman family?" Kageyama explained, "Although I was in charge of submitting your 'examination of external transfer' report with conclusions, but there was no approval from the higher authorities, and Toshiro Yamamoto was behind it."

"You mean, Director Yamamoto doesn't trust me and doesn't want me to participate in this project anymore, right?"

"Yes, he even suggested to imprison you directly after you come back. In this way, it can be guaranteed that you will not pose a threat to this plan." Yingshan said.

"Then why..."

"Because you have made great achievements, if you are treated so unfairly like this, who in Manchukuo would loyally do things for the Great Japanese Empire." Kageyama said, "Toshi Yamamoto acted too radically, and he did so completely. Going against our policy, even General Qin Yansaburo disagreed with his approach, but Yamamoto still persuaded Qin Yansaburo to entrust him with the implementation of the follow-up plan of "Troy", excluding you and Anna."

"Actually, I'm not very interested in this follow-up plan. If Director Yamamoto wants it, just give it to him." Zhou Sen said.

"This plan was worked out by Chief Shibuya. It has only just begun, and Toshi Yamamoto wants to take all the credit, and his eating is too ugly." Yingshan said, "Zhou Sen, you are the key to this plan." Character, as long as you are here, Toshi Yamamoto will not be able to take away this plan, so you must occupy a place in this plan and form a check and balance on Toshi Yamamoto."

"But I don't care about words and duties, I'm afraid Director Yamamoto won't listen to me." Zhou Sen said.

"As long as you catch the hunter and others far away in Khabarovsk, you will take the initiative." Yingshan said.

"But I can't get in touch with the hunter now..."

"I believe you have a way."

"I heard from the hunter that his wife and daughter were restricted in their freedom?" Zhou Sen looked at Yingshan and said slowly.

Kageyama nodded.

"I want these two people, otherwise even if I can contact the hunter, he probably won't listen to me." Zhou Sen said.

"I'll tell you where these two are being held, but you have to figure out a way for yourself." Kageyama said after a moment of consideration.

"I also need a radio."

"There is no problem with the radio station, I can give it to you now, but you must inform me of the content of your contact with the hunter?" Yingshan said.

"Okay, I will arrange for Anna to meet with you on this matter."

"Anna met Yamamoto Toshiro, she is no longer reliable." Yingshan said.

"I know, but Toshi Yamamoto should not be able to bribe Anna, as long as she recognizes the facts, she will make the right choice." Zhou Sen said.

(End of this chapter)

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