Chapter 229
Radios and spare parts, bug checking instruments...

Unexpected joy.

Yingshan finally gave him a big gift.

With the radio, the contact between him and the hunter will become simple, and he can even contact General Peshkov directly.

There is no need to go through the radio station of the consulate, and the time effect of intelligence will be greatly reduced if you transfer your hands.

However, it is impossible for him to control and use the radio station alone, and the Japanese will not trust him unconditionally.

Someone must be placed by his side, and Anna is the most suitable candidate.

In the struggle for power between Toshi Yamamoto and Saburo Shibuya, Toshi Yamamoto is obviously at a disadvantage, even though he has the support of Qin Yansaburo, a major general of the Kwantung Army.

But Saburo Shibuya has more resources and connections.

They fought for power and profit, and they also gave themselves a chance. If they were united internally, it would really be impossible to get in.

However, still be careful.

They are all Japanese, and the national interests behind them are the same, and they only compete with each other for selfish reasons.

Also, Anna also needs to be tapped, lest she get confused, get overwhelmed, and do irreparable mistakes.

"Anna, did Director Yamamoto look for you?"

"No, no..." When Anna was asked suddenly, she was visibly flustered, and she didn't dare to look at Zhou Sen, as if she had done something wrong.

"I can understand that Director Yamamoto is now in charge of the 'Troy' project (work). He wants to see you, but you can't hide even if you want to." Zhou Sen smiled slightly, "But don't forget, you, me and the hunter They are all students of Mr. Shibuya. In the eyes of outsiders, we have already been branded by Mr. Shibuya. What Director Yamamoto can give, Mr. Shibuya can also give, and even more. Don’t be fooled by immediate interests. Blinded."

"I do not have……"

"Toshi Yamamoto just wanted to take the dominance of the 'Troy' project from Shibuya-sensei. This has been shown from the very beginning when he introduced Sato to replace me. Now that Shibuya-sensei has transferred from Bingcheng, he Thinking that he had another chance, he wanted to hold the "Troy" plan in his hands, but he forgot, but this plan was made by Mr. Shibuya, and he wanted to take it away. Is it that easy? Zhou Sen said, "He wants to break through from you and support you to finally replace me, right?" "

Anna was silent.

"But don't forget that if I lose value, I'm afraid I will end up miserable, and you will definitely have the last laugh. You know the Japanese very well. They always do things by hook or by crook, and they turn their faces and deny people at any time. We For them, they are safe only if they are of high enough value." Zhou Sen has already said it very bluntly.

If Anna didn't understand and wake up, he wouldn't be merciful.

Killing a spy who worked for the Japanese invaders, even if the other party was a young and beautiful woman, he would not show any mercy.

"Think about it yourself." Zhou Sen slowly closed his eyes, "Give me the answer when you get home."

The air in the compartment instantly froze and suppressed.

Anna had never talked about such a cruel Zhou Sen, and she was completely stunned. Is this the him in her heart?
She didn't know, but she knew that she had to make a choice. When Toshi Yamamoto found her, she was really moved, but she was not stupid and didn't agree to the other party right away.

But she also felt that since Zhou Sen was transferred to the police department, although he was promoted to a higher level, he was not taken seriously.

Especially after Saburo Shibuya was about to be transferred, it made her feel that if she continued to follow Zhou Sen, there might be no future for her.

Saburo Shibuya will not take her to Xinjing, what can she do in Xinjing, Bingcheng is the stage for her to display her talents.

When Toshi Yamamoto came to see her for the first time, she was shaken, but she didn't immediately turn around. After all, Zhou Sen's "external transfer review" was not over, and it was not up to her to decide whether there was any problem.

Saburo Shibuya left, but Zhou Sen still nestled in that office, seemingly no one cared about him, looking like he was out of power.

When Toshi Yamamoto found her again, she was moved, but she hadn't told the other party the secret of the 'Troy' group.

But now it seems that what she sees are all illusions, Zhou Sen has not lost power at all, he is more mysterious and powerful than she imagined.

The car stopped in front of the house on Coats Street.

Anna took a deep breath and said, "Zhou Sen, I've made it clear. Director Yamamoto's side is not suitable for me. I'll follow you."

"Get out of the car and help me move the radio station in." Zhou Sen ordered.


"Anna, come here and check the house. If it needs to be demolished, it should be demolished." Zhou Sen ordered. He has never touched the wiretapping equipment at home. Anyway, he doesn't live now. It is estimated that the person listening They all withdrew.

As for the remaining equipment, he didn't know whether he had removed it, but according to Toshi Yamamoto's rules, it is estimated that he did not remove these equipment.

Although these devices are relatively expensive.

"According to when we left, get in touch with the hunter." Zhou Sen moved the radio upstairs to the study.

"Then do you want to remind the hunter that we are his real contacts?" Anna asked.

"No, everything is normal between him and Toshi Yamamoto. Toshi Yamamoto must have changed the contact time and call sign, and even changed the communication code." Zhou Sen said.

"If Director Yamamoto changes the communication code, what shall we do?" Anna was slightly stunned.

"Then find a way to get the replacement code book." Zhou Sen said, "The hunter and I have already prepared for this possibility..."

"You knew for a long time that Director Yamamoto would intervene in this plan?"

"How could I know Director Yamamoto would intervene, but there must be a tacit understanding between us to prevent extreme situations from appearing." Zhou Sen explained.

Anna didn't continue to ask, whether it was to prevent extreme situations or to protect herself.

It all works now.

And she is also a beneficiary.

"When I moved in, I cleaned it once. I don't know if there are any more." Anna took out two bugs from the drawer and handed them to Zhou Sen.


Anna pointed to the telephone and the chandelier overhead.

"Okay, you can check again, I have to go home for dinner, what's the matter, I'll talk about it at work tomorrow." Zhou Sen went downstairs directly.

"Master Vasim, stay for dinner?" Irina came out of the kitchen, "I cooked your favorite perilla soup."

"No, see you next time. I have to go back. It's freezing outside and the road is hard to walk." Zhou Sen said.

Irina was a little disappointed, but she didn't show it. Zhou Sen got married and had a new life, and he couldn't be the same as before.

"Go home." Zhou Sen put on a hood, got into the car, and ordered.

Wu En started the car and headed off the road.

After dinner, Zhou Sen and Bai Yulan entered the study room. This study room belonged to Bai Yulan. When Zhou Sen was at home, it was a bit inconvenient.

He wanted to get an independent study for himself.

Zhou Sen's study room is still under construction, and it won't be available for a while, so now the two share a study room.

Most of the time, this study is where the two of them talk privately.

Zhou Sen's new study and darkroom are together, not in this yard, the husband and wife have a relatively independent space.

"There is news from Thirteen Flying Eagles, but they want to send someone to Bingcheng to meet us, Komori, what do you think of this matter?"

"They are afraid that this is the bait laid by the Japanese, right?" Zhou Sen pondered for a while before analyzing.

"That's right, if it were me, I would consider such a good thing delivered to my door," Bai Yulan said.

"Neither you nor I can show up. Can Chang Bo have someone he can trust?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Yes, yes, but if we have to meet, what name should we announce?" Bai Yulan asked.

"Mr. Ming."

"Mr. Ming, what do you mean by that?"

"The sun and the moon are the light, and the light means that the light will definitely come. Not only will the Northeast be restored, but even the whole of China will be restored." Zhou Sen explained.

"Okay, let's declare this name." Bai Yulan's eyes sparkled brightly.

"When we provide these items, there must be a source that can be explained clearly. Therefore, I asked Qin Lang to buy me a piece of land. I plan to set up a clinic and expand it into a hospital in the future. In this way, we can purchase medicines through formal channels. , and medicines are consumables, as long as we use them a little bit, this will come." Zhou Sen said.

"That's one way, what about the others?"

"The main thing is medicine, which is the easiest to trace the source of, and it is also the most scarce anti-Japanese team." Zhou Sen said.

"I see, where do you plan to open this clinic?"

"South Liudao Street, the location of Liuhe Hotel, is looking for someone to design, and it will be rebuilt after the spring of next year." Zhou Sen said.

"Changbo arranges a meeting, and he must wait for my consent. The other party is so cautious, and we must be careful. We must not have the intention of harming others, but we must be cautious." Zhou Sen reminded, "Just in case, don't be too cautious." Too gullible in people."

"I know." Bai Yulan nodded, "You brought back two cigarettes today. Don't you have cigarettes at home? Why did you buy them again?"

"It wasn't bought, it was given by someone else, Hardman cigarettes, which are very difficult to buy in Bingcheng." Zhou Sen said.

"Anyone else give you a gift?"

"It's an old friend, I ran into it today, and if you insist on bringing me two cigarettes, it's not good." Zhou Sen explained.

"That's right, I put it in the locker for you. When you want to smoke, you can take it yourself." Although Bai Yulan also smokes, she has decided to quit in order to have a baby.

"I see. Go to bed tonight. I still have some documents to deal with." Zhou Sen explained.

"Okay, then don't be too late." Bai Yulan nodded, gave up the study to Zhou Sen, and went back to her room first.

Zhou Sen didn't want to deal with any documents, he needed an independent space to think about his meeting with Suzuki Yoshio today.

Suzuki Yoshio's attitude and his conversation with him today are full of an unpredictable feeling.

There is a kind of deliberate closeness and appreciation.

He didn't know if he had an illusion that this Suzuki Yoshio didn't look like the Japanese he knew.

The digital code on the microfilm has not yet been deciphered. He has tried many times and used all the methods he learned.

It may be that his brain is really not good at this aspect, so far he still has no idea.

If Father Anthony left this film, he would definitely leave behind the corresponding code book, but which one is this code book?

Do you want to try the books in his study one by one?

How long will it take to try?

(End of this chapter)

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