Chapter 230 "Yiyou" bookstore case
"There is nothing that is covered that will not be exposed; there is nothing that will be hidden that will not be known."

Zhou Sen took out the two cigarettes that Suzuki Yoshio had given him, if he really had any hints to himself.

It should be above these two Hardman cigarettes.

Zhou Sen took a closer look at the outer packaging and found nothing unusual, but he found that one of the cigarettes had been unsealed.

After opening it, it was still sealed.

From the outside, there are basically no flaws, at least ordinary people can't find it, this kind of secret agent's method of opening and restoring letters.

After Zhou Sen opened it in the same way, he found that there was a line of English words on the seal, which was the paragraph at the beginning.

It is certain that this passage was not originally printed on the packs of Hardman's cigarettes, although it was written in print.

Because he opened another cigarette, the seal was blank with no words.

This is definitely Suzuki Yoshio's hands and feet. Why did he do this? What message is this conveying to himself?
He is a Japanese, and he is also the deputy of the Bingcheng secret service. What can he not say to himself?
This made Zhou Sen a little puzzled.

Since I can't figure out Suzuki Yoshio's motives, I'll wait until I have a chance to observe it later, and now I can only dig out from this sentence itself.

To analyze the information in a sentence, the literal information is the first. This is very simple and not difficult to understand. Even if Zhou Sen's English is not very good, he can still understand it.

Then there is the source of the text, whether it is a famous aphorism, whether there are any allusions, etc., which is more difficult.

These are the basis for judging the exact meaning of the sentence written by the other party. Generally, it will definitely not be the literal meaning, and will extend other meanings.

Zhou Senyuan had read many foreign classics. He searched his mind, but he couldn't think of which book this sentence came from. It was said by that famous person.

What is this for?
Let yourself guess the riddle, in case you can't guess it.

Zhou Sen was speechless for a while, what does Suzuki Takeo mean?
Closing his eyes, he began to recall all the things that had happened to him since he learned the identity of Anthony's father last year.

Especially when it comes to books and such.

Priest Moby, the Bible!
His mind turned, one by one, one by one, recalling in his mind, and finally, he touched a certain point.

Zhou Sen didn't have any special feelings about the Orthodox Church. Yuan Zhen had read it, but he didn't remember its contents very clearly.

But now that he had thought of it, he naturally wanted to take it out and look for it.

There are two copies of the Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament, both of which were handwritten by Father Anthony, so he took them to Khabarovsk and brought them back.

Because it is a manuscript, it is naturally different from the printed typesetting...

Zhou Sen quickly took out the two "Bibles" that were somewhat dusty from the bottom of the box, and searched through them page by page.

at last.

He saw a line of words. Although it was written in Russian, its content was exactly the same as the English meaning of the cigarette package seal.

Could it be that what Suzuki Yoshio reminded himself was this "Bible", but after getting this "Bible", he committed it no less than dozens of times, and did not find any mezzanine or abnormality that could hide secrets.

He even bought a Russian version of the "Bible" to compare with it, and he didn't find any mistakes made by Anthony's copying.

Do you want me to translate the Bible into English first?
Isn't the workload a bit too much?

My English is only half level...

No, there seems to be an English version of the "Bible" at home, is it referring to that one?Zhou Sen was taken aback by his own thought.

Looks like I have to go back tomorrow.

Zhou Sen let go of his thoughts and looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was getting late, it was time to go to bed, and he couldn't neglect his new wife.

Early the next morning, before going to work, Zhou Sen went to his home on Coats Street and took the English version of the "Bible" from the study.

Of course, after Anna went to work.

Therefore, it was inevitable that he arrived at the police station almost a little late, which surprised Anna a little.

But it's not easy to ask too much, and it's not a big deal to be late at work occasionally.

Don't do anything unrelated to work at work, even if it's fishing or dozing off, you won't do private things.

"Come in."

"Last night, I got in touch with the hunter." Anna walked in and reported to Zhou Sen about the contact with the hunter.

"How did he say?"

"He said everything is up to you. Toshi Yamamoto, he will pretend to be false." Anna said.

"The next time you contact him, you tell him that we are only grasping and understanding the relevant situation, and Toshi Yamamoto will report what should be reported, and let him not hide anything." Zhou Sen ordered.

"Understood." Anna nodded, "Then I'll go first."

"By the way, did you catch the escaped Soviet Russian prisoner the night before yesterday?" Zhou Sen called Anna to ask.

"I haven't heard of it. It seems that I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen anyone from the Operation Brigade of the Secret Service Division from yesterday to today." Anna said movingly.

"I see, go get busy."


"Zhou Sen, there is a Yiyou bookstore on Xinshi Street that seized a batch of illegal publications, you have a look, bring the publications back, and give me a report..." Zhou Sen's office was suddenly pushed away. Open the door, and the head of the inspection unit came in with his head.

"Yes, Chief Aoki." Zhou Sen quickly stood up and agreed.

This is the first time Zhou Sen has been assigned to work outside the office. This kind of thing is inevitable, and it is impossible for you to sit comfortably in the office all the time.

"Anna, go out with me!" Zhou Sen came to the next door and called out to Anna.

"Go out, do you want to apply for a gun?" Anna asked.

"It's unnecessary to have a gun..." Zhou Sen thought for a while, "I'd better apply for it, and apply for one for me, I'm most used to it."



The Yiyou bookstore in Xinshi Street is not very big. Its main business is newspapers and periodicals, and the books are also casual books, and there are relatively few books for real learning.

But in this bookstore, a batch of books promoting "communism" were found, as well as slogans "Anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese".

"Zhou Sen, this is a small workshop. The quality of the printing is not very good, but it is better in secret. The printers and typesetters are regular, and it is not easy to be discovered. This time they were discovered because they were careless. They printed The defective product was not destroyed, and was taken home by a clerk in the bookstore to be used as toilet paper, but the neighbors found out and reported it.” Anna checked the situation.

"It's fireproof, anti-theft, and anti-neighbor!" Zhou Sen sighed with emotion.


"Where's the criminal?"

"Boss Luo Yiyou and the three guys have been arrested and have been brought back for interrogation," Anna said.

"Then what are we supposed to do, pull things back?"

"It's not that there is no one in the hall. They are all going to catch that Russian fugitive. We must not be allowed to be coolies." Anna smiled wryly.

"Okay, stop talking, let's work, that Wu En, come and move things..." Zhou Sen greeted, and said, "I'm going to call home, it seems that I have to work overtime tonight, and I can't go back for dinner. "



"Brother, why did you call me here?" New stage, Jiang Rou's art director's office.

Jiang Rou was pleasantly surprised when she received the call.

"I called home just now, but no one answered. I guess your sister Lan is out. I have a case here in Xinshi Street. I may have to work overtime tonight. I don't know if I can go back. I told her not to wait for me." .”

"Oh, yes, I know, I will tell Sister Lan." Jiang Rou's heart skipped a beat when she heard that.

Xinshi Street.

It's broken, there is a secret traffic point there, and the printed slogans and brochures of the Bingcheng Underground Party are there.

Zhou Sen's call was clearly a warning call, and she immediately understood that something serious had happened, and she had to notify the people related to Xinshi Street to transfer, just in case.

Zhou Sen knew that Jiang Rou could understand. Although his call was risky, he didn't say anything except Xinshi Street.

I didn't disclose any details of the case, but if Xinshi Street Yiyou Bookstore is really a point of my underground party organization, Jiang Rou will notify the people associated with it to evacuate as soon as possible, just in case.

This is emergency avoidance, and it is also an experience bought in blood.

Fortunately, Jiang Rou didn't need to be on stage today, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to find an excuse to go out now. She could make a direct call, but if she could not make this call, try not to make it.

After finding a reason and explaining it, Jiang Rou quickly left the new stage.


On Zhou Sen's side, after confiscating all the books and items in Yiyou Bookstore, they moved to the special warehouse of the Police Department.

There were a lot of things, and they were directly transported back to the police station, and there was no place to put them there. Basically, a few of the confiscated printed materials were kept as evidence, and most of them were directly destroyed after the case was over after the inspection and statistics.

"Director, there are a lot of negative plates of this kind of printing here. It seems that this printing workshop has existed for a long time..."

"Check where the paper and ink used for printing come from." Zhou Sen ordered casually.


Although he knew that this would affect many people, this was the normal procedure of the Puppet Manchukuo police department.

If he doesn't say anything, someone will follow this clue to investigate. If they find something related and spend money to eliminate the disaster, it doesn't matter, then it will be bad luck, but generally those who can do paper and ink business have certain social relationship.

Ink can be formulated by oneself, but paper cannot be produced by itself, but it is generally not difficult to find the source.

Bulk purchases are certainly documented.

"Zhou Sen, in the case of Yiyou Bookstore, you submit the report on the confiscated evidence to Police Officer Tang Fei of Pugao. He is in charge of the specific investigation of this case." Aoki suddenly appeared in the evidence warehouse and ordered Zhou Sen.

"Okay." Zhou Sen agreed without hesitation.

He didn't want to get involved in this kind of case. Since he wasn't in charge, it would be best.

"The director is exhausted. It's too much for people with ordinary stocks to make meritorious service..." Zhou Sen assigned several people to work on this case, except for Anna.

"Who are these anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese people? Don't you know that if you really meet them, is it the credit or your life that matters?" Zhou Sen asked back.

"Director, aren't we arguing for you!" one of the police officers named Yu Xueming complained.

"It's best to be safe and sound in our line of business. If you want to go out with us to handle the case and file a report, I'll just approve it."

"Director, I'm just talking casually. I'm the only child in my family. I haven't married yet and have a son. If something happens to me, how will my parents live..."

(End of this chapter)

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