Chapter 231 The Case
"Xiao Yu, call and order some food to be delivered, I'll treat you!" Seeing that it was getting dark outside, Zhou Sen ordered Yu Xueming.

It's been a busy afternoon, and everyone is hungry.

There must be meals in the cafeteria in the hall, but they come and go, not to mention wasting time, and I don’t know what time it is after get off work.

It's better to ask the restaurant to deliver the food. Zhou Sen also wants to improve the relationship with his subordinates, so it won't do him any harm.

"Okay, Director, I know that there is a restaurant nearby that makes stewed chicken in an iron pot, why don't we just order one?"

"Is one serving enough for the five of us?" Zhou Sen asked.

"That's definitely not enough, I have to order some other dishes." Yu Xueming said.

"Okay, don't call someone to give it away, you can buy it yourself." Zhou Sen directly took out an old sheep from his wallet, "The extra money will buy breakfast for everyone tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Director!"

Yu Xueming took the money and ran out happily.

Although the case of the "Yiyou" bookstore was an accident, many underground workers were exposed because they were careless and careless.

It stands to reason that such a mistake should not be made under such a severe and cruel struggle environment, but in fact.

It is human nature to make mistakes, and it is impossible not to make mistakes.

Some mistakes are made, and there is still a chance to correct them, but some mistakes, once made, there is no possibility of regretting.

People are not machines, and in many cases, it cannot be guaranteed that everyone has the same cognitive quality.

The lesson is to keep committing, correcting, and committing again and again. The underground staff is uneven, which is also one of the reasons.

It is not uncommon for some people to do bad things with good intentions out of simple ideas.

According to the information collected from the "Yiyou" bookstore, this bookstore is not only a transportation station for the underground party organization in Bingcheng, but also regularly organizes study meetings, because he discovered the materials for study and exchange.

He had to find a way to delay the time and give these people time to transfer or leave.

But even if he wants to suppress it, it is impossible to delay it for too long. After all, he is not alone here.

It depends on whether Jiang Rou can notify the news in time.

Also, the boss and guy who were arrested should be comrades at the traffic station. If they would rather die than submit, then that's okay, if there is a soft bone among them, then the problem will be troublesome.

He is not in charge of this case, and many things are out of his control, so now he can only take one step forward and take another step forward.

It seems that staying up late tonight is for sure.


"Director, Director, Officer Tang from Pugaogu is here!" Zhou Sen stared for a while before being woken up by a voice.

He raised his head, rubbed his eyes, and saw a policeman in his 30s, with red eyes and open neckline, looking haggard.

"Oh, Officer Tang, why are you here? I haven't sorted out the report yet..." Zhou Sen said hastily. The other party actually has the same police rank as him, but he is senior and belongs to the senior.

"Director Zhou, your evidence data analysis is too slow. My interrogation is still waiting for you to provide us with the corresponding data!" Tang Fei said very dissatisfied.

"You also know that a lot of things were confiscated. We registered them one by one and then analyzed them to form a report. This will not affect your interrogation, right?" Zhou Sen said, "The evidence is solid, how should you interrogate them? How to judge."

"They're all hard bones, and they don't admit it to life or death. You haven't seen these Communist parties. They are really stones in a latrine, smelly and hard!" Tang Fei cursed angrily.

"I've never seen the Communist Party, so I don't know what kind of people they are, but these people dare to make trouble under our noses, they are really too brave!" Zhou Sen said with a chuckle.

"Yes, these people are very difficult to deal with, but as long as you can pry their mouths open, it will be a great achievement!" Tang Fei could see bloodshot eyes, it seemed that he hadn't slept all night and was interrogating The prisoner is gone.

"Officer Tang, as soon as my report is completed, I will send it to you. It won't delay your arrest and meritorious service." Zhou Sen said.

"I'm just here to see if there are any clues in these materials?" Tang Fei said.

"Currently, there are some clues. Our research on the data found that this 'Yiyou' bookstore is indeed a stronghold of the CCP's Bingcheng underground party organization, but it may be the same as what we raided before. It is a learning point for their development offline ..." Zhou Sen said carefully.

"Recently, they haven't been active in Ice City very frequently. The main reason is that our strategy of 'withdrawing villages and merging them' has been a great success, separating them from the team in the mountains. It is difficult for them to do anything in the city. Complete destruction is not far away." Tang Fei sneered.

"Of course, but I don't know much about them, so I have to ask Officer Tang for advice in some cases!" Zhou Sen chuckled.

"You're welcome. Director Zhou's teacher is the governor of Shibuya. The future is limitless. Maybe Tang will have to ask you to support him a little bit."

"Officer Tang is serious!"

"Director, I brought back breakfast, sesame seed cakes, deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk..."

"Officer Tang, let's eat something together. We bought too much and we can't finish it." Zhou Sen invited Tang Fei with a smile.

"It's been a whole night of interrogation. I'm really hungry, so I won't be polite." Tang Fei really wanted to build a good relationship with Zhou Sen.

After all, in this case, Zhou Sen was the partner assigned to him by his superiors, and if the case was solved, he also deserved his share of the credit.

"This sesame seed cake is really delicious, is it the one on Station Street?"

"Team Tang is right. It's that one. I bought it after waiting in line for a long time." Yu Xueming said.

"Director Zhou, you're a good guy." Tang Fei praised, "I'm not used to drinking soy milk, just bring me a bowl of hot water."

"The higher-ups in this case may ask, Director Zhou, when the time comes, I may have to trouble you to report with me."

"This is no problem, I will cooperate anytime."

Tang Fei left after eating two biscuits. He had to continue the interrogation when he returned.

On Zhou Sen's side, he knew that he couldn't drag it any longer, so he had to sort out the clues immediately, so as not to be questioned and bring unnecessary doubts to himself.

After such a long time, Jiang Rou should have been notified, and those who should be transferred should have been transferred.

I washed my face with cold water.


This case has attracted the attention of the higher authorities, especially the newly appointed Matsuda Kikuo, who has not solved any major cases since he took office.

Regardless of whether this case is big or not, for Matsuda Juo, this is a breakthrough. Maybe this case will become the biggest "underground party" case since he took office.

Zhou Sen, who was still rushing to report, was notified and immediately went to the conference room of the Police Department for a meeting. The moderator of the meeting was Nosuke Akiyama, and Matsuda Kikuo wanted to listen to the case report.

When Zhou Sen arrived, the meeting room was full of people, and he was the last one, but Matsuda Kikuo didn't make things difficult for him.

It seems that Akiyama's help has explained it in advance.

Presentation and analysis of the case.

The cause of the case is not complicated.

It was a guy surnamed Xu from the 'Yiyou' bookstore who privately took the defective printed products home and used them as toilet paper.

Then, his neighbor, a man named Dong Yishan, came to his house as a guest. He felt anxious and went to the toilet of his house.

I found out that this guy actually used these slogans of "Anti-Manchukuo and Anti-Japanese" as toilet paper for toilets. It was nothing at all, but this Dong Yishan was actually a smart person. He found that these slogans were printed with defective products, so he secretly Hide the two pieces of paper and come to the police station to inform the police.

When Tang Fei, who was in charge of receiving the informant, Dong Yishan heard this, he immediately guessed that this guy surnamed Xu had an unusual identity. Otherwise, how could he have so many defective printed slogans of "Anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese".

The people in the police department were helping the gendarmerie to capture the escaped Soviet Russian prisoners. As a result, Tang Fei needed help, and the good thing happened to Zhou Sen.

It was originally a small case, but when it was checked, it turned out to be a big case. This small and inconspicuous "Yiyou" bookstore actually hid such a big secret. party organization.

Such a big fish was caught by Tang Fei inadvertently. He was excited that he had the opportunity to handle such a case.

But he was quickly hit.

If he doesn't catch people, but just monitors and observes, and finds out who is on and off the line, and then he does it, he may dig more fish.

But now that he has already caught people, with the reaction and efficiency of the other party, I am afraid that the people and places related to him will be empty.

And doing so would be tantamount to scaring the snake away, and I'm afraid there won't be such a good opportunity again.

Matsuda Kikuo had just arrived and didn't understand the situation, so he came here in high spirits and wanted to have a big fight, but in the end, after the meeting was over, he went back with a dark face.

Of course, taking away a CCP’s underground transportation station in Bingcheng is also a credit, but compared to taking over the CCP’s underground special committee in Bingcheng, it is nothing.

If the arrested person confessed immediately, it would be a mess, and now 24 hours have passed.

Those who should run have already run away, and those who can't run away have also hidden. You may be able to catch a few small fish and shrimp later, but it is of little significance.

Zhou Sen witnessed the whole process of Tang Fei being bullied during the meeting. It was really aggrieved, but he also knew that these people were not targeting Tang Fei, but Matsuda Junan.

Ice City is not Kyoto. There are rules for doing things here. If you don’t understand the situation, it’s better not to point fingers at will.

After the meeting, Zhou Sen was called to the office by Akiyama Nosuke.

Obviously, what Akiyama nosuke cares about is not the case of "Yiyou" bookstore itself, but the dominance of the case.

The case of the Secret Service Division is naturally handled by the Secret Service Division. Although Matsuda Kikuo is the boss, but if he wants to intervene in the case, it is obvious that he wants to accept the authority of the Secret Service Division.

Akiyama's help cannot openly confront it, but he can use other methods to break the situation, for example, placing his own people among those handling the case.

If Matsuda Kikuo wanted to handle the case, he needed someone, so he couldn't do it himself. After controlling the people below, Matsuda Kikuo could only be powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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