Chapter 237
"Let's go, come back next time when we have a chance." Zhou Sen comforted Bai Yulan, although it was only a short two days.

But the harvest is not small, at least I found out that Bai Yulan has a younger uncle whose family has moved to the pass, and he may still be alive.

Then I took a look at the street scene of Fengtian and bought some small things.

Women's shopping is nothing more than clothes, bags, jewelry, and cosmetics. This time, I brought Wu En, a big coolie, to buy things, and I am not afraid that no one will carry them.

Although Zhou Sen didn't go shopping, Bai Yulan still missed him and bought him a pair of sunglasses and a lighter.

Zhou Sen also had a lighter, but it was a high-end product, much worse than the one Bai Yulan bought for him.

After Zhou Sen got it, he couldn't put it down. As for the sunglasses, they are couple models, so he is naturally your favorite.

He didn't give Bai Yulan any presents yet, except that he bought a pair of rings when he got married, and when he was out of the house, his wealth was not revealed, so the two of them didn't wear them, but kept them at home.

It has nothing to do with Fengtian, they can only buy the train tickets to Xinjing in an honest line.

Tickets are tight.

Soft sleeper tickets have long been sold out, only hard sleeper.

Hard sleeper is hard sleeper, four people can just buy it together, there is no need to separate, anyway, just deal with it for one night.

"Axiang, Wu En, you two sleep on the upper bunk, and Yulan and I sleep on the lower bunk!" Zhou Sen said after he came in and put the suitcase away.

"Hey, good."

"I'm going out to smoke a cigarette." Zhou Sen took out a cigarette, opened the door and walked out onto the corridor. By this time, the passengers had basically boarded the train and were waiting for the departure time.

Zhou Sen took out the lighter, lit it, took a puff, and opened the window a gap, the cold wind blew on his face, it was a sudden shiver.

"Sir, would you please step aside?"

Hearing this voice, Zhou Sen turned his head slightly, and a pretty face that could be broken by bullets came into view. He never expected that it was actually an acquaintance.

Su Yun was also stunned, why did she feel so familiar with the face in front of her, but for a while, she couldn't remember where she saw it.

Seeing that Su Yun didn't recognize him, Zhou Sen didn't want to be bothered, so he turned sideways and lowered his voice: "I'm sorry, miss, please go slowly."

"Thank you." Su Yun quickly thanked him, and quickly walked over from his side. From the corner of his eyes, Zhou Sen found that the carriage Su Yun was in was not far from them, two carriages away.

The one who opened the door for her was also a woman, probably the servant girl who served her.

After smoking a cigarette and letting go of the smell, Zhou Sen raised his hand and closed the car window before returning to his car.

Bai Yulan handed over a peeled orange, and Zhou Sen smiled, stretched out his hand to take it, broke it open, and put a petal into his mouth: "It's so sweet."

"I knew Brother Sen would say sweet, but Wu En actually said that oranges are sour." Ah Xiang heard it and snorted.

Zhou Sen chuckled: "Anything, as long as it is given to me by your sister Yulan, even poison, is sweet."

When Bai Yulan heard this, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with smiles: "What nonsense are you talking about in front of them?"

"I'm teaching by precept and example, so that they won't understand anything in the future and miss out on a beautiful marriage." Zhou Sen chuckled.

If Ah Xiang is really with this wood like Wu En, he doesn't mind, but I'm afraid that this girl, Ah Xiang, looks down on Wu En.

Ah Xiang's vision is not ordinary, Wu En, let's find a kind and simple girl.

The train moves.

"Cigarettes, peanuts, melon seeds, soft drinks..." The sound of the snack cart came in.

Zhou Sen opened the door, sold a pack of peanuts and melon seeds, and sold four bottles of soda. He couldn't sleep for a while, so he might as well find something to do.

If it was him and Bai Yulan, they would be bored together, and they would be able to pass the time without doing anything.

Now that there are two more people, let's find something else, such as playing poker.

Four people, drinking soda, eating snacks, and playing poker, the time passes easily, but playing anything for a long time will cause burnout.

Bai Yulan and the others went shopping for a whole day today, and after an hour or two of mental competition, they started yawning.

So Zhou Sen ended the game, turned off the lights, and let them all go to sleep.

The sound insulation effect of the car was not as good as the soft sleeper car they took before, and there was no heating, but the inside of the car was much warmer than the outside.

But the air is much worse. If you are in the same carriage with outsiders, you will meet someone who has not bathed for a month, and then releases the stinky feet, that smell...

The train "boom, boom" was running on the rails, and it was pitch black outside. Apart from the outlines of some distant mountains, I didn't know where I was.

There are many pickpockets and thieves on this kind of train, and many of them are in collusion with the police on the train.

So, be alert when you sleep.

Generally, this kind of people will step on it when they get on the bus. At night, almost everyone will do it when they are asleep, or when the passengers get off the bus.

Because this is the time when people's defenses are weakest.

There will also be courageous thieves patronizing the sleeper cars. This kind of person is either a bold person with high skills, or there is a share of the spoils behind his back.

If I was caught, nothing would happen, as long as the marshals and mud behind me, I could fool them with a sentence of "going to the wrong car".

Generally, as long as there is no loss, the passengers will not care about it, because the passengers are always in a weak position, and if they insist on making things big, then it will be themselves who will suffer.

Thieves generally don't steal soft sleepers and guests in high-end carriages. They don't dare. If the other party's background is too big, not only will he be unable to eat and walk around, but he will also implicate the people behind him.

Therefore, the ordinary hard-sleeper and hard-seat passengers were selected to start. These people have no background, and if they are stolen, they can only swallow their anger and think they are unlucky.

Zhou Sen and his party consisted of four people, with a lot of luggage and good clothes. Obviously, they were not short of money. As soon as such a fat sheep got in the car, they were targeted.

Of course Zhou Sen didn't know that he was being targeted. He wasn't a god and could predict the future, but he knew.

There are many thieves on the train, so be careful.

So, when going to bed, not only locked the door, but also hung a bell on the handle behind the door.

As long as the bell rings, he will wake up immediately.

Zhou Sen lay down with his clothes together, and when he was in a drowsy sleep, he suddenly felt a slight "ding bell" sound coming from him.

He immediately opened his eyes and looked towards the carriage door. A sharp knife slowly poked in through the crack of the door and touched Zhou Sen's copper bell hanging on the doorknob.

But this guy didn't seem to be able to hear the sound of the bell, and was still slowly turning the latch on the door, bit by bit.

This guy is pretty patient.

Zhou Sen slowly sat up from the bed. If it were a year ago, he might still be a little nervous and afraid, after all, the other party is a thief with a murder weapon.

But after the special training, if he is still afraid of such a small thief, then the special training will be in the stomach of a dog.

Quietly picked up a towel hanging on the table, slowly stood up.

There was a soft "click".

The man outside the door smiled "hehe", and quickly drew the dagger away. This action seemed extremely skilled, and it seemed that he did it often.

Just as he slowly pushed the car, he saw the target person standing in front of him, and he was stunned for a moment.

He just ran away!
Could Zhou Sen give him a chance? He swept the wet towel in his hand and slapped him on the face.

Under the pain, evil grew from his gallbladder, and the dagger in his hand stabbed towards Zhou Sen's chest.

How could Zhou Sen give him a chance? The towel rolled towards his arm again, crossed it, and twisted his arm.


With a scream, the thief couldn't stand on his feet, and suddenly knelt down on the corridor.

Zhou Sen ignored him, grabbed him off the ground, tied his arms behind his head, and said, "Get up, follow me to the police."

Bai Yulan and the others in the carriage were also awakened by the sound of fighting, and they were also quite frightened when they saw Zhou Sen subdue the thief.

"Wuen, guard the carriage and protect them." Zhou Sen picked up the thief, "I'll go back as soon as I go."

"Yes, Brother Sen."


"Let me go, or I promise you won't be able to get off this train!" The captured thief actually threatened.

"Really, then I'm going to try and see if I can get off this train." Zhou Sen smiled coldly.

"Boy, don't rely on your kung fu, be careful of your flowery wife, tell you, I'm not the only one in this car..."

"If you dare to touch her, I promise you won't see the sun tomorrow!" This touched Zhou Sen's back.

"Then wait and see!"

A marshal rushed in with a baton, saw the thief under Zhou Sen's control, and shouted: "Sir, please release him immediately, otherwise, we will not be polite to you!"

"This man sneaked into my car just now, ready to commit murder. This is the murder weapon he just held in his hand. You asked me to let him go?" Zhou Sen snorted coldly.

"We only saw that you were holding a murder weapon in your hand, let him go, otherwise, we will be rude to you!" The policeman had already raised his siren and began to call the other policemen in the car.

"It seems that you have been colluding for a long time. No wonder this guy threatened me brazenly just now. If I don't let him go, he won't be able to get off this train?" Zhou Sen could see that these policemen and thieves were on the same team. of.

"Let me go, otherwise, you will be in bad luck!" Seeing this, the thief continued to threaten Zhou Sen.

"I want the train conductor." Zhou Sen said.

"Is the train conductor the one you want to see? If you don't let him go, don't blame us." The policeman waved his hand, and several conductors were about to step forward to take Zhou Sen down.

At this time, almost everyone in the carriage was awakened by the movement outside. They opened the door and poked their heads out to watch the excitement.

"It seems that you will stop crying when you see the coffin." Zhou Sen made a backhand, and directly stabbed the dagger fiercely into the thigh of the thief.

"Ah!" A shrill scream came from the carriage.

"You dare..." Seeing this, the marshal became furious. No one had ever dared to hurt anyone in front of him. If he doesn't take down this tough guy today, how will he hang around on this line in the future?

"Call the train conductor, I don't want to say it a second time." Zhou Sen said coldly.

Seeing that Zhou Sen was so confident, the policeman obviously murmured in his heart, if the other party really had something to do and offended him severely, then the time would be...

"Okay, you wait, I want to see how long you can be arrogant when the train conductor arrives!" The policeman put down a harsh sentence and told his men to keep an eye on Zhou Sen, and he went to find the conductor himself.

(End of this chapter)

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