Chapter 238 Arriving in Xinjing
It is inevitable that the train conductors on the Nanman Railway are all Japanese. The Japanese will not give such important positions to the Chinese.

The Japanese are not tall, usually about 1.6 meters, which is slightly worse than the malnourished Chinese. There is no way, their genes are like this.

This kind of saying can only be changed through the improvement of human race.

What the Japanese like to do most is to "borrow seeds".

This is a digression, let’s not talk about it, the marshal quickly called a 40-year-old Japanese man who was not tall and slightly fat.

Judging by the uniform on his body, he should be the conductor of this train.

"I'm Tian Yuan, the conductor of this car. Sir, let him go first, and we can talk." Tian Yuan was very capable, restrained and polite. Obviously, he has dealt with such incidents before. experience.

Listening to the other party's poor Chinese, Zhou Sen simply said in Japanese: "Tian Yuan-kun, if I let him go, can I still get off this train?"

When Tian Yuan heard this, his color changed immediately.

And the marshal was even more frightened. You know, although Japan has occupied the Northeast for many years and promoted enslavement education, making it compulsory for all primary and secondary schools to learn Japanese, there are still a small number of Chinese who can speak Japanese fluently.

And he didn't even know the identity of the other party just now, if the other party is Japanese, then he will be kicked on the iron board this time.

And the Japanese who can wear such good clothes and have servants by their side, would they be ordinary people?
"Who is your Excellency?"

Zhou Sen took out a document from his pocket and handed it over: "This is only for you to see, not for others."

Tian Yuan reached out to take it suspiciously, and when the lights in the car were turned on, he saw the contents clearly, and was immediately startled.

This is a document issued by the intelligence agency of the Kwantung Army. He has seen it before, and when he saw the guy who was held hostage, he understood what was going on.

This guy didn't mention the iron plate, but the steel plate.

With this certificate, even if the other party killed the person on the spot, that would be nothing.

Tian Yuan quickly closed the ID, stood at attention and bowed, and returned the ID to Zhou Sen with both hands: "I'm sorry, I didn't do my job well, and I surprised you."

"Tian Yuan-kun, I want this person to disappear from this train, can you do it?" Zhou Sen let go of the thief and said.

"No problem." With a wave of Tian Yuan's hand, two flight attendants came up, dragged the injured thief away without any explanation, then walked to the door of the carriage, opened the door, and threw him out.


It was freezing outside, and it was in an unknown wilderness. If this guy was injured, there was a high probability that he would not freeze to death, or be dragged away and eaten by wild beasts. The probability of survival was extremely small.

And the aggressive policeman who saw this scene felt his back go cold. He knew that if Zhou Sen pursued it and Tian Yuan spoke, he would also have to be thrown down.

"Mr. Tian Yuan, I'm going to get off at Xinjing Station. Please don't bother me if I have nothing to do." Zhou Sen ordered, Tian Yuan, a train conductor, is nothing in Zhou Sen's eyes. What he is useful now is Vasim's identity.

So, don't be too respectful to him.

"Understood, you have a good rest, I'm causing you trouble." Tian Yuan also knew that the other party had a lot of background, there was no need to offend a thief, let alone such a person's death would not be a pity.

Zhou Sen glanced at the marshal coldly, but didn't say anything, he didn't want to make unnecessary troubles for himself.

But Tahara probably won't let him go. The Japanese are always narrow-minded, and he will not be soft on this marshal who almost made him unlucky. Losing his job would be easy.

If it wasn't for the thief who wanted to hurt someone, he would at most teach him a lesson and tell him to leave, so he wouldn't meddle in other people's business.

It's all right now, let's kill my own life.

"Don't watch the excitement, go to sleep!" The flight attendant yelled, and there were bursts of doors closing in the carriage.

The sleeper car quickly returned to calm, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Zhou Sen also returned to his room.

"Xiao Mori, are you okay, are you hurt?" Bai Yulan asked with concern.

"It's okay, a little thief, it's been dealt with." Zhou Sen said, "I didn't expect that we were already cautious enough, but we were still targeted."

"It's better to be careful when going out." Bai Yulan nodded.

"Go to sleep, we will arrive in Xinjing in a few hours, and no one will disturb you anymore." Zhou Sen chuckled.

If such a thing happened, Tian Yuan would definitely arrange someone to guard here, so as not to let similar things happen again.

And separated by two rooms, there were four people living there, two men and two women, similar to Zhou Sen and his party. They were Feng Hua and Su Yun's party who returned to Bingcheng from Beiping.

They should have returned to Bingcheng for the New Year.

"Xiaoyun, did you see clearly, it's really him?" Feng Hua asked Su Yun seriously, he was not familiar with Zhou Sen, he just met Zhou Sen, so it wasn't considered acquaintance.

"Well, actually, when I got on the bus at Fengtian Station, I took a photo with him in the corridor, but at that time, I just thought he looked familiar, so I didn't recognize him for a while. I looked carefully just now, and it was really him." Su Yun Said for sure.

"Isn't he a little policeman in Bibingcheng? How did he come to Fengtian? Also, who is with him? Have you seen it?" Feng Hua still looked down on Zhou Sen, a little policeman who relies on women for his position. .

"No, I saw him alone." Su Yundao, "Since we met, maybe we went back to Ice City together, or, let's find a chance to say hello tomorrow?"

"Did he recognize you when he got in the car?"

"Maybe not……"

"Since I didn't recognize him, I'm not very familiar with him, so why bother to say hello?" Feng Hua knew that Zhou Sen was not dead, but he was afraid that Su Yun would find out, and he secretly invited him to the city park in Su Yun's name in an attempt to The secret that killed him.

This time, their plan to return to Bingcheng to get married will be completely ruined.

It took him nearly a year to coax Su Yun back, which can be said to be exhausting.

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get back to Ice City." Su Yun nodded. She hoped to meet Zhou Sen on the train, but considering Feng Hua was nearby, she thought it was better not to let them meet.


"What did you show that train conductor, he was very respectful to you." Bai Yulan asked curiously.

"You're fine, it's a document issued by a Japanese." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Can I have a look?"

"Of course." Zhou Sen didn't refuse, took out the certificate and handed it to Bai Yulan.

Bai Yulan opened it, her eyes narrowed slightly, this certificate is a proper "license to kill", as long as she doesn't encounter bigger ones, no one will dare to offend.

"Is this certificate real?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise how can we make the train conductor submit?" Zhou Sen said, "Actually, if you can use this thing, you don't need it. There's nothing to show off."

"You put it away. If you lose this thing, you will be in trouble." Bai Yulan returned the certificate to Zhou Sen.

"Yulan, this thing is just an amulet to me. It has no other use." Zhou Sen explained, "That's why I took it with me when I was out this time. Less trouble."

Bai Yulan nodded.

If it wasn't for this today, what happened to them on the train would have been really troublesome,

"I'm afraid that you will forget that you are still a Chinese after taking advantage of the power given by the Japanese," Bai Yulan said softly.

"Don't worry, I know who I am." Zhou Sen nodded.


After the train stops at Xinjing Station.

All passengers have to get off the train. Those who arrive at the station will leave directly, and those who continue north will have to change trains. Zhou Sen and others will stay in Xinjing temporarily.

So, after getting off the bus, we headed straight out of the station.

Xinjing was originally a small city with less than 10 people. After the Japanese designated it as the capital of the puppet Manchukuo, they carried out planning and construction.

In just a few years, it has become a city with a population of several 10. Moreover, this city is basically newly built, and it is in accordance with the Japanese style, which is neither middle nor foreign. Not bad, but there's always a sense of incongruity.

The roads in the city are very wide, with trees planted on both sides, neatly trimmed, and street lights, the roads are very straight.

This is a drawing on a blank sheet of paper, and the Japanese obviously want to turn Xinjing into their other Kyoto, or another Tokyo.

Moreover, the geographical location of Xinjing is in the center of Manchuria, and it is the closest to the route to the main island of Japan.

It is undeniable that the Japanese really want to build this city, but their purpose is to invade and occupy other people's land and enslave the people of other countries.

No matter how well he builds this city, it cannot change their greedy, cruel and shameless nature.

Out of the train station, diagonally opposite is the famous landmark building of Xinjing, the Yamato Hotel. There are a total of seven Yamato hotels in Manchuria, which are managed by the Hotel Section of the Ministry of Transport of Manchuria.

The Yamato Hotel is not something that ordinary people can live in. They have to be dignitaries of the Puppet Manchukuo and officers of the rank of the Japanese Army Major. The accommodation fee for one night is enough for an ordinary house for several months. Moreover, if you have money, you may not be able to live in it if you are not high enough.

Even if they are able to live again, they won't live there, it's too high-profile.

There are still quite a few hotels in Xinjing, and the environment is not bad. Zhou Sen found a hotel called "Chunhe" about 200 meters away from the train station.

The name sounds a bit Japanese, but when the boss opens his mouth, he is an authentic Chinese.

Zhou Sen still reserved three rooms, a big room for him and Bai Yulan, and a smaller room for Axiang and Wu En.

Settled down, put your luggage.

Zhou Sen invited the three of them to go out for dinner. It was the first time for them to come to Xinjing, and they didn't know what to eat, so they walked casually.

"Xiao Mori, there is a dumpling restaurant in front of us. We haven't eaten dumplings for a long time, why don't we go eat dumplings." Bai Yulan's eyes were good, and she saw a dumpling restaurant in front of her.

"Okay, let's eat dumplings for the first meal in Xinjing!" Zhou Sen nodded.

It's still early for this guy, there are not many customers in the dumpling restaurant, sitting in twos and threes, inside the stove, the hot water in the cauldron is boiling, and after a while, a plate of dumplings is brought up, crystal clear and lovely, exuding steam the heat.

The four of Zhou Sen ordered six plates of dumplings. Wu En has a big appetite, and one plate is definitely not enough. There are pork and mutton fillings.

After seven or eight minutes, the dumplings were served to them.

The taste of this dumpling restaurant is good, the skin is thin and the stuffing is delicious and juicy, otherwise the business would not be so good.

When they come to Xinjing this time, the second is to play and relax. The main purpose is to inspect the market in Xinjing and see if the next step is to open a "Sen" tea shop in Xinjing. He is not Father Anthony, he is a free man, and he can be used as a Leaving at will under the pretext of business, the person in charge of "Leo" is not so easy to be.

Of course, Zhou Sen also has his own goals. On Xinjing's side, he wants to meet more than one person. He still has to worry about what excuses he can use to separate from Bai Yulan and act alone.

(End of this chapter)

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