Chapter 264 Interrogation
"Let's divide the work first. There are eight people in total. I will interrogate the boss, Qiao Sanlang. For the remaining seven people, the two girls will be handed over to Anna. The sixth child, you pick three. After the trial, who will come first?"


"Okay, Yumei, you and me, Cheng Yunfeng and Anna, Yu Xueming and Gu Laoliu, Xiaomeng will be the mouthpiece."


"Since there is no problem, let's start." Zhou Sen announced.


Interrogation room.

Qiao Sanlang was escorted in by two Japanese prison guards in black student uniforms wearing handcuffs and shackles. Zhou Sen signaled and removed Qiao Sanlang's handcuffs and shackles.

"Boss Qiao, please sit down." Zhou Sen said politely.

Qiao Sanlang gave Zhou Sen a cold look, walked over and sat down on the chair in front of Zhou Sen.

Although he was not tortured after being locked in, staying in a dark and cold cell this night is really not a place for people to stay.

They were not given food, not even a sip of water.

In such a cold day, this is obviously a kind of torture.

"Xiaomeng, pour a cup of hot water in." Seeing that Qiao Sanlang's frozen lips were a little purple, he ordered Xiaomeng outside the door.

When Xiaomeng brought in the hot water, Zhou Sen brought it over himself: "Boss Qiao, drink some hot water to warm up your body."

Qiao Sanlang looked up at Zhou Sen, reached out tremblingly to take the water glass, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip. Maybe the water was just boiled and it was a little hot. He tilted his mouth and snorted. .

"The water is too hot, why don't you drink it later?" Zhou Sen noticed that the water was too hot, and Qiao Sanlang was in a hurry to drink it.

The weather was extremely cold, and the temperature of the water became cold very quickly. After a while, the temperature of the water in the cup dropped and it was ready for drinking.

Zhou Sen was not in a hurry to interrogate, but waited until Qiao Sanlang finished drinking the water, then turned around and walked to his seat and sat down.

"Boss Qiao, we are old acquaintances, and you know why we arrested you. If you tell the truth, maybe you can get a lighter sentence. If you refuse to explain, then don't blame me for not thinking about the past." The relationship is over." Zhou Sen shouted.

"Officer Zhou, what do you want me to explain? I'm a good citizen with a small business. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so you arrested me. Is there any law?" Qiao Sanlang looked up at Zhou. Sen denied.

"It seems that you will stop crying when you see the coffin." Zhou Sen said coldly, "We found more than a dozen prohibited books and publications from your bookstore, which were strictly prohibited from being printed, sold and circulated by the authorities. , what crime are you selling these books and publications in your bookstore, don’t you know?”

"Officer Zhou, the authorities have not given us a list of prohibited books and publications. How do we know which book is a prohibited book and which one is not? Besides, I am a book seller, not a book reader. What, I don't understand, how do I know that the contents inside are prohibited?" Qiao Sanlang heheed and defended.

"The book you entered by yourself, you don't know what's in it?" Hong Yumei questioned.

"This female police officer, I put in hundreds of books at a time, and I can still read them all. I can only take a rough look at the titles of the books, or I will put in whatever books the above booksellers give me, like me. Small booksellers have no right to choose."


"Okay, just tell us the name of your upper-level bookseller, and we'll just check it out." Zhou Sen then asked.

"I don't have all the records, the two police officers just go and check." Qiao Sanlang said as if he wanted to.

"I don't care where your books come from. What I'm talking about is your problem. If your higher-level bookseller has a problem, we will investigate." Zhou Sen said coldly, "Qiao Sanlang, your attitude is relaxed. Be upright, don't be too stubborn, and make yourself uncomfortable."

"Tell me about the seven people at your place, five men and two women?" Zhou Sen didn't dwell on this issue, and directly changed the subject.

"Those seven people are regular customers in my store. They often come to rent books and read books, and occasionally buy books, that's all." Qiao Sanlang explained lightly.

"Ordinary customers, would you give them the lounge as a place for secret gatherings, close the store, and watch them at the door?"

"I didn't close the store. It's just that every afternoon I close the store for inventory. Is this normal? As for the lookout, I work in my own store, so how can I count it as a lookout?" Qiao Sanlang asked back.

"Okay, even if what you said is true, why are seven of them allowed to enter your store and your lounge on the inventory day?"

"I took stock. They read books and discussed in it without affecting each other. I can still have a certain income. Why not do it."

"Don't you know what they're doing in there?"

"I don't know. It's their personal privacy. As long as it's not illegal, why should I ask?" Qiao Sanlang said, "When customers come to my bookstore to buy books, do I have to check their identities? I'm not a policeman. "

"So, your relationship with them is just the relationship between an ordinary boss and a customer?"

"To be precise, they are more familiar with me than ordinary customers. Compared with you, Police Officer Zhou, they are just regular customers." Qiao Sanlang replied.

"Can you provide the identities of the seven of them?"

"I know the name, but as for what I do, where I work, where I live, and how many people are there, I don't know."

"Tell me everything you know." Zhou Sen gestured to Hong Yumei to record.

Before coming in, Zhou Sen had already arranged for someone to take photos. This is a procedure. Everyone has filled out the form. Now it is also a procedure to ask Qiao Sanlang to identify them.

Seven people, five men and two women, the men are Liu Shuangbai, Zhao Changqing, Qin Shengtao, Wang Ze and Tian Fu, and the two women are Chen Lijuan and Liang Yanxia.

Among the seven people, three have graduated from school and have jobs, and the remaining four are still students.

Liu Shuangbai, Wang Ze, and Chen and Liang are all students of Bingcheng Medical University. Liu Shuangbai and Liang Yanxia are still boyfriend and girlfriend. Qin Shengtao is a mechanic for a tram company. Zhao Changqing works in a bank and graduated from Bingcheng Business School. It was Qin Shengtao's childhood friend who worked as a shredded apprentice at Laoba Duo Tobacco Factory...

Among the seven, the one with the worst educational background was Tian Fu, who dropped out of middle school after one year, and was sent to Laoba Duo Tobacco Factory by his family entrusted by someone.

"Take him down." Zhou se waved his hand to signal the prison guard to escort Qiao Sanlang back to his cell. This guy won't speak easily.

And his identity is also doomed, he can't speak, even if it's acting.

"Boss, why don't we continue to ask, Qiao Sanlang obviously has a lot of things to say, he must be lying!" Hong Yumei asked Zhou Sen incomprehensibly.

"I asked, will he say it?"

"Then give him torture. Under severe punishment, you won't believe him." Hong Yumei said firmly.

"Can you be sure that he will be able to speak under the punishment?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically.

"Under torture, is there anyone who can resist confession?" Hong Yumei was puzzled. She had seen the torture methods of the police department, and no one could endure torture without speaking.

"It is true that a large number of people confessed because they could not bear the pain of torture, but it is undeniable that there are still some people who cannot confess. Moreover, there are too many examples of torture. Since ancient times, many unjust cases have been caused by torture." Zhou Sen said, "Maybe you don't think it's nothing, that's how cases are handled, but if there are too many cases like this, can you and I sleep in peace?"

Hong Yumei was stunned when she heard this. She is a woman, and under normal circumstances it is not her turn to extract a confession by torture, but if a person knows that it is a bad thing and still does it, few people will feel at ease.

Only those who have no concept of right and wrong and no moral bottom line at all will have no feeling at all.

And usually such a person will not have a good end in the end. No matter how bad the world is, it will be dark, and one day it will still be on the right track.

"Boss, I understand." Hong Yumei nodded, she also didn't want to follow a ruthless and ruthless boss.

Liu Shuangbai was brought in. Zhou Sen didn't ask questions, but looked at the young man. According to the information he filled out, this little guy was only 19 years old, and he was studying clinical major at Bingcheng Medical University. He was only a sophomore this year.

Now he looks sluggish and wears a pair of short-sighted glasses with black frames, the fear in his eyes must be obvious.

"Liu Shuangbai, at this time, you should be studying the knowledge of curing diseases and saving lives in the classroom of the medical university, instead of hanging out with some idle people, talking high-spirited and discussing politics. You will not only ruin your own future, but also implicate your parents. Let them worry about you?" Zhou Sen taught directly and severely.

Liu Shuangbai didn't speak, but there was a hint of remorse in his eyes. He was probably impulsive, and he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

"Now I'm giving you a chance to tell what you know, and maybe you can go back to school." Zhou Sen continued, "It's the winter vacation right now, and no one knows about your situation."

"We're just discussing the drama club together..."

"The drama club, if it's your school's drama club, why do you want to be with social people like Qin Shengtao and Zhao Changqing?"

"The protagonist of our play is a mechanic worker. We don't have any life experience in this area, so we don't know how to act, so we asked Brother Qin Shengtao to help us..." Liu Shuangbai explained.

"The name of your play is "The Mechanic", right? Who wrote the script, who is the director, who are the actors, and who are the participants?" Zhou Sen asked.

"It's still in the screenwriting stage. The actors and everything have not yet been decided, because our script has not been completed yet." Liu Shuangbai said.

"That is to say, you gathered at 'Yiguzhai' just to discuss the script?" Zhou Sen frowned.

Although these young people were not able to collude with the confession, they had obviously taken relevant countermeasures before.

I don't know if it was arranged by Qiao Sanlang or they did it spontaneously. It is estimated that these young people have no experience in such struggles, so they should have been ordered by Qiao Sanlang in advance just in case.

However, the manuscripts that filled the table at that time were directly confiscated. These are all evidences, and it is impossible to quibble.

Qiao Sanlang probably didn't inform them. If he did, I'm afraid the consequences would be even more serious, because one of the seven people was an insider who reported anonymously.

It's just that it's not clear who the insider is, and everyone has to be interrogated to find out.

 Ask for double monthly passes!
(End of this chapter)

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