Chapter 265
Interrogation continues.

"Liang Yanxia, ​​if you don't tell the truth, when the time comes, others will repent and go out, but you will go to jail for refusing to tell the truth. Your studies and future will all be gone. And when you come out of jail, you and your boyfriend Is Liu Shuangbai still possible?" Zhou Sen said to Liang Yanxia with no reservations.

Liang Yanxia was also terrified. She was a little girl who had never experienced such a battle. She was so frightened by Zhou Sen's phone call that her face paled.

"It's not easy for your parents to provide for you to go to school. Your family is not a wealthy family. It is really too difficult to provide for a college student like you. Don't you think about it for them?"

"A girl, why do you want to get involved in political matters? Do you know what politics is? Do you have the ability to get involved?"


Zhou Sen's repeated questioning caused Liang Yanxia's psychological defense to collapse continuously until it completely collapsed.

"Officer, what did Liu Shuangbai say?" Liang Yanxia asked.

"We are asking you now, what he says is his business, the key is your attitude, what will you say." Zhou Sen said.

"We met at 'Yiguzhai', and later became close friends. Under Liu Shuangbai's introduction, I also joined a drama club in their school..."

Zhou Sen understood. A group of like-minded and passionate students set up a progressive drama club in the school.

Liu Shuangbai, Wang Ze and Chen Lijuan are the backbone members of the drama club, and Liang Yanxia joined later.

They also set up a screenwriting group in the drama club to write some dramas and then perform on stage.

This drama club has a certain reputation in Bingcheng Medical University. They use drama to spread the idea of ​​"resisting oppression".

It is impossible to directly publicize it. The police and the Japanese have banned their drama clubs long ago. They can only use the past to satirize the present and use various metaphors. The propaganda in enemy-occupied areas basically adopts similar technique.

In private, they have also come into contact with some "Marxist" ideas, but they are not too deep.

It was Qiao Sanlang, the owner of 'Yiguzhai' who provided these books and publications, but Liang Yanxia didn't know Qiao Sanlang's identity.

All I know is that Qiao Sanlang is quite capable, able to get these prohibited books, and dare to open such a bookstore in Bingcheng.

In addition, Qin Shengtao is the leader of their study group. Although he is not a medical student, he has already worked and has some social experience. He is also a passionate young man who is eager to learn and has a sense of justice.

He has a close relationship with Qiao Sanlang, and he presides over every afternoon study on the bookstore inventory day.

He is the person who is most familiar with the theory of 'communism' among the seven people. He often gives lectures to the big guys, and is honored by the big guys as "Brother Qin".

Zhao Changqing is Qin Shengtao's good friend. They were classmates in the past. After they graduated from school, they have always had a good relationship.

As for Zhao Changqing, he doesn't like to talk very much, but he looks very sinister, especially his face and smile are scary, so although we are together, we are not very close.

Tian Fu is Qin Shengtao's younger brother, almost a small follower, and he is entrusted with all the errands. He is quite honest and easy-going, and everyone has a good relationship with him.

And these people know each other, they are not in "Yiguzhai", but Zhao Changqing and Liu Shuangbai are cousins.

Otherwise, these two groups of people who seem to be completely out of touch on the surface would not be able to get together, but Qin Shengtao used to be a frequent visitor of "Yi Gu Zhai".

Liang Yanxia's side opened a gap. Even if this morning's interrogation had achieved a breakthrough, Zhou Sen's side took the longest time.

Anna and Gu Laoliu have already completed the preliminary review work.

Originally, Liang Yanxia was interrogated by Anna, but because of her relationship with Liu Shuangbai, Zhou Sen temporarily transferred her to him.

Anna naturally has opinions, but Zhou Sen is the boss, so she has opinions, so it's hard to say anything.

Zhou Sen had a meal at Songhua School at noon, and Zhou Sen specially ordered a table of food from an outside restaurant. Of course, Bei Ye and other prison guards who assisted in handling the case were also indispensable.

Because the interrogation will continue in the afternoon, naturally no alcohol is allowed at noon.

After dinner, a case analysis meeting was held to determine the direction of the next interrogation and the thinking of handling the case, because they only had three days and the case had to be closed.

"Everyone is very clear about the relationship between the characters, and there is no doubt about the finalization of this case. The banned books and study materials obtained from the scene are sufficient to show that this is a case of the Communist Party secretly spreading and instigating young people to 'resist Manchuria and Japan'. A typical case, this case must have the participation of the CCP’s underground party. Judging from the testimonies collected so far, two people are the most suspected, one is the boss of 'Yiguzhai', Qiao Sanlang. The bookstore found banned books about 'communism'. Also, he provided learning places for Qin Shengtao and others. Even though he is not an underground party, he has an extremely close relationship. The second person is Qin Shengtao, a mechanic of the city tram company... ..."

"I agree with Zhou Sen's analysis. Next, we will focus our work on Qiao Sanlang and Qin Shengtao. One of these two people must be the CCP, or both. After many rounds of attacks by us, the personnel The loss is heavy, and there is an urgent need to replenish fresh blood. Workers and inexperienced students are their source of blood, and they are also the best at mobilizing workers and motivating students." Anna echoed.

"The question is, who has been giving us information anonymously?" Gu Lao Liu asked a very practical question.

"And you all participated in the interrogation, tell me?" Zhou Sen turned his attention to Cheng Yunfeng, Hong Yumei and Yu Xueming and asked.

"Boss, I'm just participating in the interrogation of Liu Shuangbai and Liang Yanxia. From my point of view, the person who gave us information anonymously should not be one of them. Needless to say, Liang Yanxia doesn't have the brains and channels. Liu Shuangbai is a member of the drama club. One of the people in charge, who will be the backbone of this study group in the future, he can't justify reporting himself."

"Xiao Cheng, what about you?"

"Sister Anna and I interrogated Qin Shengtao, Chen Lijuan, and Tian Fu. Qin Shengtao is impossible. Chen Lijuan looks careless. He probably doesn't have such meticulous thoughts. As for Tian Fu, his relationship with Qin Shengtao is closer than brothers. He The possibility of someone betraying the big guy is extremely small," Cheng Yunfeng said.

"Xueming, what about you?"

"Wang Ze and Zhao Changqing, I am more inclined to Zhao Changqing, this person gives me the impression that he is very good at hiding, especially his eyes, during the interrogation by Inspector Gu and me, he was quite calm, and his calmness was also different from ordinary people " Yu Xueming analyzed, "As for Wang Ze, he is a little bookish, he stutters when answering questions, and even says the wrong thing when he is nervous a few times."

"Then the biggest suspect now is Zhao Changqing, right?" Zhou Sen looked around everyone and asked.

"I also think Zhao Changqing is suspicious. His family background is the best among all people, and his job is good. If he is involved in the 'anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese' incident, everything he has now will be destroyed. If he takes the initiative Breaking away will inevitably cause dissatisfaction and suspicion of Qin Shengtao and others, so, use the method of anonymous reporting, and finally get yourself out." Ana analyzed.

"Everyone has his own aspirations. If he says he quits, I don't think Qin Shengtao and others will do anything to him. If he reports anonymously, the matter will be revealed sooner or later. At that time, he will have a death feud with Qin Shengtao and others!" Zhou Sen said.

As soon as Zhou Sen said this, everyone fell into deep thought.

You can't just look at the surface of a problem, let alone judge people by their appearance. Of course, the appearance is sometimes accurate, but it is also often the opposite.

Sometimes the face of a villain is clearly born, but it is much more kind and gentle than many handsome, sword-browed and star-eyed people.

Those who are good-looking are not necessarily good people, and those who are ugly are not necessarily all evil people.

"Then Zhao Changqing is now the subject of investigation. Sixth, you go back to the Nangang Police Station and ask for the materials related to the anonymous report on the illegal gathering of 'Yiguzhai', especially the handwriting of the anonymous letter." Zhou Sen ordered .

"Brother Sen, will they give it?"

"Just say, don't worry, I have already prepared a letter for you to obtain evidence. If you don't give it, then wait for the police to be held accountable." Zhou Sen said, this is the key to finding out the "inner ghost" Evidence, how could he not think of it?
But Nangang Police Station may not hand it over easily, but if there is a transfer letter from the Police Department, it cannot be stopped.

"Okay, I'll go."

"Xueming, you represent the Police Department and go with Lao Liu." Zhou Sen ordered.

"Yes, boss."

"Anna, you and Cheng Yunfeng will analyze this Zhao Changqing in depth, and compare it after Lao Liu brings back the materials from the anonymous report."

"OK, all right."


"Xiaomeng, go and bring Qiao Sanlang here." Zhou Sen went back to the interrogation room once again and told He Meng.

At noon, under the special care of Zhou Sen, Qiao Sanlang and others were given some food, two potatoes for each person, and a bowl of hot pickled vegetable tofu soup.

Of course, you can't see any oil stars, and some food is better than nothing.

Zhou Sen asked people to observe how the eight people ate, so as to judge whether these people could endure hardships and how much they could bear.

Those who can eat dark potatoes and a bowl of pickled vegetable and tofu soup with a strange smell must be those who have suffered a lot since childhood, have strong willpower, and are not easy to give in.

Qiao Sanlang was such a person. He was so hungry that he almost gobbled down two potatoes and drank the pickled vegetable tofu soup in one gulp.

He knows that after eating this meal, he still doesn't know if there will be another meal. If he wants to hold on and survive, he can't care about all of this.

As for the other seven people, Qin Shengtao and Tian Fu were fine, they ate the potatoes, but they didn't finish the pickled vegetable and tofu soup.

Others either vomited after two mouthfuls, or refused to eat on hunger strike.

But there was one person who surprised Zhou Sen. That was Zhao Changqing, who had the best family background. He actually ate one potato and hid the other. He also ate half of the unpalatable bowl of pickled vegetable and tofu soup.

He didn't eat half of it.

This Zhao Changqing is by no means an ordinary person, at least he is not an ordinary bank teller.

Regardless of whether he was the ghost among the seven, it wouldn't hurt for Anna to check him out.

(End of this chapter)

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