Chapter 266 Who is the ghost?

If Zhao Changqing is not the ghost, then who is the ghost?

In the first round of interrogation, this inner ghost did not take the initiative to reveal his identity. What is his purpose of hiding himself like this?

Is it because I am afraid that my identity will be exposed, so I will cut off friendship with other people and become strangers, or is there some other purpose?
"Qiao Sanlang, since we used to visit the streets, I'll give you another chance and explain; let's go."

Zhou Sen lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Officer Zhou, I've told you everything I know, what else do you want me to say?" Qiao Sanlang raised his head.

"It seems that if you don't use any means, you don't plan to open your mouth." Zhou Sen took two puffs of his cigarette, pressed it on the table and extinguished it, "Come here, torture."


Two Japanese prison guards came up, picked up Qiao Sanlang, hung him up, and then took off his cotton trousers, leaving only a pair of trousers and a shirt.

In the interrogation room with a temperature of [-] degrees, Qiao Sanlang's teeth trembled from the cold in an instant.

The soaked whip was wrapped in sea salt, and when the whip was thrown down, the skin was ripped apart, and the salt grains were brought into the wound. The feeling was really not something ordinary people could bear.

Terrible screams came from the interrogation room!
Those who have never seen or heard of it before, or those who hear it for the first time, feel terrified, but Zhou Sen is extremely cold on the surface.

In fact, he was helpless in his heart. He could save his life after suffering a little bit at his own hands, and he could explain this experience in the future. If it fell into the hands of others, Qiao Sanlang would have absolutely no chance of surviving.

Moreover, Jiang Rou would also be in danger, and those young people would suffer along with her.

Of course, Qiao Sanlang can evacuate, but as long as he moves, his identity will be completely exposed, and the leaker will definitely be tracked down, so Qin Shengtao and others will not be able to leave, and they will all follow suit.

Jiang Rou also lost her contact person. From then on, she also became a kite with a disconnected string, without any organizational relationship. After that, many things could not be explained.

This is very troublesome.

After weighing the pros and cons, only Qiao Sanlang made a small sacrifice, came in and suffered a little, and then turned the big thing into a small one.

"Say, are you an underground party of the Chinese Communist Party?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I haven't heard of the CCP's underground party..." Qiao Sanlang gritted his teeth and replied tremblingly.

"Still stubborn, keep fighting!"

"Sir, the prisoner has passed out..." Qiao Sanlang couldn't bear it anymore after more than a dozen whips came down, and passed out.

"Wake up with water, don't use cold water, use hot water!" Zhou Sen ordered.

"Sir, what is this?" The Japanese prison guard who executed the sentence was puzzled.

"Hot water will be very comfortable at first, but as soon as it gets cold, it will take away more heat from his body, which is better than cold water, especially in winter..." Zhou Sen explained.

"Sir, you know a lot!"

This is just Zhou Sen's rhetoric. Using cold water will stimulate the skin pores to shrink and lock the heat in the body. This is not acceptable. Qiao Sanlang was tortured and injured, and the wound will definitely become inflamed. Once he has a fever, it will kill him.

Hot water will not.

With hot water poured on it, Qiao Sanlang woke up immediately.

He was surprised that Zhou Sen used hot water on him, but he would not give in. After the heat dissipated, he became even colder, and his teeth trembled from the cold.

"Qiao Sanlang, do you want to say it or not?" Seeing Qiao Sanlang's miserable state, Zhou Sen couldn't bear it, but he couldn't show it. He could only light a cigarette to cover up his unbearable heart.

"I'm just an ordinary good citizen who runs a bookstore. What do you want me to confess?" Qiao Sanlang asked in pain.



Zhou Sen knew that Qiao Sanlang would not open his mouth easily, but the process of torture must be carried out, otherwise, it would not be reflected in the closed case file.

He found nothing here, and Anna's interrogation of Zhao Changqing naturally had no breakthroughs. Zhao Changqing did not deny the matter of participating in the "Communism" study group, and the "drama club" matter was also true.

But regarding the identities of Qiao Sanlang and Qin Shengtao, he said that he did not know, even though Qin Shengtao was his guide.

But he really didn't know whether Qin Shengtao was an underground party of the CCP, because Qin Shengtao had never mentioned it to him.

He also asked, but Qin Shengtao avoided talking about it.

Then Qin Shengtao was interrogated. Facing the facts, he was almost the same as Zhao Changqing. He admitted that he was studying "communism" and was deeply interested in it. "But he resolutely refuses to admit his identity, especially his relationship with Qiao Sanlang, which is even more resolutely denied.

In "Yiguzhai", he also said that he found books and periodicals promoting "communism" and "anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese" by chance, and he didn't tell the boss, Qiao Sanlang, because he was afraid that Qiao Sanlang would find out and collect up, or even destroyed, he will not be able to see.

That's why he became a regular customer of "Yi Gu Zhai", and Cheng Qiao Saburo became a good friend.

This statement is obviously not credible.

But if you ask again, he will be punished for these words, and he still says these words, but he refuses to tell the truth.


Gu Laoliu and Yu Xueming brought back the materials reported anonymously. It was a newspaper clipping, not a handwritten material.

This whistleblower really took great pains. Such a report did not indicate his identity. This kind of report cannot be investigated, and it may even be a malicious report and framed frame.

There are many similar cases, and whistleblowers use this method to suppress their competitors and enemies with the help of the police.

That's why the Nangang Police Station didn't pay much attention to it, and handed over the case to the patrol team at the location of "Yiguzhai" for investigation.

The dignified Nangang Police Station cannot become a tool for those who want to use it to retaliate.

However, Gu Laoliu and Yu Xueming brought news that the report before the arrest came from an anonymous phone call.

The police station didn't know where the call was coming from. They only heard the other end pinch their noses and said "At two o'clock in the afternoon, there was an illegal assembly at the 'Yiguzhai' bookstore on Postal Street." They hung up the phone.

The time of the call was around [-]:[-] pm.

It is very strange that the reporter called to report the meeting at two o'clock at [-]:[-]. Did the whistleblower know about the meeting after he saw Qiao Sanlang put up the "Inventory" sign, or was he himself? One of the attendees?

Both scenarios are possible.

The first possibility can be ruled out first.

"Qiao Sanlang, the day before yesterday afternoon, when did you hang the inventory board at the door?" Zhou Sen returned to the interrogation room and asked.

"After they came, I hung up the sign." Qiao Sanlang said weakly.

"Is everyone here?"


"What time is it?"

"It's about two o'clock, I didn't look at the clock carefully..."


"It seems that the first possibility has been ruled out. It only means that the person who made the whistle-blower was one of the seven people. He made the whistle-blower 10 minutes in advance. Judging from the way he reported to the police with newspaper clippings, this person must be thinking. Meticulous and cautious people, let’s exclude those who have interests.” Anna analyzed, “There are still suspects, the first I think is Zhao Changqing, his calmness fits all the characteristics, the two girls have no social experience , without special training, they never thought of using newspaper clippings to deliver the news, and the caller was clearly a man's voice. Friends are also among them, he is the least likely, Wang Ze is a nerd, but has some talent, that's why Liu Shuangbai pulled him in, Tian Fu is Qin Shengtao's follower, they have known each other for the longest time, and the last person who should betray is he……"

"Talk about your judgment, who is most suspected?"

"Based on my analysis and judgment, Zhao Changqing and Liu Shuangbai are the most suspected."

"Sixth, what do you think?"

"I think Miss Anna's analysis is correct, but I think Liu Shuangbai's suspicion is much greater than Zhao Changqing's."

"how to say?"

"Zhao Changqing first met Qin Shengtao. If he wanted to report, he should have reported Qin Shengtao long ago. He wouldn't have waited so long and even brought in his cousin Liu Shuangbai and others. This is not cheating his brothers. He can't do it in the future. Are you a relative?" Gu Laoliu analyzed, "This Liu Shuangbai seems to be an active radical, but it may not be true. It is not a secret that the Japanese put eyeliner in the university. If Liu Shuangbai Did you report it to the Japanese?"

Gu Lao Liu's words really opened everyone's minds.

There are indeed many "radical" small organizations in this university, which are too secretive to be eradicated. The Japanese try to find suitable undercover agents in the university, let them break in, and then monitor and control these people.

They won't find one, just destroy one, so that these hard-working undercover agents will be exposed.

They used these small organizations to catch larger targets. It would not be surprising if there was such a person in the drama club where Liu Shuangbai worked.

Qin Shengtao and Qiao Sanlang were the targets they were catching, and they were about to collect their nets, but they didn't want to expose themselves...

The possibility is great.

But whether Liu Shuangbai was the undercover agent who was bought by the Japanese to break in, that's hard to say, anyone in his group is doubtful.

"It seems that we have to go to Bingcheng Medical University to investigate." Zhou Sen decided.


"Okay, let's stop here today, and I'll arrange the division of labor tomorrow." Seeing that he agreed, Zhou Sen said, "Anna, take two of you to the medical university and find out about the society of the four of Liu Shuangbai with your teachers and classmates. Relationship, sixth child, you continue to stay for interrogation."

"Brother Sen, what about you?"

"I have to go to No. 3 Yiyuan Road." Zhou Sen said, "If you want to know the truth, this is the fastest way."

"Then why do you send us to medical school?"

"Now all of this is our analysis and guesswork. What if it's not the case, why don't we have to investigate the social relations of these people at the same time, wouldn't it be good?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically.


"Okay, you can get off work on time today, go back and sleep well, okay?" Zhou Sen raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said.

 Continue to ask for double monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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