Chapter 267
In the evening, Zhou Sen was the host and invited Kitano and Kageyama to drink in Musashino, as well as Anna and Hasegawa, Kageyama's subordinate.

A total of five people.

Kageyama is Shibuya Saburo's confidant, so he naturally knows Zhou Sen's importance to Shibuya, and takes great care of Zhou Sen.

Seeing Kageyama's attitude towards Zhou Sen, Kitano naturally became more flattering, but it was Anna and Hasegawa.

These two people came here purely to create an atmosphere.

This guy Beiye drank too much, and he actually wanted to perform Japanese wushu dance for them on the spot, and even asked the singer to accompany him in the dance.

Zhou Sen couldn't appreciate this kind of petty dance, but he could only cater to it with a fake smile.

They also clapped along together.

"Zhou Sen-jun, seconding you to the foreign affairs department was secretly planned by Toshi Yamamoto. Although it is for the mission, I remind you to be careful." Yingshan pulled Zhou Sen aside and reminded Zhou Sen in a low voice.

"Thank you Kageyama-kun. I know that Director Yamamoto is very concerned about Sato's death and has always mistrusted me, but Sato did not die in my hands. Hey, it's because I am a Manchurian..."

"Niman is a family, you don't want to think like this." Yingshan said.


"Commander Shibuya has high hopes for you. Once the 'Troy' plan is successful, you will be a great hero of the empire, and we will all be proud of you." Kageyama said, "Before he left, Chief Shibuya specifically told me that you must be good." Cooperate with your work."

"Zhou Sen is extremely grateful for Teacher Shibuya's trust and cultivation, and he can only repay it by doing his best to complete the 'Troy' project." Zhou Sen said hastily, the "nasty" words are really disgusting.

"Yaoxi!" Yingshan smiled in satisfaction and gave a thumbs up.


Send the drunk and unconscious Kitano back to Songhua School, and then send Anna back to her home in Coats Street. This woman also drank a lot and took advantage of the opportunity. She was always dishonest in the car.

This pass toss down.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Zhou Sen returned to the Ningxiang Pavilion.

When he returned to the small building, turned on the light, tiptoed into the bedroom, turned on the light, and found that Bai Yulan rolled over and opened her eyes.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Zhou Sen asked in surprise.

"I found that I can only sleep if you sleep next to me now." Bai Yulan said.

"What if I have a case and have to stay in the hall to work overtime?" Zhou Sen walked over, sat down beside the bed, and asked with a smile.

"I know you won't come back, so I let Ah Xiang come to accompany me."

"That is to say, I'm just a tool for sleeping with me." Zhou Sen said with some taste.

"How many people are equivalent to this tool person, and they haven't had a chance yet. What do you dislike?" Bai Yulan's nose is sensitive, and she smells the alcohol on Zhou Senshan, "Drinking again?"

"I can't help it, and I don't want to drink, but tonight is my treat. As the host, I can't help but drink." Zhou Sen explained, "What about Lucy, this little guy hasn't shown her face for several days."

"It has a good relationship with Axiang, and it has long since disowned you as its original owner." Bai Yulan said, "It is probably in Axiang's house right now."

"It's okay, I don't have much time to play with it now. Cats are so cold. If you are a little cold, they will ignore you. Unlike dogs, they are loyal to one master all their lives." Zhou Sen sighed With a sigh of relief.

"Go, go, wash up quickly, you smell like alcohol."

"Okay, Mrs. Zhou!"

After Zhou Sen finished washing, he changed into pajamas and came in again. Bai Yulan was still lying on the bed halfway, with his eyes slightly closed. He walked over, lifted the quilt from the other end, and sat up.

"I saw Xiao Rou came back today, looking a bit out of her mind. There must be something wrong, so I didn't ask too many questions." Bai Yulan said.

"I'm afraid it's for the year-end sealing performance. Isn't she busy with this matter these days? I went to see her the night before and brought dinner for her. She has a stomachache." Zhou Sen said, "Nervous, stressed Big, it's inevitable, this is the first time she's in charge of such an important performance, and it's also the leading role."

"Tell me, Xiao Rou sealed the show, should we join in?" Bai Yulan asked.

"Of course I'm going. If my family doesn't go, how can I count as support." Zhou Sen said as a matter of course, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm worried about her and Qin Lang."

"What's wrong with Qin Lang, are they together?" Zhou Sen was startled.

"That's not true. Xiaorou is focusing on her career now. She probably never thought about falling in love and getting married, but Qin Lang is different. If he is really interested in Xiaorou, I'm afraid he will mess up." Bai Yulan said, after all, Qin Lang Such people have no patience.

"That's not enough. If Qin Lang really wants to have a future with Xiaorou, he won't do stupid things. Otherwise, I won't let him go." Zhou Sen said, "But, I still have to find someone If you have a chance to talk to Qin Lang, even if he and Jiang Rou can't walk together, it won't affect everyone's friendship."

"You are so busy, do you have time?"

"Let me try to find it. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry." Zhou Sen lay down, turned sideways, and held Bai Yulan in his arms.

Bai Yulan became healthy and slept more than usual, so when Zhou Sen woke up in the morning, she didn't notice it at all.

"Xiaorou, what's the date of the box-sealing show?" Zhou Sen met Jiang Rou who was also an early riser.

"The 2nd of next month, the 25th of the twelfth lunar month."

"Oh, that's coming soon, tomorrow is the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month." Zhou Sen nodded, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just use your usual strength."

"Understood, brother." Jiang Rou agreed, "Brother, that matter..."

"Don't worry, brother knows." Zhou Sen knew that Jiang Rou was asking about Qiao Sanlang's matter. This case was not complicated, but how to deal with it.

"Brother Sen, Miss Xiaorou, it's time for breakfast..."

"Come on, Ah Xiang is calling us." Zhou Sen greeted Jiang Rou, "After breakfast in a while, I'll take you there. I don't have to work in the office today, so I won't waste time."


After sending Jiang Rou to the new stage, after a few instructions, Zhou Sen drove directly to No. 3 Yiyuan Road. He came here on business today.

I need to ask to see my immediate superior, Lieutenant Assistant Shiraki Mishige, the squad leader of the fifth squad, and he doesn't come to No. 3 Yiyuan Road very often.

I just had a quick meeting with this nodding boss, and I didn't speak more than three words, because although his group belongs to the fifth class, it has business ties with the second class's document class.

Mishiro Shiraki is only Zhou Sen's nominal boss, and Zhou Sen has the status of a Manchurian policeman, so he is only subordinate, not directly subordinate.

At this time, the Kwantung Army is integrating the intelligence agencies. All the secret service agencies in Bingcheng and the intelligence departments of the Kwantung Army will be integrated into one Kwantung Army intelligence department. Of course, the intelligence agencies in Bingcheng will be the main body.

There is some confusion in management.

Mishiro Shiraki didn't want to see Zhou Sen. This is normal. The Kwantung Army's secret service agencies are mainly Japanese. How many people think highly of "Manchurians"?

I'm afraid they look down on the Baekje people, but they look down on the Manchurians.

Zhou Sen told Shiraki Mimo about his intention to come, and wanted to know whether the Bingcheng secret service had placed surveillance eyeliners in Bingcheng Medical University.

But Shiraki Mishige ignored him at all, let him leave with a few perfunctory words.

This result was also expected by Zhou Sen. Since no one could answer his question, he should dig out the answer himself.

Leaving No. 3 Yiyuan Road with a hint of disappointment.

Zhou Sen returned to Songhua School.

Before Anna came back, he did not continue to interrogate Qiao Sanlang and the others, but was looking at the file, looking for details that he might have overlooked.

"Brother Sen, this Qiao Sanlang just refuses to admit his identity. It's all labeled like this. This ordinary person has confessed a long time ago. Could it be..."

"No, Gu Sang, you still don't know much about the Communist Party. They are hard-headed, and they usually won't admit their identity." Kitano came in from the door and said.

"Kitano-kun, please advise!"

"Zhou Senjun, there are not one hundred or eighty Communist Party members detained and interrogated here. Few of them can't stand the torture and confess. Their bones are really hard. Ordinary punishments are useless to them. If you can trust me, I can help you." Kitano volunteered.

Zhou Sen was taken aback. If Kitano came, it would be hard to say whether Qiao Sanlang would be able to withstand those tortures.

If you can't bear the confession, it's not shooting yourself in the foot, it's absolutely impossible.

"This Qiao Sanlang has no evidence to prove that he is the Communist Party, and his social relations are fine. Except for some prohibited books and periodicals found in his bookstore, nothing else has been found." Zhou Sen said, "It cannot be said that the possession of prohibited books and periodicals is the Communist Party. , then there will be more Communist Party in Bingcheng.”

"Then don't you want to make this case an iron case?" Kitano asked in surprise.

"The case has to be handled, but it cannot be unjust, false or wrongly decided. The credibility of the government is dragged down by these unjust, false and wrongly decided cases. Once people's hearts are lost, it is difficult to recover." Zhou Sen explained.

"I don't understand what you said, I only understand interrogation, but all the prisoners who fall into my hands don't speak up." Kitano said with a chuckle.

"Kitano-kun, this is just a small case. It's not time to work on you. I'll handle a big case later. When the time comes, I beg you. Don't shirk."

"Don't worry, as long as Zhou Senjun's case is my Beiye's, I promise to satisfy you." Beiye left satisfied with Zhou Sen's praise.

Zhou Sen also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The strength was a bit fierce last night, and Kitano actually came to help on his own initiative. This is not a good thing.

"Brother Sen, why don't you ask Mr. Kitano to help us?" Gu Laoliu asked in a low voice.

"This is our case. Kitano is a member of the Security Bureau. He intervened. Should he be credited for the credit?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically.

"That's right, if we can't make it through the trial, let him do the trial, wouldn't it appear that we are too incompetent!" Gu Lao Liu nodded understandingly.

"Why hasn't Anna come back yet? She should have come back after being away for so long." It was already afternoon, and Zhou Sen, who was waiting anxiously, muttered.

As soon as the words fell, Anna's voice came from outside the door.

"Zhou Sen, we are back and we are exhausted. Let me pour you a glass of water first. Let me tell you, this morning, we ran the entire Bingcheng Medical University, but anyone with Liu Shuangbai, Wang Ze, Liang Yanxia and Chen Lijuan's teacher and classmates knew each other, and they all got in touch with each other, and the drama club also got to know them better. Fortunately, there are three of us, if we were alone, we probably wouldn't be able to finish it all day." Anna complained directly.

(End of this chapter)

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