Chapter 268

"Guess, Liu Shuangbai and Wang Ze, in the eyes of the teacher and their classmates, who is a good student and who is a bad student?"

Anna asked after drinking a cup of warm water in a porcelain jar.

"Liu Shuangbai, this guy is quick-witted and eloquent. He looks smart at first sight." Gu Lao Liu said without thinking.

"Zhou Sen, what do you think?"

"If judged by academic performance, Liu Shuangbai can't compare to Wang Ze. People like Wang Ze are very suitable for studying and doing research, but Liu Shuangbai chose the wrong major. His eloquence is so good, he can go into business or even politics." Zhou Sen thought for a while and said, "So, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. They have different personalities. Choosing the wrong direction will naturally bring about different results."

"Wang Ze has always been a good student in the eyes of teachers and classmates. His courses are among the best in the class, so the teachers like him very much, but Professor Watanabe wants to recommend him to Japan Sendai Medical College for postgraduate study. "Anna said.

"What are you talking about? You recommended him to go to Sendai Medical College as a graduate student. He's only a sophomore, so it's a little early?" Zhou Sen asked in surprise.

"It's a bit early, but this Professor Watanabe is very optimistic about him, so I want to operate and arrange for him in advance." Anna said, "It is very difficult to recommend places for admission to Sendai Medical College. Even if Professor Watanabe wants to recommend For him to enter the school, he also needs to pass the test of his own quality."

"This quality includes his own grades and political leanings, right?"

"That's for sure. Someone needs to guarantee it. If something goes wrong, you have to bear joint and several liabilities."

"Where's Liu Shuangbai?"

"He is one of the influential figures in the school. His academic performance is not very good, and the middle is lower. The main reason is that he didn't put his mind on his studies. He likes to get involved in various club activities, such as drama club, calligraphy club, chorus and so on. Yes, you can see him everywhere. If his grades are good enough, it’s okay. The problem is that his academic performance is not good, and he often drags his classmates to participate in these activities. He should study hard, but he often misses classes , and staying out all night, he doesn’t look like a student anyway.”

"Then how did he meet Wang Ze and get him into this drama club?" Zhou Sen asked curiously.

"Using beauty tricks." Hong Yumei said, "This guy found out that Wang Ze liked Chen Lijuan, so he got Chen Lijuan into the drama club, so Wang Ze also joined in."

"Wang Ze and Chen Lijuan are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Not to mention, Chen Lijuan's family conditions are good, but this girl is vain. Although she is beautiful, she doesn't like Wang Ze. Although Wang Ze looks promising, what Chen Lijuan wants is someone who can bring him glory. A handsome man, obviously Wang Ze is not." Hong Yumei sighed.

"It's not surprising that an honest and good man meets a vain gold-worshiping woman." Gu Lao Liu said with experience.

"Immediately interrogate Liu Shuangbai."

"Okay, brother Sen." Gu Laoliu said excitedly, because before that, he was the one who suspected that Liu Shuangbai was more important than that Zhao Changqing.

"Who will judge?"

"Anna, you come to interrogate. Others who are willing to observe can go." Zhou Sen directly instructed Anna.

"Brother Sen, what about me?"

"Do you know about their relationship with Anna?" Zhou Sen said, and Gu Lao Liu was immediately speechless.

"Let me interrogate Zhao Changqing. He and Liu Shuangbai are cousins. They should know each other better." Zhou Sen asked, "Who will be my recorder?"

"Boss, let me come, I've always followed you." Hong Yumei hurriedly said.

"Okay, it's up to you. Others will sort out the information again to see if there is anything missing. We don't have much time. We must close the case before tomorrow gets dark." Zhou Sen announced.

"The case will be closed tomorrow?" Yu Xueming clicked his tongue.

"Then when do you want to be?" Zhou Sen asked with a chuckle, "It's just such a case, what's unclear, can it be delayed for ten days and half a month? If we handle cases like this, throughout the year, we How many cases can you handle?"

"Yes." Yu Xueming said angrily.


"Zhao Changqing, you have a great job and a bright future. I heard that your family is still trying to find a good marriage for you. Life has just begun. Why do you want to get involved in the 'anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese' thing?" ?” Zhou Sen personally interrogated Zhao Changqing.

"Sir, I didn't 'anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese'. We just discussed social issues and cared about politics. Is it true that ordinary people are only worthy of living in ignorance, and can't be a cow or a horse for a lifetime?" Zhao Changqing asked rhetorically, and Zhou Sen said nothing. I won't say it.

"What kind of politics do you know, and what is politics?" Zhou Sen thought for a while, and then replied, "Is it something that ordinary people can play with? You don't even weigh it. How many catties do you have?"

"Politics, do you understand? Just the government, what happened? It's just a puppet raised by the Japanese. I'm a common man, but the common people don't even have the right to speak?"

"Presumptuous, Manchukuo and Japan are friendly neighbors with a narrow strip of water. Without Japan, our Manchukuo would be able to be stable and prosperous today..." Zhou Sen was furious, and then cursed, but he couldn't speak these words I feel sick to my stomach, but I have to say it.

Zhao Changqing sneered, as if showing extreme contempt for Zhou Sen's performance.

"Zhao Changqing, don't be ashamed. You admit your mistake now. You are young and ignorant, and you can be punished lightly. Otherwise, it will be too late for you to regret it." Zhou Sen said sharply.

"I'm not wrong, why admit it?"

"Come on, get the stick!" Zhou Sen was so angry that he had no choice but to use torture. He was framed to this point, and there was nothing he could do.


As soon as the stick was put on, Zhao Changqing, a young man who had never suffered a lot, immediately screamed and sweated profusely.

"Zhao Changqing, this stick is usually only used for female prisoners, and you can't bear it. If it's other punishments, how hard can you be?" Zhou Sen reprimanded viciously.

"Come on Zhou, if I frown, I'll take your surname!" Zhao Changqing's face was pale, but his mouth was still firm.

"I dare not want an unfilial son like you." Zhou Sen waved his hand and continued!
The use of punishment is a procedure. If the people who are caught come in without punishment, then they will be determined. This is a loophole in the handling of cases in the Japanese special agency.

No matter whether Zhao Changqing recruits or not, this process is indispensable.

"Zhao Changqing, you and Liu Shuangbai are cousins, right? You introduced him to Qin Shengtao and Qiao Sanlang, right? According to your internal organizational relationship, do you count as Liu Shuangbai's party introducer?"

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, get on the tiger bench." Zhou Sen waved his hand indifferently and gave instructions. Now, he can only calm down.

"I, I don't know, you, even if you kill me, I don't know..." As the bricks were piled up one by one, Zhao Changqing almost passed out from the pain.

"You brought your cousin into your organization, didn't you expect to harm him?" Zhou Sen walked over, leaned down, stared at Zhao Changqing and said, "Please tell me, as long as you admit all this, you will be less hurt." A little bitter?"

"Hey, you Japanese lackeys, traitors, sooner or later you won't end well!"

"Presumptuous, you dare to scold me, beat me hard!"

In the interrogation room, the sound of punching and kicking suddenly sounded, and finally Zhao Changqing was curled up on the ground, and there was only one breath left.

"Okay, don't beat him to death, you won't be able to ask questions." Zhou Sen raised his hand to stop the movement of the two Japanese prison guards.

"Zhao Changqing, you should think about it. If you don't say it, it doesn't mean your cousin Liu Shuangbai won't say it. He may not have your willpower." Zhou Sen squatted down and sneered at the dying Zhao Changqing, "Drag out .”

the other side.

Anna directly concocted a transcript, and then gave it to Liu Shuangbai, asking him to sign and mark it. The content is roughly that he admitted that he used the drama club to promote the ideas of "anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese" and "communism" and undermined the great unity and common prosperity of Japan and Manchuria. committed a serious thought crime.

"You, what are you doing? I didn't say this, I, I won't sign..." Liu Shuangbai pushed away in fright when he saw the content.

"It's useless if you don't sign. Your girlfriend Liang Yanxia has already told everything about you." Anna said, "In this way, she can get leniency and get out of here early."

"No, it's impossible, Xiaoxia won't do that."

"Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes. Besides, you are not husband and wife. How could she ruin her life for you and go to jail with you?" Anna sneered, "A real prison is comparable to this prison." Terrible junior, a young girl who is not yet married, if she is locked in, the result can be imagined."

"You are too despicable..." Liu Shuangbai's face turned pale instantly, and his eyes lost their luster, like a walking dead.

"Sign and draw a deed, and you can get a lighter punishment. If you refuse to sign, then you can only be sentenced severely according to the rules. If you are like this, you will be imprisoned for at least three to five years." Anna said.

Liu Shuangbai's eyes were dull and he didn't respond.

If this guy really has an inside story, I believe he should speak up now, and he has no reason to continue to hide it.

"Think about it carefully. I'll give you one night. It won't be too late." Seeing this, Anna saw that there was no need to torture him, and she ordered someone to drag him away.

Could it be Wang Ze?

If it wasn't Zhao Changqing or Liu Shuangbai, then there would be only one Wang Ze left.

Does Wang Ze have a motive?
He doesn't look like an insider on the surface, and he has no motive, but in fact there are still, and he was drawn into this group.

It was a "beauty trick" entrusted by Liu Shuangbai, and he joined because of Chen Lijuan.

But he has his own interests.

If he withdraws, Liu Shuangbai and others will definitely disagree, and no one can guarantee that he will not reveal his secrets.

The method and method of underground work at the grassroots level is a big problem. In particular, many people have not received strict training and various problems have arisen. This may not have such a big consequence for the base area.

But this is a city under the control of the enemy, and the situation of the underground struggle is completely different. A small mistake, or a carelessness, or even doing bad things with good intentions, the consequences will be disastrous.

 It's the last day, ask for a double monthly ticket, can it break the thousand, I don't expect it

(End of this chapter)

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