Chapter 297 Acceptance Negotiation
After finalizing the transfer agreement, Zhou Sen got into the car driven by Wu En and went to work at the police station, while Qin Lang followed Su Wenqing to take over part of the staff.

No one can take over the Taipingqiao Casino.

There are not many people available under Qin Lang's hands, and the gambling house was supposed to be transferred to Su Wenqing, so now he directly asks him to borrow some manpower, which naturally saves him from having to take over again in the future.

Qin Xiong asked him to hand over to Qin Lang at this time, and he also had the idea of ​​seeing Qin Lang's jokes. What's the use of handing over the management rights and shares?
The casino needs to be managed by people, as long as he takes people away, what Qin Lang takes over is just an empty gambling house.

At that time, Qin Lang can't continue to operate, let's see how he wants to explain to the rentier shareholders behind him.

How could Zhou Sen fail to see the insidiousness of this situation.

Naturally, Qin Xiong couldn't be satisfied.

Anyway, he won't run the Taiping Bridge Gambling House when he gets it back. If Qin Lang insists, then we can get together and leave.

Just be an ordinary friend in the future.

But if Qin Lang also wanted to break with his past and give up the gambling house, then transferring the gambling house would be the best choice.

Su Wenqing also runs a casino under his name, but it is not as large as Qin Laoqi, but it is no problem to take some people out to take over the Taipingqiao Gambling House.

Furthermore, Qin Xiong's people in the Taipingqiao gambling house are not all. Qin Xiong can take away his own people, but other shareholders must also have people working in the gambling house, and he can't command these people.

As long as the gambling house can keep running, everything will be easy to handle.

Su Wenqing's business ability is not bad, as long as he is given time, the business of Taipingqiao Casino will at least not be worse than that of Qin Xiong.

And Su Wenqing also got the human connection he dreamed of, especially when he smacked his anger at the "Su Yun Wedding Banquet".

Do it all.

Therefore, the transfer contract was negotiated very smoothly. Although a restaurant and a winery were abandoned, he actually took advantage of this transaction.

Zhou Sen didn't ask for prices randomly. In fact, his restaurant is not in the best location at the entrance of the city, and the business is not satisfactory.

The only downside is that it's a bit bigger.

Besides, the winery, in Majiagou, is called Sujia Shaoguo. The winery is not big, and the shochu it brews is not well-known in Bingcheng, and it is mainly a restaurant for its own.

Of course, it is also sold to the outside world, but the quality of the wine is average, so the price cannot be sold, and the Japanese control the grain trading.

The winery can only use general miscellaneous grains to make wine, and the quality of the raw materials is not good enough. Coupled with technical reasons, the quality of the wine can be imagined.

Like the restaurant, Su Wenqing's winery is also very large, with a large piece of land.

After the restaurant and the winery were handed over, Zhou Sen accounted for 30.00% of the shares in the restaurant, Qin Lang accounted for 70.00%, and the winery was reversed, with Zhou Sen taking the majority.

Qin Lang naturally had no opinion.

After the restaurant takes over, it can be operated directly. Except for the manager, Su Wenqing will not take anyone away. Of course, in the future, Qin Lang can dismiss or keep these people.

The staff of the winery are also treated in the same way.


Finally, when the appointed time came, Zhou Sen asked Dacheng Yataro for a leave of absence, saying that he might come back later.

He took Anna to join Qin Lang.

On such an exciting occasion, Anna had to follow whatever she said, and Zhou Sen couldn't refuse it forcefully. There was nothing wrong with bringing her along, but instead, he had an extra helper.

Qin Lang is also ready here, in addition to bringing two confidantes who came with him, there are also four bodyguards.

To be on the safe side, they all carried guns with them.

In this situation, Zhou Sen turned a blind eye to it. He still has a small arsenal at home.

In terms of weapons and ammunition, he is no less than Qin Lang, or even more.

The two cars, with a total of ten people, headed for the Taiping Bridge Casino.

The Taiping Bridge Casino is still open for business today, and there are people coming and going at the door, and the closer to the end of the year, the better the business.

If it is not necessary, Qin Xiong is really reluctant to hand over the Taipingqiao Gambling House at this moment, even if the person who handed over is his own brother Qin Lang.

"My lord, they're here. They're outside. There are probably seven or eight of them, and there's a White Russian girl." Sangbiao knocked on the door and came in, reporting to Qin Xiong who was already waiting.

"Go and meet him, be polite." Qin Xiong ordered calmly with a calm face.

"Then what should I call your younger brother, Manager Qin or Second Young Master?" Sangbiao turned around and asked.

"He doesn't recognize my elder brother and my father for a long time, so you can call him Manager Qin." Qin Xiong thought for a while and said.

"Yes, eldest son." Sangbiao Chen Kun agreed and went out.

Zhou Sen and the others were invited to a lobby of the gambling house, an oval gaming table, which is a VIP room of the gambling house.

Sangbiao Chen Kun was dressed in a black silk robe and a velvet hat, followed by four big men in black silk trousers.

The cold face seemed to be carved out of a mold.

"Officer Zhou, Manager Qin, I'm Chen Kun, thanks to the kindness of the people on the road, I gave him a nickname, Sang Biao." Sang Biao clasped his fists in a quack manner.

"Hello, Manager Chen. Where is Qin Xiong? He sent us a post to invite us to come here today." Zhou Sen looked at Sangbiao, and there seemed to be a fierce look in his brows, unlike a good person, but he didn't show any displeasure , also clasped his fists in return.

"Wait a minute, my eldest son will be here soon." Sangbiao smiled, waved his hand, and ordered, "Come here, serve tea to Police Officer Zhou and Manager Qin."

"Okay, then we'll wait." Zhou Sen chuckled, there's no need to worry about Qin Xiong's petty tricks.

After a while, the maid brought up two cups of tea, not three cups. Anna was special, so she also served one cup.

Waited about 3 minutes or so.

Qin Xiong finally appeared at the door, his face was as usual, he seemed to have forgotten the embarrassing scene of meeting Qin Lang and Zhou Sen at Three Trees that night.

"Young Master Qin, you are really late!"

"Officer Zhou, I just happened to be in a hurry at the moment, so I can't come here to see guests in disheveled clothes." Qin Xiong's eyes flashed a trace of sullenness, but he didn't show it.

He always had a gentle and elegant posture outside, but when he saw Zhou Sen, he couldn't control his emotions.

This was probably because of Bai Yulan, the woman he wanted, but he didn't get it, so he made a wedding dress for Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen smiled slightly: "Master Qin, let's talk about business."

"Okay, I can transfer Taipingqiao Casino to Qin Lang, but I have conditions." Qin Xiong sat down and said.

"You said."

"I want to take all the cash from the gambling house. I can leave the IOUs for the loan to you guys. You can ask for the debt. I don't want a cent of the money you get." Qin Xiong said.

"The casino needs funds to operate, not to mention that the money does not belong to you. If you take it away, how can we account to other shareholders?" Zhou Sen said, "As for the debts, if they can be recovered, you have already sent someone to collect them. Why leave it to us, if Mr. Qin really has the sincerity to reconcile, don't play this kind of trick with us, it will make me think you can't afford to lose."

"Qin Lang, what do you say?"

"What Brother Sen means is what I mean."

"Okay, I'll take away what belongs to me, is it okay?" Qin Xiong directly backed down.

"Yes, but you can take as much as you need after we have calculated it." Zhou Sen said.

"Okay." Qin Xiong nodded, "Some people in the gambling house were added after Qin Lang left. If these people come with me voluntarily, you can't stop them."

"Yes, but I also have one condition."

"Officer Zhou, please tell me."

"We will never use all those who leave the Taiping Bridge Gambling House in the future. Please ask Mr. Qin to explain this to his subordinates."

The corner of Qin Xiong's mouth tightened. Although this move could not prevent him from removing people from the casino, it also blocked the way for these people to join the Taipingqiao Casino.

However, it's nothing, he can start a new stove, he can completely settle down with these people, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"During the Spring Festival, when the accounts are closed, you and I will send accountants to conduct a thorough liquidation of the accounts of the Taiping Bridge Gambling House. Since we are handing over everything, we will hand over everything clearly, and there will be no more ties to each other from now on. "Zhou Sen said, "If Mr. Qin secretly asks someone to hold some shares on his behalf, please take the initiative to hand it over, otherwise it will be ugly if it is found out."

"Officer Zhou, have you passed?"

"You did it first, so don't blame me. If you don't want to transfer now, you can go back at any time, and we will go back immediately." Zhou Sen said, "Qin Lang and I don't want to waste precious time, we still have a lot of things to do in the police station to do."

Qin Xiong gritted his teeth: "Don't worry, I won't secretly find someone to take care of it."

"That's good. If Mr. Qin has no objections, then draft the transfer agreement and sign it." Zhou Sen said.

"Wait a minute, I have one last condition."


"I want to ask Police Officer Zhou to hand over Xiao Yuehong to me." Qin Xiong said.


"Xiao Yuehong is my woman, and..." Qin Xiong stopped abruptly, "And you understand."

"Xiao Yuehong is the senior sister of Shemei, and also the female role of the 'Lanrou' drama club. When did she become your woman? Are you married to Mingmei, or are you engaged to her? Everyone knows that you kept your wife behind your back?" Zhou Sen asked bluntly and went back.

"Zhou Sen, don't be too aggressive!"

"I'm too aggressive. It's you who provoked me again and again. I haven't settled with you yet, but you still blame me. This time, if someone above is willing to be a peacemaker and wants me to be with you Reconciliation, do you think I will let you go easily?" Zhou Sen said sharply, "I really don't care about a mere Taipingqiao gambling house, I can easily knock it down, do you believe it Do not believe?"

"Don't you dare, I, Qin Xiong, am not scared too much."

"I know there are people behind you, and they are big shots, but big shots need to be an obedient dog who can earn money for them obediently. If a big guy makes trouble for them every day, these big shots don't mind changing someone to do things for them , You are only the son of Qin Laoqi, so you have this opportunity, similarly, if Qin Lang wants to replace you, there is no problem." Zhou Sen sneered, ruthlessly mocking.

Having been ruthlessly torn off his fragile outer skin, Qin Xiong's eyes became panicked, and Zhou Sen's words were like sharp arrows, piercing the psychological defense line he had built up to be riddled with holes.

Being so smart, he naturally understood that what Zhou Sen said was the truth, and the truth is often the cruelest.

(End of this chapter)

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