Chapter 298 Evidence
Qin Xiong was very angry. Zhou Sen actually called him a dog. This was an insult to his personality, but the other party was right...

It's just so sad.

"Officer Zhou, why are you so hurtful?" Qin Xiong squeezed out a sentence between his teeth.

Zhou Sen chuckled: "It's just an analogy, you don't have to be so serious, as long as Mr. Qin understands this truth."

"Then thank you for the reminder, can we draw up the agreement now?"

"of course."

Both parties have brought professionals over, so there is nothing wrong with the transfer agreement. Of course, there is a supplementary agreement.

It is the clarification and restriction of some rights of both parties.

During this process, there was naturally a dispute and wrangling, and finally the three drafts were discarded, and finally an agreement was reached.

In this way, it took more than two hours.

The transfer agreement was finally signed, the transfer was between Qin Xiong representing the Qin family and Qin Lang, and Zhou Sen was the witness.

In triplicate, one copy should be handed over to both parties for preservation, and the other should be handed over to the government for record keeping.

Then Qin Xiong handed over the relevant documents related to the Taiping Bridge Gambling House to Qin Lang. Although Qin Lang hadn't seen these documents for a year, he roughly knew what they were.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Qin Xiong to tamper with this aspect. Qin Lang has been in charge of the gambling house for several years.

After Qin Xiong signed the transfer agreement, he left directly, leaving a person to assist Sangbiao with Qin Lang's reception.

This process takes a while.

Zhou Sen stayed for a while, and then returned to the police station.


Back at the police station, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already past the time for work, but Kojima didn't bother.

He also seemed to know that he couldn't control Zhou Sen, as long as he finished the work he ordered.

"Xiaojima informs us to go to the Yamato Hotel tonight, where the ballroom dance will be held. Let's get familiar with the venue first." Anna came over.

"Can it only be tonight?"

"Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, do you want to go tomorrow?" Anna asked back.

"Okay, let's go tonight then." Zhou Sen nodded helplessly.

"Director Zhou, Director Lin told you to come over."

Director Lin, is it Lin Dakuan looking for him?
Zhou Sen thought for a while. At this time, Lin Dakuan must be looking for something. He paused for a while, closed the door, and went to Lin Dakuan's office.

"Uncle Lin, what's the matter?" Zhou Sen opened the door and walked into Lin Dakuan's office, and found that Zou Shuxun was there, so he quickly greeted, "Uncle Zou is here?"

"Xiao Sen, you have a problem for Uncle Zou." Lin Dakuan glanced at Zhou Sen and sighed.

"Why, Uncle Lin, I haven't caused you any trouble, have I?"

"According to that guy's confession, we investigated the scene again, and the suspicion of Sangbiao's murder is now the biggest." Zou Shuxun said.

"Is there any evidence?" Zhou Sen asked seriously with a slightly condensed expression.

"Yes, someone saw him near Da'an Street that night." Zou Shuxun said, "The man is a gambler and a frequent visitor to the Taipingqiao Casino, so he recognized Sangbiao at a glance."

"If you use this as evidence to arrest someone, you can deny it if you catch him. After all, I also appeared on Da'an Street. How can I prove that he killed someone?"

"Judging from the situation at the scene, the murderer must have been stained with blood, but we only found the murder weapon, but not the bloody coat on the killer's body..."

"It's impossible for him to throw away the bloody clothes at will, so he either disposed of it, or it's still waiting for us to find it somewhere..."

"If you catch the wrong person and get bitten back, then we will be in big trouble."

"Uncle Lin, Uncle Zou, you won't call me over to make a decision, will you?" Zhou Sen asked with a glance at Lin Dakuan and Zou Shuxun.

"What do you think?" The two said in unison.

Zhou Sen was stumped.

"Uncle Zou, how sure are you?"

"According to past experience, there are at least half of them." Zou Shuxun stretched out five fingers and said.

"Can I meet the person who said he saw Sangbiao that night?"

"Of course, he is an important witness, and I have sent people to protect him now." Zou Shuxun said.

When it comes to protection, it actually means house arrest or locking up.

Zhou Sen didn't want to worry about these details, as long as he could ensure that what this person said was true.

"Please trouble Uncle Zou."

"You're welcome, I'll lead you there." Zou Shuxun nodded.


"Old Jia, tell Police Officer Zhou about your encounter with Sangbiao on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, that is, Xiao's Eve."

The middle-aged man named Lao Jia quickly promised, and then described in detail what happened to him and Sangbiao in front of Zhou Sen.

"I had finished work early that day. I didn't expect to lose my keys and wallet. I was afraid that my daughter-in-law would scold me when I went back. I thought I had gone to gamble again and deliberately said that I lost my wallet, so I went back to look for it. I was lucky. That day Isn't it Xiaonian? There aren't many people on the street, and everyone probably wants to go home early for the holidays. I really found this key and wallet..."

"I took a closer look, isn't it Sangbiao from Taipingqiao Casino? I was nervous and stuttered, and didn't call out my name, so he said viciously at me, 'You don't have eyes when you walk!', then turned around and walked away. hurry away."

"Did you see his face clearly?"

"I see clearly, my eyes are still facing each other, how can I see it wrong, and I also saw blood on his face and cheeks, I didn't care at the time, I thought it was him who hit me and fell to the ground and scratched, Then I thought, no, I saw blood on his cheek before he fell to the ground, it has nothing to do with me..."

Zhou Sen understands why Zou Shuxun thinks he is at least [-]% sure. Of course, it may be that this old Jia didn’t see it clearly, but he shouldn’t be making things up. Under normal logic, he wouldn’t think of this. It is estimated that Sangbiao himself did not notice the blood on his face.

The blood on Sangbiao's face must have been seen by Lao Jia, especially when they were face to face, Lao Jia didn't shout.

Sang Biao probably didn't recognize Lao Jia as a regular customer of the gambling house, otherwise, he might have eliminated this hidden danger long ago.

But this is circumstantial evidence.

If it was caught on the spot, it would be fine to bring it back for questioning, but now five or six days have passed.

There is no direct evidence to prove that Sangbiao killed Sun Qingkui. This matter is very troublesome. Qin Xiong will definitely seize this point and fight back.

The best way is to catch it secretly.

But Sangbiao is not alone. He will have at least two bodyguards with him. It is not easy to arrest him secretly.

Moreover, when something happened to Sangbiao, Qin Xiong would think of himself immediately.

He has already reconciled with Qin Xiong. At this time, unless the evidence is convincing, the Secret Service Division rarely talks about evidence unless it encounters someone with a background.

As for the Japanese, there is no evidence at all. If you want to arrest you, you will be arrested. People with backgrounds will be more afraid. After all, the Japanese also want to maintain their own rule. After tracing it down, someone must be unlucky, and no one wants to be the one who is unlucky.

"Sangbiao used to live in the gambling house, and now the gambling house should be handed over to you. As long as he is not in the gambling house, it is a great opportunity for us to arrest people." Zou Shuxun said, "Xiao Mori, I have sent someone to keep an eye on Sangbiao." , now it's up to you to decide."

"Uncle Zou, where is Sangbiao arrested?"

"You don't have a connection with the Songhua School, so you definitely can't be locked up in the police station, then Qin Xiong will know immediately." Zou Shuxun said, "There are quite a few people in the police station who used to be the director of old Jin, and I don't know how many of them here are related to Qin. Even though this Lao Jia I didn’t dare to take him to the police station for questioning, he’s in the safe house of my action team.”

"If you arrest someone, you have to get solid evidence. Based on Lao Jia's testimony alone, you can't prove that Sangbiao killed Sun Qingkui. At least you have to find the clothes he wore that night. It would be best if it was a bloody one," Zhou Sen said.

"The bloody clothes may have been dealt with long ago, how can I find them?"

"Arrested him, there is no evidence, and he has to be released in the end, so it's better not to arrest him, and we will talk about it later." Zhou Sen said.

"What do you mean, stop arresting?"

"Old Jia, did you see if Sangbiao was wearing gloves that night?" Zhou Sen suddenly remembered that there were no fingerprints left on the handle of the murder weapon, and it was not wiped off. That is, the actor wears gloves on his hands.

Judging from the bloodstains on the blade, the hands of the murderer will definitely be stained with bloodstains. The bloodstains on the hands can be washed off, but the bloodstains on the gloves are difficult to clean. They are usually thrown away or burned. In such a cold day, digging It is unrealistic to bury the pit.

It is also easy to see the traces.

"Gloves, I don't seem to be wearing them..."

"Not wearing it?" Zhou Sen couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard that, but he didn't find any rags to wipe the handle of the knife, nor did he find discarded gloves.

And if it was Sangbiao who killed the man, he didn't wear gloves on his hands when he collided with Lao Jia, and he either took them off and hid them on his body, or discarded them at will.

The possibility of hiding it on the body is very small, and most people will throw it away casually. Anyway, there will be no evidence on the gloves.

"Uncle Zou, have we searched the neighborhood carefully after the incident?"

"We searched around the yard where Sun Qingkui was murdered, but we found the murder weapon, so we didn't expand the search area..." Zou Shuxun said, "Xiao Mori, even if you find the discarded gloves, I'm afraid it won't prove anything."

"At least it can confirm our guess, and if there are blood stains on his gloves, then there must be blood stains on his clothes. If we can find the clothes and confirm that they belong to Sangbiao, then we can arrest him." Zhou Sen said
"Isn't this too slim?"

"I know that there is a great possibility that the evidence will be destroyed or even useless, but try it. If you don't try it, how will you know it's useless?" Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, I'll go with you one more time." Zou Shuxun nodded. He didn't want all his previous efforts to be in vain when the case was over. If he could solve this case, he would be able to brag in front of others. It's over.

This is a real achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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