Chapter 379 Gifts
Although the Security Bureau is also under the leadership of the Police Agency, even the director of the bureau is concurrently held by the Japanese Deputy Director of the Police Agency.

The Security Bureau is also called the Secret Service Branch.

But their office is not in the police station, but in an unremarkable small building in Nangang District.

Of course, there is no "Security Bureau" sign outside.

Matsuda Kikuo is the director, but he is usually at the police station, so Kageyama is really in charge of the security bureau.

It was the same when Saburo Shibuya was in the past, and Kageyama's position in the Security Bureau was hard to shake.

Unless he is transferred away with a transfer order from above.

The responsibilities stipulated by the Security Bureau are internal, but it is not a problem to act beyond the authority, as long as you want to control it, you can.

However, for the investigation and screening of internal personnel, the Security Bureau must issue a conclusion.

In fact, the screening of Zhou Sen should have come from the Security Bureau, but because of the special circumstances, it was handed over to Toshi Yamamoto.

But the final "conclusion" report was also signed by Toshi Yamamoto and issued by the Security Bureau. That is to say, if something happened to Zhou Sen, the Security Bureau should also bear the corresponding responsibility.

Therefore, Yingshan did not want Zhou Sen to have problems.

The relationship between Yingshan and Zhou Sen should not be too close, otherwise it will give people a bad impression. In fact, they have a good relationship in private.

Occasionally, I would go out for a drink.

Therefore, Zhou Sen's relationship with Kageyama is much better than his relationship with Akiyamanosuke.

Therefore, most people in the Security Bureau knew Zhou Sen, and knew that he had a good relationship with Yingshan, and they didn't need to be notified when entering or leaving the Security Bureau.

dong dong...

"Come in!" Yingshan's voice came from inside.

Zhou Sen then opened the door and walked in. Yingshan passed on a collarless shirt and sat at the desk to work.

The ceiling fan in the room was turning "babbling", driving the hot air in the room, at least it didn't feel so stuffy.

"Director Kageyama!"

"Deputy, the appointment hasn't been issued yet, so you can't call it that." Kageyama Jiro said with a slight smile.

"Soon." Zhou Sen chuckled, Yingshan was promoted to deputy director, even though he was just a deputy, it was really different from not having one.

"You came back from JMS and didn't come to sit with me?"

"I'm here." Zhou Sen chuckled, and handed over a cardboard box in his hand, "A small gift for you."


"Just look at it." Zhou Sen sat down.

Kageyama Jiro took out a small box of camphor wood from the paper box, opened it, and showed a hint of surprise: "Is this Duan inkstone?"

"I don't understand antiques. This is when I passed by an antique shop when I was wandering in JMS. I saw this inkstone when I went in. At that time, I thought it was quite simple, so I bought it. I know Mr. Yingshan likes ancient inkstones, so I give it to you. Here it is," Zhou Sen said.

Where did he buy it? It was obtained from the looted collection of Ma Wu. Anyway, it doesn't cost money, and it's not too expensive, but it's a little older.

It is enough to give Jiro Kageyama as a gift.

"How much is this, should I buy it?"

"It didn't cost much. This sword was given to a martyr. Mr. Yingshan is a man who loves inkstones. In your hands, this inkstone will surely show its brilliance. If it is in my hands, it will be dusty." Zhou Sen laughed road.

"Okay, I accept Zhou Sen-kun's gift." Kageyama Jiro was not polite, and closed the box.

"Kingshan-kun, I am here today to ask for your help."

"I said, why did you give me a gift all of a sudden, so you were waiting for me here." Kageyama Jiro said with a smile.

"I just accepted a case about military command education and movement. However, I don't know much about the organizational structure and personnel of military command in Ice City, so I'm here to ask you, Mr. Shadow Mountain." Zhou Senyi clasped fists.

"Juntong is not very active in Ice City, but they do exist, and their influence is far inferior to the CCP's underground party organization, even the Communist International intelligence organization in Soviet Russia." Kageyama Jiro said.

"Does Mr. Shadow Mountain have any relevant information?"

"There is a part. However, we don't know much about the military and Chongqing. Although we have cracked some cases before, we have not been able to penetrate into their organization and grasp internal secrets." Kageyama Jiro said.

"Section Chief Qiushan asked me to dig out the underground military organization in Bingcheng. For me, the task is too difficult, and it seems to be difficult for others." Zhou Sen smiled wryly.

"Akiyama-kun really thinks highly of you, to entrust you with such an important task?" Jiro Kageyama was surprised.

"I don't know, I have never handled such a case before." Zhou Sen said.

"I'll ask someone to prepare the information you want later, and you can just come and get it, but you can only read the information yourself, and you can't disclose it to others." Jiro Kageyama said, "For top-secret information, you can only Look at it here, you can’t take it out.”

"Okay, but can you add another person?"

"It's Miss Anna, right?" Kageyama Jiro chuckled, as if he had guessed who Zhou Sen was going to talk about.


"Well, I'll explain. I'll give you a temporary access card for the archives room, as well as reading permissions. With the access card, you and Anna can come over at any time." Kageyama Jiro said.

"Thank you, Kageyama-kun."

After getting the access card with reading permission, he didn't immediately go to the archives of the Security Bureau to check the information. He had to do nothing about the intensity of this case, but he couldn't use it too much. This rhythm must be mastered.

After coming out of the Security Bureau, the red sun was already setting in the west.

Zhou Sen made a call back to the police department and asked about it. There was nothing in the inspection unit that required him to go back, so he went directly to "Food is the Heaven".

Tonight, he is treating guests to dinner. As the host, he naturally has to prepare in advance. Don't wait for the guests to arrive. It would be bad if the host is late.

When the guests were sent away one by one, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. Zhou Sen didn't drink much tonight, mainly because he was in his own restaurant, and someone helped cover him, so naturally he didn't drink much, but the smell of alcohol is inevitable .

It was almost ten o'clock when I returned to Ningxiangguan's home.

As long as she was at home, Bai Yulan would not rest until she came back, unless she was too sleepy to hold on.

"Today, I asked Ah Xiang to invite Dr. Liu over for a pulse check."

"How is it?" Zhou Sen asked. Western medical examination methods are more harmful to the body, not to mention that there is no B-ultrasound yet, he can't do it even if he wants to, but the methods of Chinese medicine are better.

"Doctor Liu said that I might be pregnant with twins, and asked me to move around a little more every day before the delivery, which would help the delivery." Bai Yulan said.

"That's right, sitting for a long time is not good for people's health, but if you want to take a walk, you have to let Axiang or Aunt Chun help you, especially when you go down the steps, be careful."

"I'm also a martial artist, so I won't be so fragile."

"Don't forget, you are now a pregnant woman, and you are still pregnant with twins." Zhou Sen said solemnly.

"Well, you, you're like an old woman, with a broken mouth." Bai Yulan gave him a white look.

"Have it?"

"Let me tell you something. Akiyamanosuke gave me a case. You may not believe it, but it may also be a coincidence." Zhou Sen said.

"What case?"

"The case of the Iron Blood Society of the Military Command Ice Industry University." Zhou Sen said.

"Isn't that case closed?" Bai Yulan couldn't help being surprised when she heard this.

"The end is the end, but now, Akiyama nosuke wants me to use this case as a breakthrough to dig out the hidden military underground organization in Bingcheng." Zhou Sen said.

"What do you mean, let you check the military command?" Bai Yulan instantly became vigilant.

"I don't know what their intention is, or they dug a hole for me on purpose, or they want to find something for me to do, so that I won't let me fish in the police station all day long."


"It means just getting paid and not working." Zhou Sen explained.

"It's very vivid." Bai Yulan nodded, "How do you plan to investigate?"

"This case has been in the past for more than half a year, and now it is brought up again, there must be a deep meaning, but I still can't figure out what Akiyama nosuke means, but I can't be kept in the dark, let alone be led by the nose Let's go, even if you are led by the nose, you must understand in your heart that you cannot be used as a weapon." Zhou Sen said.

"This Jiang Xiao, now he's in trouble."

"Jiang Xiao, is he still in contact with you?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Yes, there is, but we don't meet each other. We communicate through the secret mailbox, about once every half a month."

"Mailbox fixed code?"

"Not fixed, we will continue to change the communication mailbox, and then inform the other party in the last contact."

"So, if you make a mistake or you don't get in touch, you may lose contact?"

"It's impossible. We still have a spare contact method. This is generally not enabled. Once enabled, it will be troublesome to verify your identity if you contact again." Bai Yulan explained.

"So, you don't know where Jiang Xiao and the Bingcheng Military Command Station are now, and what they are doing?"

"We are parallel now. He does his work and I do mine. We usually don't interfere with each other. We just exchange information every half a month." Bai Yulan explained.

"So once the crisis is tight, is there any plan? For example, if something happens to one party, does the other party have the power to take over?"

"Is this really the case? The staff on his side changes a lot, and they change frequently. My side is more fixed, so it's best not to interfere with each other."

Zhou Sen nodded. Bai Yulan was a Sitting Tiger, and the River Crossing Dragon from outside Jiang Xiao was so powerful that it overwhelmed the Crossing River Dragon, so the Crossing River Dragon could only coil up.

"When is the next information exchange?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Three days later."

"Jiang Xiao doesn't know your identity, does he?" Zhou Sen continued to ask.

"He may not know that I am Tian Qi, but he may know the identity of the old horse. The Chongqing side sent him here, so it is impossible not to explain to him." Bai Yulan said.

"That is to say, he is very likely to know your relationship with the Bingcheng Special Team?" Zhou Sen frowned slightly.

"It's hard to say. After I took over the Ice City Special Team, I was originally affiliated with the Northeast Army Intelligence Department. It was not until the 25th year of the Republic of China that I was transferred to Nanjing. At that time, I used the pseudonym Tian Qi." Bai Yulan said.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​using an alias?"

"The old horse passed away. I took over the Ningxiang Pavilion at that time. It is better to do some things in secret. Therefore, Changbo suggested to me not to use my original identity, but to use a pseudonym, so as to avoid many troubles in the future." Bai Yulan explained road.

"Then someone from the Intelligence Department of the Northeast Army still knows about you, right?"


"This is still a hidden danger, but there is no need to worry too much. The intelligence system of the Kwantung Army is not integrated with the Guannei, but will the identity of the old horse be exposed long ago?" Zhou Sen asked.

"The old horse's identity has been exposed?" Bai Yulan was quite surprised. She suspected that the old horse was poisoned to death, but he was not poisoned to death immediately, it should be a slow poison.

If the Japanese knew the identity of the old horse...

"At that time, Lao Ma was only working for the Northeast Army, and he belonged to Nanjing in name." Zhou Sen analyzed.

"No, Lao Ma has been in contact with Nanjing for a long time. He works for the Northeast Army and only provides support for General Zhanshan."

"Isn't Lao Ma affiliated with the intelligence system of the Northeast Army?"

"It also belongs to the intelligence system of the Northeast Army, but it also secretly takes orders from Nanjing." Bai Yulan explained.

"Old horse, this is the right way!" Zhou Sen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"He was also disappointed in the young general. When the Nanjing side contacted him, he agreed to cooperate with the Nanjing side and gave him an official position as a major general." Bai Yulan said.

It is also reasonable. After the September [-]th Incident, how many people were extremely disappointed with the young marshal, and there are too many people who have the idea of ​​​​the old horse.

"So, the Japanese probably don't know your identity, but the old horse's identity is not necessarily the case. However, it has been so long, and it is hard to say whether these secrets will be revealed." Zhou Sen said.

"Will it be because of the old horse..."

"I don't know. Since Qiushan asked me to dig deep into the underground organization of the military command, I have an excuse to go to various agencies to check relevant materials and files. Maybe I can find some clues through this method." Zhou Sen analyzed, "If they know that the old horse His identity will inevitably leave some traces in the file, which is difficult to cover up, unless they spend a lot of effort to sort out and cover up, then they can be sure that this is for you and me."

"In this way, your situation is dangerous?"

"Not necessarily, maybe we are thinking too much, but this time I am given such a task, it will never be for no reason, so we have to be careful, people or addresses that have been in contact with Bingcheng Station must be Clean it up immediately, especially pay attention to any abnormal situation around you, don't deal with it immediately, you have to wait for my judgment, even if you are suspected, as long as we don't take any action, the other party will not take any action." Zhou Sen said.

"Is it really that serious?" Bai Yulan frowned.

"Think of the worst of things, it won't be a bad thing." Zhou Sen said, "Don't worry too much, I'm in charge of everything."

ps: I would like to recommend the new spy war book "Wind in the Dark Night", author: Fox's tail can't be short.

(End of this chapter)

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