Chapter 380 Iron Blood Society

Although they are husband and wife, they each have their own secrets and thoughts, but there is one thing that can make them trust each other.

That is, boy.

If there is no child in the stomach, at this moment, I am afraid that I will probably think too much, after all, the two of them are not ordinary people.

One is a person from the past, and had a marriage, although it was very short-lived, and the other has the soul and values ​​of later generations, and has been carefully trained by the Japanese.

They are all engaged in special business.

That's easy to understand. It would be fine if they were all in the same camp, but now it's clearly not the case.

If you continue to suspect each other and hide things, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, there is such a bond now, and Bai Yulan is honest enough, otherwise, I really don't know how to continue this relationship.

Human beings are complex two-sided bodies.


Work early the next morning.

"Last night, I was having a treat at Food for Heaven. Didn't I ask you to come with me? Why didn't you come?" Zhou Sen saw Anna and went over to ask.

"Didn't I try that Hong Lianghui at Songhua School? I forgot the time. Besides, you guys are drinking, why should I join in the fun?"

"There are women too, and you're not the only one."

"No, it's what you said, except in the hall or when handling cases, we have to avoid suspicion." Anna gave him a blank look.

Zhou Sen didn't say anything, what she said made sense.

"Where's the transcript of yesterday's interrogation?"

"Yunfeng is tidying up, you can ask him later." Anna got up and said.

"What are you going to do?"

"You, the team leader, don't dare to say it, and I, my subordinate, can do nothing. There is a report, and some illegal publications have been seized. I have to go quietly."

"Okay, then you go."


Zhou Sen didn't wait long, and Cheng Yunfeng brought over the transcript that he and Anna interrogated Hong Lianghui yesterday.

There is a thick stack, all of which were transcribed later.

"Where's the original manuscript?"

"At Sister Anna's place." Cheng Yunfeng explained.

"Didn't she go out?" Zhou Sen frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

"Just, just came back..."

"Forget it, you go out." Zhou Sen didn't make it difficult for Cheng Yunfeng, Anna was playing with him, and he could still take it out on others.

Hong Lianghui, born in the year when the Qing emperor abdicated, is 21 years old. He was a third-year student at the Business School of Bingcheng University of Technology when he was arrested.

The full name of Bingcheng University of Technology is National Bingcheng University of Technology. It is one of the first universities in Bingcheng where the Japanese restored Manchukuo higher education. It was formerly Bingcheng Higher Industrial School, a Sino-Russian joint venture, mainly for the railway system There are two departments for cultivating and delivering technical personnel, railway construction and electromechanical engineering.

It was later merged into the law school and business school.

Wen Lin who died was from the law school and was also a third-year student.

Bingcheng University of Technology is currently running a Japanese-style school with a five-year system. That is to say, Hong Lianghui and Wen Lin can graduate in two years if nothing happens. After graduation, it is certain to find a stable and good job. of.

The future is even bright.

Of course, this is based on the perception of most people now. As for the future, if you don’t have an advanced vision, you won’t be able to see it.

Most people are ordinary people, and who can say clearly what the future will look like.

Of course, reading is wise, even if some people are brainwashed by the Japanese, they will keep their heads clear and will not easily believe those nonsense.

The Jagged Society is a peripheral organization established by the military commander in Bingcheng to train and absorb young people with aspirations to join the "Anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese" team.

Of course, there is also the cultivation of reserve forces for the military commander's underground organization in the ice city.

The Jagged Society is not limited to students, but also includes some young people with ideals and aspirations, but students are the most passionate and vigorous group of people. When they are newborn calves, they are the most innocent and idealistic.

And people who have entered the society are more practical and pay attention to interests.

Therefore, it is easy for the "Iron Blood Society" to develop members in schools, and the excessive taxation and brutal suppression by Japan and Manchukuo are more likely to arouse dissatisfaction among students and their own sympathy.

The Jagged Society is a secret society in the Ice Industry University. Those who join need to be investigated and introduced. After all, this is a university controlled by the Japanese. Once discovered, it will definitely be banned by the authorities and dare not openly develop.

Hong Lianghui has not joined the Iron Blood Club for a long time, only less than half a year, and the person who introduced him to join the Iron Blood Club was Wen Lin who was insane and died unexpectedly in the correctional institution.

Wen Lin is considered an old man in the Jagged Club, having been in the club for more than a year, and he is also one of the main directors of the ice worker branch of the Jagged Club in Bingcheng, which is under the military command.

The big branch of the Jagged Society Ice Workers was exposed as a whistleblower from a classmate from Baekje. The Japanese naturally bought some students as informants in the university to monitor the thoughts of the students in the school. This Baekje student is one of them. one.

The Baekje student was rewarded after making the whistleblower report, and the school also gave him a recommended place to study in a local Japanese university.

A total of 23 students from the Ice Industry University were arrested for this whistleblower. After the arrest, they admitted that they were tricked into joining, wrote a letter of repentance, and those who reported and made meritorious deeds were released one after another or paid huge bail fees.

The rest, the main person in charge of the branch and the seven people who refused to repent, were sent to the correctional institution to receive compulsory brainwashing and labor education.

It is precisely because of this case that the Puppet Manchukuo Police Secret Service has grasped some of the organization and personnel activities of the military commander in Bingcheng.

For example, the president (director-general) of the Jagged Club is concurrently held by Jiang Xiao of the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command. In addition to the president, there are also four major officers, all of whom are also part-time staff of the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command. They are responsible for general affairs and communications respectively. , advocacy and action.

They are He Shiying who is in charge of general affairs, Ma Rongda who is in charge of communications, Han Song who is in charge of publicity, and Zhang Yu who is in charge of operations.

These people must have been aliases. If they were real names, they would have been dug out by the Japanese special agencies and the Puppet Manchukuo Police Secret Service.

He is well aware of the ability of the white pole at the Nangang Police Station. This case must have been sieved by him through his hands.

It seems that he has to go to the Nangang police station himself.

No one has ever seen this Jiang Xiao, including Bai Yulan, they met once when he came to Bingcheng to take office.

But that time neither side showed their faces, and that time it was Chang Bo who showed up, and Bai Yulan pretended to be an attendant.

And she doesn't know if Jiang Xiao wears disguise makeup, but Shi Changbo described to him that this person should be in his early 30s, about 1.7 meters tall, thin, with a faint orchid perfume on his body Wei'er, if it wasn't for the voice of a man, he would almost have thought that the other party was a woman disguised as a man.

In addition, there are some details, such as the round-toed leather shoes of size 41, the fingers are slender, the nails are very neatly trimmed, and the skin is fair...

At that time, because I was a colleague, I didn't use these characteristics to spy on the other party's true identity and occupation.

However, according to Bai Yulan's deduction, Jiang Xiao's cover job status should be related to women, otherwise, he would not have that faint orchid fragrance.

There are many careers related to women, such as the foreman of a dance hall, the public relations of a romantic place...

Bai Shoutian might not be at the police station, so he had to go when he was there, otherwise it wouldn't be worthwhile to make a trip for nothing.

Of course, you can't call Bai Shoutian directly. This guy is very slippery. If he knows that he is looking for him, he will deliberately find an excuse to avoid it.

Therefore, the best way is to go directly to his office to block people while he is there.

He has someone at the Nangang Police Station, so he asked for a phone call, and he naturally found out what he wanted to know.

At noon, Zhou Sen packed the food and sat directly in front of Anna: "Have you ever been in the archives room of the Security Bureau?"

"What, you want to go in?"

"I got a special pass card, but there is only one. Of course, we can go in together, or one person at a time. We have a small number of people, and we divide the work. I will go to Bai Shoutian to find out how he handled this case. You How about checking all the information about Juntong's activities in Bingcheng?" Zhou Sen said.

"You are the team leader, you have the final say."

"That's fine. I'll give you the access card later. The Security Bureau will definitely not let us bring out the information, but Chief Kageyama opened a back door for us, allowing us to transcribe and bring it out. Of course, top-secret information is not allowed." Zhou Sen nodded.

"I see, what's the point?" Anna asked.

"In the past three years, it is best to delineate the scope of their activities for the cases involving military commanders and the places involved." Zhou Sen thought for a while and said, "You want to use statistical methods to find out the security activities of the military commander's underground organization scope?"

"Well, the scope can be narrowed down." Zhou Sendao, "Psychologically speaking, people are used to activities in areas that they think are safe. Once they leave the safe area, they will feel uncomfortable and make mistakes. Maybe , we can dig out some useful clues from the old accounts."

"Aren't you afraid of doing useless work?"

"I'm not afraid of useless work, but I'm afraid of not working hard. This case is not guaranteed to be effective. Anyway, the superiors have not limited our time."

"That's right. I don't know if I took the wrong medicine or got the wrong nerve. I assigned you such a task and let me suffer along with it."

"There is no such case, but there are other cases. Do you think Chief Kobayashi and Section Chief Akiyama will let us relax?" Zhou Sen asked back.

"The case is over, you have to treat me to a good meal."


"The interrogation was exhausting yesterday. What do you think of Hong Lianghui?" Zhou Sen brought the topic back.

"This Hong Lianghui seems to be submissive, but in fact he is very smart. He knows how to avoid serious matters and ignore minor ones. He will choose what is beneficial to him, and his thinking logic is very clear, and his reaction is quick. This guy does not seem to be easily deceived." Anna said.

"What's his relationship with that Wen Lin?"

"Good friends, the two have known each other since middle school, and they were admitted to the University of Ice Works together. It's really not easy to get in," Anna said.

"Well, let's focus on investigating their relationship. I think they are not just good friends." Zhou Sen said.

"Are you suspecting that Hong Lianghui has something to do with Wen Lin's death?" Anna cooperated tacitly with Zhou Sen, and she knew that Zhou Sen was suspicious. In fact, she brought Hong Lianghui back from Zhou Sen directly from the brick factory, and did not let him He had been aware of it since he came into contact with other people in the correctional institution.

"On the night Wen Lin died, the last person who came into contact with him was this Wen Lianghui. If Wen Lin's death was committed by him, then Hong Lianghui is the biggest suspect."

"But people died in the middle of the night. Hong Lianghui and Wen Lin had no contact at all at that time. How could they kill people?"

"You don't have to touch to kill someone. Sometimes you can kill someone with just a single sentence. This is called killing someone's heart." Zhou Sen said.

"As for the motive, they were all imprisoned in the correctional institution together, and Wen Lin was mentally disturbed. Even after he got out, he was a useless person. Is it worth killing people, and it was when we were going to the correctional institution?"

"It's just that the time of death is too strange." Zhou Sen said.

"It's true, it's extremely rare to die the night before we passed by."

"So, we need to investigate. This may be the breakthrough point of this case." Zhou Sen said, "Don't say I won't give you a chance. If this case can be found out, it will be a great achievement."

"How do I see that you don't have much interest in your case?"

"If I'm not interested, I'll take the trouble to ask someone to do something." Zhou Sen glared at her, "I'm done eating, you eat slowly."

"You came later than me..." Anna was a little surprised to see that the bowl in front of Zhou Sen was empty.


"Director Bai, do you still have any memory of the case of the Iron Blood Society of the Military Command of the Ice Industry University at the beginning of the year?" Zhou Sen blocked Bai Shoutian who had just returned from handling the case before leaving get off work.

Bai Shoutian didn't expect that when he went back to the office, he was blocked at the door and couldn't get out.

But the other party can't be dismissed with just a few words.

Although Zhou Sen's position is not as high as his, but he is in the police department, and all he contacts are the high-level officials in the department.

Bai Shoutian was a little apprehensive.

"Let me think about the case half a year ago...Brother Zhou Sen, is there something wrong with this case?" Bai Shoutian murmured in his heart. After many months, many students were arrested, but in the end, no effective information was dug up. At the beginning, he still handled it as a major case, thinking that he could make a great contribution.

"Director Bai, you are overthinking. There is no problem with handling this case, but now the higher-ups have given me a task. I need to start with this case and investigate the underground organization structure and personnel situation of Chongqing's military command in Bingcheng. The outlying organization of the military command, I want to start from this organization, you are the person in charge of this case, and you should be far more familiar with the Jagged Society than others, so I came here to ask you for advice." Zhou Sen explained .

"It turns out that the top management of the Jagged Society is composed of five people. The president is also called the general director. I only know that his name is Jiang Xiao, and his nickname is Lao Mao. There are four major directors under him, namely, Double Happiness, Cannon, and Leopard. ..."

(End of this chapter)

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