Chapter 381
After all, Bai Shoutian is the person in charge, so the details he knows are naturally much more detailed than those recorded in the file.

We chatted for almost half an hour. If it wasn't for the lack of time, Zhou Sen really wanted to ask Bai Shoutian for advice.

He has to eat for the sky.

Please ask Su Wenqing to make an appointment with Kato from the gendarmerie. As the master, it's impolite to be late.

What's more, this is the first time he has formally dealt with Kato, and of course he can't offend the Japanese if he does things for the Japanese.

I rushed to "Food is the Sky" without stopping.

Su Wenqing came first, very low-key, and brought Su Xing and two bodyguards. The market is getting more and more uneven.

Although the law and order in Bingcheng is not bad, but as the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce, you have to talk about something, right?

"President Su, thank you. When will Captain Kato arrive?" Zhou Sen clasped his fists as soon as he entered the box.

"I called him when I came out, and he said he would be there soon." Su Wenqing said, "The Japanese are very punctual, and so is Captain Kato."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of a car motor came from downstairs.

"Captain Kato is probably here, shall I go down to meet him?"

"I go with you."

Qin Lang had been notified a long time ago that Zhou Sen was going to have a banquet with Captain Kato of the gendarmerie at "Food is the Sky" tonight. As the manager of the hotel, he would naturally come forward to greet him.

So, when Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing went downstairs, they saw Qin Lang welcome Kato into the lobby of "Food is the Heaven".

"Kato-kun, let me introduce..."

"Officer Zhou Sen, I know you." Kato Heyi nodded slightly, "Although we met officially today, before that, we met at Su Jun's daughter's engagement banquet and wedding banquet. Very impressed."

"Thank you Captain Kato for your compliment, please." Zhou Sen bowed slightly.

Katohe nodded, followed Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing to the second floor and entered the box.

Kato Heyi brought an orderly, but he politely left him outside and came in by himself.

The box is not big, but it is exquisite.

On a small circle, there were only three seats, and there was no distinction between primary and secondary. This was also deliberately done by Zhou Sen, so that it looked less formal, and it was just an ordinary banquet.

Of course, Kato Heyi was a guest, so Zhou Sen invited him to take the seat, and then invited Su Wenqing to sit with him.

"Can Captain Kato drink shochu? Is there anything I should avoid?" Zhou Sen asked.

"I can drink a little bit, I have nothing to avoid, except that I don't eat coriander." Kato Heyi nodded slightly and said, "Zhou Senjun is really considerate in his dealings with others."

"Is sea cucumber okay?"


Zhou Sen called Xiaohai in, ordered a dish, and asked about it. This was also a good opportunity to master Kato Heyi's living habits, but the other party didn't seem to notice, and a lot of his information was taken away before he knew it.

In just a few minutes, Zhou Sen had a general understanding of Kato Heyi's preferences, appetite and some living habits.

"Captain Kato, I mainly use Shandong cuisine here. The characteristics of Shandong cuisine are the materials and workmanship, and it is mainly fresh and salty. But I just asked Captain Kato if the food he usually eats is not very salty, so I specially asked the kitchen to cook it. When it’s time, make a proper list.” Zhou Sen briefly introduced the characteristics of "Food is the Heaven" to Kato, and also pointed out his own intentions.

Kato Heyi is naturally very satisfied, although he and Su Wenqing are friends, and they also do business together to make money.

However, he doesn't give everyone face, even if Su Wenqing invites him sometimes, he will refute face.

Sometimes, he still looks down on businessmen like Su Wenqing in his bones, but Su Wenqing can bring him wealth and many other things, and, in Bingcheng, it is much more convenient to have a local as a friend .

This is called taking what you need.

It would be difficult to say whether Kato Heyi would regard Su Wenqing as a true friend.

Kato Heyi, a soldier of the Imperial Japanese Empire, how could he put down his dignity to be friends with a Chinese businessman?Think too much.

Shochu produced in-house.

At the wine table, Zhou Sen never made any request, but only said that he wanted to get to know Kato Heyi so that he could handle the case better in the future.

This Kato Heyi can also understand that the Special Affairs Division of the Police Agency often encounters intersections with the Gendarmerie when handling cases.

Sometimes there will be conflicts. Of course, although the Special Affairs Section of the Police Department belongs to the Puppet Manchukuo, most of them are Chinese.

But the head of the Secret Service Section is Japanese, so under this kind of dispute, it is impossible for the Japanese, who is the section chief of the Secret Service Section, to admit that he is cowardly.

Therefore, the Special Affairs Section of the National Police Agency and the Gendarmerie have a cooperative and competitive relationship, and in some places they are even enemies.

Bingcheng is better. After all, the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army is here, and there are still people above it.

Anyway, as far as Zhou Sen knew, the relationship between Lin Dakuan and Kato was very ordinary.

A meal was a feast for the host and guests, and when Kato Heyi left, it was Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing who supported him downstairs.

After sending Kato Heyi to the car, Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing went back to the private room upstairs.

"Brother Zhou, what do you mean by going to this game tonight?" Su Wenqing was a little confused, Zhou Sen didn't mention anything serious tonight except eating, drinking and chatting about romance.

"President Su, if you ask someone to do something, you won't ask for it at the first meeting, right?" Zhou Sen chuckled.


"President Su, I just want to get to know Captain Kato. This time I am born again, and I am familiar with him twice. Now that I am familiar, it will be easy to speak." Zhou Sen explained, "You don't have to worry, I will not affect you. Captain Kato's relationship."

"I'm not worried about this. Aren't we on the same boat now?" Su Wenqing said, "I'm afraid that you might find it difficult to speak up. I can ask you a question first, so as to avoid severing the relationship."

"Captain Kato and I really have no personal matters to ask for. What are you doing?" Zhou Sen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I really don't want to talk about it. Naturally, there will be a chance that President Su will owe me a grown-up." love."

Su Wenqing chuckled: "Brother Zhou's words are really funny, am I, Su Wenqing, that kind of person?"

"Go back, it's getting late." Zhou Sen greeted.

"Don't forget about our business, take care of it?"


"Brother Sen, I listened outside just now, do you really want to do black market grain business with Su Wenqing?" Qin Lang followed Zhou Sen's footsteps and asked.

"He does it, I don't." Zhou Sen turned around and explained.

"But what I heard him say just now is..."

"He wants to buy the shares of Anthony Company in my hand, the grain processing factories of my adoptive father. He wants to control the source of grain production." Zhou Sen explained, "Those shares are meaningless to me, and I also I don’t want to be in this business anymore.”

"Brother, if you don't want it, you can give it to me. What's the big deal, I will use the shares of the food to replace it with you?" Qin Lang said.

"Don't you know the grain rationing system that was promulgated just now? The black market grain business cannot be done by just one person." Zhou Sen turned around in surprise, Qin Lang actually wanted to do this business.

It's hard to walk on the right path, so is it necessary to step in with one foot?

"I know, but I have a sales channel. As long as there is food, this business can continue."

"Qin Lang, I can warn you, if you want to have a relationship with Xiaorou, I can pretend that you are buying food on the black market, but if you want to do business in the black market, then don't think about it." Zhou Sen warned categorically road.

"Brother, I also want to earn more money to give Xiaorou a guarantee for the future?" Qin Lang said, "Is there something wrong?"

"You want to make more money and give Xiaorou a guarantee for the future. That's right, but you have to go the right way to make money. If you earn this kind of black-hearted money, can you spend it with peace of mind?" Zhou Sen asked back, "Also, You finally broke free from that house, do you still want to go back, I can give you those shares, but you can only earn hard money for processing, can you do it?"

Qin Lang was stunned, and only let him earn the hard-earned money for processing, how could this be possible?
"Brother Sen, we don't earn this money. Some people earn it. Why should we let others earn it? Can't we earn it ourselves?"

"First of all, this is money with no conscience. Secondly, you know why the Japanese promulgated this food rationing system. Once the black market food business is too hot, the Japanese will definitely attack. At that time, who will be the first bird, don't you Luckily, you will not be one of them, because someone is watching you." Zhou Sen solemnly reminded, "When the Japanese really attack you, I may not be able to save you."

Qin Lang was a little stunned when he heard Zhou Sen's seriousness.

"Qin Lang, if you want to follow the right path, don't think about those crooked ways to make money. Once you do some things, you can't turn back." Zhou Sen finished speaking, opened the door and got into the car, letting Wu En drive home .

Regarding Qin Lang's matter, Zhou Sen can only suggest and cannot make a decision for him. If he is really obsessed with it, it is his own fault.

Looking back, he still has to find a chance to talk to Jiang Rou.


"Wen Lin's autopsy report is out, I put it on your desk, you can take a look." Anna said to Zhou Sen at work.

"I see, what did you gain from going to the Security Bureau yesterday?"

"Nothing, it's similar to what we learned before." Anna shook her head. The information from the Security Bureau is similar, and there is not much reference value. If it is really valuable information, the gang of Security Bureau will find out the details. no?
What they usually do is the work of reviewing materials.

"Take your time, don't rush, it's too hot, pay attention to heatstroke prevention." Zhou Sen said some irrelevant words before entering his office.

An autopsy report was on the table.

Zhou Sen sat down, stretched out his hand to look through it, Wen Lin's death was indeed a suicide, gastric juice test showed no signs of poisoning, internal organs were also normal, the cause of death was intracranial hemorrhage caused by a violent impact on the skull.

This method of suicide is too rare for normal people. In the past, only in dramas, those who have been wronged would use this extreme method to prove their innocence.

Moreover, this method of suicide requires great courage. If you don't die once, you may not have the courage to hit it a second time.

Whether he committed suicide because he didn't want to bear it because of mental pain, or because he committed suicide because of some external stimulus, I'm afraid it's still unknown.

However, if a person chooses to commit suicide in such an extreme way, there must be a reason for the incident. I have to go to the correctional home again, and have a good chat with the dean of the correctional home and Wen Lin's discipline.

Zhou Sen is a person who does what he says and does. He immediately put the autopsy report into his file bag, got up and went out to the correctional facility.

When Hashimoto, the dean of the correctional institute, saw Zhou Sen, he also had a bad face. This puppet Manchukuo police officer named Zhou Sen did not do well every time he came.

However, he had to accept him. Zhou Sen's rank is not high, but his authority is not low. He can come to the correctional institution to investigate and understand the relevant situation.

"Officer Zhou, who are you here to see again?" Dean Hashimoto invited Zhou Sen into the reception room, and opened his mouth to ask.

"Principal Hashimoto, I'm not here to meet anyone, I'm here to find out about you and Wen Lin's supervisor."

"I already understood the situation that day, what else needs to be understood." Hashimoto asked with a puzzled expression.

"About Wen Lin's situation in the correctional institution, we still need to learn more about it. After all, the last time I came here, I just asked roughly." Zhou Sen explained.

"Okay, I'll call Arai for you. He is Wen Lin's supervisor, and he knows Wen Lin's situation best."

"As for Wen Lin's mental problems, can we also invite the doctors from the hospital?" Zhou Sen asked again.

"Alright, I've asked all the necessary questions at once, so as to save you an extra trip." Hashimoto smiled, nodded and agreed.

"I also want to see the few people who were imprisoned together with Wen Lin and Hong Lianghui. Can the dean arrange it?"

"At this point, they should all go to work, if you want to call them back." Hashimoto said.

"Dean, it's about the inside story of Wen Lin's death. I don't think you will refuse." Zhou Sen nodded slightly.

"Is it really a murder?" Hashimoto was taken aback. If there was a murder in this correctional facility, it would be his responsibility as the dean of the correctional institution, and he must be held accountable.

Zhou Sen smiled and said nothing.

Dean Hashimoto hurriedly said: "Okay, if Officer Zhou wants to see someone, I'll send someone to bring them back right away."

"Thank you, Dean."

"Disciplinary Arai, don't be nervous. I just want to ask you something about Wen Lin and Hong Lianghui's situation in the correctional institution. If you have anything to say, you don't have to answer." In the reception room, Zhou Sen saw Arai, the correctional officer.

"I am mainly in charge of their lives. There is a special person to supervise them at the brick factory. What I know is that there are seven people who were sent in together. Wen Lin and Hong Lianghui have the best relationship. Originally, the seven of them were going to Those who are divided up are not allowed to have any two of them live together. This is the rule of the correctional institution, but Wen Lin is not in good health. When he came in, he could see that he had some mental problems..."

(End of this chapter)

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