Chapter 399 Warmth
Bai Yulan gave birth, and the whole family was busy all night, until the two little ones "quack" fell to the ground, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


One son and one daughter, mother and son are safe.

This is a great joy.

Good news, wish fulfilled, boiled red eggs!

Everyone was busy again, his wife gave birth, Zhou Sen naturally didn't want to go to work, so he had to stay at home for two days no matter what.

Although there is someone to take care of her at home, no one's company can replace her husband, although there is no such thing as a man taking maternity leave in the police department.

When Akiyamanosuke received Zhou Sen's leave call, he was quite reasonable. He congratulated him first, and then gave him a three-day vacation.

Anyway, Zhou Sen was working in the police station either as a signature tool or as a detective. He had dual identities. Even if Zhou Sen didn't ask for leave and didn't come in the name of investigating the case, he couldn't do anything.

What's more, Zhou Sen really has a case on hand.

Calling him to ask for leave is a respect for him.

"Come on, come on, be careful, here comes the chicken soup..." Zhou Sen pushed open the door and came in with a large bowl of chicken soup.

"Why didn't you go to work?" Bai Yulan asked in surprise. After resting for two hours, she recovered a lot and put a scarf on her forehead. Yes, it has become a custom.

In fact, it was restricted by the hygiene and conditions in the past, which led to the conclusion of a protective measure for pregnant women.

It is completely unnecessary now, as long as the temperature is suitable and the hygiene is done well, there is no need to be so careful.

But Zhou Sen still respects tradition, as long as Bai Yulan doesn't feel uncomfortable wearing it, he will be fine.

As for opening windows for ventilation in the house, that is a must.

At this time, it is the summer of Bingcheng, and the weather is hot. It is fine if there is no electric fan. If the windows are not opened and there is no ventilation, it will be suffocating.

"I'm on leave for three days. I'll be at home with you and the child." Zhou Sen walked over and sat down on the stool, "Open your mouth, I picked out all the fat on this chicken soup. It's delicious and milky. Gain weight."

"You still understand this?" Bai Yulan asked in surprise.

"I'm going to be a father, how can I not do my homework beforehand?" Zhou Sen chuckled and gave Bai Yulan a blank look.

"Boss Bai, there are not many men who love their wives like Mr. Zhou." Aunt Chun, who took care of the two children, said enviously.

"Listen, Aunt Chun can tell..." Zhou Sen showed off to Bai Yulan with a look of embarrassment.

Bai Yulan turned her head away helplessly, this man was really a cloud, so it rained.

"Xiao Mori, the baby will be breastfeeding soon, have you found a nurse yet?" Bai Yulan asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I've found them earlier, and I won't starve them," Zhou Sen said.

"But I don't know when I will be able to..." Bai Yulan's cheeks flushed slightly, and she didn't know how to say this.

"Promote milk, I will!" Zhou Sen blurted out.

"What, sir still understand this?" Before Bai Yulan opened her mouth, Aunt Chun's eyes were wide open.

"I consulted the midwife." Zhou Sen quickly explained.

"Xiao Mori, do you really know it?" Bai Yulan asked in surprise.

Can Zhou Sen say that in his previous life, in order to write novels, he consulted some materials and watched some weird videos?

"It's the first time, why don't you let me try it?" Zhou Sen said, "I'm a little worried about letting outsiders come here."

"Try it, how do you try it?" Bai Yulan asked, she had never experienced it before, and she didn't understand anything.

"Well, it seems like this..." Zhou Sen leaned over and lowered his head, and whispered a few words in Bai Yulan's ear.

"Ah..." After listening, Bai Yulan's pink neck instantly turned red.

"Why don't we try?" Zhou Sen asked tentatively.

"Aunt Chun is still here, isn't it?" Bai Yulan's cheeks turned redder.

"Aunt Chun, take the baby to the next room and let the nanny breastfeed the baby first." Zhou Sen turned his head and told Aunt Chun.

"Okay, sir." Aunt Chun agreed, got up and carried the two children out one by one.

Zhou Sen went over to close the door and put the latch on, for fear that the blind person would come in and see it, and it would be embarrassing.

"Yulan, lie down..."


"Brother Sen, why is your face so red? Are you sick?" Ah Xiang asked strangely when she saw Zhou Sen coming into the kitchen with a flushed face.

"It's okay, it's hot." Zhou Sen quickly explained, "Your sister Lan's confinement meal is about to be prepared, and you have to follow my recipe, you know?"

"I know, we should focus on good digestion, light oil and light salt, eat less and eat more." Ah Xiang agreed without thinking too much.

"Our meals are the same as usual, separate from Yulan's."

"Then I can't do it alone." Ah Xiang said.

"It's okay, the child is being taken care of by a nanny. Aunt Chun can come and help you. When Yulan gets better, she can also help take care of the child. It won't take long, just a month or two." Zhou Sen said.

"Yeah." Ah Xiang nodded.

"Well, I'm resting at home these two days. If you have any heavy or tiring work, you can ask Wu En to help you. For chopping wood, moving things, just call him, don't feel bad."

"Who cares about him, Brother Sen, don't talk nonsense." Ah Xiang blushed like rouge all of a sudden.

"Hmm, ha." Zhou Sen let out a haha, turned around and left.

Even though she was resting at home, she couldn't always be around Bai Yulan, besides, she needed to rest more.

As for the two children, they have eaten and slept, and have not yet opened their eyes, but they look wrinkled, like a little old lady.

However, children grow fast and slowly grow.

The two children weighed about the same when they were born. The daughter was two taels heavier than the son.

The nanny said that if she continued to eat like this, she would not be able to bear it alone. Fortunately, Bai Yulan's milk came quickly.

At night, she was able to barely keep a baby at the breast.

Serving the confinement is not only hard for the confinement mother, but also for the confinement person.

Newborn babies have to feed every two or three hours and check their diapers. Fortunately, it is summer, which saves a lot of trouble. If it is winter, the difficulties will be multiplied.

Those families who have money to burn earth dragons are fine, but those who don't have money to burn earth dragons for warmth. Having a baby in winter is a difficult problem for both mother and child.

Off topic.

Zhou Sen didn't sleep a wink after tossing all day and night, which was harder than the devil's special training at Yimianpo.

So, after everything was in order, he couldn't hold on any longer, so he quickly found a place to sleep.

After waking up, I found that it was already dawn the next day, so I quickly got up to wash up, and then took a look at the child. The two little guys were sleeping soundly.

After a day and a night of recovery, Bai Yulan was in much better spirits, but she could only rest in bed and couldn't get out of bed.

The nurse's name is Xiu'er, she is only in her early 20s, a few years younger than Bai Yulan, and she is already having her second child.

My child is three months old, and she is also a girl with enough milk. Because the family conditions are poor, I came out to be a nanny for others. First, I can share the burden for the family, at least I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking for myself. Second, it is also good for my child. , but also subsidize the family.

Whether it was the case of "Ye San'er" being killed or the case of Wen Lin's suicide in the correctional institution, they had all entered the stage of investigation.

Generally, if a case of this type cannot be solved within 48 hours and misses the prime time, it can only be done slowly.

The case of "Ye San'er" has locked the suspect Huangfu Jun. He is in Bingcheng, and it will be a matter of time before he is caught. If he is not there, it will be difficult.

And the case of "Wen Lin" involved the "Iron Blood Society" of the military command. This case is an old case, and there is no rush for a while.

That's why Zhou Sen was able to ask for leave to stay at home. Otherwise, the case was at a critical juncture, and he couldn't put it aside and concentrate on staying at home with his wife.

Bai Yulan was originally a celebrity in Ice City, especially after she married an ordinary policeman like Zhou Sen, her career improved, and she was elected as the vice president of the Ice City General Chamber of Commerce, which attracted more attention, especially when she was pregnant Later, she temporarily retreated behind the scenes to raise a baby and give birth, and news about her often appeared in the newspapers.

There are also some non-existent rumors, as long as they are reported, Zhou Sen will kill them in the cradle with absolute power.

He himself is in charge of this aspect, who dares to create rumors about his wife, isn't it because the birthday man eats arsenic and is tired of work?

Therefore, everyone knows that as long as relevant news about Bai Yulan is published, it must be confirmed, otherwise, not only the newspaper will be confiscated, but the newspaper office will also be in danger of being shut down.

Originally, when Bai Yulan gave birth, she would be able to publish it in the newspaper on the second day, but it dragged on until the third day, because the Chinese newspaper did not dare to publish it randomly, even though Zhou Sen was just a little police officer, but he happened to be in charge of this aspect. People are not afraid, but people are not interested in this kind of news.

Zhou Sen also didn't want to be someone else's talking point, so he also greeted the newspaper. News can be published, but it is not allowed to occupy the first page, and the position should not be too conspicuous. If you can say clearly in one sentence, you are not allowed to expand it, so as not to waste public resources. .

It's a happy event for my wife to have a baby, but it's still my own business. It's really unnecessary for the whole ice city to know about it.

In this way, after the news was disclosed, he was overwhelmed with calls of congratulations. In addition to the colleagues in the Nangang Police Station and the Police Department, there were also people who knew and didn't know the business circles of Bingcheng, and the people who were responsible for the major gangs. , more than half of it is Bai Yulan's social relationship.

Many people in Zhou Sen only knew about it, but he himself had never seen it, which shows how deep Bai Yulan's contacts and social connections in Bingcheng are.

Fortunately, they were very low-key when they got married, and the family just had a meal. If it was a big deal, they might not even be able to sit in the New World Hotel if they booked it.

The phone calls finally stopped, and the busy day was over.

Zhou Sen went to see the two little guys, they had already opened their eyes, they slept after eating, they woke up for a short time, but their eyes were very beautiful, according to Bai Yulan's words, the daughter is more like Zhou Sen, The son is more like her.

In fact, it's so small that you can't see it, but it's much better than the wrinkled state when you were just born.

Bai Yulan had just given birth, so she couldn't take a shower, so she could only wipe her body with a towel. This job was naturally done by Zhou Sen, her husband. It's not appropriate to let outsiders come.

Of course, Bai Yulan didn't like it, after all, after giving birth, a woman's body has changed, and what she cares most about is her lover's eyes.

Women always don't want to show their "ugly" side to their men, but Bai Yulan's objection is invalid.

If Zhou Sen hated it, he wouldn't have come to do this.

"Yulan, we can secretly marry the two of us, but I'm afraid we won't be able to drink after the child's full moon."

Zhou Sen wiped his back and said, "Today, you don't know how many calls I have answered. I'm afraid that my phone line will burn out due to overuse."

"Then what are your plans?" Bai Yulan asked.

"We have our own restaurant, so there's no need to go to another hotel. Anyway, it's a flowing banquet. Drinking homemade wine can save you a lot of money, what do you think?" Zhou Sen discussed with Bai Yulan.

"Can Shi Wei Tian seat so many people?" Bai Yulan asked worriedly. If she really wants to have a full moon wine, or a water banquet, then if there are too many people, she might not be able to sit down.

"Food for the Heaven is not a small place, it's really not good, and the open-air flowing water seats are not bad, but I'm afraid there will be insufficient manpower, so I'll leave it to Qin Lang to have a headache."

"The problem of manpower is easy to solve. The key is the back kitchen. Whether it can handle such a large banquet, ingredients, chefs, and food hygiene are all issues to consider." Bai Yulan said.

"There is also security. If you really want to hold a banquet, you can't avoid it." Zhou Sen said, there must be many guests who came that day with unusual identities, and their safety issues must also be considered. If something goes wrong, The fun will be great.

"Hey, you're still so tired after giving birth..." Bai Yulan sighed, "I don't care, you can worry about it."

What can Zhou Sen say, Bai Yulan is a pregnant woman, and he is the person in charge of the family now, so he should not be allowed to do these things.

If there were elders and old people in the family, it would not be his turn to worry about this matter.

"Komori, tell me, can I return to my previous figure?" As a woman, it is natural to love beauty.

"Yes, there is a kind of exercise called yoga, which can help women recover after giving birth, but it won't work until you finish confinement." Zhou Sen said.

"Yoga, what is it?"

"I'll just teach you when the time comes." Zhou Sen chuckled, some strange skills learned in his previous life were finally useful.

"Are you lying to me on purpose?"

"What did I lie to you about? When the time comes, I will practice with you, and you will know if I am lying to you." Zhou Sen said.

"Tell me, I have been pregnant for such a long time, plus confinement, it will take at least two months. Have you ever thought about that?"

"Which aspect?" Zhou Sen pretended to be stupid and asked in a daze.

"You don't come here, don't you know what I mean?" Bai Yulan gave Zhou Sen a white look, but she still couldn't hear it.

"Actually, occasionally..." Zhou Sen chuckled, picked up the washbasin and ran away.

Bai Yulan gritted her teeth looking at Zhou Sen's background, but not long after, she burst out laughing with a "puchi".

(End of this chapter)

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