Chapter 400 Arrest
"Brother Sen, Section Chief Meng is here!" Zhou Sen was washing diapers in the yard when Wu En ran in from the outside to report.

Originally, he didn't need to do this job, but as a father, you always have to experience changing and washing diapers for children.

Otherwise, how can I tell my children in the future, "How did Dad pull you up with a handful of shit and urine?"

Zhou Sen flicked the water in his hand, stood up and ordered: "Invite people to the front hall to serve tea first, and I will be there right away."

"Brother Sen, congratulations, you will have both sons and daughters!" Meng Qiang congratulated Zhou Sen with cupped fists when he saw Zhou Sen.

"Thank you, Section Chief Meng, please sit down." Zhou Sen hurriedly greeted, and asked Meng Qiang to sit down and talk, "But, there is a clue to Huangfu Jun's case."

"Well, it's still your method of publishing newspapers and asking for clues that rewards you. This Huangfujun really hasn't left the ice city. He's hiding at the big fence. However, there are more complicated people in that place, so our people counted it in. It's hard to find someone, you have to rely on the power of the snake inside." Meng Qiang said.

"I've been to that place before, it's indeed complicated, but how can you be sure that Huangfu Jun is hiding there?"

"He hired someone to buy him big cigarettes, showing his whereabouts." Meng Qiang explained.

"Since he's hiding, why don't he buy more at one time and hire someone to buy big cigarettes, don't you know that he will expose himself?"

"It's probably because I hid in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare. This opium shop basically smokes inside, and the takeaway volume is very small, so you have to register. I'm afraid that someone will secretly buy and hoard it, and then get it elsewhere to buy, disturbing market." Meng Qiang explained.

"That's no wonder." Zhou Sen nodded. He doesn't smoke that kind of thing, so he doesn't know that there is such a set of rules.

"I don't have any acquaintance with Dashilan either. The key now is to determine where Huangfujun lives, and we can't scare the snake away."

"In this hot weather, people must take a bath. Although there is tap water on the Dashilan side, you have to pick it up on time. Also, it is difficult to keep food for a long time, so if he doesn't come out to fetch water And to buy food, you have to hire someone. Now we advertise in the newspapers. He must not dare to use the identity of Huangfu Jun, let alone show his face, but there are more than 2 people living in Dashilan, and there are so many houses. , what is going on inside, no one can say clearly." Meng Qiang analyzed.

"Where is the person who provided the clue?"

"You're talking about the man who bought him big cigarettes, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"That was a coolie he found randomly on the street. Give him money and ask someone to buy it for him in the opium hall. After buying it, he will take it back for him. After getting paid, they will leave." Meng Qiang said.

"Isn't he afraid that others will take the money and run away?"

"It depends on luck. If that's the case, there's nothing you can do about it." Meng Qiang said with a chuckle.

"How do you know he lives in Dashilar?"

"That coolie is also a smart man. Huangfu Jun obviously has money and can go to the big smoke hall to buy it himself, but he hired someone to buy it. There must be something wrong, so I followed him secretly until I saw him enter the big fence After that, I didn't go in."

"How does he know that the person who gave him money to buy opium is Huangfu Jun?"

"He also heard other people talk about this matter later, felt that this person was suspicious, and wanted to earn this reward, so he ran over and told us about this matter, we based on his description of the person's figure and appearance , judging that this person is most likely the Huangfu Jun we want." Meng Qiang explained.

"Find the person first. Since the opium shop has limited the purchase of opium, he will definitely buy it again. This is an opportunity for us." Zhou Sen said.

"He bought the amount for three days. Even if you save a little, five days is about the same. It should come out again in these two days."

"Then arrange for people to stay at several exits of Dashilan, and report any suspicious person immediately." Zhou Sen said, "Is there enough manpower? If not, I will coordinate and arrange."

"If it's just monitoring, there are enough people." Meng Qiang nodded and said.

"I'm waiting for good news from Chief Meng."

"Don't worry, as long as he is in Dashilan, we will find him out." Meng Qiang solemnly promised.


"Chief Meng, since you're all here, bring some red eggs back for the brothers, so I can save myself another trip," Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, I will thank Brother Sen on behalf of the brothers."

"What's the matter, I made the brothers work hard, and the case is over, I will definitely not treat the brothers badly." Zhou Sen said.

Meng Qiang left and assigned a mission to stay. Whether or not Huangfu Jun can be caught depends on this one time.


Xiangfang District, Qin Residence.

"Huangfujun didn't leave, he's still in Bingcheng." Qin Xiong said with a glance at Jin Yazhen who had just come back from the outside.

"I didn't leave, I didn't leave. Is there any problem?" Jin Yazhen put the purse in her hand, threw away the sandals on her feet, stepped on the floor with her bare feet, and said without paying attention at all.

"Once Huangfu Jun is caught, won't he betray you?"

"Betrayal, is there any evidence, and I didn't ask him to kill someone?" Jin Yazhen sneered, "It's too childish to convict me based on his words alone, isn't it?"

"Didn't you leave anything in his hands?" Qin Xiong asked.

"You're thinking too much about how I can have something in his hands." Jin Yazhen said, "Even if Huangfu Jun is caught, he won't betray me."

"you sure?"

"If you don't believe me, then there's nothing I can do." Jin Yazhen got up and walked up the stairs, "I'm tired, I'll take a rest, and I won't have lunch."

Qin Xiong looked at the back of Jin Yazhen winding up the stairs, his face was very ugly, this woman at home was not paying attention to him more and more.

Don't say anything, but still treat yourself with such an attitude, I really forgot, who is the head of this family?


Zhou Sen's three-day vacation is over soon, he has to go back to work in the police department, and Bai Yulan can get out of bed after three days of rest, but her range of activities is limited to indoors, and she wants to go out for activities .

Zhou Sen felt that it was nothing. The temperature outside was not low, and there was no wind. It was good to take a walk and breathe the fresh air.

As long as it's not too long.

But people of the older generation naturally have a traditional concept. Women in confinement can only stay in the house for a month, can't go anywhere, and can't open the windows. .

It is already open to let the windows open for ventilation.

"Brother, don't worry at home. We are here. The new stage is just being renovated, and I don't need to be on stage. I just have time to stay at home with my sister-in-law." Jiang Rou said while having breakfast.

"Well, you should learn a little bit, and you can use it in the future." Zhou Sen nodded and said with a chuckle.

"Gu, I'll leave the family affairs to you. You are an elder and have experience. They all have to listen to you." Zhou Sen gave Aunt Bai Mo'er the status again.

"Okay, Komori, don't worry, Yulan is my niece, I will definitely take good care of her." Bai Mo'er said.

"Well, I'm off to work, and I'll try to come back early in the morning after get off work." Zhou Sen greeted Wu En, and drove to the police station to work.


"I came here so early, and I was wondering if I should give you two more days off!" At the gate of the police station, Zhou Sen happened to meet Nosuke Akiyama, the chief of the secret service section, who also came to work.

"I am inexplicably grateful that the section chief can give me three days off. Other wives don't get this kind of treatment when they have children. If I ask for leave after licking my face, I don't understand the rules." Zhou Sen hurriedly explained .

"Come back when you come back. I guess you, an old man, can't help much at home. It will add to the chaos." Akiyama Nosuke laughed, with a taste of the Northeast.

Zhou Sen smiled awkwardly, did not refute anything, and followed Akiyamanosuke into the gate of the police station.

"Morning, Section Chief Akiyama."


"Director Zhou, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Nodding and greeting all the way, Zhou Sen finally came to his office and started his day's work.

Anna opened the door and came in: "Finally I am willing to come back to work. I thought you would ask for two more days off."

"If you have something to say, don't be weird." Zhou Sen raised his eyes and said to her.

"I brought you the materials of the 'Old Fengtian' tailor shop, please take a look." Anna pointed to a file on the table and said.

"Well, I see, I will watch." Zhou Sen nodded.

"The phone number I left at the 'Old Fengtian' tailor shop is your home phone number on Cannon Street. Is there any problem?"

"What remedy did you do?"

"I pulled a line from your house, asked someone to watch the phone, and went to the telephone exchange to change the address of the phone number." Anna said.

"Did he call in?" Zhou Sen asked.

"not yet."

"Then wait a little longer, don't be in a hurry."

"Is everything okay at home, I heard that you gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl?" Anna asked.

"You want to know, why don't you take a look yourself?" Zhou Sen asked. He had told Evna the news. If Evna wasn't in good health, she would have come to help.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Let's not talk about it, the things between me and you are in the past tense, now it's simultaneous and partner." Zhou Sen said.

"Tell me, what if I'm pregnant too?" Anna suddenly stroked her stomach and looked at Zhou Sen playfully and asked.

Zhou Sen was so frightened that the water glass in his hand shook and almost spilled the water in the glass.

"Don't be kidding, this is not a joke." Zhou Sen really paid attention to this, except for that time when he was reversed.

"I'm lying to you, it scares you, you just think, I might not be happy." Anna twisted her waist, turned and went out.

Zhou Sen let out a long breath. He was really taken aback just now. If Anna is really pregnant, what should he do?

Putting this matter aside for a while, Zhou Sen picked up the information about the "Old Fengtian" tailor shop and looked through it.

This "Old Fengtian" tailor shop was originally a hardware store. After two years of money, "Zheng Nan" took over and opened a tailor shop.

The business of the tailor shop was not good at the beginning. After all, Zheng Nan looked younger and didn't look like a master at all.

But the word of mouth was built slowly, and within half a year, the business of the "Old Fengtian" tailor shop has improved. Not only is it well-known in Shuidao Street, but also in the port area. He makes suits and cheongsams, but generally speaking, they are mainly middle- and lower-class people, and there are also some businessmen and upstarts in the officialdom. After all, his place is still much cheaper than some high-end shops.

The high-end customers are all monopolized by those few well-known tailor shops, and the fewest ones have been doing business in Bingcheng for 30 to [-] years. As long as the quality is good, no one will change it easily.

The young man and apprentice in the store was recruited by him when his business was good. His name was Xiangzi. He had been with him for a short time, only about a year, and usually helped him look after the store and do some odd jobs.

According to the information, there is no problem. Zheng Nan is also a genuine tailor, and his craftsmanship is not bad, but Hong Lianghui's testimony, if it is to exonerate himself, he should not dare to lie about this kind of thing.

What can be seen in the materials is superficial, and what cannot be seen in the materials needs to be taken seriously.


The phone on the desk rang suddenly, pulling Zhou Sen back from his thoughts, and quickly picked up the phone.

"Hey, Zhou Sen, inspector of the Special Affairs Division of the Police Department, okay, I understand, come here right away!" After listening to the call, Zhou Sen quickly hung up and got up.

It was Meng Qiang who called. After only two days of guarding, he found Huangfu Jun's trace. He must have become addicted to cigarettes, and he had run out of goods, so he came out.

As soon as he came out of the big fence, he was followed by a plainclothes officer from the criminal department of the Pier Police Station. Although he deliberately covered his face with a sun hat, he was still recognized.

This guy really knows how to choose places.

After discovering Huangfu Jun's whereabouts, the plainclothes immediately reported to Meng Qiang by phone, and then followed him all the way.

Naturally, Meng Qiang reported to Zhou Sen at the first time, and then led people to monitor Huangfu Jun, ready to arrest him at any time.

Just when Zhou Sen was about to go out, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, as if he had thought of something, he turned back, picked up the telephone on the table, and made a call.

"Sixth, it's me, you bring two people..." Zhou Sen ordered, then walked out of the office, called Wu En, and the two drove towards the big fence in the port area at high speed.

On a street away from Dashilan, an arrest is going on, and the arrestee seems to be unaware of the danger, and he is still gesturing with a person...

"It's him, go!"

The arrest team led by Meng Qiang has already been deployed. Seeing that the encirclement has been formed, he quickly issued an arrest order.

The plainclothes police who had been ambushing for a long time quickly surrounded the target "Huangfu Jun", and then rushed forward.

"Huangfu Jun" was thrown to the ground at once, no matter how much he struggled, it was of no avail, and finally he was firmly pressed to the ground, and then his hands were handcuffed behind his back.

"Huangfu Jun, it was so hard to find you, get up!" Meng Qiang walked over, raised his leg and kicked, and shouted.

The "Huangfu Jun" on the ground raised his head, but Meng Qiang's eyes were dumbfounded. This is not Huangfu Jun, it is another person at all.

"No, this kid knows..." Meng Qiang pinched his thigh and cried out in frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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