Chapter 413 Indifferent Family Affection

"Wen Lin's information shows that he is the eldest son in the family, but his mother has long since died of illness. After his father remarried, he gave birth to three more children. One of them is a boy who is only seven years old this year..."

Dog blood drama in the house?
How big is the Wen family's family business, does it need someone to inherit it, or is this vicious stepmother unable to tolerate Wen Lin, the eldest son?

Not surprisingly, Wen Lin, the eldest son of the family, is going to inherit most of the Wen family's business. Now that something happened to him, not to mention the imprison, his future will also be ruined. Of course, there is no need to mention any future now. .

People are gone.

"Wen Lin's uncle is a poor nerd with no skills. He is in his thirties, and he is still a widow. He took a job as an accountant. It is no problem to support himself..."

"My natal family doesn't have much power, so it's hard to stand up for Wen Lin, a nephew. No wonder it's not difficult for Bai Tai to go to Wen's family to divorce." Zhou Sen nodded. Retiring an engagement has been a shame and shame since ancient times, especially for the man. The Wen family didn't respond at all. This is enough to show his attitude towards Wen Lin.

"Do you want to contact Wen Lin's uncle?"

"Okay, you guys get in touch first to understand the situation." Zhou Sen nodded. It's hard for an upright official to decide on housework. He just wanted to find out the situation at the Binjiang Station of the military command behind the "Iron Blood Society". area of ​​interest.

"it is good."

"Buy your office equipment first, it won't be wasted anyway, and you have to move it there then."

"We have increased the number of people now, the radio and receiver equipment is not enough, and there is also a power problem. This is a residential area, and there are frequent power outages, and the voltage is not stable. If you want to maintain stable reception, you need to pull a special circuit. , this needs to be negotiated with the power plant..."

"You make a list of the things I have to do, and then let's divide the work." Zhou Sen ordered.

"Well, do you still need to recruit some people, I'm afraid there are not enough people now?"

"Let's go to Ice City Academy. There should be people we need over there. We can recruit more and prepare first."

"Will someone turn over from the ice spy?"

"There is a part, but I have to wait, I still need to confirm with Director Ono Takuan." Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, Ice City Academy, you should come with me?"

"Well, get in touch with there first, and then pick a suitable time, that is, go now. I'm afraid the good seedlings among the freshmen will have been picked away long ago."

"It doesn't matter, we are just looking for people to work. Besides, picking the rest doesn't necessarily mean there are no talents. Let's pick one first." Zhou Sen said.

In the next few days, Zhou Sen became very busy, and there was basically no one in the police department. Naturally, some people had objections, and even filed a complaint with Matsuda Kikuo.

Matsuda knew what Zhou Sen was doing, so naturally he scolded the person who made the complaint, and after that, there was no one in the hall who made a small report to Zhou Sen.

With the favor of two consecutive directors, it is no problem to walk sideways in the police department. Who would dare to ask Zhou Sen's attendance?

The staffing of the "Information Room" has gradually improved, from two people at the beginning, to eight people, and now twenty.

The equipment followed immediately. Although it was not new, it was better than nothing. The information room was gradually built up in Zhou Sen's hands.


Ei Sato called him to No. 3 Yiyuan Road.

"Mr. Sato, I'm considering setting up four groups in the Intelligence Room. Miscellaneous, interception, deciphering, and intelligence analysis. The Miscellaneous Group is responsible for the logistics support, equipment maintenance and storage of the intelligence room. The interception team, as the name suggests, is lurking for me. In the liaison work of the radio stations in the Far East of the Soviet Union, the deciphering is temporarily responsible for the translation of the telegrams, and there is also an intelligence analysis, which is to summarize and sort out the relevant information obtained according to the level, and make relevant analysis. Currently, the personnel are still During the running-in, except for the leader of the interception team, which I suggest is Anna, none of the other three team leaders has a suitable candidate..."

"Is the staff on the ice spy side in place?"

"Director Ono is still in the process of handing over, and my house on Youyi Road is still being renovated, and it is temporarily placed in my old house on Gaoshi Street to work. It is estimated that it will take at least a month before the house can be repaired there. " Zhou Sen explained, firstly, his place is too small to use it, and secondly, Ono Dakuan is unwilling to let people go.

Just relying on the rookies he recruited, he can't guarantee when the results will be achieved.

"I will supervise Ono-kun, you should build it according to this organizational structure first." Sato Hideo thought about it and ordered.

"Yes, Chief Sato."

"I heard that your wife gave birth to twins for you?" Sato Ying suddenly asked.


"Is the full moon wine ready?"

"It hasn't been done yet, the time hasn't come yet." Zhou Sen smiled coyly, what did Hideo Sato mean by suddenly mentioning this, maybe he still wanted to join in the excitement of his two children's full moon wine, and he had no intention of inviting him.

"I heard that you have invited many people, and all the celebrities in the business world in Bingcheng have received invitations?" Sato Ying asked.

"That's all my wife's social connections."

"Zhou Senjun, you married a good wife!"

"Officer Sato is full of praise, and this subordinate just got a little bit of shit luck." Zhou Sen leaned slightly and said.

"This kind of luck is not what anyone says it has." Hideo Sato chuckled.

"Mr. Sato, my subordinate actually prepared an invitation card for you, but you suddenly called me to report on work. I didn't bring the invitation card with me when I went out, so I just..." Zhou Sen hurriedly explained.

"Hehe, it's understandable. Since Zhou Senjun sincerely invited me, I will definitely go there when the time comes." Hideo Sato said.

"Thank you, Chief Sato, I will definitely sweep the couch to welcome you." Zhou Sen thought that the other party would decline, but unexpectedly, he agreed without hesitation.

There is no way, this invitation has to be sent.


"How is it? Has the structure of the intelligence room we designed, Mr. Sato, passed?" Anna asked with concern after returning to the temporary residence of the "intelligence room".

"Well, it's basically approved, but the team leaders haven't been confirmed yet. I guess we'll have to wait for the people from the Ice Spy to come over." Zhou Sen nodded, "However, we can group ourselves first, and then designate A deputy team leader, first decide on the title, even if the appointment of the team leader needs to be approved by the higher authorities in the future, we must first hold our own part in our hands."

"Well, the establishment of the intelligence room can be said to be the joint efforts of you and me. We can't make a wedding dress for someone."

"I'm already a special case. None of the heads of the Japanese intelligence department has ever been a Manchurian." Zhou Sen said, "However, in name, I'm just a deputy, and it's not a violation of the rules."

"Well, what should I do next?" Anna nodded and asked.

"Notify everyone to have a meeting in the conference room."


The temporary conference room was full of people, with western faces and oriental faces, the ratio was almost one to one.

Zhou Sen's opening remarks in Russian basically set the main direction of the intelligence room's work.

To Sue.

"Our special intelligence room is a confidential unit, affiliated to the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army, under the guidance of the clerical intelligence team, mainly for the collection, collation and analysis of military intelligence in the Far East of Soviet Russia. This work will continue for a long time in the future. I don't know how long it will be, but what I want to say is that in the next period of time, I hope that everyone will cooperate sincerely, help each other, and do this job well, which will have an extremely huge impact on your future."

"The intelligence room is temporarily divided into four groups to work. The miscellaneous group, as the name suggests, is responsible for everyone's life and the security of the intelligence room. Listening is now the core work of the intelligence room. We now have four receivers, mainly receiving And the interception of related confidential communications sent from the Far East will be expanded depending on the situation in the future. I don’t need to explain the translation team. The last one is intelligence analysis. The sundries team has Muren as the team leader for the time being, and he is also in charge of intelligence. For the security work of the office, Ms. Anna is the team leader of the two groups of interception and translation. The two groups work together, and Ms. Anna is in charge of the main business. I will also be the team leader for the last intelligence analysis. Next, Miss Anna. Announce the list of team members!"

"Miscellaneous group, Muren, Wu En, Cheng Yunfeng..., detection and translation group, Martha (this is my identity in the intelligence room), Nina, Han Songyue, Yao Yumei, Moros, Yamada Zhizi, Harada Sachiko, Imura..., intelligence analysis team, William (Zhou Sen), Bekovsky, Fu Changming, Romonshinov..."

"Our current job is to sort out and archive the materials transferred from other departments, and to be familiar with the goals we are about to work on. First of all, I have a few requirements. First, everyone must be familiar with and understand the list of high-level Soviet Russia And the position of the job, if there is a change, it must be grasped as soon as possible. Second, for the information collection of the military chief officer stationed in the Russian Far East, at least reach the level of battalion commander. Third, be familiar with the Soviet army's communication codes and communication frequencies. , to prepare for future interception and deciphering..."

Since you want to do something, you must naturally come up with some real materials, otherwise, it will be troublesome for the Japanese to see that you are deliberately slowing down your work.

There is a gap in how to say and how to do it, and what step can be achieved, and there is no end to intelligence work, as long as the progress is in your own hands.

Anyway, according to the historical process, Japan will not take the initiative to provoke the station again. As long as the cooperation is good, there is no problem for him to secure his current position.

After the meeting, Zhou Sen waved his hand and told everyone to go to work. In the conference room, only he, Anna, Muren, Han Songyue and others were left.

"Our work needs to be kept secret, whether it is to outsiders or to our own family members. Therefore, we must have a job and identity to cover. I have assigned a task to everyone before, just to help you think about what we can do to cover Our real job." The purpose of Zhou Sen to keep these few people he brought back from Yimianpo special training base is this.

"This job needs to be able to accommodate so many of us working together, and it must minimize outside contact and interference." Anna added.

"Can we start a factory?"

"The factory needs raw materials and production products. If we don't buy and sell, people will definitely be suspicious after a long time." Objections sounded.

"Trading company, that kind of foreign trading company, we are only responsible for receiving and dispatching orders, and can use the radio station legally and reasonably?"

"Well, we can consider it, but if we want to do it, we must really do it instead of making a pretense. What if a business comes to our door, what should we do?" Zhou Sen nodded after hearing this. The idea is good.

"The newspaper office, or the publishing house, the director, we can do things in the name of the publishing house. Anyway, what is published, ordinary people will not check it. We can publish some old books or printed materials. Isn't this business coming?" Han Songyue suggested road.

"Xiao Han's suggestion is good. The publishing house is very good. Director, what do you think?"

"Well, this idea is very good. We can publish Russian novels, historical books, and of course not only Russian, Japanese, and English books, and if we do well, there will be an objective profit , and, I'm in charge of the review in this area, why didn't I think of this convenience!" Zhou Sen also praised.

He originally wanted to consider setting up a "newspaper office", but a newspaper office must publish newspapers, and newspaper publishing will have exposure. Once you become famous, it will not be a good thing.

The publishing house is much more low-key, and can take on a lot of jobs, and even get a lot of jobs from the Puppet Manchukuo government by virtue of their connections.

"Okay, then it's settled. Let's start a publishing house. Let's brainstorm the name and see what a low-key and catchy name can be chosen." Zhou Sen thought about it. , there is no better cover identity than this.

"Why don't we call it Lilac Publishing House?"

"Lilac Publishing House?"

Lilac is Anna's former code name, and lilac is the most planted flower in Bingcheng, and it is also a favorite flower of ordinary people. It can be said to be the city flower.

It is very appropriate to use this name as the name of the publishing house.

Anna also looked at Zhou Sen with burning eyes. The name "Lilac" has a special meaning to her.

The decision whether to use "it" as the name of the publishing house depends on Zhou Sen's decision.

"Okay, this name is very good. It is simple and easy to remember. You can go to the police station to register for the record tomorrow. Then, we can also make a magazine under the name 'Lilac Flower', as long as it does not involve political content. Either way." Zhou Sen made a final decision.

Hearing that Zhou Sen decided to adopt the name "Lilac", Anna immediately beamed with joy.

It involves a confidential unit and requires tight security, so Zhou Sen opened up the utility room under the stairs and the dark room inside.

The sundry room is directly used as a temporary office for the sundry team, and the dark room inside is used as the weapon storage of the special intelligence room.

A batch of self-defense firearms and ammunition were collected from No. 3 Yiyuan Road and put in, and self-defense weapons were distributed to those who were willing to carry weapons.

 I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and good health to your family!
(End of this chapter)

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