Chapter 414

"Lilac Publishing House, this corresponds to the industry you are in charge of now. Yes, the publishing house is a very good cover identity." Sato Ying was very satisfied with Zhou Sen's idea of ​​using the "publishing house" identity to cover the intelligence room.

"Officer Sato agrees."

"Since we are going to do it, we must do it seriously. Don't let people see the flaws. The procedures of the publishing house should not let people see the flaws."

"Yes, Chief Sato, I plan to focus on foreign language novels at this publishing house, mainly QS novels..."

Hideo Sato gave Zhou Sen a strange look.

"You chose this direction a little strangely?"

"Sexy dogs and horses are inherently human nature. What we want is to release our nature. Moreover, we make Russian language, which can be used as a weapon..." Zhou Sen explained his thoughts in detail.

Sato Hideki didn't take it seriously at first, but the more he listened, the brighter his eyes became, and he repeatedly praised Zhou Sen for his brilliant idea.

Zhou Sen didn't want to take this "credit" for himself, but quietly mentioned it, saying that it was inspired by Hideo Sato, who came up with such a direction of work.

"We also want to set up a contracted writer system, select some good writers from the writers in Bingcheng, and create a serialized monthly novel, which can be in foreign languages ​​or Chinese..."

The Japanese attach great importance to the infiltration and aggression of culture, otherwise they would not have forced Japanese enslavement education in the puppet Manchukuo.

And for those who are beyond the educational age, schooling is not realistic, but it can be done in other ways.

Zhou Sen always proposed a good direction to kill his fighting spirit.

Of course, this is also a double-edged sword. It is the same for people as it is for oneself, but as long as it is published in Japanese, the damage can be minimized.

Zhou Sen observed Hideo Sato's expression, and knew that he was moved, and that the job was done well, and that was his credit.

Yamamoto Toshi was killed by him, and Sato Yoshiro's death has nothing to do with him. Although Sato Jun was influenced by Yamamoto Toshi, he may have some opinions on him.

But Hideo Sato would not necessarily listen to Jun Sato, not to mention that even though he was in competition with Yimianpo Training Center with Yoshisa Sato, Jun Sato died in the jaws of death and had no relationship with him.

Of course, he is vigilant enough to Sato Ying's heart, because the original identity is a hostile relationship.

"You have to give me a look at the review of the manuscript of this novel."

"Of course, every issue of the monthly novel and the publication sample book must be submitted to you for review and signature before it can be printed and published."

"Well, very good, Mr. Zhou Sen, you are visible to the center of the Great Japanese Empire, and the Empire will reward you for your contributions."

"Thank you, Chief Sato, it is my honor to be able to serve the Great Japanese Empire." Zhou Sen smiled obsequiously.

"Yaoxi, Zhou Senjun, what else do you want, just ask for it?"

"As for the start-up funds and income of the publishing house, the subordinates need you to give the next charter." Zhou Sen said.

"Do you have any idea?"

"If the intelligence department pays for the start-up funds of my publishing house, then the proceeds can be handed over at that time, and then allocated as funds for the intelligence department, but if the intelligence department only gives us the relevant funds, then the publishing house can be responsible for its own profits and losses. If you make a profit, I will give you allowances and bonuses, and if you lose money, it means that your subordinates have put in a little effort for the great cause of the empire." Zhou Sen said
Zhou Sen's request is very simple, the Japanese contribute money, investment and income, you decide for yourself, and I will take a share of my own remuneration.

If you don't pay, then you want to be a white wolf, then I'm sorry, when the time comes, he will fool around with the operation of the publishing house, anyway, it's just a cover for his identity, even if he says he is losing money, he can't do anything about him.

Of course, it’s okay not to pay, that is, let him be responsible for his own profits and losses, and he will be responsible for all profits and losses.

How much money a publishing house makes has nothing to do with you.

This must be said upfront, and responsibilities must be clarified. When the time comes, if you refuse to accept your account and play hooligans, at least you will have a chance to defend yourself.

Zhou Sen could also guess that as long as he did a good job, the Japanese would most likely play hooligans, but he didn't care about that.

The important thing is that he can use this "publishing house" to do what he wants to do.

The Japanese are not rich either. In the Chinese battlefield, the funds have been spent, and there is no short-term profit. It is difficult to get out of the quagmire.

The currency they printed in Manchukuo is still stable now. Once the war changes, these things are not as good as straw paper.

Where does the money come from?
Hideo Sato will most likely agree that he is responsible for his own profits and losses, because it is possible to make money in a publishing house, but it is difficult to make a lot of money!

If he is asked to invest a sum of money, wait until the proceeds are turned over, and then allocate the turned-in profits to the "Information Office" as funds, the initial investment will give him a headache. Moreover, some things of the Kwantung Army are quietly What they are doing without telling the base camp, such as using the Trojan team "Zhou Sen" to set up this spy intelligence room against Su.

Funds are limited, and Zhou Sen is not a serving Japanese soldier, so he can avoid the investigation of the base camp.

"The intelligence department doesn't have that much investment for the time being, and Zhou Senjun can cover this part temporarily." Hideo Sato is not stupid, he also has a lot of eyes.

"Of course there is no problem for me to advance, but what will happen to the part of the money I advanced? I can still find you when you are in office. If you are promoted one day, I can't tell." Zhou Sen also Think about your speech.

"This..." Hideo Sato also knew that Zhou Sen was not stupid. There was no separation of powers and responsibilities in this kind of matter, and it would be quite troublesome later.

And he didn't know how long he could stay in this position. Once he was transferred away, he wouldn't know who to turn to.

If you don’t give me the start-up capital, let me put it on my own, and don’t give me any certificates, who dares to invest money in it to do things?

If Zhou Sen is really devoted without expecting anything in return, Hideo Sato probably wouldn't believe it.

Zhou Sen is not Japanese, no matter how loyal he is to the Great Japanese Empire, he will still not do the same things as a Japanese.

Even if he did it, who would believe it?

Zhou Sen made it clear that you can either give money, and I will work for you. As for losing money or making money, it is unpredictable here.

The second option is not to give money, you are responsible for your own profits and losses, policy and relationship care, etc., to ensure that no one will make things difficult, but in this way, it seems that giving is not equal to getting, which makes Sato Hideo feel that he is a bit at a loss.

"In this way, the funding and intelligence department for the publishing house will not be available for the time being, but your publishing house will definitely use the relationship and resources of the intelligence department. The intelligence department accounts for 30.00% of the dry shares. Isn't that too much?"

"Not too much." Zhou Sen also knew that Hideo Sato would not let him take full control of the publishing house, and there was no way to refute the conditions he put forward. The Ministry of Intelligence took a share, so he had to solve the trouble for him.

At least no one in his publishing house would dare to make trouble.

"Then I'll ask General Yanagida for instructions. There shouldn't be any big problems." Hideo Sato said.

"In time, to set up a publishing house, you need to hire some professionals. Of course, it has to be reliable. I plan to poach part of it from other publishing houses with high salaries. It would be even better if Chief Sato has a recommendation."

"When outsiders come in, how do you ensure that the work of the intelligence room is not leaked?" Sato Hideo asked.

"It's enough to separate the office. In addition, it is fine to build the printing factory elsewhere, or directly purchase a printing factory." Zhou Sen explained, "And, as long as anyone enters the publishing house, they must be screened and inspected accordingly. , in fact, we only need people who know the skills and printing technology, and we can select them internally, so that the secrets will not be leaked out, what do you think?"

"Well, that makes sense."

"Actually, we are two organizations, one team, and the main focus is still on the work of the intelligence room." Zhou Sen said.

"Yaoxi, Zhou Senjun, just let go and do it."

"Hay." Zhou Sen bowed his head slightly, then took out a red invitation card from his pocket, and handed it over with both hands, "Mr. Sato, on the sixth day of next month, a pair of sons and daughters under the moon will be full moon. I respectfully invite you and your wife to visit us together."

"Okay, I will definitely be there, and I will give you a big gift." Hideo Sato stretched out his hand to take it with a smile.

"Thank you, Chief Sato, and my subordinates will leave!"


"Sato agreed?"

"It's not that easy. We have to wait for this matter." Zhou Sen shook his head, "But he should have no reason to object."

"That's true. The intelligence department probably doesn't give us much money now. If you want the horse to run, but don't let the horse eat grass, how can there be such a reason in the world." Anna said with her mouth puckered.

"Has Wen Lin's uncle been contacted?"

"Well, he will rest at home tomorrow, we can go there." Anna replied.

"Then arrange it. I'll go with you and visit Mr. Guo." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"it is good."


In the evening, I will go to the home of Ningxiang Pavilion.

"Uncle." Chang Bo came in from the outside, although his face was tired, but his steps were light.

During the time he came back, he was always in a happy mood. Being able to personally manage the full moon wine for a pair of twins born to Bai Yulan was happier than killing a traitor.

You know, Bai Yulan's parents hoped that one day they could see their daughter get married and have children, but unfortunately, they couldn't wait for this day. He waited and saw it.

"Chang Bo, how is the invitation for the Full Moon Wine?" Zhou Sen raised his head and asked.

"There are still some. When I went there, there was no one at home. I should be able to deliver them when I go again."

"I've been a little busy at work these days, thank you Chang Bo."

"It's not hard, uncle." Chang Bo said, "Although I'm a little tired, I'm happy in my heart."

"You still have to pay attention to rest, you are not too young."

"Don't worry, young master, I know my body very well. Isn't there A Le following me?" Chang Bo chuckled.

"Okay, you can hand over some heavy and tiring work to Ale. There is no need to do some things yourself. You also need to let Ale grow up faster, so that he can help you better." Zhou Sen said.

"Well, I see, uncle, don't worry, I will pass on my experience to Ale."

"I hope you can teach Ale more, and I hope you can live a long and healthy life. The two little guys born to me and Yulan need your help."

"Brother Sen, Uncle Chang, what are you talking about, come over for dinner."


In the dining room, Bai Yulan, who was confinement, walked in with Jiang Rou's support. She recovered well and her movements were basically fine, but everyone was still used to helping her walk.

I always stay alone in the room and eat alone. I have no appetite. In addition, the confinement meals are less salt and less oil. If you eat too much, you will get bored easily.

Therefore, she hopes to have dinner with the big guys.

However, it is still necessary to pay attention to some spicy foods that cannot be eaten, let alone alcohol.

For dinner, it is lively when the family sits and eats together.

Zhou Sen is usually not at home during the day, and it is a rare opportunity for the family to eat together at night, and if they eat separately, then everyone lives under the same roof, but they can't even see each other.

After eating, Wu En and Aunt Chun went to help Qiuxiang clean up the dishes, and Jiang Rou accompanied Bai Yulan for a walk in the yard.

This is not sitting or lying down all day long, the body can't stand it, and walking after meals is also helpful for digestion and body recovery.

Zhou Sen naturally went to the nursery, saw the two boys, hugged the daughter, then hugged the son, the more he looked at them, the more he liked them.

It's a good feeling to have children.

Bai Yulan only took a walk for about ten minutes, and she almost came back.

"Xiaorou, you are tired too, go back and rest, let me come." Zhou Sen took over and helped Bai Yulan into the room.

"Okay, bro, then I'm going back to my room."

Zhou Sen held Bai Yulan's waist and carried her into the room: "Be careful with the threshold."

"Xiao Sen, have you noticed that Xiaorou is not in a good mood today." Bai Yulan whispered to Zhou Sen.

"No, I think she's quite normal?" Zhou Sen was a little surprised.

"You, you are usually too careless, but as long as a woman doesn't want to show her small thoughts, it is difficult to find out." Bai Yulan said to herself.

"Did she tell you?" Zhou Sen asked.

"No, how could my daughter's small thoughts be easily revealed, but I can see that she looked a little restless when she came back today."

"Uneasy?" Zhou Sen was slightly startled. He knew Jiang Rou's identity, which made her uneasy. It was very likely that there was something wrong with the underground party organization in Bingcheng.

If nothing happens, it's a big deal.

"Well, although I don't know what happened to her, I feel that it should be related to personal feelings."

"Qin Lang?" Zhou Sen frowned slightly, this kid dared to bully Jiang Rou, he had the guts of a leopard, "How about I talk to him?"

"I'll try to ask tomorrow to see what's going on." Bai Yulan said, "You talk to Qin Lang directly. If you talk too seriously, you can't go back to something."

"Okay, then please."

"Family, Jiang Rou is also my sister, can I not care about her affairs?" Bai Yulan gave Zhou Sen a white look.

(End of this chapter)

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