Chapter 427
Treating guests is definitely indispensable, but he has just held the full moon wine, so he has to wait for two days, let alone after this promotion.

In the police department, there are not many people with a higher rank than him.

Not to mention walking sideways, at least you don't have to look at the faces of some people anymore, even some Japanese police officers with low police ranks don't have to bow their heads like before.

After a short period of joy, Zhou Sen fell into deep thought, although the reason for his promotion that Ono gave him made sense.

But at this time, the card felt a little unusual, and this kind of instinctive suspicion made him faintly uneasy.

This anxiety came from an instinct, or a sixth sense, but he couldn't tell where it was for a while.

Right now, I can only suppress this anxiety and devote my energy to work. Even if it is "perfunctory", let the Japanese see how "conscientious" they are.

This is not contradictory. Some people are good at this. They seem to be busy all day long, as if they have done a lot of things. In fact, they are just busy and have nothing to do. Such people are the most industrious.

You must have this skill, strengthen it, and adapt to it.

As soon as Zhou Sen returned to the office, people who had never visited before all came over to say hello, asking for their health, each one was more enthusiastic than the other.

This is the warmth and coldness of human relations. When you are good, everyone will support you and even cling to you. Once you go downhill, they probably won't even look at you.

In just one or two hours, at least seven or eight waves of people came. It was obvious that Zhou Sen had a bright future in the police department, and he might become his immediate boss someday.

Zhou Sen is so young, and his backing is still so strong, as long as he doesn't make mistakes, it's uncertain, isn't the Japanese now vigorously promoting the young people they cultivated and supported, and then replacing all the old guys in the past.

Zhou Sen was so forced that he had no other choice. He couldn't stay in the office anymore, so he could only take a step forward. He was promoted on the first day, and he didn't want to leave early.

If he didn't have another job, if he left early, he would really be gossiped about.

The temporary residence of the special intelligence room is actually the old house where Zhou Sen used to live. Another sign has been hung on the gate of the house: Lilac Publishing House Preparatory Office.

If you don't put up a sign, this suddenly a private house, with so many people coming in and out, must be suspicious.

Hanging up a sign directly saves a lot of trouble, and outsiders can understand what's going on when they see it, and no one talks too much.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say you're in the hall today and come back after get off work?" Anna, who was adjusting the listening equipment in the surveillance team, suddenly turned her head and saw Zhou Sen standing behind her, she couldn't help being startled.

"It's annoying to be knocked on the door alone after a while."

"It's all because of your sudden promotion. Let's get close. I want to have a good relationship with you?" Anna pursed her lips and smiled.

"I'm just the love of Mr. Shibuya, and I didn't go up by ability."

"This relationship is also a kind of ability. Why don't others have this relationship?" Anna chuckled.

"Now that we have more equipment and manpower, the detection should be more efficient?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Well, now we can monitor more than 8 stations at the same time. In the future, if we double the manpower, we can expand to about 20 stations. However, the deciphering and analysis of encrypted messages may be weak. It is almost impossible to decipher other encrypted telegrams.”

"Deciphering secret codes is not our main job. If we are monitoring and detecting, we will hand over the deciphering to other departments," Zhou Sen said.

"When will the intelligence analysis team be in place?"

"It depends on Ono's side. He won't let anyone go. On my side, I can only briefly summarize and report. More in-depth research, comparison and analysis are not enough." Anna said.

"Any news from the hunter?"

"His side is alright, but it will enter winter a little earlier than ours, and the temperature is already below zero." Anna said.

"As soon as the weather is cold, the amount of people's activities in the wild will decrease, which is also detrimental to our intelligence collection. Let them try their best to collect information about the Soviet Russian Far East Military Region under the premise of ensuring safety as much as possible, and focus on The deployment of the opponent's troops, information on the main officers and generals should be at the battalion level, and in addition, activate our "trojan horse" in the Soviet army to comprehensively collect relevant information." Zhou Sen ordered.

"Okay, which ones to start?"

"Activate Vasily, Viking..." Zhou Sen said a few code names, which were arranged by the "Troy" team to hide hidden personnel in the Soviet army.

In fact, these people, Zhou Sen had already asked General Peshkov to replace all the people who did not belong to his side.

This ensures that the information sent back has been screened and compiled, and can be known to the intelligence department of the Japanese Kwantung Army.

"About the publishing house, we first set up an editorial department, but none of us have worked as an editor, so there is no problem with reviewing. This requires the recruitment of professional staff from outside, as well as printing equipment. Should we build our own printing factory? , or outsource the printing business to others?” Anna asked.

"Let's consider outsourcing first, we don't have that much money to buy printing equipment for a while." Zhou Sen said.

"Chief Sato didn't agree with your plan of being responsible for your own profits and losses?"

"Anyway, the plan was submitted, but I haven't replied yet. I don't know how to think about it." Zhou Sen nodded.

"Alright, let's do it according to outsourcing first, but we have to have our own typesetting staff." Anna said.

dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Muren opened the door and walked in, "Boss, Sister Martha (Anna), I found out that the source of the news written by the reporter of "Xiaoxi Daily" is an old bustard in Qunfang Building, called Sister Yan."

Sister Yan?

Zhou Sen frowned. He had heard the name before and felt a sense of familiarity. After recalling it carefully in his mind, he finally remembered who this "Sister Yan" was.

This "Sister Yan" used to be a member of the Ningxiang Pavilion, and this woman also contributed to the fate between him and Bai Yulan.

This is an insider. No wonder the many details described in the "Xiaoxi Bao" don't seem to be imagined out of thin air, because someone behind the scenes provided the material.

After that night, Zhou Sen didn't mention it to Bai Yulan again. After all, it involved Bai Yulan's privacy. In addition, this matter has long passed, and now it's a done deal.

It's meaningless to mention it again, and besides, Bai Yulan only drove Sister Yan out of the Ningxiang Pavilion, but didn't kill her completely.

Of course, this Sister Yan didn't talk nonsense outside, and it was a good time to get together and get together, but this time, why did this "Sister Yan" suddenly jump up again, and spread such news to such a tabloid that specializes in breaking news about sex? ?

Jealousy was stimulated, so did you use this method to secretly retaliate?
This small-minded woman is able to do such a thing, and it is in line with their usual logical thinking.

"Shut up that reporter for a few days, and warn him not to write any more nonsense, otherwise, it won't be a matter of shutting down for a few days, and the boss of the newspaper office will also be shut down." Zhou Sen ordered instead, " Also, take that sister Yan to the Songhua School, I have something to ask her."

"Yes, boss." Muren nodded.

"Muren, are you still used to the job at the Port Police Station? I put you there because we also consider that our intelligence room will be in that area in the future. In this way, we can also use it to deal with our related affairs in a timely manner." Zhou Sen called. Asked Muren who stopped and turned to go out.

"Very good. Chief Meng took good care of me." Muren nodded. He was arranged to enter the port police station and assigned to the Criminal Division to serve as Meng Qiang's deputy.

Now that Meng Qiang is Zhou Sen's person, he naturally takes good care of Muren. Muren doesn't even have to go to the port police station to work, and the assessment, salary and benefits are quite a lot.

"That's good, let's go." Zhou Sen nodded.

"I remember that Sister Yan was originally from your Boss Bai, right? She is not afraid of losing her job if she does such a thing of betraying her former owner?" Anna said.

"If our family is still doing this now, I'm afraid it may not be the case. The peers are originally competitive. If you want to pursue this kind of thing, someone will protect you. But it's different now. I really want to make an example to others, and no one can stop it." .” Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Full Moon Banquet, if you post posts to each of the Qin family, the eldest son of the Qin family must be unhappy?" Anna said with a "giggle".

"I'm not as magnanimous as Su Wenqing. When my daughter got married, she invited her opponent on purpose to show her magnanimity. I'm a villain, and I hate evil as much as my enemy. If I dare to invite him, he will dare to come. When the time comes, I will embarrass me. I'm so stupid! Stupid."

"It's true, this Young Master Qin is not an open-minded person, and what he does really makes people feel that there is no pattern."

"Business competition, tricks, and conspiracy are understandable, but there must be a bottom line and morality, so even if you win for a while, you can't win forever." Zhou Sen said.

"That's true, but who knows what will happen in the future now, if you achieve your goal at the fastest speed, you will be successful."

"Okay, I have to go to Songhua School in a while, so go get busy."

"Need me to go with you?"

"No need." Zhou Sen shook his head. He went to interrogate Sister Yan. Bai Yulan's privacy was involved. How could outsiders know.

As soon as Anna heard it, she knew that Zhou Sen would not let her get involved, so she curled her lips, turned around, twisted her waist and went out.

After dealing with some work in the intelligence room, Zhou Sen called his family again, saying that he would go back later so that the family would not have to wait for him for dinner, then called Wu En and drove to Songhua School.

Songhua School has now become a special detention center for Zhou Sen to handle cases. Of course, Songhua School is not opened for him. Most of the cases here are handled by the Security Bureau.

Songhuajuku is a secret detention center of the Security Bureau, and Zhou Sen was able to borrow it because of Kageyama Jiro's relationship.

Later, it was his friendship and interests with Kitano.

As long as Kitano is still the person in charge of Songhua School, Zhou Sen can directly lock up the person he wants to arrest without letting anyone know.

"Kitano-kun, I'm here to disturb you again."

"Don't bother, Mr. Zhou Sen, I'd be happy if you come every day!" Kitano happily welcomed Zhou Sen in.

"I heard that Senjun Zhou has been promoted to Sergeant Sergeant, so I will call you Sir from now on." Kitano joked.

"Kitano-kun, there is no need for this between you and me, we are friends, brothers." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Friend, brother, haha, okay." Bei Ying laughed loudly, and personally led Zhou Sen to the interrogation room.

"If you have anything to do, just call me. You can use whatever you want here." Bei Ye pointed out that it should be all kinds of inhuman instruments of torture in Songhua School. Zhou Sen usually doesn't use them in his own interrogation. As for his subordinates who came to handle the case, Then he won't be too restrictive.

"Okay, thank you Kitano-kun." Zhou Sen nodded slightly.

That Sister Yan had already been brought into the interrogation room, but not just anyone could enter the Songhua School, so only Muren and Meng Qiang came.

Meng Qiang came to claim credit, although he didn't know the inside story, but whenever Zhou Sen was involved, he always came to rub his face to get acquainted.

Zhou Sen didn't talk to him too much, he just said that he had some personal problems, so Muren asked Sister Yan to come over for questioning. It wasn't a big case, so he was sent back.

Then, he asked Muren and Wu En to avoid him, and he and Sister Yan were left in the interrogation room.

Zhou Sen didn't have a deep impression of Sister Yan, besides, since Sister Yan left the Ningxiang Pavilion and went to the Qunfang Building, it has been almost [-] months, and it has been two years.

But the condition that Sister Yan gave him was much worse than what he had seen before. The skin on his face was loose, and his hair had lost its former luster, especially the quality of clothing, which was one level worse than when he was in Ningxiang Pavilion.

At this time, with her frightened eyes and hands that were nowhere to rest, she didn't even dare to look up at Zhou Sen.

If she hadn't betrayed Bai Yulan and stayed in the Ningxiang Restaurant, she would have been able to get the position of a teahouse manager at least.

Unfortunately, she chose the wrong partner and the wrong way.

This is fate, and it is not in the slightest.

Originally, people have their own ambitions, which is fine, but you want to be in the top position, but you use improper means to act as a helper and design to frame others. This is a problem of character.

She could be easily bribed, but in the Qunfang Building, she was probably resisted and guarded against, and she was to blame for entering the situation.

"Seeing me, if you have anything to say, I will give you a chance to defend yourself." Zhou Sen sat in front of the other party and spoke slowly.

Sister Yan coughed for a moment, and raised her gaze a little: "Officer Zhou, I know I was wrong, because I also helped you and Boss Bai, your lord has a lot, please forgive me this time. "

"If it wasn't for this, do you think I would be talking to you here?" Zhou Sen asked back.

"Thank you Officer Zhou, thank you Officer Zhou."

"Don't rush to thank, you know what I want?" Zhou Sen stared at Sister Yan and asked.

"I, I..." Sister Yan's nervous forehead was sweating, she was also a person on the scene, how could she not guess what Zhou Sen wanted.

"I can give you time to think about it. It can take as long as you want to say the location, but as soon as I leave this room, many things cannot be guaranteed."

When Sister Yan heard the words, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes. How could she not understand the horror of entering a cell?
This Zhou Sen is young, he speaks the most gentle words, but does the things he hates the most. No wonder, he and Bai Yulan can make a pair.

This couple is by no means like the outside rumors, Zhou Sen is a softie.

(End of this chapter)

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