Chapter 428 The Secret of That Incident
Smart people don't need to talk too much.

Silent pressure can sometimes break people down psychologically more than torture, especially for women, whose psychological endurance is worse.

Of course, people are also scored, once you have faith, it will be different.

Sister Yan, a woman who has been rolling in wind and dust for nearly 20 years, probably doesn't know what "faith" is at all.

Therefore, Zhou Sen was sure that she would speak up.

"Time is running out, and I will go home for dinner later." Zhou Sen raised his wrist, smoothed his sleeves, and said, looking at his watch.

"Officer Zhou, can I have a cigarette?" Sister Yan asked after swallowing.

Zhou Sen thought about it, took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took out a cigarette from it, and handed it over.

Give her some more.

Sister Yan took two puffs, her nervousness seemed to ease a little, and she said, "Officer Zhou, although I hate Boss Bai for kicking me out of the Ningxiang Pavilion, she is still thinking about her old love, and there is no Killing me, if it were someone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't let it go so easily, I also let the lard cover my heart, and I was jealous for a while, so I did such a wrong thing."

"Did you do it alone?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Yes." Sister Yan hesitated and said.

"What's the name of that "Xiaoxi Daily" reporter? How long have you known each other?" Zhou Sen continued to ask with his eyelids drooping slightly.

"His surname is Song, I don't know what his name is exactly..."

"Is he a guest of Qunfang Building?"

"Come, come a few times."

"Does he know any girls?"

"A girl named Ruyan served twice, does that count?"

"Have you ever stayed in Qunfang Building? Did he find you, or did you find him?" Zhou Sen kept asking.

Sister Yan became dull for a moment, and did not answer.

"Qin Xiong didn't teach you how to answer this question, did he?" Zhou Sen snorted coldly.

Sister Yan trembled all over, and the hot ash fell on the back of her hand, causing her to cry out "Ouch".

"There is a price to be paid for everything you do, Sister Yan, you are clear about this truth." Zhou Sen said, "If you don't tell me, I won't know about it?"

Sister Yan looked at Zhou Sen in horror.

"Do you think Qin Xiong will let you go as long as you don't say anything and cover up for Qin Xiong?" Zhou Sen sneered, "As long as you are taken away by my people, he will think that you will betray him. His words and doing this matter are of no use in his eyes. If I let you go now, you will be swept out of Qunfang Building. If you don’t bother and leave Bingcheng directly, maybe you can save your life , but if you are not smart, I don’t need to tell you, you can imagine your fate.”

When Sister Yan heard this, her body trembled like chaff. Zhou Sen's words directly hit the fear in her heart and instantly destroyed her psychological defense.

What Zhou Sen said was far more terrifying than she imagined, but she was also judgmental. What Zhou Sen said was not a threat, but a real possibility.

The question is, can she gamble, and dare to gamble?
"Officer Zhou, let me live, okay?" Sister Yan knelt down to Zhou Sen with a "plop", "In the next life, I will be a cow and a horse, and I will repay you with a grass and a ring."

"If you want to live, you have to fight for it yourself." Zhou Sen squatted down, stared at her calmly and said, "Others can't help you."

"Officer Zhou, I..." Sister Yan was still hesitating, and she also knew that once she opened her mouth, there was no way to turn her head back.

"So, you are determined to protect the new master?"

"Officer Zhou, can I think about it again?"

"You didn't hesitate so much when you decided to attack your benevolent proprietor, did you?" Zhou Sen's face turned cold in an instant.

"Officer Zhou, let me tell you, let me tell you..." Seeing Zhou Sen's terrifying and cold face, Sister Yan quickly agreed in fright.

"Words are not proven. You have to write it down and sign it." Zhou Sen's expression softened.

"Okay, Officer Zhou."

Zhou Sen asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and watched Sister Yan tell the reporter how Qin Xiong bewitched and threatened her about what happened between Bai Yulan and Zhou Sen that night. Of course, all the dirty water was poured on Bai Yulan, The general idea is that the Ningxiang Restaurant run by Bai Yulan is in crisis. She needs to find a big guy to help, jumping around, so she chooses Zhou Sen, the big guy, and arranges to wait until Zhou Sen comes to the Ningxiang Restaurant to drink flower wine and take the opportunity to take advantage of the wine. I moved my hands and feet, and then...

If this story happened to someone else, everyone might not believe it, but if it happened to a woman who ran a wind and rain place, even if she was a married woman, the credibility would be much greater.

What's more, Huaxin, a young woman, is lonely in her boudoir. Finding a young and wealthy man not only solved her urgent needs, but also gained physical comfort. Now, she has accomplished a good thing, which is simply too perfect.

If any man knew that he was being calculated, even if the husband and wife were in love now, he would not feel comfortable.

Qin Xiong used Sister Yan, an abandoned son, to disgust Zhou Sen and ruin Bai Yulan's reputation by the way. This guy is really vicious.

This kind of thing can't be justified. The more you explain it, the more people will think that this is the 300 taels of no silver here.

Sign and draw!
This confession is considered complete.

Of course, there must be the supporting evidence of the reporter who spread rumors in the newspaper. With these evidences in hand, Zhou Sen can publicly sue Qin Xiong for defamation and spreading rumors.

Of course, this crime is very light, at most he can pay a little money, and it won't cause much real harm to Qin Xiong.

The point is, Sister Yan explained in her confession how she drugged Bai Yulan and asked Luan Yuanhui to stuff the unconscious Zhou Sen into Bai Yulan's boudoir.

"Since Qin Xiong coveted Yulan, why did he give her that kind of medicine and give him me?" Zhou Sen felt that what Yan Yuyan explained was different from what he understood, although Bai Yulan didn't want to mention it again. That matter, but also a little bit said, she was drugged at that time and needed to be detoxified, so she chose him out of desperation.

Zhou Sen didn't go into it too closely, after all, it's not suitable to get to the bottom of this matter, and now it seems that there is something hidden in it.

"Actually, I gave Boss Bai medicine, and Team Leader Luan also gave you medicine, but I don't know what kind of medicine he gave..."

"I'm not drunk, but drugged?" Zhou Sen was taken aback. If he was just drunk, he might wake up and become another person. This sounds illogical, but if he was drugged to death , and then being occupied by a human body, this can be explained.

As for how it came back to life, that's another question.

"I was drugged and died naked on the bed in Bai Yulan's boudoir, while Qin Xiong was quietly in the middle..." Zhou Sen vaguely guessed some kind of truth.

"Qin Xiong was also in the Ningxiang Pavilion at that time, right?" Zhou Sen questioned.

"Yes, it was Team Leader Luan who let him in through the back door." Yan Yuyan nodded. Now that she has spoken, it doesn't matter what she said or what she said, so why not just explain everything.

"Why didn't he implement his plan?" Zhou Sen was very surprised. It was obvious that Qin Xiong's plan had succeeded, but why did he give up halfway?

"It's Ah Xiang. She has been guarding outside Boss Bai's boudoir, and Qin Xiong has no chance to get close."

"That's wrong, how did Team Leader Luan manage to send him into the house?" Zhou Sen asked back with a frown.

"I called Boss Bai away first, and then I gave Team Leader Luan the chance to send you in."

"Then Qin Xiong can also go in together?"

"At that time, he hadn't come yet..." Yan Yuyan sighed in anticipation.

Zhou Sen understood that it was not a problem with Qin Xiong's plan, but a problem with the timing of the cooperation between Yan Yuyan and Luan Yuanhui.

Of course, it cannot be said that there was a problem with their cooperation, but, when Luan Yuanhui drugged his predecessor and sent him to Bai Yulan's boudoir, Qin Xiong had not yet arrived at the Ningxiang Pavilion. Come here early, or, is this really God's will?
There is a saying that people are not as good as heaven, when Qin Xiong arrived and was about to enter the house to do dirty things, Ah Xiang kept guarding the door of the room every step of the way.

Of course, Qin Xiong didn't force his way. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he succeeds in the calculation that night. The important thing is that as long as "he" dies on Bai Yulan's bed, the rest of the story will be completely rewritten.

He didn't die, but was brought back to life by a ray of lonely souls from later generations. Such a miraculous event, I'm afraid only ghost novels can describe it.

Of course, Zhou Sen would never reveal a word to anyone.

Luan Yuanhui was already dead, and Qin Xiong asked him to give "Zhou Sen" medicine. Whether he gave medicine or not, and whether it was poison, is probably a secret that will never be known.

"Okay, besides Bingcheng, where do you have relatives to go to, and I can arrange for you to send you away." Zhou Sen said, strictly speaking, what Yan Yuyan committed was not dead, and he didn't want to The blood on his hands may become a stain that he can't erase in the future.

"I have a distant aunt in Lushunkou. I haven't contacted her for many years, and I don't know if she is still there?" Yan Yuyan said.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to buy you a train ticket to Lushunkou right away. You don't have to go back to pack your luggage on the nearest train. If you want to take anything away, I'll ask someone to pick it up for you at your place of residence." Zhou Sen said .

"Okay, thank you Officer Zhou." Yan Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Zhou Sen was much better than that Qin Xiong, at least he kept his word.

"Don't come back to Bingcheng, and don't send letters to your sisters. If you hear me, otherwise, I won't guarantee your safety." Zhou Sen said, "And don't hide it from my people, when the time comes You will bear any loss yourself."

"I know."

"Okay, I'll call someone in, tell him what you want to take away." Zhou Sen took the signed testimony from Yan Yuyan, turned around and left the interrogation room, explained to Muren, and then drove go home.

In the evening, after dinner, the two children were handed over to the nurse Xiumei, and Bai Yulan followed Zhou Sen into the study.

"Well, I contacted Chongqing, but there seems to be no response there, and I don't know what's going on?" Bai Yulan closed the door and said.

"No response is also an attitude. They don't know the specific situation, so it's hard to make a judgment directly. In other words, Bingcheng Station also contacted Chongqing. Chongqing is in a dilemma, and they don't know who to trust."

"What should I do?"

"It's time to report, the rest is out of our control, let's just let things take their course." Zhou Sen said, "There is also a possibility that Boss Dai doesn't care about you lonely people at all. I thought you were looking for something to do."

"It's not impossible, so let's do it. It's useless to think too much, and I won't bother you." Bai Yulan nodded and turned to go out.

"Wait a minute, I have something to talk to you about." Zhou Sen stopped Bai Yulan.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yulan looked at Zhou Sen's serious face, and asked with some doubts.

Zhou Sen took out a document bag from his briefcase, handed it to Bai Yulan and said, "Open it and have a look, you will know."

Bai Yulan reached out to take it, opened the file bag, and took out a stack of papers. When she saw the handwriting on the paper, she froze instantly.

She was too familiar with Yan Yuyan's handwriting, but looking at the handwriting, it was obvious that she had just written it not long ago. Looking at the content above, her face suddenly became serious and cold.

"Xiao Mori, where did these come from?" It took Bai Yulan a full 10 minutes to read the things in her hand.

"Yan Yuyan wrote it in her own handwriting and signed it." Zhou Sen said.

"You caught her?"

"She broke the news to reporters, spread rumors in the newspapers, and slandered your reputation. How can I let her go?" Zhou Sen said.

"However, what was written on it, she was ordered by Qin Xiong to make it up. The culprit should be Qin Xiong."

"Yulan, kindness does not control soldiers and righteousness does not control wealth. You don't understand this truth. You have let her go. If she commits a crime again this time, how can you forgive her?"

"I'm afraid she has become that useless abandoned child in Qin Xiong's hands." Bai Yulan sighed.

"That's right, Qin Xiong is just using this abandoned son to disgust you and me, even if I take these things, I won't be able to cause real harm to him unless there is a war." Zhou Sen said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Qin Xiong should just wait and see how I deal with Yan Yuyan. I took someone away today, and tomorrow he will immediately ask Qunfanglou to separate himself from Yan Yuyan, and maybe he will come to the door to apologize in person!" Zhou Sen said. .

"This is his usual style." Bai Yulan nodded, Qin Xiong is a sinister villain, but he can bend and stretch, especially shameless, you have to admire this, ordinary people really can't hide their shame.

"Look at this one again." Zhou Sen took out another testimony and handed it over. This one was not put in the file bag, but was directly stuffed in the interlayer of Zhou Sen's briefcase.

Bai Yulan curiously reached out to take it, and when she saw the content on it, her face turned pale instantly, and she almost lost her footing, but thanks to Zhou Sen's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he helped her up.

"I knew it was him, but I didn't expect him to be so despicable!" Bai Yulan's angry voice burst out from between her teeth.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank him. It was he and God who brought me together. Otherwise, where would I find such a good wife?" Zhou Sen hugged Bai Yulan and said with emotion.

"Aren't you angry?"

"I'm angry, of course, but I'm angry. If it wasn't for Qin Xiong, the two of us might never have met each other for the rest of our lives. But what I'm angry about is that he chose me, not you." Zhou Sen said seriously .

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you the truth. In fact, I was forced to make the choice after being drugged." Bai Yulan said.

"You don't need to say I'm sorry, I got the advantage, such a beautiful wife, and a pair of children, what's my dissatisfaction?" Zhou Sen said with a chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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