Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 1 Reborn in 1981, the tragedy will never happen again

Chapter 1 Reborn in 1981, the tragedy will never happen again
He Jincheng walked out of the consulting room wearily.

After arranging the patient's next treatment, he went back to the lounge and just sat down when the phone rang.

Seeing that it was his wife Ye Qingmeng's call, He Jincheng quickly answered it.

"Qingmeng, you actually called me..."

Just halfway through the conversation, a strange voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You are Comrade He Jincheng. I am the Donghai Security Bureau. Your wife and daughter committed suicide by jumping off the building in the early hours of this morning. Come here as soon as possible to identify the body..."


He Jincheng suddenly felt his mind go blank, and he could no longer hear the words that followed.

When he was young, He Jincheng was a lazy, bullying bum.

Once, the village tyrant approached He Jincheng and said that he would give him 20 yuan in exchange for his wife's body.

Although He Jincheng was a little displeased, he still agreed.

Afterwards, instead of comforting his wife, he beat her severely.

Ye Qing had nothing to love in Mengmeng, and wanted to die at first.

It's just because the child is only three years old, he bears the humiliating reputation of broken shoes and survives tenaciously.

Inevitably, the wife suffered from severe depression.

The daughter was affected by Ye Qingmeng, and her mental state was not good.

Later, He Jincheng also regretted his choice at that time.

Although the village tyrant was brought to justice for committing a crime, the damage done to Ye Qingmeng was irreparable.

I don't know how I got to the hospital.

When he saw the two icy corpses in the morgue, his eyes went dark, his head spun, and he passed out.

"Come on, someone has passed out..."

"This is too much stimulation, sudden cerebral infarction, hopeless..."


In the early summer of 1981, Lianhua Village, Shanbei County, North China.

"He Jincheng, don't pretend to be drunk for me, tell me if you want it or not!"

Suddenly, He Jincheng felt that someone was shaking him.

His consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he tried to open his eyes, and through the slits of his eyes, he saw a face full of pimples.

Suddenly woke up.

He Jincheng looked in shock at the person in front of him whom he had hated all his life.

Hu Youde, the man who once gave himself ten yuan to rape his wife.

Although Hu Youde was later arrested and shot because of his many evil deeds, He Jincheng will never forget this face in his life.

"Hu Youde, why are you still alive?"

He Jincheng said in horror.

"Made, you kid is drunk and confused, right? Let me pretend here?"

Hu Youde slapped He Jincheng on the head.

All of a sudden, He Jincheng was woken up.

Only then did he realize that this was neither a dream nor a memory.

But he was really reborn.

In my mind, the memory I didn't want to recall the most gradually became clear.

It was today that Hu Youde invited himself to dinner, and he wanted to buy He Jincheng's wife for one night with 20 yuan.

At that time, He Jincheng was very hesitant, but finally agreed.

After collecting the money, He Jincheng hid behind the house, listening to Hu Youde rape his wife on his bed.

Afterwards, instead of comforting Ye Qingmeng, He Jincheng beat her up.

Ye Qingmeng's depression started at that time.

Later, it became more and more serious, and I was crazy all day long.

Later, because of Ye Qingmeng's influence, her daughter also suffered from depression.

In the end, tragedy still happened.

All his life, He Jincheng regretted his choice that night.

He tried various ways to make up for it, but he could no longer heal his wife's torn wound.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Hu Youde, you bastard, I will fight with you!"

He Jincheng cursed suddenly, picked up the beer bottle on the table and threw it at Hu Youde's head.

Hu Youde, who didn't react, was hit hard, and his head exploded with blood.

"Ma De, He Jincheng, are you looking for death?"

Although he was a little dazed by being smashed, Hu Youde, the village tyrant, was not just a brawler. Fighting and fighting were commonplace for him, so he immediately punched He Jincheng in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Then He Jincheng was pushed to the ground by Hu Youde, and he gave him a severe lesson.

If it weren't for Hu Youde's younger brother, He Jincheng would have been beaten to death, and if he pulled Hu Youde away, He Jincheng might have just been reborn and would have to reincarnate.

There is no way, He Jincheng at this time is just a lazy bastard who likes to beat his wife. He wants to fight Hu Youde, but he is not an opponent at all.

"He Jincheng, don't let me see you again, otherwise, I will beat you every time I see you!"

Hu Youde covered his head and asked someone to throw He Jincheng out.

After lying on the ground and resting for a while, He Jincheng felt relieved.

He sat up with difficulty and pressed a few acupuncture points on his body, only to regain some strength.

Although he was beaten terribly, his heart felt unprecedentedly happy.

"Reborn once again, I can finally make up for the regrets I have had!"

"He Jincheng, you were a bastard in your previous life, but in this life, you have to be a good person!"

He Jincheng swore secretly in his heart, and after sitting for a while, he got up with difficulty and walked home.

His family lives in the north of the village.

All alone in a yard of his house.

When he got home, He Jincheng smiled when he saw the faint light of the kerosene lamp inside the house, and two lines of hot tears rolled out of his eyes.

"Qingmeng, Tingting..."

He murmured softly, but his feet did not dare to take another step forward.

Because he was afraid that none of this was true. If he saw that his wife and daughter were not there, he would be too desperate.

With a creak, the door was opened.

A thin figure appeared.

Ye Qingmeng was wearing a blue singlet with patches, holding a basin in his hand, as if he came out to pour water for washing his feet.

When she saw He Jincheng with blood on his face, she screamed in fright, dropped the basin, turned around and went back to the room and closed the door.

He Jincheng's excited body was shaking.

Really, this is all true, they are still there, wives and children are still there.

"Qingmeng, it's me, don't be afraid!"

He Jincheng walked to the door, knocked on the door, and shouted softly.

"He Jincheng?"

The voice from inside the room was tinged with fear.

"It's me. I drank some wine tonight and fell on the road..."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

The door was opened again, Ye Qingmeng glanced at He Jincheng cautiously, her eyes were still full of fear.

"You... are you okay, do you want to see a doctor?"

Although he was often beaten by He Jincheng, He Jincheng was her husband after all.

She was very afraid of He Jincheng, but she didn't dare to resist, so she was careful in doing things on weekdays, for fear of making He Jincheng unhappy.

He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng tightly in his arms.

Ye Qingmeng was startled, and subconsciously wanted to push away, but heard a hoarse and choked voice coming from her ear.

"I'm sorry, wife, I will never hit you again, and the tragedy will never happen!"

He Jincheng finally couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and burst into tears.

Ye Qingmeng didn't struggle anymore, her body was a little stiff, and there was a little more confusion in her frightened eyes.

This man, crying and saying sorry to himself?
(End of this chapter)

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