Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 2 Be a new man, Hu Youde came to extort money

Chapter 2 Be a new man, Hu Youde came to extort money
After hugging for more than ten minutes, He Jincheng let go of Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng, who was at a loss, ran back to the house immediately.

She couldn't believe all of this, and she didn't know why He Jincheng suddenly changed his temper today.

He Jincheng wiped away his tears, came to the back room, and watched Ye Qingmeng put his head down to put his daughter to sleep, with a happy smile on his face.

However, when he wanted to sit on the bed, Ye Qingmeng was still a little scared, she shrank to one side, lowered her head and never dared to look at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng also knew that it was impossible for his wife to accept him again so quickly because he was such a jerk before.

Don't worry, I will be reborn, and I still have time to make up for my previous mistakes.

Getting his wife's forgiveness is a matter of time.

" have a lot of blood on your body, don't you really need to go to the hospital?"

Ye Qingmeng's voice was very low, with a hint of fear.

"It's okay, it's just some skin trauma, I'll just go and wash it, you guys go to sleep first!"

Only then did He Jincheng remember that he had been beaten violently, and his face was covered in blood, which was really scary.

I went out to take a shower, and the wound was treated briefly with stove ash.

When I returned to the room, my wife and daughter were already asleep.

He Jincheng moved a bench, sat by the bed, held the hands of his wife and daughter, and watched quietly.

Due to long-term malnutrition, his wife and daughter have sallow skin and skinny skin.

Think about when my wife first got married, she was a great beauty from all over the world.

After only following him for three years, he became like this.

"Father...don't beat mom, Tingting doesn't eat meat anymore, don't beat mom..."

The sleeping daughter suddenly talked in her sleep.

He Jincheng couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard this, wishing to slap himself a few times.

"Qingmeng, Tingting, I'm sorry! I owed you too much in my previous life, and in this life, I will repay you double!"

He said softly, his eyes full of determination.

The next day.

He Jincheng got up early, went to the back mountain to pick some mushrooms, dug out a bird's nest and found seven or eight quail eggs.

After returning home, with the only ingredients, I made a mushroom egg soup for Qingmeng and Tingting mother and daughter.

"Qingmeng, Tingting, come and have breakfast!"

Holding a bowl in one hand, he smiled and called the two to get up.

After a while, Ye Qingmeng came out holding Tingting in her arms.

When she saw two bowls of mushroom egg soup on the table, surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn't sit down to eat.

"What's the matter? I made this, try it if it tastes good!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"You What's wrong with you? Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?"

Ye Qingmeng felt like she was dreaming.

After three years of marriage, this man who didn't even lift the soy sauce bottle upside down unexpectedly got up early to make breakfast for her and his daughter.

Is this the sun coming out from the west?

"Mom, did Dad make us breakfast? It smells so good!"

The innocent Tingting asked happily.

"Yes, Dad made mushroom egg soup for you, it's delicious, come and drink it, Tingting!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"He Jincheng, don't you want to do something again? I can follow you in everything, but you must not play Tingting's idea!"

On Ye Qingmeng's face, there was a hint of vigilance.

The family is very poor, and Tingting is a girl. She is afraid that He Jincheng will put medicine in the meal, and then sell Tingting.

Knowing Ye Qingmeng's worry, He Jincheng secretly scolded himself for being an asshole in his previous life, and then explained with a wry smile: "Qingmeng, I know what you are worried about, but I can swear that from now on, I will never Do those bastard things, otherwise, there will be a thunderbolt!"

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng picked up two more bowls of soup and took a sip of each to prove that there was nothing wrong with the soup.

Only then did Ye Qingmeng let go of her raised heart.

"You guys drink, I'll clean up the yard!"

He Jincheng knew that Ye Qingmeng didn't dare to drink when he was here, so he took the initiative to go out and took a big broom to clean the yard.

After He Jincheng walked out, Ye Qingmeng sat down hesitantly, took a sip of the soup, and looked even more surprised.

The fragrance of mushrooms, the mellow aroma of quail eggs, although there is no oil, just a little salt, it is also very delicious.

"Mom, can I drink? I'm so hungry!"

Tingting is very obedient, Ye Qingmeng won't let her drink, she won't take the initiative to drink, she looked at her helplessly and asked.

"Drink, the mushroom soup is really delicious!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded, and Tingting clumsily lay on the table and started drinking.

"Ah, the soup made by Dad is really delicious, if only I can drink it every day!"

Tingting shouted happily.

Ye Qingmeng felt a little dazed, she still couldn't believe it.

Such a bastard man, how come he seems to be a different person all of a sudden.

Is this still the He Jincheng I know?

She walked to the door, looked at He Jincheng who was trying to sweep the floor, and the hatred for He Jincheng in her heart suddenly eased a little.


After cleaning the yard, He Jincheng was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Just after taking a sip of cold water, the courtyard door was suddenly kicked open.

"He Jincheng, are you dead bastard, get out!"

The person who came was Hu Youde who was fired by He Jincheng yesterday.

After beating He Jincheng yesterday, Hu Youde went to the hospital.

As a result, the hospital checked and found a brain tumor.

It is still uncertain whether it is benign or malignant, but if you want to be treated, you not only need to go to a large hospital in the city, but also need at least 1 yuan for surgical gowns.

Hu Youde was dumbfounded.

1 yuan, which was an astronomical figure in 81, the entire Nanhu Village didn't even have that much money together!
Therefore, Hu Youde thought of He Jincheng, and He Jincheng had to pay the money.

No money?Then sell your wife and daughter, anyway, if you don't spend 1 yuan, you will kill him!
"Hu Youde, what are you doing?"

He Jincheng immediately picked up the hoe in the corner, guarded the door of the room, and said vigilantly.

He can't beat Hu Youde, but he wants to protect his wife and daughter with all his might.

"What are you doing? You opened Lao Tzu's head. Do you think that's all? Give me 1 yuan, otherwise, I will kill you today!"

Hu Youde said viciously.

"1 yuan? Are you robbing the money? Where can I get so much money? Don't make trouble for no reason. Believe it or not, I will report to the police immediately!"

He Jincheng said angrily.

"No money? Then sell your wife and daughter! If you don't give me the money today, I will kill your family!"

Hu Youde even took out a butcher's knife and roared with a ferocious face.

(End of this chapter)

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