Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 3 Zhang Chun, a wonderful hand, can also kill people invisible

Chapter 3 Rejuvenation with a wonderful hand can also kill people invisible
This scene frightened Ye Qingmeng, and Tingting burst into tears.

"Go into the house, lock it from the inside, and don't come out!"

He Jincheng quickly closed the door, said loudly, and then confronted Hu Youde in the yard with a hoe.

He is also a little panicked now.

It stands to reason that he was also beaten up by Hu Youde yesterday.

Moreover, Hu Youde also knew that he was poor and white, and couldn't afford a dime, so it was a joke to ask for 1 yuan in compensation.

So what is the reason that Hu Youde came to extort money?

The beauty of his wife?
No, Ye Qingmeng was indeed a beautiful woman when she first got married, but with her current appearance, it is impossible for Hu Youde to fight with her with a kitchen knife.

Suddenly, He Jincheng thought of something.

Not long after in his previous life, Hu Youde went to the town to drink too much, and was knocked down by a bicycle while walking on the road, hitting his head.

I thought it was just a skin trauma, but I went to the hospital for a checkup and found a tumor.

Later, it was determined that the tumor was benign, but it had to be removed as soon as possible. The operation cost was 1 yuan.

At that time, He Jincheng didn't know where Hu Youde raised so much money, but he definitely did.

Now that I think about it, it must have been fraudulent.

It's just that, in the previous life, he blackmailed the cyclist, but in this life, he blackmailed himself.

"He Jincheng, don't think I'm joking with you. To tell you the truth, I have something growing in my brain, and I need 1 yuan for surgery. If you don't pay me today, I will take your family of three to be buried with me! "

Hu Youde roared, his eyes were red, it seemed that he was really impatient.

He Jincheng's thoughts surged quickly, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he thought of a countermeasure.

This method can not only make Hu Youde leave obediently, but also punish this bastard well.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng dropped his hoe, with a smile on his face.

"Brother Hu, it turned out to be this matter. Look, it's such a big deal. As for the one who used the knife and the gun! You put the knife down first, and I'll solve it for you!"

Seeing what He Jincheng said, Hu Youde was also taken aback for a moment, thinking what trick this kid is playing, can he have 1 yuan?

In the room, Ye Qingmeng's heart rose to her throat.

1 yuan, where can He Jincheng get it?
Could it be that he really wants to sell himself to Tingting?

Thinking of this, Ye Qingmeng's body trembled.

In this day and age, it is still very common to buy and sell women and children.

Sure enough, this man is still a dog who can't change his eating shit. Everything this morning was just a flash in the pan.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingmeng turned around and went into the back room, and took out the scissors hidden under the pillow.

If He Jincheng really sold them, the big deal would be...

"Made, don't do this with me, do you have 1 yuan? Sell your wife and children, I think it's about the same!"

Of course Hu Youde didn't believe that He Jincheng was rich. This guy's pockets were cleaner than his face.

"Brother Hu, I don't have money, but I can cure your illness!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Hu Youde was slightly taken aback, and Ye Qingmeng who was in the room was also slightly taken aback.

They all thought they had heard wrong.

cure?He Jincheng, an ignorant, idle bum, can heal people?

"Hey, are you kidding me? I can beat you to death yesterday, and I can still kill you today. Anyway, I can't live anymore. I can do anything!"

After a while, Hu Youde spat and cursed angrily.

He Jincheng was not nervous at all, he waved his hands and smiled and said, "Brother Hu, listen to me first, if I read correctly, you have a tumor on your head, it's near your wound, right? ?”

Hu Youde was stunned, and subconsciously nodded.

"You didn't feel any pain or itching, and you didn't feel dizzy before. This means that this tumor is not malignant, and it is not that serious! I have spent a few days with the old Chinese medicine doctor in our village, and I just know how to treat your disease. !"

He Jincheng continued.

"You can cure? Why should I trust you?"

Although Hu Youde was a little surprised that He Jincheng could say so accurately, he still didn't believe it.

"Well, let me prescribe a prescription for you first. This prescription can relieve your symptoms. You can grab medicine and drink a bowl today. If it doesn't work, I, He Jincheng, will let you deal with it! If it works, you can come again Find me, I guarantee you will be cured completely!"

He Jincheng said again.


Hu Youde hesitated a little.

It's really not a problem to take a medicine to see the effect.

He Jincheng can run away as a monk but can't run away from the temple. If he abandons his wife and children, he will sell his wife and children himself, but the result is still the same.

Thinking of this, Hu Youde chose to trust He Jincheng once.

"Okay, I will believe you this time. If you can really cure me, our grievances will be wiped out from now on. If you can't cure me, your wife and children will be mine!"

Hu Youde said coldly.

A killing intent flashed in He Jincheng's heart, but there was still a gentle smile on his face.

"No problem, I'll write a prescription for you now!"

As he said that, He Jincheng tore off a piece of newspaper pasted on the wall, and then the fire stick wrote a prescription on the newspaper.

"According to this medicine, you drink a pair and go to check it tomorrow. If the tumor doesn't get smaller, it means that I'm playing tricks on you, and then let Brother Hu deal with me!"

He Jincheng handed over the prescription.

Hu Youde grabbed the prescription, took a look at it, and gestured towards He Jincheng with a kitchen knife.

"You'd better pray that this prescription works, or I'll kill you!"

Immediately, Hu Youde took the prescription and hurried to the town to grab the medicine.

Looking at Hu Youde's back, a chill flashed in He Jincheng's eyes.

"Hu Youde, in my previous life, I let you live for ten years to get retribution. This time, I will let you die suddenly in ten days!"

That prescription was indeed effective in treating Hu Youde's brain tumor.

It's just that He Jincheng did some tricks on the prescription.

This hand and foot is very hidden, and the current medical level can't find it out at all.

As long as Hu Youde drinks too much, he will have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and he will become a vegetative state if he does not die.

This is He Jincheng's punishment and revenge on Hu Youde.

A genius doctor can rejuvenate his hands and kill people invisible.

When Hu Youde left, He Jincheng knocked on the door.

"Qingmeng, it's okay!"

The door opened, and Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng with a somewhat strange gaze.

She also did not expect that He Jincheng would send Hu Youde away in this way.

"I'll pack my things now, we'll leave tonight!"

Ye Qingmeng said in a low voice, but was held back by He Jincheng.

"Qing Meng, believe me, Hu Youde won't come to trouble us again!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, "Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you!"

Hearing He Jincheng's words, Ye Qingmeng felt a little dazed, as if she was dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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