Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 4 Going up the mountain to collect herbs, He Jincheng set up a stall to receive medical trea

Chapter 4 Going up the mountain to collect herbs, He Jincheng set up a stall to receive medical treatment
"Father, you won't sell out Tingting and Mom, don't Tingting be sold out!"

Tingting looked at He Jincheng with tears in her eyes.

He Jincheng's heart seemed to be pinched, and he reached out and rubbed Tingting's little head.

"Silly girl, how could Dad sell you? Now that Dad is going to go up the mountain, you and Mom will wait for Dad to come back and cook lunch for you at home, okay?"

"Well, good! The mushroom egg soup that Dad made this morning is so delicious!"

Tingting nodded obediently.

Children are like this, they never hold grudges, but it is easier than adults to forgive someone who has hurt them.

Ye Qingmeng bit her lip and said nothing.

She is in a very complicated mood now, not sure if He Jincheng has really changed, or if he is pretending to let her guard down.

How could this man turn over a new leaf so easily and start a new life?

He Jincheng knew that Ye Qingmeng would definitely not be able to accept his changes in a short time, so he didn't force it.

As long as she works hard and behaves upright, she will always open her heart.

"After I go out, you hold the gate of the courtyard with a stick, and don't open the door when anyone comes. We'll talk about it when I come back!"

He Jincheng gave an order, and then went out with a back basket and a sickle.

Ye Qingmeng didn't know what He Jincheng was going to do, but he followed He Jincheng's instructions and found a wooden stick to prop up the gate.

When He Jincheng went out, he ran into his neighbor Aunt Wang who was about to go to the field.

"Oh, what a surprise, you actually want to go to work?"

Aunt Wang looked like she saw a ghost, and couldn't help but said.

Who is He Jincheng?The village is famous for being a lazy bum.

Moreover, He Jincheng's previous character was bullying and fearing toughness, and the villagers were not afraid of him very much. When they saw him, they were always sneering and sarcastic.

"Really, He Jincheng, what are you going to do?"

Aunt Chun, who was diagonally opposite the door, also just went out, seeing He Jincheng's outfit, her face was full of surprise.

"Aunt Wang, Aunt Chun, I'm going to go up the mountain to get some food, and the house is almost out of steam!"

He Jincheng greeted with a smile, in the previous life and later, these two died of illness early, and now seeing them again, He Jincheng was both happy and regretful.

"Seniors, I, He Jincheng, will change my mind and start a new life from today onwards. Don't make fun of me in the future. I apologize for what I did before, and I will definitely make it up to you in the future!"

With that said, He Jincheng bowed to the two of them.

She stole things from Aunt Wang and Aunt Chun's house a lot before, so she should apologize to them.

The two were a little stunned.

He Erliuzi, who was beaten by everyone on weekdays, bowed and apologized for taking some medicine today.

Before they could react, He Jincheng headed towards the back mountain with a basket on his back.

Now that the family is poor and empty, there is no stock left, so the most important thing at the moment is to quickly get something to eat, and to pick some medicinal materials. He wants to open a medical clinic.

Before his death in his previous life, he was already a famous national player both at home and abroad.

After rebirth, it is natural to choose the field that you are best at to develop.

As for doing business, He Jincheng was really not very interested, so he didn't consider it.

With his medical skills, it is too easy to make money.

However, it is definitely necessary to start slowly.

There is no medical clinic in the village, and the villagers have to go to Pingyao Town, ten kilometers away, if they want to see a doctor.

There are also seven or eight villages nearby, large and small. If you open a medical clinic in Houshan Village, at least in a short period of time, you will definitely not be hungry.

Therefore, he plans to set up the clinic today.

Although there are not many medicinal materials on the mountain, but picking some, ordinary minor diseases and disasters can still be cured.

So, He Jincheng was busy on the mountain all morning.

He picked a basket of herbs, mushrooms, fungus, and even found a wild ginseng.

This wild ginseng is a great tonic, just enough to nourish the body of the wife and children.

Seeing that it was almost noon in the sun, He Jincheng hurried down the mountain to go home.

After knocking on the courtyard door and saying hello to Ye Qingmeng, he went straight to the kitchen to cook.

There are not many ingredients at home, but fortunately there is still a handful of cornmeal.

After thinking about it, He Jincheng made a pimple soup with mushrooms and quail eggs.

As for wild ginseng, it needs to be processed and dried before eating.

Because of the addition of quail eggs, the pimple soup is very fragrant.

He Jincheng just drank a little soup and left the thick soup for his wife and children.

Daughter Tingting ate very delicious, and kept shouting that it was delicious.

His wife, Ye Qingmeng, ate with her head down and didn't speak. She just glanced at He Jincheng secretly from time to time when he was thinking about something in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After eating, Ye Qingmeng hugged Tingting and went back to bed.

Now it's not busy season, and Ye Qingmeng doesn't have many friends in the village. In order to save energy, she usually sleeps in the house with her child in her arms and doesn't come out for activities.

After his wife and daughter entered the house, He Jincheng washed the dishes and chopsticks, and then began to arrange the herbs he had just picked.

Arrange them in different categories and put them in the yard to dry.

It's summer now and the sun is very good. In two days, these medicinal materials can be dried and used.

After finishing the work, He Jincheng found another newspaper that was still intact, and wrote a line on it with a fire stick-Xuanhu Medical Museum.

Paste the newspaper at the door, move a table, and put two chairs at the door.

Even if the hospital is open.

When Aunt Wang came back from working in the field, she immediately laughed when she saw He Jincheng like this.

"Hey, He Jincheng, what are you doing? Why do you look like a public grain collector?"

In this era, public food needs to be handed in every year.

When the grain harvester came over, it was almost the same as He Jincheng is now, moving a table and sitting there waiting for someone to come and weigh him.

Aunt Wang was illiterate, so she didn't know what was written on the wall behind He Jincheng.

"Ms. Wang, I'm setting up a stall to receive medical treatment. Do you want me to show you? I have studied Chinese medicine for a while, and there will be no charge if there is no effect!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Acceptance? Hehe, you really know how to make a fuss. After fighting with the lame horse for a few days, you dare to become a doctor? Besides, whoever opened the medical clinic opened it in front of his own house."

Aunt Wang thinks that He Jincheng is fooling around. Who knows if this well-known bum is trying to trick people into making money.

He Jincheng didn't argue with Aunt Wang either.

The so-called real gold is not afraid of fire, and my medical skills will be verified sooner or later.

At this moment, Aunt Chun walked over with one hand on her waist, showing pain.

"Hey, sister Chun, what's wrong with you? You twisted your waist again?"

When Aunt Wang saw Aunt Chun, she asked quickly.

"Yeah, it's an old problem. I went to work in the field today, and I sprained it again. It really hurts me!"

Sweat was dripping from Aunt Chun's forehead, and her face was pale, showing that the pain was really severe.

"This time, you don't need to go to the hospital anymore. Look, He Jincheng has set up a stall to receive medical treatment. If you can't cure it, you don't need money. You can go to him and try!"

Aunt Wang pointed to He Jincheng and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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