Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 5 Xiaolu's medical skills, Hu Youde's condition improved

Chapter 5 Xiaolu's medical skills, Hu Youde's condition improved
Aunt Chun was slightly taken aback, only to find He Jincheng sitting at the gate looking like an old god.

"He Jincheng, what are you doing? You even opened a medical clinic. This is no joke. Quack doctors will kill people!"

"Aunt Chun, I see that your old waist injury keeps recurring, which means that the level of the town hospital is not very good. Why don't you let me try it? I promise, it won't cost you money if it doesn't work!"

He Jincheng wasn't angry either. Now that everyone doesn't believe in themselves, that's normal.

Hearing this, Aunt Chun hesitated.

Yes, I went to the town hospital several times by myself. Every time I went for treatment, I felt better, but I fell ill again after a while.

It took a lot of money to go back and forth like this, so I am sick again today.

"You can really heal?"

Aunt Chun still hesitated, looked at He Jincheng and said.

"My house is here, and my wife and children are also in the house. If something goes wrong, I can't escape, can I?"

He Jincheng was very confident in himself, so he said immediately.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, and the fact that the cure would not cost money, Aunt Chun hesitated and sat down.

"That's fine, let's make an agreement, if you can't cure it, you won't charge money!"

He Jincheng stood up and said with a smile: "Don't worry, if it is cured, you can just give me a catty of white flour, how about it?"

Aunt Chun thought about it, and thought that a catty of white flour would cost thirty cents in food stamps, but she could get it out.

"Okay, show me quickly, it hurts me to death!"

Seeing that Aunt Chun agreed to come down, He Jincheng began to check on Aunt Chun's condition.

Turned around her, and then pressed her lumbar spine with her hands, she grinned her teeth in pain and breathed out a fragrance.

A few minutes later, He Jincheng figured out Aunt Chun's problem.

This is a dislocation of the lumbar spine. The previous doctor's technique was inaccurate, and the bone setting has not been in place, but it is not difficult to treat.

"Aunt Chun, stand up first!"

"Follow me to do a few movements, yes, that's it, raise your hands up, lean back slightly, bend as much as you can!"

When Aunt Chun screamed in pain and couldn't bend over, He Jincheng suddenly stepped forward, pinched Aunt Chun's waist with both hands, and twisted it violently.

Aunt Chun's current posture does not require any strength at all.

Who knew that He Jincheng would strike suddenly, only to hear a click, and fell to the ground screaming.

Aunt Wang on the side said badly, He Jincheng, a bastard, is going to kill someone, and she absolutely shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, so she shouldn't believe him.

Aunt Chun jumped up from the ground, and was about to yell at her when she suddenly froze.

She pressed her waist, and was surprised to find that it didn't hurt anymore.

"Hey, it really doesn't hurt anymore, He Jincheng, you kid can do it!"

Aunt Chun was overjoyed.

She was startled just now, but He Jincheng cured her unexpectedly.

"Only when you don't resist, can your bones be completely reset! For the next three days, stop working in the fields, take a good rest, and you'll be healed!"

He Jincheng sat back on the chair and said with a smile.

"Haha, thank you so much, I didn't expect Xiaocheng to have two brushes!"

It used to be called by name directly, but now it has directly become a small town. Obviously, Aunt Chun has a good impression of He Jincheng.

Aunt Wang looked shocked, is this cured?This is too fast.

Thinking of this, she also leaned over.

"Xiaocheng, I've been suffering from insomnia and dreams recently, why don't you show it to my aunt?"

This problem is not a big problem for rural people.

But He Jincheng doesn't charge money if he can't cure it, so of course he has to take advantage of it. Even if it is cured, the fee is not high.

"I gave you a pulse!"

He Jincheng stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and after ten seconds, he made a decision.

"Ahem, Aunt Wang, have you just passed menopause..."

These words made Aunt Wang's blushing face immediately, and He Jincheng gave He Jincheng a blank look, but she didn't answer.

He Jincheng knew that there was no problem with his judgment.

"You have menopausal syndrome. You are too angry on weekdays. Let me massage your head so that you can sleep well tonight!"

"Really? That's great, hurry up and press me! I don't have white flour at home, but if you can let me sleep well, I'll send you five eggs tomorrow!"

Aunt Wang was overjoyed immediately.

When He Jincheng heard about the eggs, he also laughed.

After all, quail eggs are too small, and there are not many of them, so eggs are better.

Then, He Jincheng gave Aunt Wang a head massage with a certain technique.

In just a few minutes, Aunt Wang was so comfortable that she almost fell asleep on the spot.

"Oh, it's really comfortable. I want to sleep now. Xiaocheng, I really didn't see it. You are really capable. Why were you such a jerk before?"

Aunt Wang was still sitting there enjoying it, so she said it in passing.

"Sister Wang, what are you talking about? No matter how bastard Xiaocheng used to be, it is not a good thing to reform and become a doctor now. Our country advocates reforming and rehabilitating. Isn't this very good!"

Aunt Chun went home and took a catty of white flour, put it on He Jincheng's table, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's my mouth, there's no gatekeeper, Xiaocheng, don't mind!"

Only then did Aunt Wang realize that there was something wrong with what she just said, and immediately apologized with a smile.

"It's okay, Aunt Chun, Aunt Wang, I was really a jerk before, now I know I was wrong, I hope it's not too late!"

He Jincheng said very sincerely.

Aunt Wang and Aunt Chun both nodded repeatedly, saying that it was a good job for He Jincheng's prodigal son to turn around and not change his money.

In the afternoon, apart from Aunt Wang and Aunt Chun, there were no patients.

He Jincheng got a catty of white flour and five eggs tomorrow, barely enough to eat for two days.

As the evening approached, he closed the table and went home to cook.

With flour, you can eat pancakes.

He Jincheng asked Aunt Chun again to order two green peppers, stir-fry a dish with mushrooms, and cook a mushroom soup. Dinner is considered ready.

For three meals a day, Tingting was overjoyed, while Ye Qingmeng was a little apprehensive.

What happened to this man, he suddenly became so good, did he really change his mind and start a new life?
She still couldn't believe it, and kept a distance from He Jincheng.

He Jincheng slept in the main room at night and did not disturb their mother and daughter.

Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door outside the yard.

He Jincheng got up and opened the door, and saw Hu Youde standing at the door.

"Brother Hu, how is it? Is it much better?"

Although disgusted in his heart, He Jincheng still asked with a smile.

"You're not bad, boy. The tumor has indeed become smaller. Even the doctors in the town hospital said it was a miracle. How should I treat it next?"

Hu Youde said bluntly, but he didn't have the murderous look from yesterday.

"That's good, you continue to follow my prescription and drink for another three days to make sure that the tumor disappears completely!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Sure, then I'll come back to you in three days. If you're still not well, don't blame me for being rude!"

Hu Youde said coldly, turned around and left after speaking.

Aunt Wang went out with the eggs and looked at Hu Youde's back with a look of disgust on her face.

"Xiaocheng, I really had a good night's sleep last night. This is the egg I promised you. That Hu Youde is not a good thing. You have to stay away from him in the future."

After receiving the egg, He Jincheng expressed gratitude.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wang, I know, I won't hang out with people like Hu Youde again! People commit crimes, but you can still live, heaven commits crimes, you can't live, I know the seriousness..."

After receiving the egg, He Jincheng looked in the direction where Hu Youde was leaving, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes, which was fleeting.

(End of this chapter)

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