Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 6 Injured by picking herbs, Ye Qingmeng's mind is loose

Chapter 6 Injured by picking herbs, Ye Qingmeng's mind is loose

With flour, I can finally add some carbohydrates to my wife and daughter.

After He Jincheng reformed in his previous life, he learned to cook by himself, and his skills are very good.

He skillfully made two egg pancakes and added a pot of egg soup.

This kind of lunch is simply hearty for Ye Qingmeng and Tingting who have been hungry for a long time.

"Do you really know medicine?"

Ye Qingmeng was still unwilling to believe He Jincheng.

If he really knows medical skills, why didn't he become a doctor before?

"Know a little bit, you forgot, I have taught the old Chinese medicine doctor in our village before, but the old man died early, so he didn't leave it all to me."

He Jincheng could only explain perfunctorily.

He did fight with the old village doctor for a while before, but he actually learned nothing.


Ye Qingmeng let out a groan, then lowered his head to eat, and didn't say anything else.

Tingting hugged a piece of omelet and ate it happily.

The little girl's teeth are not as good as the adults', and she is biting the egg pancake bit by bit like biting a chicken leg.

"Tingting, are the egg pancakes delicious?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"It's delicious. The egg pancakes made by Dad are so delicious. Tingting wants to eat egg pancakes every day."

Tingting said happily.

He Jincheng rubbed his daughter's little head, his heart was full of bitterness and happiness.

After eating and playing with the bowls and chopsticks, He Jincheng prepared to go up the mountain to collect herbs with a basket on his back.

"Going out so late?"

After Ye Qingmeng finished taking Tingting's bath, seeing that He Jincheng was about to go out, she couldn't help asking.

"Well, I didn't pick enough medicinal materials today, so I have to search again, and I found that there are wild ginseng on the mountain. If I'm lucky, I can find two more plants. When the time comes, I will make ginseng soup for you two to supplement?"

He Jincheng laughed.

Ye Qingmeng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and then took out the only kerosene lamp at home.

"You take this with you, the road is dark."

After speaking, Ye Qingmeng entered the room and closed the door.

He Jincheng was very excited while holding the kerosene lamp.

This is a good step, showing that my impression in my wife's heart is slowly getting better.

He went up the mountain with a kerosene lamp.

It was really dark at night, and it took two or three hours to fill the basket, but the wild ginseng was not found.

After returning home, He Jincheng didn't want to wake up the two of them, so he put down the basket and went back to the house lightly.

At this time, he felt a tingling pain in his calf.

Looking down, he smiled wryly.

It was summer now, and he went up the mountain in shorts, and his legs were scratched by weeds and branches along the way.

Fortunately, it was not serious, so He Jincheng found anti-inflammatory herbs from his back basket, chewed them up and applied them to the wound.

As soon as the medicine was applied, He Jincheng couldn't help but groaned.

It feels like sanitizing with white wine.

Perhaps because of He Jincheng's voice, there was a sound of footsteps from the back room, and Ye Qingmeng came out after a while.

When she saw He Jincheng's bruised calf, she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

However, her face remained indifferent.

"What's going on, are you fighting again?"

"No, it's just scratched by weeds a few times, it's nothing serious, you go back to sleep quickly, I've taken care of it all."

He Jincheng endured the pain and said with a smile.

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng's calf again, turned around and went back to the house without saying anything.

Lying on the bed, Ye Qingmeng was tossing and turning, unable to sleep, feeling always in a bad mood.

She couldn't understand why He Jincheng suddenly changed his temper.

Is he really reformed, or is he faking it?
Thinking about it, Ye Qingmeng felt drowsy, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Ye Qingmeng got up just after dawn.

As a result, he went out of the back room, but did not find He Jincheng.

She was a little puzzled, and when she came to the yard, she found that He Jincheng had already woken up and was packing the herbs he had just picked yesterday.

Surprise flashed across Ye Qingmeng's eyes, it's only six o'clock, and he's already up to work?
"Qingmeng, you wake up, you wash up first, I'll cook for you after I finish this."

Seeing that Ye Qingmeng also got up, He Jincheng said with a smile.

"I'm going to cook, you should take a rest too."

After saying this, Ye Qingmeng was stunned, why did she suddenly soften towards him?To say such a thing.

He Jincheng was also taken aback, and then smiled brighter.

This means that Ye Qingmeng's impression of herself has improved a bit.

Simply wonderful.

"It's okay, you look at the child, I'll fix it soon!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

Ye Qingmeng didn't say anything else, turned around to wash up, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

Looking at Ye Qingmeng's back, He Jincheng smiled foolishly, and then got busy.

When He Jincheng finished sorting the herbs, Ye Qingmeng also prepared the meal.

He Jincheng went to wake up Tingting first.

Tingting opened her hazy eyes, and seeing that it wasn't her mother who woke her up, her little mouth pouted, and she was about to cry.

"Tingting is good, it's dad, mom made you delicious food, shall we get up and eat?"

He Jincheng quickly hugged Tingting and coaxed her with a smile.

A happy smile appeared on Tingting's face when she heard the delicious food.

"Great, there's something delicious!"

After helping Tingting wash up, He Jincheng carried Tingting to the main room.

On the table were some steamed buns with white noodles, a portion of fried mushrooms, and three bowls of egg soup.

Although the breakfast was simple, He Jincheng was excited.

This is the picture he has seen countless times in his dreams.

Three meals a day, four seasons, having a daughter and a wife, even the most ordinary life is happy.

"Thank you, Qingmeng!"

He Jincheng said, with a sunny smile on his face.

Ye Qingmeng was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head in embarrassment.

When did this man say thank you to him?

After breakfast, He Jincheng continued to set up a stall at the door to see patients.

Ye Qingmeng originally wanted to take Tingting to work in the fields, but was stopped by He Jincheng.

"Qingmeng, from now on, you don't need to go to the ground anymore, just pack up your things at home. It just so happens that my clothes are torn, so you can mend them for me. Let me do the work of earning money to support the family!"

Hu Youde was still thinking about Ye Qingmeng, He Jincheng certainly didn't want Ye Qingmeng to go out by himself.

What's more, he couldn't bear to let Ye Qingmeng go to work in the field anymore, how skinny he was.

Ye Qing dreamed about it, nodded slightly, carried Tingting into the house, and went to sew clothes for He Jincheng.

He Jincheng smiled very happily. It seems that the performance of these two days finally made Ye Qingmeng change some of his views on himself.

I believe that it won't be long before Ye Qingmeng can fully accept herself.

Continue to set up a stall, today is not as lucky as yesterday.

Both Aunt Wang and Aunt Chun's illnesses were cured. Although they helped He Jincheng to spread the word, it was only one night and the effect had not yet appeared.

At that time, a few villagers deliberately passed by here, but when they saw the second-rate boy in the past, sitting there with a human appearance, they dared not ask him to see a doctor.

He Jincheng was also a little anxious.

Yesterday I earned a catty of white flour and five eggs. If I don’t open today, I will be hungry tomorrow.

At this time, Hu Youde came.

A cold light flashed in He Jincheng's eyes, but he greeted him with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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