Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 7 6 yuan 3, she hummed lightly

Chapter 7 16 yuan three, she hummed lightly

"Brother Hu, why are you here? Is your condition better recently?"

He Jincheng greeted with a smile.

When the nearby villagers saw Hu Youde coming, they all showed disgust and stood a little further away.

They muttered in low voices, pointing at He Jincheng from time to time.

"I wondered why Jincheng changed his mind and started a new life, but I didn't expect to hang out with that bastard Hu Youde!"

"Hehe, I heard that before Hu Youde wanted to spend money to play with He Jincheng's wife, He Jincheng really could bear it."

"So, a nest of snakes and rats, maybe He Jincheng's wife has already been raped by Hu Youde."

"I heard from Mrs. Wang that this kid He Jincheng can cure diseases, so I wanted to come and see. Now it seems that it is disgusting to seek such a person for treatment, bah!"

Everyone thought that He Jincheng was still hanging out with Hu Youde, so they hated He Jincheng even more.

"Hahaha, you boy is really good at medicine. After drinking the medicine for three days, my tumor was cured. I went to the hospital for an examination early this morning, and the tumor was basically gone! "

Hu Youde laughed out loud, in a good mood.

Before finding out that he had a tumor in his brain, he almost scared him to death.

Even if it is benign, it needs to be resected, and it cannot be done without 1 yuan.

He didn't expect He Jincheng to be cured with just one dose of medicine, how could he be unhappy.

"Hehe, that's good, that's good!"

He Jincheng flattered his face, but sneered in his heart.

Laugh, in a few days you won't have a chance to laugh again.

"You're not bad, I really didn't realize that you're actually a genius doctor! Brother Hu, I'll repay you for my kindness. This is ten yuan, which is considered medical expenses. I will come to you when I get sick in the future!"

Hu Youde threw out a crumpled ten-dollar bill, patted He Jincheng on the shoulder, turned and left.

He Jincheng looked at the ten yuan on the table and laughed in his heart.

The original 1 yuan illness, I asked you to spend only a few yuan, and ten yuan sent you away?
However, he didn't think too much about it, after all, there was nothing to care about with a person who was about to die.

The appearance of Hu Youde, on the contrary, gave those who still had some doubts about He Jincheng a little more trust in their hearts.

You must know that Hu Youde is a penny-pinching master. It would be good not to steal your money, let alone give you money.

This shows that He Jincheng may really have two brushes.

"Xiaocheng, show me!"

A dark and thin man gritted his teeth and walked over, sitting in front of He Jincheng.

He Jincheng took his pulse, and after a while, he smiled and spoke.

"Uncle Gui, you should have seen a doctor a long time ago for your problem, and the consequences of delaying it will be unimaginable!"

This man's name is Wang Baogui, and he lives in the south of the village. He is a hard-working man.

Wang Baogui is honest and diligent, as long as someone asks him to help, he will agree without hesitation.

Once someone asked him to help, and his pregnant wife was robbed at home alone, and died of an accidental dystocia.

His daughter, Wang Lanhua, felt that Wang Baogui had killed her mother. She went out to work at the age of 14 and hadn't come back for several years.

"Oh, isn't it? My chest is tight every day. As long as I work, I feel out of breath. Tell me, Xiao He, what's going on with me?"

Wang Guigui asked quickly.

Recently, the situation has become more and more serious, but the family has no money and dare not go to the hospital.

"You are sick from overwork, you have tuberculosis, and you are depressed, so it becomes more and more serious."

He Jincheng explained.

Speaking of this, Wang Guigui's eyes obviously flashed a touch of loneliness.

How can you not feel depressed when your wife and children are separated.

"Then...then it won't be cured, anyway, I have nothing to look forward to!"

Wang Guigui said with a wry smile.

"Uncle Gui, you can't say that. After so many years, I think Xiaolan must have forgiven you. Don't worry, I will definitely cure you. When the time comes, you can also go to the city to see her." !"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then gave Wang Baogui a prescription.

"You use this prescription first. I will buy a set of silver needles in a few days, and then I will give you acupuncture. You will be cured within ten days at most!"

"Can this prescription cure me?"

Wang Baogui couldn't believe it. When he heard He Jincheng say that he had tuberculosis, he wanted to give up.

He Jincheng nodded affirmatively: "Of course, if you can't cure it, you won't be charged. I'll get you the medicine later. I just happen to have medicinal materials here."

However, Wang Baogui showed a hint of hesitation.

"How much... how much does this cost?"

"My medicinal materials are all picked from the mountains, and there is no cost, just give me a dime!"

He Jincheng didn't intend to charge at first, but he knew that Wang Baogui was a person with strong self-esteem. If he didn't charge money, it would make him feel bad, so he charged a dime.

"One dime... No, no, it's too little, how about this, I have fifty cents here, you take it first, and I'll give you some money when I recover from my illness!"

Wang Baogui quickly waved his hand, took out the only fifty cents he had on him, and forced He Jincheng to accept it.

But he refused, so He Jincheng had no choice but to accept the money, and then gave Wang Baogui the medicine for three days.

Seeing that He Jincheng charged such a low fee and seemed to have some skills, everyone asked He Jincheng to show them.

Farmers' diseases are generally caused by overwork. He Jincheng's massage and recuperation methods can basically be effective quickly.

He doesn't charge much, and basically gives the villagers what they have.

Money is fine, as is firewood, rice, oil and salt.

After such a day, plus the ten yuan given by Hu Youde, there is a cash income of 16 yuan and [-] cents. In addition, there are ten catties of food stamps, one catty of white flour, five catties of cornmeal, and a lot of sweet potatoes.

Ye Qingmeng was shocked when he saw that He Jincheng had earned so much money and goods.

It's just one day, and there's so much income, it's unbelievable.

But He Jincheng knew very well that this income was nothing at all.

Maybe more people will come to see the doctor tomorrow.

Fortunately, with money and some ingredients, there must be no problem with eating and drinking these days.

After three meals in a row, Tingting was late for the white-faced bun, and jumped up happily.

He even took the initiative to ask He Jincheng to hug him.

Holding his daughter in his arms, He Jincheng was deeply moved.

In the previous life, my daughter and myself were almost like strangers, and there was no father-daughter relationship at all.

"Qingmeng, Tingting, from now on, I will let you have food every day, and it will get better every day! I won't let you suffer any more!"

He Jincheng hugged Tingting, looked at Ye Qingmeng, and said seriously.

For a moment, Ye Qingmeng was a little dazed.

Subconsciously nodded, hummed lightly.

He Jincheng smiled happily when he heard this sound, like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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