Chapter 8

That night, He Jincheng did not go up the mountain to collect herbs.

After Ye Qingmeng fell asleep, he came to sit in the yard.

Looking at the sky full of stars, I also began to plan in my heart.

Although I don't make much money at present, it must be enough for these few days, so I don't feel so nervous.

He thought of an ancient martial arts book he had obtained in his previous life.

This is not a method of cultivating immortals, but a martial art that softens the essence of Chinese martial arts for 5000 years.

It's a pity that when he got the book, he was already in his fifties, and he had long since lost interest in martial arts.

But now that I was reborn, I was at a strong age, and I was able to cultivate.

He will not take the initiative to hurt others, but he must also have the power to protect his wife and daughter.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng tried to practice boxing according to the routines of ancient martial arts.

After a set of punches, it was like running ten kilometers. He collapsed to the ground from exhaustion, barely crawled onto the bed, and fell asleep soundly.

Waking up early the next morning, He Jincheng obviously felt much lighter.

The injury from the previous few days has recovered by half, and the fatigue has also been swept away.

"Sure enough, Huaxia Martial Arts is profound and profound!"

I couldn't help but sigh with emotion, only to find that the sun had already risen so high.

He hurriedly got up to cook, when he found Ye Qingmeng playing with Tingting in the yard.

Seeing He Jincheng get up, Ye Qingmeng restrained her smile, and said in a low voice: "There is food left for you in the room, you should open the door after you finish eating."

He Jincheng was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

"Thank Wife!"

After saying a word, he turned around and went into the house for dinner.

He didn't see that Ye Qingmeng's ears were slightly red, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

Breakfast is very simple, pimple noodles and pickles.

However, He Jincheng ate deliciously because his wife made it.

After eating and drinking enough, He Jincheng packed up his things and prepared to open for business.

As soon as the door was opened and the table was set, villagers came to see the doctor.

He Jincheng saw a doctor yesterday, and the effect was very good. After a night of fermentation, more and more people knew about He Jincheng's medical treatment.

More importantly, the fees here are very low, and you can spend less than a few dollars on serious and minor illnesses, so of course everyone is willing to come here.

He Jincheng never refused anyone who came.

He didn't intend to make much money from these villagers.

Everyone is a farmer, so poor.

What he wants is word of mouth and fame. As long as the fame spreads, he is not afraid that no rich people will come to him for medical treatment.

Anyway, with the current income, a family of three must be able to support them.

After seeing four or five patients in a row, He Jincheng cured them all on the spot.

This made the villagers feel that He Jincheng's medical skills are superb, and they trusted him even more.

I just gave a massage to a villager with a sprained foot, when suddenly there was a noise from behind the crowd.

"Let it be, let it be, if you have an emergency and seek a doctor, let's go to see a doctor first!"

When everyone heard that they had a sudden illness, they gave way one after another.

I saw two people carrying a stretcher, and a black and thin old man was sitting on the stretcher.

"Isn't this the old Wu Tou from Mawang Village next door? What's going on, his face is pale!"

Someone recognized who the old man was, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Doctor He, right? Old Wutou is dying. I heard that you have excellent medical skills and specialize in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases. You should hurry up and see what's going on!"

A young man carrying a stretcher said anxiously.

He Jincheng glanced at the young man, then at the old Wutou sitting on the stretcher, an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

In just two days, someone came to make trouble.

He Jincheng knew this young man, but he was not very familiar with him.

All he knew was that his name was Dahu, and he was an apprentice of Ma Qianjin, the owner of the drugstore in Mawang Village.

There is a pharmacy in Mawang Village. Instead of going to Ma Jinjin to see a doctor, he ran to him instead.

It's not here to see a doctor, it's clearly here to mess things up.

Presumably He Jincheng has gained some fame these days, and Ma Qianjin felt that He Jincheng threatened his business.

"Uncle Wu, how do you feel now?"

He Jincheng got up and walked to Old Wutou, knelt down and asked him while feeling his pulse.

"Hey, Xiao He, you have to save me!"

Old Wu grabbed He Jincheng's hand and said excitedly.

"Don't worry, as long as it is a disease, there is a possibility of cure, please tell me what's wrong now?"

He Jincheng got a pulse, and felt a little bit hesitant, but he still needed to confirm.

Judging from the pulse condition, Old Wu's blood is stable, and he doesn't seem to be suffering from any serious illness. However, this stability is accompanied by a bit of fatigue, which means that there is no serious illness, but the body is very tired. It seems that he has not had a serious illness for a long time. sleep well.

"I'm almost tortured to death by this problem. I haven't slept fully for three days and three nights. When I lie down, I feel chest tightness and can't breathe. I almost suffocate myself to death! It's strange! Yes, as soon as I sat up, nothing happened, do you think this is a strange disease!"

Listening to Old Wutou's narration, all the onlookers showed surprise on their faces.

Can't lie down to sleep, can only sit, and this strange disease?

"Good guy, no wonder old Wu's face is pale, he's sitting and sleeping all the time!"

"I can't lie down and sleep, who can bear it, this is the first time I've heard of it!"

A look of complacency flashed across Duhu's face.

Yesterday I just heard that there was a genius doctor here, with excellent medical skills and very low fees, so Duhu didn't care.

As a result, there were very few people who came to their pharmacy to see a doctor today, and even those who had already sat down to see a doctor were dragged away by others.

While walking, he also said that He Jincheng's medical skills are good, and the fees are still low, so why spend this unreasonable money for the pharmacy owner to see a doctor.

It is tolerable or unbearable, so Duo brought a strange disease today, deliberately making things difficult for He Jincheng.

This old Wutou didn't know what disease he had a few days ago, and he would have difficulty breathing when he lay down. Duo and his master searched the medical books, but they couldn't find the right medicine.

"Doctor He, what kind of disease is this? Can you cure it?"

Dui deliberately raised his voice so that everyone could hear it.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. With such an intractable disease, most doctors probably wouldn't be able to see any problems at all.

"Small disease, I'll prescribe you a medicine, drink it for less than half an hour, I promise you can get a good night's sleep!"

He Jincheng laughed.

There was an exclamation in the crowd.

Good guy, this tone is too big.

"Doctor He, is this what you said? What if your prescription doesn't work?"

Du Hu immediately asked, this is a great opportunity to discredit He Jincheng.

"Since that's the case, let's make a bet. If I can do it, your Mawang Village pharmacy will supply me with free medicinal materials. If I can't, I won't practice medicine anymore!"

He Jincheng directly proposed a bet.

If the comer is not kind, of course I can't make this matter kind.

(End of this chapter)

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