Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 9 Drinking Violates the Chest and Lung, Bande Chai Zhibanxia Decoction

Chapter 9 Drinking Violates the Chest and Lung, Bande Chai Zhibanxia Decoction
"Bet with me? Hehe, I'm a certified Chinese medicine student. You're just a barefoot doctor. You don't have two shops. What right do you have to bet with me?"

Dumb had a look of disdain.

"Since you look down on me, why do you send patients to me?"

He Jincheng said calmly.

He has been a human being in two lifetimes, if he still can't solve this little trouble in front of him, then it will be considered a waste of life.


Sure enough, Dumb panicked immediately.

As He Jincheng said, the patient was sent by him. If he didn't bet with He Jincheng, then he would be a joke today.

"Okay, I bet you!"

Gritting his teeth, Duo agreed to the bet.

"All the relatives and neighbors here are watching, and please bear witness for me. If anyone regrets it, you must remember to uphold justice for me!"

The fish was hooked, so of course He Jincheng had to strike while the iron was hot.

If this is the case, it will be difficult for the tiger to get off the tiger.

"He Jincheng, don't worry, you are the doctor of our village, we support you!"

"Xiao He's medical skills are really good, and the fees are cheap. I also support Xiao He!"

"Big Huzi, if your Mawang Village pharmacy dares to lie and refuse to accept its account, we will go to your village chief to reason with you!"

Everyone shouted.

Believe it or not, He Jincheng, everyone supports this bet.

After all, whoever wins and loses has no effect on them who are watching the excitement.

If He Jincheng wins, it will be a great thing for the village.

"Compare, but He Jincheng, not only do you have to cure the person, but you also have to tell the cause of the disease, otherwise, you won't be considered a win!"

Dahu gritted his teeth and said.

His decision was beyond the scope of his power.

But he is also very sure that He Jincheng will definitely not win.

Even the master didn't figure out what the patient was suffering from, let alone He Jincheng, a barefoot doctor.

"That's natural!"

He Jincheng laughed, and then began to argue.

"I have diagnosed the disease correctly, the disease that Uncle Wu suffered from is a suspense!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone including Duan was at a loss.

Suspension?What kind of disease is this? I have never heard of it.

"Hehe, let me just say, what kind of Chinese medicine can a barefoot doctor know? I, Dahu, have also read basic medical books, and I have never heard of such a disease. You are obviously nonsense, you deceive us, don't you?"

Dumb sneered.

He Jincheng glanced at Dumb with an idiot-like look, and then slowly explained to everyone.

"The so-called Xuanyin has four types of symptoms. Uncle Wu's condition is the chest and lung syndrome caused by drinking. The specific manifestations are body heat ups and downs, less sweating and coughing, dyspnea when lying down or aggravated pain. This is due to evil Violating the chest and lungs, the cardinal is unfavorable, the lungs fail to descend..."

This call made everyone even more confused.

There are not many people in the village who can read, and they are even called this kind of obscure Chinese medicine term.

Even Duan, who had been an apprentice for two years, was dizzy from hearing it.

He has heard of these terms before, but when they are connected together, he can't figure out what they mean at all.

"Uh, although I don't know what He Jincheng is talking about, it sounds very powerful."

"Xiaocheng, we don't understand what you're talking about, let's talk about something we rural people can understand!"

Everyone laughed.

"He Jincheng, don't play tricks here. You can't get away with it if you want to get away with it. Tell us clearly!"

Duo also caught He Jincheng's entire loophole and said with a sneer.

Sure enough, this kid is just putting on airs, memorizing a paragraph of medical texts casually, just trying to fool him, what a joke.

"I said this to tell you that the following words are all reasonable, and some Chinese medicine practitioners should study hard!"

He Jincheng didn't panic at all, and continued to explain patiently.

"Uncle Wu's condition is due to the intermittent cold and hot, which caused chest tightness and gas stagnation. According to my guess, he should be working in the fields and it was too hot, and then he took a bath with well water. The cold and hot caused the cold air to enter the body. .”

"Yes, yes, that is, after I took a cold shower a few days ago, I couldn't sleep at night. Doctor He, you are so right!"

He Jincheng's words also reminded old Wutou suddenly,
"Alternating cold and hot, plus Uncle Wu has a slight stomach problem, there is a cloud of water vapor suspended in his lungs. Yin, also called Yin in ancient times, is water."

"Hanging Yin means that the water is suspended in the air. When sitting, the water vapor rises up, and nothing happens naturally. When lying down, the water vapor flows downward, of course, it will cause difficulty in breathing and sleeplessness."

This time, even the villagers who don't understand medical skills understand it.

Duhu, who knows a little bit of medical skills, has already understood it.

For a moment, he also had a feeling of enlightenment, as if he had forgotten that he had bet with He Jincheng just now.

"Doctor He, what you said is very good. The old man doesn't know a single word, so he understands everything, but how can I treat it?"

Old Wu head said excitedly.

In the past few days, he has suffered a lot.

I finally saw some hope, so of course I was excited.

"That's right, telling the cause of the disease is not a win!"

Duhu also came back to his senses, and said quickly.

However, when he speaks now, he feels somewhat guilty.

How could it be possible not to know how to treat the pathology so clearly.

"Chaizhi Banxia Decoction, reduce the amount by half, one dose will be effective, and three doses will heal!"

He Jincheng said confidently.

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng looked at Dumb, "Why, do you still want me to grab the medicine?"

Duhu's old face blushed suddenly, knowing that he must have lost, but he still insisted on his mouth.

"I'll go back to decoct the medicine now. If the old Wu head doesn't get better, you still lose!"

After speaking, Dui hurried back to Mawang Village to decoct the medicine.

Fortunately, Mawang Village is not far from Lianhua Village, and it takes only ten minutes to walk. Including the decoction time, after about half an hour, Du Hu ran over with a thermos.

He Jincheng took a bowl and poured a bowl of medicinal soup for old Wutou. After confirming that it was the Chai Zhi Pinellia Soup that had been halved, he let old Wutou drink it.

Everyone stretched their necks and watched.

Dumb was even more nervous and on the verge of crying.

Twenty minutes later, old Wu Tou suddenly hiccupped for a long time, and his pale face suddenly became a little rosy.

"Okay, try to lie down now!"

He Jincheng laughed.

Old Wu was a little nervous and lay down slowly. After waiting for a few seconds, he didn't feel any chest tightness and difficulty breathing, and he was very excited at the moment.

"Great, great, I can finally sleep well!"

The villagers also cheered excitedly, all of them were happy for Jincheng.

Only Duhu was alone, his face was pale, his legs were weak and he collapsed to the ground, thinking that he was finished.

(End of this chapter)

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