Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 10 Go to Pingyao Town, buy silver needles with self-certified medical skills

Chapter 10 Go to Pingyao Town, buy silver needles with self-certified medical skills
Ma Jincheng learned that Dahu had made a bet with others to provide He Jincheng with medicinal materials for free.

His first reaction was to deny it.

But everyone in Mawang Village and Lianhua Village knew about it, so he could only hold his nose and admit it if he didn't want to admit it.

After beating up Duhu, Ma Qianjin felt a bit of hatred for He Jincheng in his heart.

These are all later stories.

Besides, after He Jincheng defeated Duhu, his fame immediately became famous, and he became a veritable genius doctor in Lianhua Village.

The village head, Wang Hongqi, heard that He Jincheng had turned from evil to righteousness and became a miracle doctor, so he ran over and sent He Jincheng an advanced red flag, asking He Jincheng to do a good job.

In this era, the material life of the villagers was very scarce.

For the village, a miracle doctor is definitely something that has face.

When we go outside in the future, when we mention Lianhua Village, it will be a good talking point to show off.

For the next few days, life was very quiet.

He Jincheng set up a stall every day to see patients. Although he didn't make much money, he got a lot of daily necessities.

What makes He Jincheng the happiest is that his wife Ye Qingmeng's attitude towards him is getting better and better, and Tingting has also begun to get closer to her former bastard father.

In the evening, He Jincheng sorted out the consultation fees he had received in the past few days. The total was 65 yuan and [-] cents, and there were ten catties of food coupons, five catties of oil coupons, and two catties of meat coupons.

"I will leave 15 yuan, and I will go to the city to buy something tomorrow, and I will give the rest to my wife."

He Jincheng was thinking about it.

When Ye Qingmeng saw He Jincheng hand over 50 yuan to herself, she couldn't believe it.

"It's too much, you should keep it for yourself. There is enough food at home, so it's useless for me to hold it."

Ye Qingmeng's pretty face flushed slightly, and said in a low voice.

In the past five or six days, under He Jincheng's careful conditioning, Ye Qingmeng's body has gradually recovered, her skin has become fairer, and a little flesh has grown on her face, which is not far from the level of the village girl who just got married. up.

"Honey, these are not money, but my promise to you. I hope you can rest assured that I will let you and Tingting live a good life!"

He Jincheng said solemnly.

50 yuan is a lot of money for the current family.

Ye Qingmeng glanced at He Jincheng a little shyly, and for the first time did not object to being called his wife by him.

"Then...then I will save it for you first, and if you need to use it in the future, just tell me."

Seeing He Jincheng's appraising gaze, Ye Qingmeng nodded slightly, and still accepted the unbelievable 50 yuan.

He Jincheng was very happy, and then told Ye Qingmeng that he was going to go to the town tomorrow and would not be back at noon, so she had better not go out during the day and remember to lock the door.

Although he didn't know why He Jincheng made such an arrangement, Ye Qingmeng agreed.

Early the next morning, after making breakfast for Ye Qingmeng Tingting, He Jincheng took 15 yuan and went to Pingyao Town.

Pingyao Town is about ten kilometers away from Lianhua Village.

During this period of time, He Jincheng practiced ancient martial arts, and his physical strength has been greatly improved. He walked very quickly and arrived in Pingyao Town in less than an hour.

In this era, the commodity economy has just started, and people who do business are still cautious. If they are not careful, they may be labeled as speculators, or even arrested in serious cases.

This is especially the case in Pingyao Town. Apart from the cooperative, there are only two state-owned restaurants on the spacious street.

There are actually two hospitals in the town, one is the town hospital, which mainly deals with western medicine.

The other is the Pingyao Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, which focuses on traditional Chinese medicine.

He Jincheng has been to the town several times before, and knows the location of this Chinese medicine center.

This time he went to the city to get a set of silver needles, so he didn't linger at all, and went straight to the Chinese medicine clinic.

The business of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic is pretty good, and there are quite a few people who see a doctor early in the morning.

A middle-aged doctor wearing black-rimmed glasses was sitting in the consultation. He Jincheng looked aside for a while, his face expressionless, but he shook his head secretly in his heart.

This doctor named Jiang Xinyue is really not good enough.

Out of ten patients, only two or three of them could accurately diagnose the symptoms.

But He Jincheng didn't have the heart to ask these things anymore, so he came to the counter of the pharmacy and asked the price of a set of silver needles for acupuncture.

The guy at the counter is a young man in his early twenties.

Hearing that He Jincheng wanted to buy silver needles, he was slightly taken aback.

"Are you a doctor of Chinese medicine?"

The man looked at He Jincheng suspiciously.

He Jincheng smiled and nodded.

"Silver needles are not sold casually. If you use them to do bad things, I can't afford it! What do you use to prove that you are a Chinese medicine doctor?"

The man still asked He Jincheng very cautiously.

This made He Jincheng a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy to be quite serious and responsible.

But think about it, those hooligans in this era are very arrogant, and there is no bottom line in many things.

Many people specifically use needles to harm people, such as spreading viruses, or directly hurting people.

"If I'm not wrong, little brother, you have suffered from insomnia recently, right?"

He Jincheng was a little helpless, he didn't have a certificate now.

Therefore, he can only prove himself by seeing a doctor.

" did you know?"

The guy's eyes were wide open, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Recently, his insomnia is very serious, and he can only sleep for two hours a day.

But because of work, he didn't dare to tell the leader.

Therefore, this matter, only he himself knows.

"Of course you can see it. Watching, hearing and asking, watching is just a basic skill. Like this, before you go to bed today, do a few movements, this, this, and then this..."

He Jincheng made four simple gestures while talking.

"Four moves, repeated four times, I guarantee you will fall asleep in bed within 10 minutes!"

"Okay, okay, I wrote it all down, I don't know what is your last name, big brother?"

The buddy nodded repeatedly, and just followed He Jincheng once, he felt a little sleepy.

In addition, He Jincheng concluded that he had insomnia as soon as he opened his mouth, so he already believed that He Jincheng was a Chinese medicine doctor.

"Then, can I buy silver needles now?"

He Jincheng laughed.

It's just some small tricks, and there's nothing to brag about.

"Of course, it's like this. We usually sell a set of nine silver needles for three yuan. Today I'll sell it to you for two yuan and five yuan. It should be Doctor He's medical fee for me!"

The clerk quickly picked out what he thought was the best set of silver needles, and handed it to He Jincheng respectfully.

"Then I would be very grateful!"

It is also a good thing to save fifty cents, and He Jincheng did not refuse.

"Hey, brother, my name is Zhang Xiaofei. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me, Doctor He, and I will try my best to get it for you!"

Zhang Xiaofei said with a smile.

He felt that He Jincheng's medical skills were definitely not inferior to those of the doctors in the clinic.

Being able to make friends with such a person is of course beneficial and harmless to oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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