Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 11 Cooking Braised Pork, My Brother-In-Law Came to Borrow Money

Chapter 11 Cooking Braised Pork, My Brother-In-Law Came to Borrow Money
After buying the silver needles, He Jincheng left the Chinese medicine hall and came to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Ten catties of white flour, five catties of vegetable oil, two catties of pork belly, and all the food stamps in my hand, I bought everything.

In addition, I also bought some condiments such as soy sauce, rice vinegar, salt and monosodium glutamate.

Before leaving, I bought a handful of candies, and the 15 yuan I had on me was not much left.

Fortunately, this is the 80s, and the prices are unbelievably low.

Otherwise, there are so many things, and they are not worth a few hundred yuan, so you can't buy them at all.

According to the price in a few decades, this catty of pork belly can reach more than 20 when it is expensive.

The employees of the supply and marketing cooperative gave He Jincheng a free nylon bag.

He put the things in the bag, picked it up, and walked back to Lianhua Village.

The ancient martial arts these days have not been practiced in vain, and it is not difficult at all to carry a load of about twenty catties.

It took more than ten minutes more than when I came, but I still rushed home before eleven o'clock.

After knocking on the door, Ye Qingmeng came over with the child in his arms after a while, and after confirming that it was He Jincheng, he opened the courtyard door.

"You're back……"

Ye Qingmeng said softly.

"Yeah, I bought some things, all of which are missing at home!"

He Jincheng put the things down, then took out two candies, and waved at Tingting: "Tingting, what are these?"

"It's candy, Dad bought candy for Tingting!"

Seeing the colorful icing, Tingting shouted excitedly.

Ye Qingmeng put her on the ground, and the little girl ran up to He Jincheng, and was picked up by He Jincheng.

"Haha, Tingting, come and help Dad taste what this candy tastes like."

She peeled off a candy and stuffed it into Tingting's mouth. After a while, the little girl's eyes happily turned into crescent moons.

"It's so sweet, Tingting has eaten candy, Dad is so kind!"

Tingting happily put her arms around He Jincheng's neck and kissed him on the cheek.

He Jincheng was also very excited for a while, tears flickered in his eyes.

Seeing this scene of the father and daughter, Ye Qingmeng was also very happy.

If a family of three can maintain this state, it seems to be very good.

After playing with Tingting for a while, He Jincheng moved the things he bought today into the kitchen.

After buying meat today, He Jincheng was going to make a meal of braised pork for Tingting and his wife.

Cut the pork belly and put it directly into the hot pot.

First, after the pork was fried, He Jincheng filled the lard with a small bowl.

In this era, lard is a good thing, especially for rural people, it is a rare meat.

Before the braised pork is ready, the whole yard is filled with the smell of oil.

Ye Qingmeng was washing clothes, and Tingting ran into the kitchen, saying that she wanted to help He Jincheng cook the pot.

A family of three is busy with their own work, a scene of joy and harmony.

After more than half an hour, the three sat at the dining table.

Ye Qingmeng couldn't help swallowing as he looked at the glowing red braised pork.

Since marrying He Jincheng, she has never eaten such a large piece of meat.

"Honey, you've worked hard, let's eat a piece first!"

He Jincheng picked up a piece of fat and thin meat and put it in Ye Qingmeng's bowl.

"I... I'm not hungry, you guys eat."

Ye Qingmeng said so, but her eyes couldn't move away from that tempting piece of braised pork.

He Jincheng smiled, knowing that his wife was embarrassed.

So he turned his target to Tingting.

"Tingting, this piece is yours, try it to see if it's delicious."

He Jincheng gave Tingting's jacket a piece of meat with more fat, so that it would be easier for the child to bite.

Tingting opened her mouth obediently, took a mouthful of the fat and thin braised pork, her big eyes suddenly became round.

Although she was still young and didn't understand many things, this wonderful taste that she had never had before made the little girl almost jump up for joy.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious, Tingting wants to eat it!"

He Jincheng was very happy and continued to feed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qingmeng's heart warmed up, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth.

This slight change was caught by He Jincheng.

He smiled, picked up a piece of braised pork, and put it in Ye Qingmeng's bowl.

At this time, He Jincheng felt that he had truly found his home.

After lunch, Tingting was a little sleepy. Ye Qingmeng coaxed Tingting to sleep and found He Jincheng on her own initiative.

"He Jincheng... I don't want to be idle all the time, or if you see what I can do, I'll help you!"

Her voice was soft and a little shy.

"You just need to be responsible for eating fat, and just sit by and look as beautiful as a flower!"

He Jincheng waved his hand.

I owe my wife too much, and I don't want her to work hard in this life.

"No, it's too uncomfortable to keep me idle and have nothing to do. If you don't let me help, then I'll go outside and find some work!"

Ye Qingmeng pursed her lips and said, her voice raised a bit.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, but soon understood Ye Qingmeng's thoughts, and immediately nodded with a smile.

"Okay then, you should clean up the house first, and then arrange the medicinal materials in the yard by category. The sun is good these days, and many medicinal materials have been dried. They are going to be put away tonight."

Ye Qingmeng nodded, and went straight to work.

Although she doesn't know Chinese medicine, most of these medicinal materials can't be named.

But Ye Qingmeng is not stupid, she just arranges the herbs according to their shapes.

He Jincheng was very surprised to see Ye Qingmeng's orderly work.

In my previous life, I really didn't notice that my wife was so smart.

It seems that my own bastard buried my wife's talent.

If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely let my wife learn some things I like.

Continue to set up a stall to see a doctor in the afternoon.

Because there was no outpatient visit in the morning, many people came in the afternoon.

However, they are basically some common geriatric diseases, and many of the patients who come to see a doctor are also elderly people.

I saw more than 20 patients in one afternoon, and earned more than ten yuan in consultation fees. It seemed that the day ended so plainly.

Just when the last patient was sent away and he was about to close the stall and go home to cook, a familiar person suddenly appeared.

This man was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with a leather bag under his arm, and he looked like a successful businessman.

But He Jincheng's brows were furrowed.

This person is not an outsider, but his brother-in-law, Ye Qingmeng's younger brother, Ye Chunlin.

"Brother-in-law, the business is good. I made a dozen dollars this afternoon!"

Ye Chunlin said with a smile.

When he came here today, he originally wanted to borrow money from Ye Qingmeng.

When I got here, I found that the door of my sister's house was very lively, and He Jincheng, who usually eats and is lazy, has been taken care of by others.

So he stood not far away and watched, and was surprised to find that He Jincheng made a dozen yuan in one fell swoop.

This made Ye Chunlin think otherwise.

It seems that if you want to borrow money, you have to start with your brother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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