Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 12 Refusing to give money, Ye Chunlin beat him hard

Chapter 12 Refusing to give money, Ye Chunlin beat him hard
"Oh, it's Chunlin, your sister is at home, come in and have a meeting!"

He Jincheng didn't go to talk to Ye Chunlin about his business, he cleared the table and turned around to enter the yard.

This leaf chun forest is not a good thing.

If the self in the previous life was idle, ignorant and incompetent, then this Ye Chunlin was daydreaming all day long, thinking about speculation and making a lot of money.

In this era, there are indeed a lot of speculators, but they are really smart and courageous.

As for Ye Chunlin, he doesn't know a single word, and he doesn't know anything about business.

As soon as he heard how much money other people made, he just thought about what to do.

A lot of goods were turned upside down, and all of them lost money.

According to the memory of his previous life, at this moment, Ye Chunlin just lost all the 2000 yuan he borrowed from a friend.

As for what kind of person his friend was, He Jincheng knew very well that he was a loan shark at all.

Seeing that He Jincheng didn't talk to him, Ye Chunlin smiled coyly, and followed into the yard.

Ye Qingmeng was washing vegetables and cooking, and the lunch was a bit greasy, so Ye Qingmeng was going to stir-fry vegetables in the evening, and then had shredded pork noodles.

"Sister, I'm cooking. I just haven't eaten, so you can cook me one too!"

Ye Chunlin was not polite, he just came here with empty hands, he opened his mouth just to eat.

Hearing Ye Chunlin's voice, Ye Qingmeng also frowned.

She also dislikes this younger brother very much, and even finds it more irritating than the previous He Jincheng.

However, she is her own brother after all, so she can't ignore it, otherwise, her parents will definitely make trouble again.

"What are you doing here at this hour?"

Ye Qingmeng said indifferently.

"Hey, you are my sister, and I am your younger brother. Of course I come to see you when I have time!"

Ye Chunlin said with a playful smile.

"Brother-in-law, do your relatives like to come empty-handed?"

He Jincheng said intentionally or unintentionally from the side.

However, Ye Chunlin seemed not to have heard the sarcasm in He Jincheng's words, so he chuckled and said, "I'm missing my sister, I forgot to buy something when I was in a hurry, brother-in-law, don't worry, I'm going to get rich soon, wait for me to get rich , whatever you want, I will buy it for you!"

Even Ye Chunlin himself didn't believe this.

Now he owed a whole lot of debt, if he didn't pay it off, he might have to run away.

He Jincheng didn't say anything more, after all, he was his brother-in-law, and if Ye Qingmeng wanted to help him, he wouldn't have any objections.

"Let's be honest, what are you doing here? Are you here to borrow money?"

Ye Qingmeng knew his brother's virtues, so he stopped cooking and asked directly.

"Sister, you understand me. My business is a little short. Why don't you lend me some first, and when I turn around, I'll be rich!"

Ye Chunlin laughed and said.

"How much do you want?"

Ye Qingmeng said that it was indeed the case, if it wasn't for money, Ye Chunlin wouldn't come to her house at all.

"Not much, 2000 yuan."

"Two thousand? That's not much? You are our family bank!"

Ye Qingmeng let out an exclamation.

He Jincheng also frowned.

It is now 81. Farmers work and cultivate the land all year round. If they can earn two hundred, it is not bad.

2000 yuan is enough for them to live for 20 years, which is completely astronomical.

"It's not that I asked you to take out two thousand, you can lend me some, I swear, when I get rich, I will repay it twice!"

Ye Chunlin looked swearing, making ridiculous promises.

The repayment must be repaid, but the premise is that there must be money first.

According to Ye Chunlin's level, if he wants to wait until he gets rich, he might as well go to the temple and ask the God of Wealth to give him a dog's head gold.

"We don't have any money either, so go find someone else!"

Ye Qingmeng said bluntly.

Leaving aside that she didn't want to help Ye Chunlin at all, the key point was that she only had less than 100 yuan in her hand, and there was also the consultation fee that He Jincheng had collected for his hard work these days.

2000 yuan, I dare not even think about it.

"Sister, you are too unfeeling. I saw it just now. My brother-in-law only charged a dozen yuan this afternoon. Your family is designated to be rich!"

Ye Chunlin quit immediately and said immediately.

He didn't come here a few times throughout the year, so he didn't know what happened to He Jincheng.

"That's what your brother-in-law earned by himself. Besides, it's only ten yuan a day, or 2000 yuan. If we don't eat or drink, we can't earn it in a year!"

Ye Qingmeng was so angry that she said in a deep voice.

"Then how much do you have? Give it to me. Within a week, I will definitely repay you twice!"

Ye Chunlin made another promise.

But Ye Qingmeng had already heard this kind of assurance several times, and he had no intention of listening to his younger brother at all.

"We don't have any money. Don't you know what's going on with our family?"

After Ye Qingmeng finished speaking coldly, she turned around and went into the kitchen.

"Ye Qingmeng, why are you acting like this, I'm your own younger brother, don't you even care about my life?"

Ye Chunlin immediately became excited, and said through gritted teeth, "I saw it just now, my brother-in-law made more than ten yuan in one afternoon, how could you have no money? If you don't give me 1000 yuan today, I won't leave!"

After finishing speaking, this guy actually sat down in the yard, really planning to hang on.

Ye Qingmeng came out of the kitchen again, holding an enamel basin in her hand, which was filled with freshly washed vegetables.

"Go away, I don't have a brother like you!"

As he said that, he poured a basin of vegetable washing water over it.

Ye Chunlin was directly splashed, got up and jumped to the side in embarrassment.

"Ye Qingmeng, you are too much, believe it or not, I will slap you!"

Saying that, Ye Chunlin was about to rush over to beat Ye Qingmeng.

He has been bullying Ye Qingmeng since he was a child because he is a boy.

In the past, He Jincheng only knew that Ye Chunlin liked to daydream, and would come here to ask for money when he had nothing to do.

But he didn't know that Ye Chunlin had beaten Ye Qingmeng several times when He Jincheng was away most of the time.

"Asshole, I won't give it to you if I have money, get the hell out of my house!"

He Jincheng looked at Ye Qingmeng who was extremely angry, and was also a little dazed.

Ye Qingmeng has always been gentle and virtuous, and she dared not speak loudly. She never expected that she would act so fiercely in front of her brother today.

If it wasn't for the extreme hatred of Ye Chunlin, how could it be like this.

He Jincheng took two quick steps, blocking Ye Chunlin, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Ye Chunlin, do you think I don't exist?"

"What are you, a bastard waiting to die, my sister marrying you is just to take advantage of you bastard, you give me a chance, you are not qualified to intervene in our Ye family's affairs!"

Ye Chunlin didn't hide anymore, and said in a cold voice, he was about to push He Jincheng away with his hand.

With a crisp sound, Ye Chunlin groaned, covered his face and took several steps back.

"He Jincheng, how dare you hit me, I will kill you!"

This slap directly made Ye Chunlin explode.

His eyes were red, he picked up a wooden stick, waved it and threw it at He Jincheng.

Ye Qingmeng turned pale from being frightened by this scene, but without any hesitation, she quickly stood in front of He Jincheng.

"Ye Chunlin, you are crazy, believe it or not, I will report to the police to arrest you!"

"Report, send your own brother in, and I'll see how you, Ye Qingmeng, have the face to live in the future!"

Ye Chunlin roared loudly, without stopping in his hand, the stick let out a whistling sound, and smashed straight at Ye Qingmeng's head.

Ye Qingmeng's pretty face turned pale, but she didn't dodge, and closed her eyes in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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