Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 13 Two people embrace each other, Ye Qingmeng has mixed joys and sorrows

Chapter 13 Two people embrace each other, Ye Qingmeng is mixed in joy and sorrow
The imagined pain did not come.

Ye Qingmeng felt a tall figure standing in front of her like a hill.

"He Jincheng..."

She opened her mouth wide, a little in disbelief.

He Jincheng raised his hand to block Ye Chunlin's stick, with a look of anger flashing across his face, he raised his leg and kicked Ye Chunlin's abdomen, kicking him several meters away.

"You bastard, your own sister can do it too? Don't you know how much money Qing Meng secretly gave you these years? Don't you know what's going on with our family?"

He Jincheng scolded angrily.

In his previous life, he was a jerk, lazy, and always reached out to ask Ye Qingmeng for money.

In addition to working in the fields, Ye Qingmeng also went to help others every night after Tingting fell asleep, just to earn a few cents more.

Ye Chunlin didn't come a few times a year, but every time he could get a lot of money from Ye Qingmeng.

The money is often meat buns and dogs, never to return.

He Jincheng can forgive all the previous things.

But whoever dares to bully his wife is courting death.

"He Jincheng, how dare you kick me, I will fight you!"

Ye Chunlin was also furious, and rushed towards He Jincheng again, brandishing a stick.

However, facing He Jincheng who had practiced ancient martial arts, Ye Chunlin was really vulnerable.

He Jincheng just used his skills casually, so he beat him up and screamed.

"Ma De, He Jincheng, Ye Qingmeng, you wait for me, I'll go back and tell my parents, let them come to settle accounts with you!"

He was really not He Jincheng's opponent, Ye Chunlin was also discouraged, shouting while running outside.

"Go away, don't let me see you again!"

He Jincheng shouted coldly.

When the boy disappeared from sight, He Jincheng closed the courtyard door and turned to check Ye Qingmeng's situation.

"Ah! He Jincheng, you are bleeding!"

Ye Qingmeng suddenly screamed and pointed at He Jincheng's arm.

He Jincheng looked down, he was really bleeding.

Just now, in desperation, I blocked it with my arm, and the nail on it cut my arm.

I didn't feel anything at first, but now I realize that the blood is not stopping.

"Hurry up and go to the hospital, I'll get the money!"

Ye Qingmeng panicked and turned around to go back to the house to get the money, but was stopped by He Jincheng.

"Silly wife, it's just a skin trauma, it's fine, besides, I'm a doctor, so what hospital do I need to go to?"

He Jincheng smiled wryly and said, "Don't take your brother's matter to heart. That kid has never been beaten by society. After he really suffers a big loss, he will be sensible!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and deal with the wound, look, it's such a big hole!"

Ye Qingmeng lifted He Jincheng's sleeve, and seeing the hideous wound, the circles of his eyes immediately turned red.

Seeing Ye Qingmeng who was about to cry, He Jincheng was a little dazed.

"What are you doing in a daze, come with me, wash it, and then apply medicine, the nail is rusty, it must be disinfected!"

Ye Qing dreamed that He Jincheng stood there speechless, and was about to cry in anxiety.

"Ha ha……"

He Jincheng suddenly laughed, and embraced Ye Qingmeng with his big arms, holding her in his arms.

"He Jincheng, you... what are you doing..."

Although Ye Qingmeng's impression of He Jincheng has changed in the past few days, it is still far from being able to fully accept him.

"Qingmeng, don't resist, let me give you a good hug, okay?"

He Jincheng's voice was very soft, and if you listened carefully, there was a hint of choking.

Ye Qingmeng stopped moving.

Her body was attached to this strange but familiar husband, and she could even feel He Jincheng's strong heartbeat.

The firm chest and powerful arms, all of these brought her an unprecedented sense of security.

Is this person really He Jincheng?
Why do you not have the slightest resistance?

Just like that, the two of them hugged each other quietly without saying anything.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a cry from behind.

"Woooo, dad, mom, Tingting is hungry..."

Only then did the two come back to their senses, and hurriedly separated.

He Jincheng's face was full of smirks, and Ye Qingmeng's pretty face was as red as blood.

"Tingting is good, let dad see if your belly is deflated!"

He Jincheng hugged Tingting with a smile, reached out and touched her stomach.

"I'm starving, Dad, I want to eat..."

Tingting hugged He Jincheng's neck and said coquettishly.

"Okay, let's eat now!"

He Jincheng said happily.

"It'll be done right away, and I'll go right away."

Ye Qingmeng was a little confused at the moment, she was about to go to the kitchen with her head down.

"Don't do it, take care of Tingting, let me do it!"

He Jincheng smiled, handed Tingting to Ye Qingmeng, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

After a while, the smell of rice came from the kitchen, making Tingting salivate uncontrollably.

She didn't know why, but the food was particularly delicious recently.

When the food was served, the family of three sat in the main room to eat.

Ye Qingmeng's eyes were always a little dodgy, as if he didn't dare to look at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng could only use Tingting as a medium to find something to talk to.

He could see that Ye Chunlin came over to make trouble today, which actually deepened the relationship between the couple.

That being said, I really appreciate that little brother-in-law.

"He Jincheng, you know that my parents love my younger brother very much. They will definitely come to the door. Will something happen?"

Ye Qingmeng said with some worry.

Ye Chunlin is the only male in the family, so of course he is doted on all over.

If the two old people heard that Ye Chunlin was beaten by He Jincheng, they wouldn't have come to make a scene.

"Don't worry, parents are sensible people. As long as you explain things clearly, they will definitely not make trouble. I will leave this matter to me. You don't have to worry about it!"

He Jincheng has nothing to worry about.

Of course he knew that his father-in-law and mother-in-law would never let it go.

But he also has his own countermeasures, on the contrary, he is afraid that the old couple will not be able to come.

"Oh, it really doesn't work, let Ye Chunlin take the 50 yuan! My brother who has no future will never give up until he reaches his goal!"

Ye Qingmeng sighed, not thinking that He Jincheng could calm down his parents' anger.

"Wait and see, if I really can't appease my parents' anger, then you can show it!"

What He Jincheng said reassured Ye Qingmeng a lot.

50 yuan is not much, and it can be regarded as an explanation.

After eating, He Jincheng packed up the herbs and taught Ye Qingmeng some knowledge of Chinese medicine.

Ye Qingmeng learned it so quickly that He Jincheng could clearly remember the names and basic functions of the medicinal materials just after He Jincheng explained it once.

This surprised He Jincheng.

I didn't expect my wife's memory to be so good, such a talent can't be wasted.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng had some ideas.

However, it still needs to be put into operation, and it is somewhat difficult to implement it now.

(End of this chapter)

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