Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 14 Invoke the teacher to ask the crime, and the usury comes to collect the debt

Chapter 14 Invoke the teacher to ask the crime, and the usury comes to collect the debt

In this era, the college entrance examination resumed.

Ye Qingmeng has also studied for several years, and is a rare cultural person in the village.

It was only later that He Jincheng, a bastard, fell in love with him, and he was soft and hard, plus two bags of white noodles, which made the Ye family agree to marry him.

It can be said that Ye Qingmeng didn't like He Jincheng from the very beginning.

After getting married, she found out He Jincheng's true face, and even shed tears.

In the beginning, Ye Qingmeng would also tell her experiences to her natal family.

But after someone from her natal family reprimanded He Jincheng, what awaited her was an even more angry beating.

Later, Ye Qingmeng also resigned to her fate, especially after having Tingting.

She thought, as long as she can take good care of her daughter, it doesn't matter if she suffers a little bit.

It was only now that He Jincheng discovered that his wife turned out to be a very smart person.

It would be a bit embarrassing for her to just let her be a housewife.

Now that the college entrance examination has resumed, it is better to let Ye Qingmeng go to the university entrance examination.

He Jincheng told Ye Qingmeng about this idea.

Ye Qingmeng was stunned for a moment when He Jincheng encouraged her to take the college entrance examination, and then burst into tears while hugging him.

Taking the college entrance examination is something she wants to do but dare not do.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng would take the initiative to bring it up.

"However, to enter the university, you still need a student status, you also need to buy books, tuition fees..."

After calming down for a few minutes, Ye Qingmeng said with some worry.

"Leave these to me. There is still one month before the start of school. I will help you with it then."

He Jincheng laughed.

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng with a serious face, and was slightly moved in his heart.

"Thank you……"

After a busy day, He Jincheng received another 15 yuan.

These days, his reputation has grown, and more and more villagers come to see a doctor here, and even one from the town came up.

He Jincheng knew that according to this situation, he would become a well-known doctor in a short time.

These days, you must be cautious when doing business. If you are not careful, you will be characterized as a speculator.

But as a doctor, you don't need to think about these things at all.

Doctors will never be out of work as long as there are sick people seeking medical care.

When closing the stall in the evening, two menacing men came from a distance.

The one in front is a fat woman wearing a blue coat, and the one behind is Ye Chunlin, my brother-in-law who just came yesterday.

He Jincheng smiled faintly, this brother-in-law really found his mother-in-law.

"He Jincheng, you bastard, are you looking for death? If you dare to beat my son, I will scratch you to death!"

Before the people arrived, the scolding came first.

Neighbor Aunt Liu and Aunt Chun all came out one after another, watching this scene with helplessness on their faces.

When Ye Qingmeng heard the movement, she knew that her worthless younger brother had found her mother, so she hurried out.

The mother-in-law Guo Lan rushed in front of He Jincheng aggressively, and was about to hit He Jincheng with her hand.

The mother-in-law of He Jincheng is a well-known shrew. In her own village, she has never lost a fight. If there are conflicts between people from other villages and people from her own village, she will be the first to rush forward.

So, in these ten miles and eight villages, few people dare to provoke Guo Lan.

"Mom, what are you doing!"

Ye Qingmeng saw that Guo Lan was about to make a move, so she hurriedly stopped her loudly.

However, Guo Lan ignored Ye Qingmeng and slapped He Jincheng on the face.

He Jincheng didn't dodge or dodge, just received a solid slap.

This made Guo Lan slightly taken aback.

Since when was my second-rate son-in-law so obedient, he stood still and let himself be beaten.

Before coming here, she was already ready for a fierce battle, but He Jincheng had no intention of resisting at all.


Ye Qingmeng exclaimed, and hurried to He Jincheng, seeing that his cheeks were blushing, she was very distressed.

"Mom, why did you hit someone when you came up!"

She looked at Guo Lan with some reproach.

He Jincheng just smiled lightly, gently held Ye Qingmeng's hand, and said softly: "It's okay, Qingmeng, it's not normal for a mother-in-law to beat her son-in-law!"

He added another sentence in his heart, in fact, I should have signed up a long time ago, and one more copy will make me feel a little bit guilty.

"Hmph, you're a smart boy, how can you beat my son? You trash, my daughter married you to suffer, and you still have the face to attack your brother-in-law. If it had been a few years earlier, I would have picked you up." The skin is not good!"

This slap, coupled with He Jincheng's attitude, made Guo Lan's anger a little less.

"Mom, you can't just let him go like this, you don't know, he beat me really hard yesterday!"

Ye Chunlin quickly said that he still had to ask He Jincheng for money, so of course he couldn't let him go like this.

"Mom, don't listen to my brother's nonsense. Yesterday this bastard came over to ask for money. We don't have any money. If we don't give it to him, he will beat me. Jincheng taught him a lesson."

Ye Qingmeng quickly explained.

Guo Lan was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, then turned her head and glared at Ye Chunlin.

That's not what Ye Chunlin told himself when he came back yesterday, this kid actually dared to lie to himself.

"Mom, don't listen to my sister's nonsense. She clearly doesn't want to lend me money. I said a few more words, and the two of them teamed up to beat me!"

Ye Chunlin said quickly.

Although Guo Lan loves her son more, she is not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong, and she immediately saw that Ye Chunlin was lying.

"You bastard, you've been figuring things out outside, and I haven't seen you figuring out how much money you get back. Now even your mother is figuring it out, right?"

Guo Lan glared at Ye Chunlin and said harshly.

"Mom, I don't. I really need to borrow money, otherwise..."

Ye Chunlin was about to cry.

He borrowed a usury loan of 2000 yuan, and if he didn't pay it back, it would be over.

"Otherwise you will be beaten to death by usurers, right?"

He Jincheng spoke lightly.

Hearing this, Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng were startled, their eyes fell on Ye Chunlin.

Ye Chunlin never talked about loan sharks.

He Jincheng secretly sighed in his heart. In his previous life, his mother-in-law's family was approached because Ye Chunlin couldn't repay the usury loan.

"I, I don't, don't talk nonsense, I'm in a serious business, how can I borrow usury?"

Ye Chunlin quickly denied it, but he stammered, obviously not hiding it very well.

"You bastard, you dare to borrow usury if I don't beat you to death. Don't you know that is a bottomless pit? I will kill you, you bastard!"

Guo Lan immediately exploded, grabbing Ye Chunlin by the collar, grabbing a branch and beating him wildly.

He Jincheng's teeth were a little sour when he heard Ye Chunlin screaming.

The mother-in-law is really fierce.

"Ye Chunlin, I've stopped you kid, let me see where you're going today!"

At this moment, a sneer came.

Seeing four or five vicious men rushing towards this side quickly, they surrounded Ye Chunlin, He Jincheng and the others.

Ye Chunlin's legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground.

It's over, the loan sharks have come to your door.

(End of this chapter)

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