Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 100 The Factory Started, Ye Qingmeng's Dream Comes True

Chapter 100 The Factory Started, Ye Qingmeng's Dream Comes True

A few days later, all the formalities of the medicinal material processing factory were completed.

With Chen Fasheng's personal help, the process naturally went very quickly.

Qin Ze paid a land transfer fee of 3 yuan and obtained [-] acres of land to build a medicinal material processing plant.

Except for one main engineering team, which was recruited from the county with the help of Chen Fasheng, the other minor masons were recruited from Lianhua Village or several nearby villages.

I work eight hours a day, pay three yuan a day, and take care of lunch.

Everyone rushes to do this kind of work.

The factory area is not small, and the labor load is also very large, which can be regarded as actually leading the villagers to become rich.

In this era, ordinary farmers can earn three yuan a day, which is already very high.

After a simple groundbreaking ceremony, the factory finally broke ground.

According to the forecast of the leader of the county engineering team, it will be completed in about two months and put into use immediately.

The factory mainly uses red bricks and cement as building materials. Unlike the future, many of them are steel structures, and the cost is much lower, which costs about 5 yuan.

In terms of labor, He Jincheng kept 2 yuan, and the 10 yuan he raised was barely enough.

He Jincheng didn't know much about factory construction, and basically handed it over to the engineering team.

Except for occasionally coming over to check the progress, basically they are in a state of letting go.

In a week's time, the finals of the speech contest will begin.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng left Tingting in Guo Lan's care, and then went to Nandu City, the provincial capital.

Ride a motorcycle to the town, then take a bus to Chaoyang City, and finally take a train from Chaoyang City to Nandu City.

The journey was very bumpy, but this was Ye Qingmeng's first time traveling far away, like a curious kitten, she was very excited along the way, constantly pulling He Jincheng to ask questions, especially when she saw After the train, I was even more excited.

He Jincheng was very doting, and patiently answered Ye Qingmeng's questions one by one.

It took more than six hours before the two arrived in Nandu smoothly.

Southern Normal University is the venue for this speech contest.

The two took a car, found a guest house near the Normal University, and checked in.

After resting for two hours, in the evening, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng out to have some food, and went to Nandu Normal University for a walk.

Nandu City is much more prosperous than the county seat and Chaoyang City.

High-rise buildings have sprung up one after another, as if there is a trend of modern towns.

Naturally, He Jincheng didn't feel much. Compared with his previous life, it was still far behind.

But Ye Qingmeng came to such a big city for the first time, it was like opening a new world.

"Honey, are you a village girl who has entered the city?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Then what's the matter, I'm just a village girl, the big city is really spectacular, I don't know if we will have a chance to live in the city in the future!"

Ye Qingmeng was not angry either, and said with emotion.

"As long as you think about it, it's actually very easy!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, but he prefers the peaceful life in the countryside.

"Then let's work hard! Nandu Normal University is really big, bigger than our village. It would be great if I could be admitted to Nandu Normal University!"

After walking around the university, Ye Qingmeng was deeply attracted, and her desire to go to university became even stronger.

"That depends on your hard work. I heard that this speech contest is attended by a professor from Nandu Normal University. If you perform well, you might be able to make an exception for admission!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Then I have to prepare well. With your help these days, I have made some progress. I hope I can have a good result!"

Ye Qingmeng clenched her pink fist and said expectantly.

The competition will be held the day after tomorrow. In the two days before the start, He Jincheng spent most of his time teaching Ye Qingmeng, and then he would come out at night.

What made He Jincheng depressed was that Ye Qingmeng didn't even want to be sweet with He Jincheng because it seemed that the competition was approaching, saying that it would disturb her mind.

Fortunately, happy times are always short.

On the third day, the speech contest finally started.

Ye Qingmeng performed exceptionally well and won a lot of applause, but the final results will not be announced until half a month later. If there is no accident, Ye Qingmeng can at least enter the top ten.

Gu Rong'an, the principal of Pingyao Middle School, was overjoyed. This time, he showed his face a lot. He just waited for the final results to be announced. The reputation of Pingyao Middle School will be established immediately, and the teaching resources and student resources will be improved by then.

In the evening, Gu Rong'an paid out of his own pocket and held a celebration banquet in a fairly good restaurant.

Nandu is more open, and many private restaurants have appeared.

Chundonglai Restaurant is a private restaurant.

Compared with state-run restaurants, the drinks and meals served in Spring East are much more novel, and the prices are relatively affordable, which is much more cost-effective than state-run restaurants.

"Today, I would like to thank classmate Ye Qingmeng a lot for your performance, which made our Pingyao Middle School show its face. I am here to thank classmate Ye Qingmeng on behalf of the school!"

Gu Rongan raised his wine glass and said with a happy face.

In addition to He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng, there were several other contestants. Fortunately, the annoying workshop manager was not there last time, so the atmosphere on the whole wine table was still very good.

It's just that they didn't enter the finals because of their poor performance before, and they just followed them to learn more.

Seeing Ye Qingmeng's wonderful performance, they were also very envious, and expressed their congratulations one after another, asking Ye Qingmeng to teach them in the future.

"You are welcome, it is my honor to win honor for the school!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, student Ye, I have good news for you. At the end of the competition, a professor of English major at Nandu Normal University approached me and expressed his willingness to make an exception to admit you. Let me call you Hello, if you want, you can directly enter the English Department of Nandu Normal University next year, what do you think?"

Gu Rongan laughed out loud.

Pingyao Middle School has a college student, and it is also the best university in the province. This kind of honor makes people more happy than getting good grades in a speech contest.

"Really? Great, of course I would!"

Ye Qingmeng was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Two days ago, I was still fantasizing about being able to study at Nandu Normal University, but I didn't expect that it would come true now. This day's great news is so sudden.

"That's right, after the final grades come out, that professor will discuss the specific matters with you in person, and I'm just giving you a front-runner in advance!"

Gu Rongan nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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