Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 99 Preparing tonics, a bland and happy life

Chapter 99 Preparing tonics, a bland and happy life
The next day, He Jincheng woke up very late very unusually.

It was three poles high in the sun, and then I stretched out and walked out of the room.

Ye Qingmeng got up early, and was sitting in the shade of the yard reading a book, when she saw He Jincheng come out, she had a look of coquettish anger on her face.

This bastard, he was like a wild beast yesterday. He tossed himself to death and almost didn't get up. He was a little absent-minded when he was reading.

"Morning, my wife, why don't you wake me up!"

He Jincheng looked at Ye Qingmeng with a smile on his face.

It has been several months since he was reborn, and finally his wife has completely accepted him. This is the happiest and happiest moment in his life so far.

"You're a pig, and you won't get up even if you're called! Go and have some food, there's food left for you in the house, parents will take Tingting home, and they won't be back until evening!"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng a blank look.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that father-in-law and mother-in-law are very good at creating space for us!"

He Jincheng's eyes lit up when he heard that the old couple had taken Tingting away.

Probably, the old couple heard the movement last night. In order to avoid embarrassment, the old couple went home.

"What's the matter? Mom said that there are wheat harvesters in the village today, so I went back and prepared to sell some of them!"

Ye Qingmeng glared at He Jincheng again, this guy really shines with a little sunshine!
"Hahaha, I'll go eat first, and then I'll see the situation!"

He Jincheng laughed loudly, and then went to wash and eat.

Ye Qingmeng blushed from being teased by He Jincheng, and found that He Jincheng was getting worse and worse, but this kind of badness is really attractive!
Thinking of this, Ye Qingmeng's face turned red again.

After eating, He Jincheng used [-] tricks, and finally tricked Ye Qingmeng into bed again, and then both of them were tired of lying on the bed all morning. If it wasn't because he was hungry and needed to eat, He Jincheng wouldn't have thought about it. stand up.

Ye Qingmeng was really scared of He Jincheng.

Does this guy really not know what it means to be tired?I was so tired that my back hurt, but He Jincheng was like a normal person, his whole body seemed to be exerting endless strength, it was too fierce.

So, in the afternoon, Ye Qingmeng resolutely resisted He Jincheng's various rhetoric, but he couldn't let him succeed again.

Then at around 02:30, someone came to seek medical treatment, so He Jincheng had no choice but to reluctantly take him to the hospital for treatment.

After treating several patients, He Jincheng did not go home immediately.

Of course, he could also see that Ye Qingmeng's body might not be able to bear it.

I have practiced ancient martial arts by myself, and my energy is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary adults.

However, although Ye Qingmeng's body has recovered a lot, it is still somewhat different from that of ordinary adults.

Therefore, He Jincheng planned to prescribe another supplement for Ye Qingmeng.

After carefully considering a prescription, it took He Jincheng half an hour to finalize it.

Then He Jincheng prepared about ten prescriptions. He can be sure that after using these ten prescriptions, Ye Qingmeng's body can definitely exceed the standard of a normal adult.

In the evening, the mother-in-law came back, so He Jincheng simply fried the medicine in the medical clinic and brought it back.

Ye Qingmeng was a little puzzled when he saw the medicinal soup that He Jincheng carefully brought over.

"I'm not sick, why give me medicine?"

Traditional Chinese medicine is basically bitter, and there is no disease or disaster, so why drink this.

"Hey, this is not medicine, but I personally brewed it for my wife, Shiquan Dabu Tang, which can strengthen the body and prolong life!"

He Jincheng laughed.

When Ye Qingmeng heard this, her pretty face blushed again.

Why couldn't she understand what He Jincheng meant by this? It clearly meant that she suffered from back pain from being tormented by him, so she took this medicine to strengthen her body.

"I should really keep chilling you. This time, you are getting more and more presumptuous!"

Ye Qingmeng said harshly.

"Haha, there's no regret medicine to take! You'll have to accept your fate if you fall on me!"

He Jincheng laughed.

Ye Qingmeng finally drank the so-called Shiquan Dabu Tang that He Jincheng said.

To her surprise, the medicinal soup was not bitter at all, but rather sweet and delicious.

"I put some brown sugar in it, it's not bad!"

He Jincheng explained.

After drinking Shiquan Dabu Decoction, Ye Qingmeng felt her abdomen warmed up, and her body became more relaxed. The problem of back pain was actually relieved a lot.

This made Ye Qingmeng feel amazing, and felt that He Jincheng was more and more mysterious and unfathomable!
In the evening, Guo Lan, the mother-in-law, came back with Tingting alone, saying that Ye Shanhe had to go to help with funeral affairs in the village the next day, so she couldn't come.

Then, Guo Lan hugged Tingting and went to the room to rest.

He Jincheng was alone with Ye Qingmeng again.

A terrifying battle is inevitable at night.

Both of them were full of energy, and after an hour of tossing, they felt too tired to stop the war.

He Jincheng hugged the gentle Ye Qingmeng, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Honey, do you think we should have another one?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingmeng was taken aback, she hadn't thought about this question.

She wasn't opposed to having another one, though.

Now there is only Tingting and one daughter in the family. The patriarchal thinking of this era is deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone. It is impossible to change it in ten or twenty years.

"If you think about it, you can actually do it, but I may be going to college soon, and having children may have an impact!"

Ye Qingmeng lay on He Jincheng's chest, with a happy smile on her face.

He Jincheng nodded slightly. It is indeed true. Is my wife going to college with a big belly?This is indeed a bit of that!
"Okay, then we have to let nature take its course!"

He Jincheng shrugged, as long as his wife agreed, he definitely had no objections.

In the past few days, Guo Lan was very interested in why Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng created a space to be alone, and seeing the eyes of the two, there was also a hint of smile.

Guo Lan is someone who has been here, of course he knows that my daughter and He Jincheng are in a state of being glued to each other.

This made her very satisfied. In this case, she might be able to hold a grandson in a short time!

Lived peacefully.

He Jincheng spends his time with his wife and children every day, goes to the clinic to see patients, and goes to the medicine field to check the condition of the medicinal materials.

Life is very ordinary, but it also filled He Jincheng with a sense of happiness.

If you can let everyone in the family live comfortably, is there anything better than this?
The days went by day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for Ye Qingmeng to go to the province to compete.

For this day, Ye Qingmeng had been preparing for a full three months, hoping to achieve a good result.

(End of this chapter)

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