Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 104 Seeking medical treatment in four places, Li Donglai was miserable

Chapter 104 Seeking medical treatment everywhere, Li Donglai is miserable
"Don't dare, I don't dare anymore, stop hitting!"

On weekdays, relying on being the director of the workshop and having a little power, Li Dong looked at everyone with a condescending look, even the arrogant Gu Rong'an of Pingyao Middle School couldn't do anything about him.

But when he really started to fight, Li Donglai immediately acted like a grandson, a typical bully.

"Li Donglai, today is just a warning. If I hear that you dare to provoke my wife again, it won't be so cheap for you!"

He Jincheng said coldly, and then left with Ye Chunlin.

Along the way, Ye Chunlin was still a little unhappy, thinking that letting that bastard Li Donglai go was too cheap for him.

"Don't worry, he will soon know what price he paid!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

What is the most important thing for a horny person?

Without that ability, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

When they got home, Ye Chunlin told about Li Donglai's beating. Ye Shanhe was very satisfied with the way the two brothers did. Li Donglai was just looking for death and deserved to be beaten.

Guo Lan also felt that Li Donglai's beating was too light. If she hadn't been at home just now, she would have followed He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin to beat someone up.

Ye Qingmeng was just a little frightened, but not injured. After returning home, under the care of Guo Lan and the others, nothing happened.

"Okay, the villains are dealt with, let's deal with the stomach too, I'll make dinner right away, everyone washes their hands and prepares to eat!"

Guo Lan went to the kitchen to cook.

The family had a lively meal.

Li Donglai is over there.

After He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin left, he took a few brothers to the hospital.

After some inspections, there was nothing serious, just a little injury, took some medicine and went home.

"Made, He Jincheng, I remember you, don't let me fall into my hands!"

Li Donglai gritted his teeth and said.

In the evening, Li Donglai went out to mess around again, and found a young lady, but found that no matter what method he used, he had no response at all.

"What's the matter, Brother Li, isn't it usually very fierce? Is it because my skills are not good enough?"

The flirtatiously dressed young lady tried her best, but Li Donglai couldn't do it, which surprised the lady who often accompanied Li Donglai.

"Made, what's going on, I was fine yesterday!"

Li Donglai also didn't understand what was going on, "Go and get my magic oil, I don't believe it yet!"

Five minutes later, Li Donglai angrily kicked the young lady off the bed.

"Get out, get out of here, what the hell, I'm spending money on you but I'm not interested at all!"

Li Donglai cursed and was furious.

The young lady was very wronged, she usually did the same thing, even today she tried her best and tried everything, Li Donglai's thing seemed to be dead, but there was no response.

Suddenly, Li Donglai thought of what He Jincheng said before.

"Is it really He Jincheng's hands and feet? How is this possible?"

Li Donglai's eyes widened, and he was terrified in his heart.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, it must be that I haven't had a good rest recently, I'll get some sleep, and I'll be fine tomorrow!"

Li Donglai shook his head again and again, thinking that it was impossible for He Jincheng to do it, how could that kid have such abilities.

After falling asleep all night, Li Donglai tried it the next day, but there was still no response.

This time, Li Donglai panicked completely, and hurriedly went to the hospital again to have an andrological examination. The result of the examination showed that Li Donglai was in normal health and nothing happened.

"No, my gadget didn't respond, there must be something wrong, doctor, please show me again!"

Li Donglai didn't want to just go back like this, he was obviously dying, why did this doctor have no idea at all.

"But your indicators are all normal. It's really nothing. It may be a psychological effect. After you go back, take a good rest for a while, and you'll be fine in a few days!"

The doctor felt that Li Donglai was making trouble out of no reason. He was clearly not sick, but he still wanted to come here and say that he couldn't do it.

"What kind of doctor are you? I say I'm sick, but you don't treat me. You're just a quack doctor!"

Li Donglai was so angry that he cursed directly.

The doctor immediately became angry, how can there be such a patient who is not sick and seeks a doctor, and insists on saying that he can't do it.

"I've never seen someone like you? You get out of here, or I'll call security!"

The doctor patted the table angrily, pointed at the door and said.

"Ma De, you quack doctor, you have a bad temper if you can't cure the disease, believe it or not, I smashed you here!"

Li Donglai picked up a stack of documents on the table and threw them on the ground.

The doctor was so angry that he stepped forward to stop Li Donglai, but Li Donglai punched him twice.

Soon the security came over and subdued Li Donglai.

"Take it away, take it away, send it to the Security Bureau, you bastard, you're still making trouble in the hospital!"

The doctor was so angry that the two security guards controlled Li Donglai and contacted the security bureau.

Then Li Donglai liked to mention a day trip to the Security Bureau.

When he was in the Security Bureau, Li Donglai finally calmed down. After thinking about his current situation, it was really possible that that kid He Jincheng did the trick.

"Asshole, He Jincheng, I will never let you go!"

he yelled through gritted teeth.

However, this disease still needs to be cured. Since Western medicine is not enough, then go to Chinese medicine.

After being released the next day, Li Donglai went directly to the best Chinese medicine clinic in the town.

The doctor in the clinic is an old Chinese doctor who has practiced medicine for more than 40 years, and his medical skills are not bad.

The old Chinese doctor gave Li Donglai a pulse, and his brows frowned.

"There is indeed nothing wrong with your body, but the descending meridians seem to be blocked, if you don't go down, of course you won't move!"

The old Chinese doctor still has some skills, and he saw Li Donglai's problem as soon as he took the pulse.

"Can it be cured? Old man, you must save me. I am still young and not married yet!"

Li Donglai begged and said.

"This is the first time I've seen you in this situation. I'm not sure. The person who hit you is probably an expert in Chinese medicine. His method is very special. If you want to really cure it, you have to tie the bell. man!"

The old Chinese doctor pondered for a long time before saying.

Hearing this, Li Donglai's heart turned cold.

According to the old Chinese doctor, only He Jincheng can completely cure his illness.

I almost raped He Jincheng's wife, it's no wonder he didn't hate himself to death, how could he heal himself?

"Old man, no matter what, you have to try it, please!"

Having had a fight with the previous Western doctor, Li Donglai was a little more honest, knowing that the doctor should not be offended.

(End of this chapter)

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