Chapter 105 Chapter 111
The old Chinese doctor was really not sure, but Li Donglai begged hard, and he could only do his best to heal.

First, I gave Li Donglai a few needles, and then prescribed a prescription for him.

"Maybe my method has some effect, but it's still the same sentence, you need the person who tied the bell to untie the bell. If you want to be cured, you still have to ask the person who did it!"

Finally, the old Chinese doctor said helplessly.

Li Donglai was angry and worried, did he really want to be a eunuch for the rest of his life?

This is even crueler than killing him!
"He Jincheng, I will never let you go!"

Li Donglai roared through gritted teeth.

In the next few days, Li Donglai insisted on taking the medicine prescribed by the old Chinese medicine doctor.

The effect is a little bit, but it is still far from enough to live a normal life.

This made Li Donglai almost desperate.

"No, I can't be a eunuch for the rest of my life, He Jincheng, I just have the cheek to beg you once, you'd better show me my senses and cure me, otherwise, I will die with you!"

Li Donglai made up his mind.

Begging He Jincheng for mercy, this old face will be lost.

But compared to face, the happy life of one's own life is the most important thing.

So, Li Donglai bought a lot of gifts, and rode his bicycle to Lianhua Village.

He was ready to go all out, and he must beg He Jincheng to take action.

When we arrived at Lianhua Village, we asked about He Jincheng's home, and Li Donglai went there with his things.

At this time, Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe were taking care of their children at home.

At first they didn't know who Li Donglai was, and they thought he was a general patient seeking medical treatment, so they received him warmly.

In the end, Li Donglai apologized, Guo Lan immediately knew who this person was, picked up the broom angrily, beat Li Donglai out, and threw out all the gifts.

"Bastard, don't let my old lady see you again, or I will beat you every time I see you!"

Holding a broom in her hand, Guo Lan stood at the door very domineeringly and scolded.

Li Donglai was so angry, thinking that he was also the director of the workshop, but he came to Lianhua Village, begged so hard, but was beaten out, his old face was completely lost.

Then Li Donglai went directly to Huanxin Medical Center to find He Jincheng.

Ye Qingmeng was also there at the time, and when he saw Li Donglai, his expression turned ugly.

He Jincheng closed the door to tell Ye Qingmeng not to come out, and then he and Li Donglai went to a place where no one was around.

"Brother He, I'm really sorry. I was obsessed with sex before. I apologize to you. I can lose money. You can do whatever you want me to do. I just ask you to show your respect and let me go!"

Although Li Donglai hated He Jincheng to death, in order for He Jincheng to cure him, he could only be a grandson. His attitude was so sincere that he almost knelt down with He Jincheng.

"Hehe, you and I are both adults, so don't talk nonsense! Li Donglai, I just let you be a eunuch, which is already considered cheap for you. This is the case when my wife has not been substantially harmed. Otherwise, I It can guarantee that your death is unknown, and no one can find out!"

Li Donglai's body shook, and a fear suddenly rose in his heart.

That's right, since He Jincheng can quietly turn himself into a eunuch, it is entirely possible to play himself to death quietly, Mad, this guy's methods are unpredictable!

"I... I really know I was wrong, Brother He, I kneel down for you, please forgive me!"

Li Donglai was really scared now, and even the idea of ​​revenge on He Jincheng was swept away in an instant.

I really can't afford to provoke this kind of person!

"Whether you have truly admitted your mistakes and repented, you can't prove it with just one sentence!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

He regards Ye Qingmeng as his most precious person, how can he let someone who hurts or intends to hurt Ye Qingmeng?

"I... I will be an honest person in the future, and I will never be such a bastard again. In addition... I still have 1 yuan here, and I will treat it as the punishment for my mistake this time. Brother, please hold your hand high. I still have [-] yuan. I don’t have any children, my family has only three generations, if I can’t carry on the family, my life will be over!”

Li Donglai begged bitterly, and even knelt down directly with He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was not moved at all, and his face was still neither salty nor dull.

"What does this have to do with me?"

He Jincheng glanced at Li Donglai lightly.

"Brother He, I really know I was wrong, please, please!"

Li Donglai kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Originally, he really thought that if He Jincheng healed himself, he would definitely come to revenge on He Jincheng if he had no worries at that time.

But He Jincheng's murderous words just now scared Li Donglai out of his wits.

He didn't dare to kill anyone, but He Jincheng's medical skills were so good that if he killed himself, no one else could find any clues. At that time, he could only die in vain.

Only now did he realize that anyone in this world can be provoked, except a genius doctor.

Seeing Li Donglai like this, He Jincheng knew that he was really scared, so he smiled immediately.

"I'll accept the money. It's your apology. As for your illness, it depends on your performance!"

With that said, He Jincheng took out a black pill from his pocket.

"This is?"

Li Donglai asked quickly, with a bit of doubt in his eyes, but also a bit of expectation.

"This is the medicine that can restore your glory, but it can only last for one day. If you want it in the future, you can come to me to buy it. I don't want a high price. It is 1 yuan a piece. You can choose whether you want to buy it or not!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Li Donglai had the urge to scold his mother.

1 yuan a piece of medicine, why don't you just grab it.

My salary is only more than 100 a month, and I have only accumulated more than 1 yuan for food and card. The key point is that your medicine can only last for one day, which is too deceitful!

"What? Don't want it? Forget it, we have nothing to talk about!"

He Jincheng chuckled, and made a gesture to put away the pills.

"No no no, I buy it, I want to buy it, ten thousand is ten thousand!"

Li Donglai hastily gritted his teeth and agreed.

Although it can only last for a day, it is better than nothing at all.

The big deal is that I can do it once a year in the future, and quickly find a daughter-in-law to pass on the family line.

"Then thank you boss for your patronage!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, took the money, then threw the pills to Li Donglai, turned and left.

Looking at the pill exuding a strange stench in his hand, Li Donglai felt the urge to cry.

This thing, 1 yuan?No matter how you look at it, it looks like a sheep dung egg!
Li Donglai really guessed right. This pill is made by He Jincheng with sheep dung and some traditional Chinese medicine. It can indeed be used for a day. This is also the punishment He Jincheng has prepared for Li Donglai.

(End of this chapter)

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