Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 106 The factory is built, not worrying about scarcity but unevenness

Chapter 106 The factory is built, not worrying about scarcity but unevenness
He Jincheng had already thought about Li Donglai's punishment.

One pill can only last him for one day, so it's not like he's done everything, at least it can give Li Donglai a chance to carry on the family.

Of course, no one can guarantee that the family can be passed on once.

It depends on Li Donglai's luck and ability.

As for the pills are mainly made of sheep dung, it is He Jincheng's bad taste.

For a person like Li Donglai, it is inevitable to feel disgusted with him.

Humiliatedly agreeing to He Jincheng's terms, and spent almost all of his savings, Li Donglai carefully took away the pill made of sheep dung eggs.

After returning, he immediately bought a bottle and filled it.

1 yuan a piece can only guarantee the effect of one day, so it must be used at a critical moment.

After solving Li Donglai's matter, He Jincheng put the matter behind him.

With such an expensive pill, it is estimated that Li Donglai will not come in the future.

Even if he has saved enough money, he can just make another one at that time.

After Ye Qingmeng found out about this, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

The previous depression is also swept away.

The family returned to a happy and ordinary life.

The construction of the medicinal material processing plant is going smoothly, and it looks like it will be completed soon.

This year, He Jincheng's idea is to only process medicinal materials, and at the same time teach the workers some pharmaceutical skills, and then obtain approval for the production of medicinal materials, so that next year the factory can produce finished drugs.

In the past few days, He Jincheng has also started to prepare for recruitment.

The priority is of course the villagers of Lianhua Village.

Many people have made money from the cultivation of medicinal materials, and everyone's evaluation of He Jincheng is getting higher and higher. They all know that following He Jincheng will definitely make money, so many people apply.

However, not everyone can do this job, and He Jincheng still needs to conduct some simple tests on the workers.

In the end, more than 60 people from Lianhua Village applied, but He Jincheng only accepted 30 people.

These workers are paid 20 yuan a month.

In the countryside in 81, this was definitely not a small amount of income.

Those who were selected were naturally very happy, because the factory was named as a village collective, so everyone felt that they had entered a state-owned factory and would be a permanent job.

Who would have imagined that I, who had no level of education, could also enter a state-owned factory and eat with an iron rice bowl?

Some people are happy, and naturally some people are not happy.

The few people who had been fooling around with Hu Jianshe before were not selected by He Jincheng, and they were very upset.

They didn't know how Hu Jianshe died, otherwise, they would definitely not have the slightest opinion on He Jincheng.

Several people were very dissatisfied, and then they drank and ate together at night, so they planned to make a fuss.

They were very unconvinced. Some older people had the opportunity to work in the factory. Why couldn't they be young?

So, with such a plan, several people planned to make a fuss on the day the factory opened.

Three days later, after He Jincheng's careful preparation, the Lianhua Village Herb Factory finally opened for business.

Xiao Jingran, Guo Youwei, Zhang Yuanshan and Chen Fasheng all came to congratulate in person.

This factory, of which [-]% of the equity, was given to Lianhua Village.

Xiao Jingran, Guo Youwei, and Zhang Yuanshan each accounted for [-]%, and the rest, He Jincheng, were all under the name of Ye Qingmeng, so Ye Qingmeng became the nominal boss of the factory.

Of course, He Jincheng is willing to give everything to Ye Qingmeng, so in fact, Ye Qingmeng is also the real boss.

People from Lianhua Village, Qianwang Village and several nearby villages also came to join in the fun.

In these nearby villages, there are also some people who work in medicinal material factories, so everyone is very respectful.

"Today is the opening day of our Lianhua Village Herb Factory. Thank you for your support. There will be an opening banquet later. Please show your face and leave after eating!"

He Jincheng was very happy and announced at the gate of the factory.

When they heard that there was a banquet to eat, everyone cheered and jumped up.

In fact, there were only 60 people recruiting for the first phase of the medicinal material factory, and most of the people who came here were actually watching the excitement.

With the sound of firecrackers, Lianhua Village Herb Factory finally opened smoothly.

Just as the crowd was bustling with excitement, suddenly there was a commotion behind the crowd.

He Jincheng and the others frowned. They stood relatively high, and at a glance, they saw a few young people rushing away from the crowd and heading straight for the temporary stage in the building.

"What are you doing? Don't make trouble!"

Ye Chunlin stepped forward to stop him, but was pushed away by those people.

"Get out, what are you, dare to stop us?"

The young man in charge, named Wang Tianlong, had mixed with Hu Jianshe before, and he only knew how to eat, do nothing, and do nothing. He relied on his elderly parents to farm the land to earn some money, which was not enough for Wang Tianlong to spend alone.

If there is no money, this guy will do some sneaky Shi Hong, and then sell it.

I don't know how many times this has happened.

Today, this kid came over aggressively with someone, and it looked like he was here to make trouble.

"Wang Tianlong, what do you want to do? Don't even look at the occasion!"

Village head Huang Baofu stood up angrily and reprimanded.

"Village chief, this matter is also related to you. I would like to ask, is this medicinal material factory owned by He Jincheng privately or collectively by the village. Why can't the four of us come here to work and earn money because we are young and strong? This is clearly using the name of our village collective, which is essentially speculation!"

Wang Tianlong said with a sneer, he didn't take Huang Baofu seriously at all.

"Wang Tianlong, what age is it? You still talk about speculation. Now that everything is open, who told you that to open a factory, it must be collectively owned?"

The village chief was furious.

He Jincheng wanted to bring the villagers with him to make money and make a fortune. In the past six months, in addition to providing low-cost medical treatment to the villagers, he also brought many people to make a fortune.

And this Wang Tianlong was idle all day long, but came to accuse He Jincheng who had made great contributions to Lianhua Village.
"What year? I only know that since the name of the village collective is listed, it must belong to all the villagers in our village. We are so young, able to work hard, and have a strong learning ability. Why don't we let us work in the factory? Ah? We refuse to accept it!"

Wang Tianlong stiffened his neck, as if I just refused to accept, what can you do to me.

"That's right, we don't accept it. Why do we recruit so many people from other villages and don't take care of our own people? Why are we talking about collective ownership?"

Several people who followed Wang Tianlong to make trouble also called out one after another.

He Jincheng frowned and sighed deeply.

The ancients said that it is not the same as it is now if you don't worry about being few but about unevenness.
(End of this chapter)

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