Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 107 Questioning again and again, He Jincheng boasted to Haikou

Chapter 107 Questioning again and again, He Jincheng boasted to Haikou
Facing the fault finding by Wang Tianlong and the others, He Jincheng was very indifferent.

He had expected this to happen.

The salary of 20 yuan per month is definitely a lot of money for farmers in 81.

If you just want to have a full stomach, 20 yuan can even be enough for a family of three for a month.

A lazy man like Wang Tianlong who is ignorant and idle, of course he doesn't want to let go of such an opportunity,

"Bastards, you idlers, you don't plant your own land, and you owe the government food taxes every year. How can you have the face to come to work? Get out!"

Huang Baofu was very angry.

He Jincheng set up a factory, which is to drive the whole village to become rich. It's fine if these bastards don't support it, and they come to make trouble, they are really bastards!
"Huang Baofu, don't think we don't know. You and this He Jincheng have a shady affair. He must have given you a gift. Otherwise, why would you grant him twenty acres of land?"

Wang Tianlong was also completely confused at this time, pointing at Huang Baofu and shouting loudly.

At this moment, doubts appeared in the eyes of the villagers.

That's right, as for the [-] mu of land, you can give it as you please. If there is no deal between Huang Baofu and He Jincheng, no one will believe it!

Huang Baofu was trembling with anger.

This bastard, did you splash all the dirty water on yourself?

From the beginning to the end, He Jincheng never did him any favors.

If it is said that there are some benefits, there are also two packs of cigarettes. Is this some kind of shady deal?
Although the [-] mu of land is on the boundary of Lianhua Village, it is all wasteland, and it was approved by the county. He Jincheng took it with formal procedures and paid a normal price.

There is even a part left in the village to make up for the food taxes signed over the years, including Wang Tianlong and his family.

Now Wang Tianlong uses this matter to bite back, he is simply inferior to pigs and dogs!

"Wang Tianlong, don't you ask your conscience when you say something? Everything about the land has been made public. What questions do you have? You said that I took advantage of He Jincheng, show me the evidence! No The evidence is all lies here, what are you thinking?"

Huang Baofu said angrily.

Everyone gradually recovered.

That's right, Huang Baofu has been the village head for more than 20 years, and his reputation in the village is still very high these years. Everyone knows what kind of character he is.

Not to mention how much contribution Huang Baofu has made, at least Huang Baofu is the first to come forward to help any family in the village who has difficulties.

In the entire Lianhua Village, who doesn't owe Huang Baofu a favor?Even Wang Tianlong had a high fever when he was a child, and Huang Baofu carried him to the hospital overnight. It can be said that Huang Baofu was Wang Tianlong's lifesaver.

"Wang Tianlong, you kid is too heartless. Everyone knows who the village chief is. Are you here to slander the village chief for beating?"

"That's right, Wang Tianlong, you bastard, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

Many villagers with a more violent temper directly yelled at Wang Tianlong.

When Wang Tianlong heard the words, he knew that this matter was not easy to handle.

It's okay to deal with He Jincheng, but he really has no reason to deal with the village chief Huang Baofu.

"I... I didn't mean that. I just don't believe that He Jincheng built the factory for us! This kid was even more of a jerk than me before, how could he turn back all of a sudden? Don't you think there is something wrong with this guy? "

Wang Tianlong immediately shifted his target, pointed at He Jincheng and shouted angrily.

This is also the doubt of everyone in the big guys.

Yes, He Jincheng used to be a real bum in the village, worse than Wang Tianlong.

But in the past few months, he has not only turned his back on evil, but also possesses miraculous medical skills. He also met many big bosses and big figures, and even spent a lot of money to build this medicinal material factory. It is said that it cost almost 10 yuan. .

What is the concept of 10 yuan?Enough to feed the whole village for several years.

Seeing that it was finally his turn, He Jincheng walked out with a smile.

"Village chief, everyone, thank you for protecting me. Since everyone has questions about me, let me explain!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, without any look of anger on his face.

"To tell you the truth, I really didn't know medical skills before. Although I was figuring it out on my own, I read some books such as the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, but basically I couldn't understand it. It was exactly the same as the heavenly book!"

"Haha, you admit it now, this kid is a quack doctor at all, everyone was deceived by him!"

Wang Tianlong said loudly immediately, his face was full of complacency.

He felt that he finally succeeded in forcing He Jincheng to admit that he did not understand medical skills today, and his goal was achieved.

"Wang Tianlong, I've already said this, why don't you let me finish?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, continued to look at the crowd and said, "Yes, I did not know anything about Chinese medicine before, but once I was fighting with someone and was hit on the head, suddenly it seemed that I had been opened up to Ren Du's second vein. I have seen it before." The medical book, everything is automatically integrated!"

"Although I don't know the reason for this, but now I can confidently say that except for diseases I have never seen before, any disease in my hands, even if it cannot be cured, can be greatly relieved! Or , It is no exaggeration to say that I am a miracle doctor now, I can see the problems in your body without taking the pulse!"

When He Jincheng said this, he unconsciously exuded a strong self-confidence,

Although what he said was nonsense, but in everyone's ears, it made people feel inexplicably believable.

"Nonsense, you can understand medical skills after being beaten up. Do you think we are three-year-old children? He Jincheng, stop pretending here, what can't you say? You are just trash!"

Wang Tianlong said with a sneer.

These words made many villagers stand on Wang Tianlong's side.

The fact is that there are many people fighting these days, and no one has suddenly become smarter or acquired any skills suddenly. This is like a fairy tale.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Listening is believing. Seeing is believing. Anyone who doubts me should stand one meter in front of me. I will diagnose everyone on the spot. If I am not right, just treat me as a person." Quack doctor, I, He Jincheng, are willing to donate the entire medicinal material factory to the village collective for free!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, what I'm waiting for is your words, He Jincheng, let me see how long you can pretend!"

Wang Tianlong was overjoyed immediately, clapped his hands and said with a loud smile.

He Jincheng has been tricked!

(End of this chapter)

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