Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 108 The two sides bet, Wang Tianlong bet on the house

Chapter 108 The two sides bet, Wang Tianlong bet on the house
He Jincheng glanced at Wang Tianlong coldly, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Did you fall for it?So why didn't the other party also fall into his trap?

Perhaps He Jincheng's claim to be a genius doctor is somewhat exaggerated, but with his decades of medical skills, there are indeed few diseases in this world that he can't treat well.

Since Wang Tianlong jumped out to slap himself in the face, why should he be polite?


He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"What? Do you want to go back on your word? He Jincheng, I knew that you were just pretending. It's too late to go back on it now!"

Wang Tianlong immediately interrupted He Jincheng, thinking that He Jincheng regretted it.

He Jincheng must be revealed today.

The factory is handed over to the village collective, so that I can continue to idle around, and get paid for doing nothing!

After all, when the time comes, this factory will be won by himself. Even if he is a workshop director here, no one dares to say anything.

"I didn't say that I regretted it, but what I want to know is, since I have taken out this medicinal material factory as a bet, what are you betting on?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Everyone looked at Wang Tianlong.

That's right, regardless of whether He Jincheng is a real genius doctor or not, he took out the entire medicinal material factory to bet with you.

This medicine factory has invested 10 yuan back and forth, and everyone knows this.

Empty glove white wolf, and there is no risk, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

"Fuck, He Jincheng, you will use the pharmaceutical factory to disgust me, won't you? If I, Wang Tianlong, had 10 yuan, would I still talk to you so poorly?"

Wang Tianlong directly played a rogue.

Where can I bet with He Jincheng on a factory worth 10 yuan?

This kid must have taken a fancy to this point, in fact he didn't dare to bet with himself at all.

"Hehe, the white wolf with empty gloves can also be so confident, Wang Tianlong, you are really the first one! I won't force you to hand over anything worth 10 yuan, I will take your house, if you lose Now, your house belongs to me, how about it?"

He Jincheng put forward such a condition.

There is no other reason. It is impossible for a person like Wang Tianlong to repent. If he stays in the village, he will only make the village a mess, and it may even bring some troubles to the factory.

Therefore, He Jincheng planned to take this opportunity to make Wang Tianlong homeless.

In this case, Wang Tianlong could only leave Lianhua Village.

This kid's parents died early, and his family is poor peasants of three generations. He is used to eating big pot meals in special times. It has been 81 years, and he still advertises that he is a poor peasant of three generations every day. He eats and drinks everywhere. There are even famous bums in several nearby villages.

"Ma De, so you miss my ancestral home so much!"

Wang Tianlong couldn't help but cursed.

A chill flashed in He Jincheng's eyes. He didn't like others insulting his relatives, especially his parents.

"Wang Tianlong, if you don't have the guts to gamble, get lost, and let me hear half a swear word from your mouth, and I will smash your stinky mouth!"

An invisible momentum erupted from He Jincheng's body, which made Wang Tianlong shrink his head in fright, and muttered a few words in his mouth, but he didn't dare to swear anymore.

"Wang Tianlong, do you want to bet or not? We still have to open the business. Don't waste time! If you question He Jincheng's medical skills and intentions, then accept the bet as soon as possible. If you don't dare, get out and don't waste us here." time!"

Huang Baofu couldn't help yelling angrily.

This Wang Tianlong is simply outrageous, do you really think it is still a special era back then?
Three generations of poor peasants have nothing to be proud of.

"Gamble, why not bet, I don't believe that He Jincheng really understands medical skills! Isn't it just a house, I bet!"

As soon as Wang Tianlong raised his neck, he agreed.

He felt that he could definitely win.

Maybe He Jincheng learned a little bit of medical skills from somewhere, and showed some diseases to the villagers.

But what He Jincheng said just now is to ask people to stand one meter away to diagnose the disease.

If it can be seen what disease the other party has, it is simply a god.

Even if he was beaten to death, he didn't believe that He Jincheng could have this ability.

These days, no one knows how to brag, and there is no need to pay taxes anyway.

"Okay, then write it down in black and white, and all the villagers and I will be witnesses!"

Huang Baofu immediately sent someone to get a pen and paper, and then, under the witness of everyone, wrote down the content of the bet.

He Jincheng signed and pressed his fingerprints without hesitation, but Wang Tianlong hesitated after reading the agreement.

Made, do you really want to bet with this kid?What if you lose, you will be homeless!

Bah, bah, what are you thinking?

If He Jincheng was really that powerful, he would have walked out of Lianhua Village long ago to make a fortune outside, how could he still be in the village?
"I sign!"

Thinking of this, Wang Tianlong no longer hesitated, and immediately signed and pressed his fingerprints.

Chen Fasheng and the others have not spoken all the time, a small person, it is not enough for them to come forward.

They have [-]% confidence in He Jincheng. After all, they were injured or sick before, and they were all cured by He Jincheng.

If they didn't believe in He Jincheng's medical skills, they wouldn't invest so much money to build such a factory just because of He Jincheng's words.

"Wang Tianlong, I don't bully you, you can appoint ten people yourself, and I will come to diagnose the disease. If I say something wrong, I will lose!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Okay, then I will choose Widow Liu!"

Wang Tianlong chuckled and pointed at a village woman wearing a straw hat in the crowd.

Widow Liu is exactly the widow Liu who leased her front yard to He Jincheng.

She takes care of a child by herself, she explains the profound things in simple terms on weekdays, and rarely meets people alone.

He Jincheng rented the house in the front yard of her family as a medical clinic, and gave her ten yuan a month in rent. Although the ten yuan was not much, it was enough for Widow Liu to live frugally for a month.

So Widow Liu is quite grateful to He Jincheng.

Today, when I heard that the pharmaceutical factory opened, Widow Liu brought her children to watch the ceremony, wondering if she could work in the pharmaceutical factory to earn some money in the future.

The reason why Wang Tianlong chose Liu Widow is also very simple, that is, Liu Widow is thin-skinned and can't hide things. It is impossible for He Jincheng to have any collusion with her, and what he said is more credible.

"Me? Let's go, I'm not sick, it doesn't matter if I don't see it!"

Widow Liu was a little stunned, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she waved her hands shyly and said.

"Huzi mother, don't worry, everyone is watching here, no one will say anything, you should support Jincheng, and Wang Tianlong will be convinced!"

Huang Baofu quickly persuaded him that he supported He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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