chapter 109

"Sister-in-law Liu, don't worry, just stand one meter away from me, and I won't touch you, just tell the truth!"

He Jincheng also gave Widow Liu an encouraging look.

It doesn't matter who sees a doctor, the key is to convince Wang Tianlong to lose.

"Then... that's fine!"

Widow Liu blushed a little, but she agreed, walked to a position about one meter in front of He Jincheng, and stopped.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Tianlong's mouth, and he said to He Jincheng, He Jincheng, I see how you pretend.

"Sister-in-law Liu, stand still, relax your body, it's best to keep still, just keep it for half a minute!"

After He Jincheng explained it, Widow Liu followed what He Jincheng said, and stood there somewhat nervously.

Half a minute later, He Jincheng looked away and nodded towards Widow Liu.

"Sister-in-law, it's done!"

Everyone was taken aback, what's the situation, this is all right?
This is too fast, just by looking at it a few times, can you tell what kind of disease he has?

"Since it's ok, let's talk about it quickly, don't think about delaying time!"

Wang Tianlong immediately urged, feeling secretly complacent in his heart.

"If I'm not mistaken, Mrs. Liu is still in good health!"

He Jincheng glanced at Wang Tianlong lightly, and then said lightly.

"Nonsense, you call it seeing a doctor, and I can tell that Widow Liu looks good, she's not sick at all!"

Wang Tianlong said immediately, his face was full of sarcasm.

"Are you seeing a doctor, or am I seeing a doctor? Should I let you say it?"

What He Jincheng said made Wang Tianlong so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, let me see what flowers you can come up with!"

Wang Tianlong gritted his teeth bitterly and said.

"Sister-in-law, you are indeed in good health in all aspects, but it should be because the room has been damp recently, your skin has some allergies, and you have some eczema!"

He Jincheng continued.

Everyone was a little surprised, eczema?Where is it? Widow Liu's face and neck are all normal. There is nothing wrong with her. How can she tell that she has eczema?

When Widow Liu heard He Jincheng's words, her eyes widened and she opened her mouth in disbelief.

"How did you know? I do have some eczema. Although it's not serious, I feel very itchy every day when I sleep, and it's very uncomfortable!"

"That's right, the place where you have eczema should be on your arms and calves. Once you get cold or it rains, it will be unbearably itchy!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Widow Liu nodded repeatedly, obviously He Jincheng was right.

This surprised everyone, and they couldn't figure out how He Jincheng could tell this.

Wang Tianlong's face was very ugly, Ma De, could it be that He Jincheng really got him right?
"He Jincheng, don't talk nonsense here. We haven't seen any eczema. Widow Liu, have you colluded with He Jincheng? Are you going to collude with me?"

Of course Wang Tianlong was unwilling to admit that He Jincheng was right, and immediately raised his own doubts.

Although everyone felt that Wang Tianlong would most likely refuse to admit defeat, the doubts he raised did have some truth.

Widow Liu was a little angry. Wang Tianlong obviously didn't believe himself when he said that.

However, as a widow, I usually wrap myself up tightly when I go out, so I just show my face. Do I want to open my sleeves and trouser legs in front of so many people to let everyone see my arms? and legs?

This is really not a good thing for a chaste and widowed woman.

At the very least, in the backward rural areas, this kind of thing would be talked about behind the scenes.

"Wang Tianlong, Widow Liu was appointed by you. Now people admit that what He Jincheng said is fine, but you don't admit it. How do you want to admit it?"

Huang Baofu was very dissatisfied.

Although Widow Liu doesn't communicate with the villagers very much on weekdays, her character is nothing to talk about in the village. Her husband passed away three years ago, and she has been diligently guarding the house without any complaints.

If anyone in the village is the most trustworthy, it is Widow Liu who has been widowed for three years.

"Since you have eczema, let us take a look, Widow Liu, since you are willing to let He Jincheng see you, then roll up your sleeves and let us take a look!"

Wang Tianlong smiled proudly.

Today is really fun, not only can you embarrass this kid He Jincheng, but you can also see Widow Liu's legs.

"Wang Tianlong, don't go too far, with so many people watching, you don't feel ashamed, but we also feel ashamed!"

Someone couldn't help but say.

"That's right, I really want to show you a good face, but you've turned your nose up. What do you think you are? Believe it or not, we will drive you out of Lianhua Village together!"

There are still many villagers who defend He Jincheng and Widow Liu.

Wang Tianlong's request is really too much.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Anyway, what you say is what you say. You have many people, and we only have three or four people. Of course, we can't talk to you. If you don't want to verify it, let it be. But this bet, we will win it!"

Wang Tianlong laughed and said, his face was full of confidence.

This made the villagers so angry that they all pointed at Wang Tianlong and cursed.

However, this Wang Tianlong is not only a bum, but also a real bum. Facing the villagers' accusations, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, but responded with a smile.

"Okay, it's necessary to fight, I'll just prove it to you!"

As soon as Widow Liu gritted her teeth, she walked up to everyone and said with determination.

Everyone fell silent and looked at Widow Liu with some respect in their eyes.

It's not easy. He has been a widow for three years, and he has always done his duty, keeping a distance from all men.

But now she has to show her arms and legs in front of so many people, which is definitely a difficult thing for Widow Liu.

However, He Jincheng helped herself a lot, and what she did was for everyone's sake. She had no reason not to prove it to He Jincheng.

Wang Tianlong urged Hu to be proud, but in his heart he looked down on Widow Liu.

What a chaste and strong woman, she is going to show her face for a wild doctor now, it's really ridiculous!

Widow Liu gritted her teeth, and pulled up her sleeves. Everyone stretched their necks to look, and they saw a tiny red rash on her arm.

Then Widow Liu pulled up her trouser legs again, revealing her snow-white calf, which also had a rash on it.

There is no need to prove anything. The diagnosis He Jincheng gave just now is completely correct.

(End of this chapter)

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