Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 110 Show your skills, Wang Tianlong's last chance

Chapter 110 Show your skills, Wang Tianlong's last chance

"How? Do you have any doubts now?"

He Jincheng was also very angry.

Forcing Mrs. Liu to lift her clothes to prove that this Wang Tianlong is really abominable.

Now He Jincheng's dislike for Wang Tianlong has risen to a very high level.

When the limit is reached, it is time for Wang Tianlong to be unlucky.

"Hmph, even if you win the first patient, our bet is not over yet. For the second patient, I choose Huang Baofu!"

Wang Tianlong snorted coldly, unexpectedly being fooled by He Jincheng.

But it doesn't matter, I still have nine chances, if He Jincheng can get one right, can he get ten right?

"Choose me? Hehe, Wang Tianlong, aren't you worried that I'm partial to He Jincheng?"

Huang Baofu was a little surprised, he didn't have the slightest affection for Wang Tianlong, he didn't expect that he really chose him.

"You are the village head, I believe the village head will not lie, otherwise, how will we lead our village to become rich in the future?"

This is Wang Tianlong's purpose.

If the village chief favors He Jincheng, he can immediately use this opportunity to get Huang Baofu to step down, and He Jincheng will also end up lonely.

"Hmph, I, Huang Baofu, sit upright and behave upright, so what's there to favor? I use my personality to guarantee that if I have the slightest intention of favoritism during this period, I will die and no one will bury me!"

Huang Baofu gritted his teeth and said, this is a very vicious curse, I didn't expect Huang Baofu to use himself as a guarantee, no one will say anything now.

"Hehe, then let the village head start!"

Wang Tianlong didn't take it seriously, as long as he won today, no one would dare to stop him, and even countless people would flatter him. Thinking of this, he was very excited.

Huang Baofu gave Wang Tianlong a cold look, and then walked in front of He Jincheng.

"Jincheng, don't be nervous, just look around and say what you see!"

He Jincheng looked at the village chief and secretly smiled in his heart.

Don't let me be nervous, what's the situation with your old man sweating?
Seeing Huang Baofu's righteousness, of course He Jincheng would not let him down, so he immediately showed him seriously.

Half a minute later, He Jincheng nodded towards the village chief.

"Village Chief, if I'm not mistaken, your waist has sprained recently!"

Hearing this, the village chief breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also worried that He Jincheng would say something about his problems. If the villagers knew that he had problems with certain functions, they would not be ashamed.

It's okay, it's okay, I just said that I have a back injury.


Huang Baofu stared at Lao Yuan suddenly, how did this kid know that his waist was twisted?
Two days ago, I went to hunt pigweed by myself, and accidentally slipped and twisted my waist, which hurt for several days.

Because he thought it was nothing serious, he didn't go to He Jincheng to see it. No one knew about it except his wife. How did He Jincheng know?
"Jincheng, how do you know?"

Huang Baofu was very surprised, looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"You walk differently than usual. You hold your waist from time to time. You twisted it or something! And I think your complexion is a bit gloomy. It must be that you have injured your kidneys. You probably don't have the strength to do anything these days!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Ah? Why are your eyes so poisonous, kid? I did twist my waist, look!"

Huang Baofu was shocked, and then he lifted his clothes, revealing his waist.

Everyone stretched their heads to look, and saw a bruise on Huang Baofu's waist, which looked a little serious.

"Good guy, it's really twisted!"

"Jincheng's medical skills are really nothing to say, it's so powerful, you can tell what's wrong with a big eye!"

"Wang Tianlong, what else do you have to say now?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were basically amazed at He Jincheng's superb medical skills.

The smile on Wang Tianlong's face froze.

Ma De, what a ghost, why is this kid He Jincheng so powerful all of a sudden?
But how could he admit that He Jincheng's medical skills are superb, and immediately said with a sneer: "Huang Baofu, don't think I don't know, you have a good relationship with He Jincheng, you must have colluded with him a long time ago, just to trick me, right? "

"Wang Tianlong, why don't you use your brain when you talk? My injury was injured three days ago. At that time, who knew that you would come to make trouble today? Who knew what you were going to bet? I hurt my waist and suffered It’s Lao Tzu, what are you, worthy of Lao Tzu’s doing this?”

Huang Baofu was really pissed off by Wang Tianlong's shamelessness, and he scolded angrily.

"That's right, Wang Tianlong, if you can't afford to lose, don't embarrass yourself here, get out!"

The villagers agreed one after another.

As the village chief Huang Baofu said, who knew you would jump out to find trouble when the medicinal material factory opened today. They couldn't start hurting themselves three days ago to cheat you!
"Who said I lost? We bet ten people, and there are only two! He Jincheng, don't you think so?"

Wang Tianlong panicked somewhat.

He really did not expect that He Jincheng's medical skills would be so miraculous.

The two people in a row were all hit by him.

Contempt appeared in the eyes of everyone, thinking that Wang Tianlong just couldn't afford to lose.

"That's right, there are indeed ten people, then let's continue!"

He Jincheng didn't care, and smiled and asked Wang Tianlong to continue.

Next, Wang Tianlong thought of various methods, and specifically found some people who were familiar with him.

As a result, He Jincheng spotted all the big and small problems on these people. Most of them only took half a minute, and only one with a slightly serious condition took He Jincheng 1 minute.

Someone was hinted by Wang Tianlong and refused to admit that what He Jincheng said was right. As a result, He Jincheng treated him on the spot. After some acupuncture, most of the person's condition was relieved. Then the person was convinced and admitted He Jincheng. medical skills.

Wang Tianlong's face turned extremely ugly, and he began to panic.

How could this happen? Why is this kid He Jincheng so powerful?
Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Wang Tianlong, we are the last one, so don't waste time!"

He Jincheng has always been calm and calm, and the smile on his face is really scary in Wang Tianlong's view.


Wang Tianlong was very anxious, if he lost, his ancestral house would be gone, how would he live in the future?
Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, let's see what's wrong with me in the end. If you're right, I, Wang Tianlong, will be convinced!"

Wang Tianlong said with a smile, it seems that he has found a way to win He Jincheng.

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of cursing in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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