Chapter 113
Wang Tianlong's house now belongs to He Jincheng.

After Wang Tianlong lost that day, he left Lianhua Village in despair.

After He Jincheng got the deed of the house and went through the relevant procedures, he was going to repair the old house and had to rebuild it.

Although this house is relatively dilapidated, it has a relatively large area. If it is built well, it can accommodate at least a dozen or twenty people.

He Jincheng took out some money first, and asked someone to start leveling the house.

In the future, he plans to let the mother-in-law and the old man live in Lianhua Village, and it is still necessary to build another house.

As the medicinal material factory was getting better and better, what He Jincheng didn't expect was that someone opened a small restaurant near the factory to sell meals to the factory workers.

Because the workers were recruited from various villages, at first many people brought their own meals, but later everyone found it more troublesome, so someone quietly opened a small restaurant, which was immediately welcomed by the workers.

This made He Jincheng very surprised. He really didn't expect that he built a medicinal material factory on his own idea, and it actually promoted the progress of urbanization.

If there are more factories in the future, Lianhua Village can become a town!
Of course, He Jincheng just thought about it casually, and didn't pay too much attention to these things.

In addition to the good business of the medicine factory, there is also the Pingyao winery, which is also running very well.

Under He Jincheng's suggestion, the winery changed the packaging, and the colors and patterns were very novel. Once it was launched, it was immediately praised by many people.

With just these two factories, the money that can be distributed to He Jincheng every month has reached more than 3000 yuan!

This relieved He Jincheng of any financial pressure.

When he was free, he would study with Ye Qingmeng and teach Tingting some little knowledge about Chinese medicine.

A family of three, plus Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe, live happily.

On this day, He Jincheng was reading an ancient medical book in the yard, when there was a sudden knock on the door, and then he saw a person running over in a hurry.

He Jincheng knew this person, a young man in his 20s from the village named Li Hu, who was very honest.

"Huzi, what's the matter, are you in such a hurry?"

He Jincheng looked at Li Hu who was sweating profusely with some surprise.

"Brother Cheng, go to the winery to have a look, something happened, someone was injured!"

Li Hu said out of breath, it seems that because he didn't stop at all, he galloped all the way here.

When He Jincheng heard that someone was injured in the old factory building.Immediately pulled Li Hu, went out to drive a motorcycle, and went straight to Pingyao Town.

At this moment, in the packaging workshop of Pingyao Distillery, two employees fell to the ground in pain. One of them clutched his leg and sat on the ground screaming.

The other worker was hit in the head by a wooden barrel and passed out on the spot. The blood all over the place scared people.

Someone had already gone to the hospital to ask for a doctor, and at the same time Xiao Jingran also sent someone to invite He Jincheng.

Seeing this scene, the employees were all in palpitations, and they all ran over to watch.

"Let's go, let's go, the doctor is here!"

Ye Chunlin led a middle-aged man in a white coat, squeezed into the crowd, and came to the two injured people.

The doctor's name is Zhang Youwei. He has worked in the town hospital for seven or eight years, and he is also a very experienced doctor.

He first checked a worker with a broken leg, and after confirming that his life was not in danger, he hurriedly began to check the condition of the fainted worker.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

The worker's head was smashed, and the blood flowed down unstoppably. The scene was very messy.

"No, the patient has suffered severe blood loss and must be transfused as soon as possible, and surgery is also required. Our town hospital does not have the ability to perform surgery."

Zhang Youwei said with an ugly face after carefully checking the situation of the workers.

"Is it too late to send it over now?"

Xiao Jingran's expression was also not good-looking.

Now that the performance of the winery is booming, such a thing suddenly appeared, and the impact is still there.

More importantly, people can't have accidents.

"To be honest, it must be too late to send it over now. It is necessary to stop the patient's bleeding now, but the things I brought are not enough. I took half of the medicine I brought to stop the patient's bleeding just now."

Zhang Youwei said in a very embarrassed way.

"Then what can we do, nothing can happen!"

Xiao Jingran was very anxious.

"Let me take a look!"

At this time, a laugh came from behind the crowd.

He saw He Jincheng coming to the unconscious worker with a medical kit.

"Brother, you are here, I am relieved when you come!"

Seeing He Jincheng arrive, Xiao Jingran was relieved.

He knew He Jincheng's medical skills. If he couldn't save the unconscious employee, something serious would happen!

"Who are you? The patient's condition is very serious now, so you can't move around!"

Seeing that He Jincheng was so young, Zhang Youwei frowned and said
"Doctor Zhang, don't get me wrong. Qin Ze is a genius doctor in our village. He can cure any disease. I asked him to come and see him to help!"

Xiao Jingran even helped to explain.

"You think I'm stupid, how can I be a miracle doctor at such a young age!"

Zhang Youwei doesn't believe that He Jincheng is some kind of genius doctor.

As a doctor, who doesn't have five or six years of clinical experience before he sees and treats people.

He Jincheng is only in his early twenties, so it is impossible for him to have such high medical skills.

"If it's okay, please let me try it. Anyway, Doctor Zhang seems to be unable to do anything now!"

He Jincheng didn't feel angry because of being slighted, and said patiently.

Zhang Youwei became a little angry, as if he couldn't do anything?
With such a severe head injury, even if a top doctor came here, he wouldn't say that he knew how to save this person!

However, there was really nothing he could do, he could only ask He Jincheng to treat him.

"The most important thing at the moment is to stop the patient from bleeding. I have used various methods just now... huh? Why is there no bleeding?"

Zhang Youwei was only halfway through speaking when he was shocked to find out that He Jincheng gave the worker two needles at some point, and then the blood stopped flowing.

Looking at He Jincheng who stood up slowly, Zhang Youwei felt that this incident was really a dream. Could it be that he really met a miracle doctor?
This is impossible!
"Okay, now that the bleeding has stopped, come someone, take my prescription and go to the hospital to get the medicine!"

He Jincheng clapped his hands, and said with a more relaxed expression.

Soon someone took He Jincheng's prescription and hurried to get it.

(End of this chapter)

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