Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 114 The Distillery's Opponent, He Jincheng Visits Daqu

Chapter 114 The Distillery's Opponent, He Jincheng Visits Daqu
After the bleeding was stopped and the medicine was taken, the worker's condition stabilized.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

He Jincheng checked the worker again, and felt that his life was no longer in danger, so he was sent to the town hospital to recuperate and recover.

Zhang Youwei has been observing He Jincheng since the moment He Jincheng stopped the bleeding with the silver needle.

Seeing He Jincheng's familiar treatment process, and the rapid and stable condition of the patient, he was dumbfounded.

Who is this?Has such superb medical skills?

"Oh, Brother He, you should come here. Forget it now. I'm hungry!"

Xiao Jingran stepped forward and patted He Jincheng on the shoulder, letting go of the stone in his heart.

"Let's talk in the office!"

He Jincheng tidied up and said with a gloomy face.

Xiao Jingran, Ye Chunlin and He Jincheng entered the office together.

Sitting on the sofa in the office, He Jincheng's face was very ugly.

"The worker's injury is very serious. If I didn't come, I'm afraid his life would be in danger. What happened and why did this happen?"

He Jincheng asked in a deep voice.

The worker's injury was obviously man-made, so this incident was definitely not an accident.

"Someone came to our wine cellar to make small moves, and was discovered by the two workers. The boy was very clever, pretending to be subdued, and then suddenly attacked them, severely wounding them!"

Ye Chunlin already understood the situation, and said with a very ugly face.

"Where is the person? Have you caught it?"

He Jincheng asked.

"No, he ran away immediately, but I've seen that kid twice, so I know what he looks like!"

Ye Chunlin said fiercely: "Don't let me touch that kid, otherwise, I'll have to skin him!"

"I think this incident is very likely caused by the county winery!"

Xiao Jingran said in a deep voice.

"Zhang Junwu, the owner of Daqu Distillery in the county seat, is not a good person. The last time the acquisition of Pingyao Distillery failed, we bought it instead. Zhang Junwu must not be convinced, so he sent someone secretly to destroy our wine. cellar!"

"We have a big order coming up, and the Daqu Distillery is also competing. If we don't have enough stock, the order will belong to their Daqu Distillery! So, it must be the ghost of Zhang Junwu!"

This speculation does not seem to be a problem.

However, He Jincheng did not make a judgment immediately.

"Boss Xiao, your conjecture should have a high probability, but we have no evidence now, and the most important thing is that we haven't caught the kid who beat someone. Even if we report the case, we can't do anything about it with Daqu Distillery! "

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

Although it is easy to guess that Zhang Junwu was responsible for this matter, there is no evidence, it can only be empty words, and it cannot cause Zhang Junwu any trouble at all.

"Then are we just going to swallow it like this? I'll take a few people straight into the Daqu Distillery and catch that kid out!"

Ye Chunlin got up and was going to call someone, he was really angry.

"Sit down for me! Take someone to Daqu Distillery, can you still come out?"

He Jincheng said displeasedly.

My little brother-in-law is still so impulsive, this is not the solution to the problem at all.

"Then shall we confess?"

Ye Chunlin said bitterly, and sat down on the sofa.

"Now is definitely not the time to trouble Zhang Junwu, we still need to think long-term! Boss Xiao, you have worked hard these few days, just watch at the winery, don't let anything happen again!"

He Jincheng pondered and said, "In addition, the two injured workers must be properly arranged. The medical expenses and so on must be borne by our winery, and they must be compensated with 1000 yuan each."

"1000 yuan, this is too much!"

Ye Chunlin immediately objected.

For 1000 yuan, how much wine does the winery have to sell to earn, and my brother-in-law is too generous.

"1000 yuan, would you like to beat your head like that? Now that something happened in the factory, what we have to do is to calm down the 2 incident as soon as possible, and at the same time let the workers know that we will not treat those who sincerely do things for the company badly. , so that they can work harder for us and make money for us, we are not even willing to spend 1000 yuan, isn’t it chilling for the workers?”

Hearing this, both Xiao Jingran and Ye Chunlin nodded slightly, but they didn't consider this.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will figure out what's going on, you just need to run the winery well!"

He Jincheng stood up and walked out after speaking.

Xiao Jingran and Ye Chunlin knew what He Jincheng was capable of, so they didn't say anything about it.

Although He Jincheng doesn't manage the winery much on weekdays, this kid always has a way to solve the troubles, and he can definitely handle this matter well.

On the way home after leaving the winery, He Jincheng kept his face sullen.

He Jincheng wouldn't bother with normal business competition.

But such a despicable method almost killed someone, so He Jincheng couldn't sit idly by.

"Zhang Junwu, don't let me find out that this matter was instigated by you behind the scenes, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

He secretly said in his heart, He Jincheng has also returned home.

Ye Qing dreamed that He Jincheng came back, so he hurriedly asked what happened.

He Jincheng was afraid that his wife would be worried, so he simply said something, telling her that a worker was injured, but he was treated in time and his life was not in danger.

Seeing that He Jincheng was so relaxed, Ye Qingmeng didn't think much about it, and went to sleep with Tingting in her arms after washing.

The next day, He Jincheng went to the medicinal material factory, and seeing that everything was running in an orderly manner, He Jincheng was relieved.

He told Ye Qingmeng that he might go to the county to stay for two days, and Ye Qingmeng agreed without asking any further questions.

Now Ye Qingmeng was quite at ease with He Jincheng, and was not worried about him running out to fool around, but just told him to drink less, be careful, and come back early.

Riding a motorcycle, He Jincheng went straight to the county seat.

After inquiring about the location of the Daqu Distillery, He Jincheng went directly to the entrance of the Daqu Distillery.

After parking the motorcycle, He Jincheng carried the medical kit and walked directly inside.

"Hey, what are you doing? Who let you in?"

As soon as he reached the gate, he was stopped by a security guard.

"I'm a doctor. Your boss Zhang asked me to come and see him!"

He Jincheng said lightly, with a very calm expression.

"Doctor? Our factory manager Zhang is sick? Why didn't I know?"

The security guard looked at He Jincheng with a puzzled look and questioned.

"You're a little security guard. Could it be that Director Zhang has to report to you when he's sick?"

He Jincheng glanced at the security guard and said very displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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