Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 115 Meet Zhang Junwu, a Serious Lie

Chapter 115 Meet Zhang Junwu, a serious lie
The security guard immediately waved his hand and smiled apologetically.

"Hahaha, how can that be? The factory director is a big shot. I, a small security guard, can't manage it! But we still have to go through the procedure, so please fill out a form and go in, doctor!"

"It's really troublesome. Can you afford to delay Director Zhang's illness?"

He Jincheng said in great displeasure.

"Oh, doctor, don't embarrass me, I'm doing things according to the rules!"

The security guard took a form with a smile, and He Jincheng filled it out casually, and finally signed it with Wang Shan.

"Okay, Doctor Wang, please come in. Our factory director's office is on the third floor of the building on the right!"

The security guard said with a smile, and pointed out the way for He Jincheng.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and walked in.

In this way, he easily entered the Daqu Distillery.

Daqu Distillery is also a long-established enterprise in the county. It has been in operation for more than 20 years, and it has been operating normally even in that special period.

However, with the opening up of the country, many wineries have also been established. Daqu Winery, relying on its own qualifications, has a tendency to gnaw at its old capital, and is gradually suppressed by many new wineries.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Whether in terms of scale or order volume, the entire county still occupies the main position with Daqu Distillery.

When they arrived at the building that the security guard had mentioned, no one stopped He Jincheng, and he went directly to the factory director's office on the third floor.

When he knocked on the door, he heard a voice from inside.


He Jincheng pushed the door open and walked in.

Zhang Junwu was sitting behind his desk and reading the newspaper. When he looked up and saw He Jincheng, he frowned.

"Who are you? Who let you in?"

Zhang Junwu is a typical soldier. Although he has been retired for a long time, he is still very tough in speaking and doing things, especially the sharp-edged face, which gives people a feeling of calmness and prestige.

He Jincheng smiled and raised the medical box in his hand.

"Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm a doctor from the county hospital. I came here rashly today, mainly to promote our hospital and provide free on-site physical examinations. Please don't blame the abruptness!"

Upon hearing that He Jincheng was from the county hospital, Zhang Junwu had a smile on his face.

Although I am the factory manager, whether it is me or my family members, I will get sick on weekdays, so I can't avoid going to the county hospital, so it is very important to have a good relationship with the doctor, at least when I am sick, Someone better go to the doctor.

This principle will be true even in the future.

"Oh, so it's a doctor, please sit down and have a cup of tea first!"

Zhang Junwu is fine now, although he wonders why the county hospital is still engaging in this kind of publicity all of a sudden, but considering that the situation has changed rapidly recently, and even some private clinics have opened up, the county hospital may also want to retain old customers, so it came Provide such a free inspection service.

After pouring a cup of tea for He Jincheng, Zhang Junwu sat opposite He Jincheng.

"I don't know the doctor's name. Seeing how young you are, you are able to make outpatient visits on your own. I think you must be good at medicine!"

Zhang Junwu asked with a smile
"My name is Wang San. I graduated from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I dare not say how good my medical skills are. There is nothing wrong with ordinary minor illnesses!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Naturally, he can't use his real name, maybe Zhang Junwu knows himself.

"I didn't expect you to be a high-achieving student. The service of your county hospital is really considerate. You college students are so rare, so I am surprised to send you here!"

Zhang Junwu said with a smile while looking at He Jincheng.

The doubts in his heart still haven't subsided now, he doesn't know what He Jincheng is here for, and he is still very wary of him.

"Director Zhang is absurd, why don't I give the director a check-up first, and wonder if the director is feeling unwell recently?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, without talking about other things, and directly began to diagnose Zhang Junwu's pulse.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that I have insomnia and many dreams on weekdays, and my energy is not good during the day, so I doze off!"

Zhang Junwu didn't hide it either.

I have been suffering from insomnia recently, and if I can really cure my little problem, it would be a good thing.

"Let me take a pulse first!"

He Jincheng looked like an old god, and reached out to give Zhang Junwu a pulse.

After tasting for about a minute, He Jincheng withdrew his hand with a serious face.

"How about it, Doctor Wang, is my body okay?"

Zhang Junwu asked with a smile.

"Judging from the pulse condition, Director Zhang should have a strong fire, and he has been overworked recently! I think besides insomnia, you also sweat at night?"

He Jincheng said slowly.

"That's right, every time I wake up, I'm sweating profusely, and I can't go out without taking a shower!"

Zhang Junwu nodded quickly and said.

"It seems that Director Zhang is really under a lot of pressure and needs to take care of his body. You are just suffering from insomnia and dreamy night sweats. The symptoms seem to be very common and nothing special, but if things go on like this, the situation may worsen. , it will not be easy to recover when the time comes!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Doctor Wang, do you have a cure? As long as you can cure me, I, Zhang Junwu, will be very grateful!"

What He Jincheng said just now has convinced Zhang Junwu that He Jincheng is a real doctor, otherwise he would not be able to explain his condition so clearly.

"Illness is easy to treat, but Director Zhang still needs to pay attention to rest on weekdays, and don't be too tired!"

He Jincheng nodded and said, then opened the medical kit and took out the needle pack.

"My treatment method is acupuncture and moxibustion first, and then supplemented by medication!"

"Acupuncture is good, I like it, so here we are?"

Zhang Junwu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said with a smile.

"Okay, please get down on the ground and take off your shirt. I will use a few stitches on your back to ensure that Director Zhang can fall asleep soon!"

He Jincheng pointed to the sofa and signaled Zhang Junwu to lie on the sofa.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Without doubting him, Zhang Junwu took off his shirt and lay down on the sofa.

He Jincheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he could easily convince Zhang Junwu by making up a reason.

I don't know if Zhang Junwu really didn't see it, or did he deliberately pretend that he didn't see it?
But now that Zhang Junwu is lying down, He Jincheng can't use the needle.

The six silver needles were pierced one after another, and Zhang Junwu frowned slightly, because he suddenly felt that his chest was very wet and stuffy, and he was even a little out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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